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Created October 21, 2021 17:01
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Calibration curves with ROOT
# coding: utf-8
from array import array
from scinum import Number
import ROOT
ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True
# preparations #####################################################################################
shapes_file = "shapes_20.root"
shapes_file_unweighted = "shapes_unweighted_20.root"
cat_name = "hh_ggf_2018_mutau_category"
signal = "ggHH_kl_1_kt_1_hbbhtt"
backgrounds = ["tt_fh", "tt_sl", "tt_dl", "dy", "tth_bb"]
def make_list(obj):
return list(obj) if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)) else [obj]
def get_background_hist(f, cat_name):
cat_dir = f.Get(cat_name)
assert bool(cat_dir)
b_hist = None
for name in backgrounds:
h = cat_dir.Get(name)
if not h:
if not b_hist:
b_hist = h.Clone()
assert bool(b_hist)
return b_hist
def get_signal_hist(f, cat_name):
cat_dir = f.Get(cat_name)
assert bool(cat_dir)
s_hist = cat_dir.Get(signal)
assert bool(s_hist)
return s_hist
def normalize_hist(h):
h.Scale(1. / h.Integral())
def plot_calibration_curve(path, points, inner_texts=None, top_right_text=None):
import plotlib.root as r
# start plotting
canvas, (pad,) = r.routines.create_canvas()
draw_objs = []
# dummy histogram to control axes
h_dummy = ROOT.TH1F("dummy", ";Discriminator;S / (S + B)", 1, 0., 1.)
r.setup_hist(h_dummy, pad=pad, props={"LineWidth": 0, "Minimum": 0., "Maximum": 1.})
draw_objs.append((h_dummy, "HIST"))
# diagonal line indicating perfect calibration
c_line = ROOT.TLine(0., 0., 1., 1.)
r.setup_line(c_line, props={"NDC": False, "LineColor": 16})
draw_objs.append((c_line, "L"))
# convert the points to a TGraph
graph = ROOT.TGraphErrors(
array("f", [p[0] for p in points]), # x values
array("f", [p[1] for p in points]), # y values
array("f", [0.] * len(points)), # x errors
array("f", [p[2] for p in points]), # y errors
r.setup_graph(graph, props={"MarkerStyle": 20})
draw_objs.append((graph, "PLEZ"))
# inner labels
if inner_texts:
for i, text in enumerate(make_list(inner_texts)):
inner_label = r.routines.create_top_left_label(text, pad=pad, x_offset=25,
y_offset=40 + i * 26, props={"TextSize": 18})
# top right label
if top_right_text:
top_right_label = r.routines.create_top_right_label(top_right_text, pad=pad)
# cms label
cms_labels = r.routines.create_cms_labels(layout="outside_horizontal", postfix="Private work",
# draw all objects
# save
# actual algorithm #################################################################################
# storage for points as a list of (c, r, err_r) tuples
points = []
# open files
f = ROOT.TFile(shapes_file, "READ")
f_unweighted = ROOT.TFile(shapes_file_unweighted, "READ")
# get the actual signal and background hists
s_hist = get_signal_hist(f, cat_name)
b_hist = get_background_hist(f, cat_name)
assert s_hist.GetNbinsX() == b_hist.GetNbinsX()
# get the unweighted signal and background hists
s_hist_unweighted = get_signal_hist(f_unweighted, cat_name)
b_hist_unweighted = get_background_hist(f_unweighted, cat_name)
assert s_hist_unweighted.GetNbinsX() == b_hist_unweighted.GetNbinsX()
# normalize them
# get r values
n_points = s_hist.GetNbinsX()
for i in range(1, n_points + 1):
# get values
c = s_hist.GetBinCenter(i)
s = s_hist.GetBinContent(i)
b = b_hist.GetBinContent(i)
r = s / (s + b)
# estimate the error
ns = s_hist_unweighted.GetBinContent(i)
nb = b_hist_unweighted.GetBinContent(i)
ns = Number(ns, {"s": ns**0.5})
nb = Number(nb, {"b": nb**0.5})
r_unweighted = ns / (ns + nb)
err_r_rel = r_unweighted(direction="up", diff=True, factor=True)
# add the point
points.append((c, r, r * err_r_rel))
# plot
plot_calibration_curve("calib.png", points, inner_texts=[
"Category: {}".format(cat_name),
"Signal: {}".format(signal),
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