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Last active April 16, 2019 00:29
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judge finite unfoldr by Idris




codata CoList : Type -> Type where
  Nil : CoList a
  (::) : a -> CoList a -> CoList a

unfoldr : (a -> Maybe (b, a)) -> a -> CoList b
unfoldr f x =
  case f x of
    Just (y, new_x) => y :: (unfoldr f new_x)
    _               => []



unLimited : CoList a -> Bool
unLimited []        = False
unLimited (_ :: xs) = unLimited xs





1. 依存ペアを使う

module Judge1

%default total

-- # 1. 依存ペアを使う
codata CoListB : Bool -> Type -> Type where
  Nil  : CoListB True a
  (::) : a -> DPair Bool (\b=>CoListB b a)
             -> CoListB b a

unfoldrB : (a -> Maybe (Nat, a)) -> a
             -> (b ** CoListB b Nat)
unfoldrB f x =
  case f x of
    Just (y, new_x) => (b ** the (CoListB b Nat) (y :: (unfoldrB f new_x)) )
    _               => (True ** [])
  • まずプログラムが通らない。
  • CoListB(::)が、依存ペアのBool値を、末項に渡せない
  • Nilから逆走してBool値Trueを先頭まで持っていく算段が……

2. Stateモナドを使う

module Judge2

-- > idris -p base
import Control.Monad.State

%default total

-- # 2. Stateモナドを使う
codata CoListSt : Type -> Type where
  Nil  : CoListSt a
  (::) : a -> State Bool (CoListSt a)
             -> CoListSt a

testF : Nat -> Maybe (Nat, Nat)
testF b = if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, pred b)

unfoldrSt : (a -> Maybe (b, a)) -> a -> State Bool (CoListSt b)
unfoldrSt f x =
  case f x of
    Just (y, new_x) => pure $ y :: (unfoldrSt f new_x)
    _               => do
                         put False
                         pure []
  • 今度は全域性チェックで引っかかる。
    unfoldrStの戻り型がState Bool (CoListSt b)だから、

  • 強引に実行した結果が以下。

*Judge2> runState (unfoldrSt testF 5) True
(5 :: unfoldrSt testF 4, True) : (CoListSt Nat, Bool)

*Judge2> :x runState (unfoldrSt testF 5) True
(5 :: ST (\st => Id (4 :: ST (\st1 => Id (3 :: ST (\st2 => Id (2 :: ST (\st3 => Id (1 :: ST (\st4 => Id ([], False)), st3)), st2)), st1)), st)),
True) : (CoListSt Nat, Bool)

3. CoなStateを作る

module Judge3

%default total

-- # 3. CoなStateを作る
corecord CoState (s : Type) (a : Type) where
  constructor CoST
  runCoState : s -> (a, s)
  tail       : CoState s a

implementation Functor (CoState s) where
  map f (CoST g _) = ?rhs1

implementation Applicative (CoState s) where
  pure x = CoST (\s => (x, s)) (pure x)
  (CoST f _) <*> (CoST a _) = ?rhs2

implementation Monad (CoState s) where
  m >>= k = CoST (\s =>
              let (x, s0) = runCoState m s
              in runCoState (k x) s0)
                   (m >>= k)

get : CoState x x
get = CoST (\s => (s, s)) get
put : s -> CoState s ()
put s = CoST (const ((), s)) (put s)

testF : Nat -> Maybe (Nat, Nat)
testF b = if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, pred b)

unfoldrCoSt : (a -> Maybe (Nat, a)) -> a -> CoState Bool Nat
unfoldrCoSt f x =
  case f x of
    Just (y, new_x) =>
      CoST ( \s=> (y, s) )
           (unfoldrCoSt f new_x)
    _               => do
                         put False
                         pure 100
  • プログラムは通るが、それだけだ。何も起こらない。


module Co2

-- > idris -p contrib
import Data.CoList

%default total

limitedNStep : CoList a -> Nat -> Bool
limitedNStep []        _     = True
limitedNStep (_ :: _)  Z     = False
limitedNStep (_ :: xs) (S n) = limitedNStep xs n

data Limited : CoList a -> Type where
  IsLimited : (n : Nat ** limitedNStep xs n = True) -> Limited xs

-- 止まるCoList
xsCo : CoList Nat
xsCo = unfoldr (\b => if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, pred b)) 10
-- 止まる証明
xsCoIsLimited : Limited Co2.xsCo
xsCoIsLimited = IsLimited (10 ** Refl)

