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Last active August 24, 2019 19:01
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Main Package
package main;
import api.YourAPI;
class Launcher extends JavaPlugin {
private YourAPI api;
public void onEnable() {
api = new YourAPIV1(this);
private void startUpdater() {
int secondsPerDelay = 30; // 30 seconds for each delay
int updateDelay = 20 * secondsPerDelay; // server runs at 20 ticks per second
Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(getPlugin(), api::updatePeriodically, 0, updateDelay);
package main;
import api.YourAPI;
import api.buff.BuffModule; //
import api.buff.CommandModule;
import; //
public class YourAPIV1 implements YourAPI {
private final JavaPlugin plugin;
private BuffModule buffModule;
private CommandModule commandModule;
private QuestModule questModule;
public YourAPIV1(JavaPlugin plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
public void enable() {
buffModule = BuffModule.load(this);
commandModule = CommandModule.load(this);
questModule = QuestModule.load(this);
public void registerListener(Listener listener) {
plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().registerListener(listener, plugin);
public void deregisterListener(Listener listener) {
plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().deregisterListener(listener, plugin);
private void updatePeriodically() {
public Set<Villager> findVillagersNearby(Entity entity, int radius) {
return entity.getWorld().getNearbyEntities(entity.getLocation(), radius, radius, radius)
.filter(e -> e instanceof Villager)
.map(e -> (Villager) e)
.peek(v -> buffModule.activateBuffs(v, entity))
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