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Last active October 11, 2022 15:07
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Script to compare Clustertools analysis to internal AMUSE analysis
Script to compare Clustertools analysis to native AMUSE analysis
# requires amuse-framework, amuse-masc and clustertool to be installed
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import clustertools as ctools
from amuse.units import units, nbody_system
from amuse.units.quantities import VectorQuantity
from amuse.ext.masc import new_star_cluster
def main():
mass_unit = units.MSun
converter = nbody_system.nbody_to_si(1 | units.MSun, 1 | units.pc)
stars = new_star_cluster()
cluster = ctools.StarCluster(ctype='amuse')
stars.x, stars.y, stars.z,
stars.vx, stars.vy, stars.vz,
results = {}
results["Velocity"] = (
/ stars.velocity.lengths()
results["Total mass"] = (cluster.mtot | mass_unit) / stars.total_mass()
results["Mean mass"] = (cluster.mmean | mass_unit) / stars.mass.mean()
results["Maximum radius"] = cluster.rmax / stars.total_radius()
results["Mean radius"] = cluster.rmean / stars.virial_radius()
stars.distance = stars.position.lengths()
stars = stars.sorted_by_attribute("distance")
cumulative_mass = stars.mass.cumsum()
d10 = stars[
cumulative_mass < 0.1 * stars.total_mass()
d50 = stars[
cumulative_mass < 0.5 * stars.total_mass()
results["Half mass radius (vs AMUSE)"] = cluster.rm / stars.LagrangianRadii(
unit_converter=converter, mf=[0.5,]
results["Half mass radius (vs manual)"] = cluster.rm / d50
results["10% Lagrange radius (vs AMUSE)"] = cluster.rm / stars.LagrangianRadii(
unit_converter=converter, mf=[0.1,]
results["10% Lagrange radius (vs manual)"] = cluster.rm / d10
for key in results.keys():
print(f"{key}: {results[key]}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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