-- 失敗
xsCo2 : Nat -> CoList Nat
xsCo2 = unfoldr (\b => if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, b))
xsCo2IsUnLimited : Limited (xsCo2 10) -> Void
xsCo2IsUnLimited (IsLimited (Z     ** prf)) = absurd prf
xsCo2IsUnLimited (IsLimited ((S n) ** prf)) = ?rhs2

-- --------------------------------------
codata DecLimited : CoList a -> Bool -> Type where
  YesLimited : (n : Nat ** limitedNStep xs n = True) -> DecLimited xs True
  NoLimited  : (x : a) -> DecLimited xs False -> DecLimited (x :: xs) False
  No2Limited : (x : a) -> (DecLimited xs True -> Void) -> DecLimited (x :: xs) False

data NonEmptyCo : CoList a -> Type where
    IsNonEmptyCo : NonEmptyCo (x :: xs)

Uninhabited (NonEmptyCo []) where
  uninhabited IsNonEmptyCo impossible

-- 止まる証明
xsCoIsLimited2 : DecLimited Co2.xsCo True
xsCoIsLimited2 = YesLimited (10 ** Refl)

-- 止まらない証明
xsCo2IsUnLimited2 : DecLimited (xsCo2 10) False
xsCo2IsUnLimited2 = NoLimited 10 xsCo2IsUnLimited2

-- 失敗
isUnLimited : (xs : CoList Nat) -> {auto ok : NonEmptyCo xs} -> DecLimited xs False
isUnLimited []               {ok = IsNonEmptyCo} impossible
isUnLimited (x :: [])        {ok = p}            = ?rhs3
isUnLimited (x1 :: x2 :: xs) {ok = p}            = NoLimited x1 (isUnLimited (x2 :: xs))

-- not total
-- xsCo2IsUnLimited3 : DecLimited (xsCo2 10) False
-- xsCo2IsUnLimited3 = No2Limited 10 ?rhs4
  • 定義は出来た。
  • これでいきます。
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righ1113 commented Mar 7, 2019


module LvDown

-- > idris -p contrib
import Data.CoList

%default total

limitedNStep : CoList a -> Nat -> Bool
limitedNStep [] _ = True
limitedNStep (_ :: ) Z = False
limitedNStep (
:: xs) (S n) = limitedNStep xs n

data RelayLimited : CoList Nat -> Type where
Is : (n : Nat ** limitedNStep xs n = True)
-> RelayLimited xs

unLimited : Dec (RelayLimited coL) -> Bool
unLimited (Yes _) = False
unLimited (No _) = True

namespace bar
postulate listA : List (CoList Nat)
postulate coListA : CoList Nat

myAny : (a->Bool) -> List a -> Bool
myAny pp [] = False
myAny pp (x :: xs) = (pp x) || myAny pp xs

hoge : (myAny (\t=>
decAsBool (Yes (RelayLimited t))) bar.listA)
= True
hoge = ?rhs1

-- non stop
namespace baz
xsCo2 : CoList Nat
xsCo2 = unfoldr
(\b => if b == 0 then Nothing
else Just (b, (b))) 10

namespace b
postulate unL :
(RelayLimited baz.xsCo2) -> Void

hoge2 : decAsBool (No b.unL)
= False
hoge2 = ?rhs2

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righ1113 commented Apr 4, 2019


-- ----- record -----
record IsGroup (A : Type)(f : A -> A -> A)(e : A)(iF : A -> A) where
-- constructor MkIsGroup
assoc : (x, y, z : A) -> (x f y) f z = x f (y f z)
identity : (x : A) -> Pair (e f x = x) (x f e = x)
inv : (x : A) -> Pair ((iF x) f x = e) (x f (iF x) = e)

myfst : Pair a b -> a
myfst = Prelude.Basics.fst
mysnd : Pair a b -> b
mysnd = Prelude.Basics.snd

postulate B : Type
postulate f1 : B -> B -> B
postulate e1 : B
postulate iF1 : B -> B
postulate f2 : B -> B -> B
postulate e2 : B
postulate iF2 : B -> B

-- 単位元は一意
unit : (e1, e2 : B) -> IsGroup B f1 e1 iF1 -> IsGroup B f1 e2 iF1 -> e1 = e2
unit e1 e2 g1 g2 =
let id1 = myfst $ identity g1 e2;
id2 = mysnd $ identity g2 e1 in trans (sym id2) id1

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