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Created January 26, 2019 12:40
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module Isort
-- > idris -p base
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning
%default total
%hide sorted
sorted : List Nat -> Bool
sorted [] = True
sorted (x::[]) = True
sorted (x1::x2::xs) = lte x1 x2 && sorted (x2::xs)
insert : Nat -> List Nat -> List Nat
insert x [] = [x]
insert x (y::ys) = if lte x y then x :: y :: ys
else y :: insert x ys
-- 挿入ソート
isort : List Nat -> List Nat
isort = foldr insert []
h : Nat -> Bool -> Bool
h _ b = b
-- sortedの補題
commAnd : (a, b : Bool) -> a && b = b && a
commAnd False False = Refl
commAnd False True = Refl
commAnd True False = Refl
commAnd True True = Refl
sortedFalse : (xs : List Nat) -> (y : Nat)
-> sorted xs = False -> sorted (y::xs) = False
sortedFalse [] y p = p
sortedFalse (x1 :: []) y p = absurd p
sortedFalse (x1 :: x2 :: xs) y p =
rewrite p in
rewrite commAnd (lte y x1) False in Refl
-- lteの補題
lteTrans : (x, y, z : Nat)
-> lte x y = True -> lte y z = True -> lte x z = True
lteTrans Z _ _ _ _ = Refl
lteTrans (S x) Z z p1 p2 = absurd p1
lteTrans (S x) (S y) Z p1 p2 = p2
lteTrans (S x) (S y) (S z) p1 p2 = lteTrans x y z p1 p2
lteComm : (x, y : Nat)
-> lte x y = False -> lte y x = True
lteComm Z _ p = absurd p
lteComm (S x) Z _ = Refl
lteComm (S x) (S y) p = lteComm x y p
-- fusionの十分条件2つ目
fusionCond2 : sorted [] = True
fusionCond2 = Refl
-- fusionの十分条件3つ目
fusionCond3 : (x : Nat) -> (ys : List Nat) -> sorted (insert x ys) = h x (sorted ys)
fusionCond3 x [] = Refl
fusionCond3 x (y :: ys) with (lte x y) proof p
fusionCond3 x (y :: ys) | False with (sorted ys) proof p2
fusionCond3 x (y :: ys) | False | False =
let l1 = trans (fusionCond3 x ys) (sym p2) in
rewrite sortedFalse ys y (sym p2) in
rewrite sortedFalse (insert x ys) y l1 in Refl
fusionCond3 x (y :: ys) | False | True with (sorted (insert x ys)) proof p3
fusionCond3 x (y :: ys) | False | True | False =
let l1 = trans p2 $ sym (trans p3 (fusionCond3 x ys)) in absurd l1
fusionCond3 x (y :: []) | False | True | True = rewrite lteComm x y (sym p) in Refl
fusionCond3 x (y :: y2 :: ys) | False | True | True with (lte x y2) proof p4
fusionCond3 x (y :: y2 :: ys) | False | True | True | False with (lte y y2) proof p5
fusionCond3 x (y :: y2 :: ys) | False | True | True | False | False = Refl
fusionCond3 x (y :: y2 :: ys) | False | True | True | False | True =
rewrite sym p2 in rewrite sym p3 in Refl
fusionCond3 x (y :: y2 :: ys) | False | True | True | True =
rewrite sym p2 in
let l1 = lteComm x y (sym p) in rewrite l1 in
let l2 = sym p4 in rewrite l2 in
rewrite lteTrans y x y2 l1 l2 in Refl
fusionCond3 x (y :: ys) | True = rewrite (sym p) in Refl
-- foldrのfusion則(決め打ち)
postulate fusionFoldr : (zs : List Nat)
-> sorted [] = True
-> ((x : Nat) -> (ys : List Nat) -> sorted (insert x ys) = h x (sorted ys))
-> sorted (foldr insert [] zs) = foldr h True zs
foldrProof : (xs : List Nat) -> foldr Isort.h True xs = True
foldrProof [] = Refl
foldrProof (x :: xs) =
( foldr h True (x::xs) ) ={ Refl }=
( h x (foldr h True xs) ) ={ foldrProof xs }=
( h x True ) ={ Refl }=
True QED
-- 結論
isortIsSorted : (zs : List Nat) -> sorted (isort zs) = True
isortIsSorted zs =
( sorted (foldr insert [] zs) ) ={ fusionFoldr zs fusionCond2 fusionCond3 }=
( foldr h True zs ) ={ foldrProof zs }=
True QED
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