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Last active July 5, 2023 19:56
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ゲーデル・パズル in Idris
-- 参考記事:
-- $ idris
-- > :l GoedelPuzzle
module GoedelPuzzle
%default total
%hide (++)
||| Append two lists
(++) : List a -> List a -> List a
(++) [] right = right
(++) (x::xs) right = x :: (xs ++ right)
namespace Gp1
data Gsym = P | N | LP | RP | Neg
Uninhabited (Gp1.Neg = Gp1.P) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Gexp : Type
Gexp = List Gsym
Printer : Type
Printer = Nat -> Gexp
Printable : (p : Printer) -> (e : Gexp) -> Type
Printable p e = (n : Nat ** p n = e)
data EvalR : (p : Printer) -> (s : Gexp) -> Bool -> Type where
TP1 : (e : Gexp) -> s = [P,LP]++e++[RP] -> Printable p e -> EvalR p s True
TP2 : (e : Gexp) -> s = [P,LP]++e++[RP] -> Not $ Printable p e -> EvalR p s False
TPN1 : (e : Gexp) -> s = [P,N,LP]++e++[RP] -> Printable p (e++[LP]++e++[RP]) -> EvalR p s True
TPN2 : (e : Gexp) -> s = [P,N,LP]++e++[RP] -> Not $ Printable p (e++[LP]++e++[RP]) -> EvalR p s False
TnP1 : (e : Gexp) -> s = [Neg,P,LP]++e++[RP] -> Printable p e -> EvalR p s False
TnP2 : (e : Gexp) -> s = [Neg,P,LP]++e++[RP] -> Not $ Printable p e -> EvalR p s True
TnPN1 : (e : Gexp) -> s = [Neg,P,N,LP]++e++[RP] -> Printable p (e++[LP]++e++[RP]) -> EvalR p s False -- この文s =「¬PN(e)」 が真でないが e(e) が印字可能であることを意味する
TnPN2 : (e : Gexp) -> s = [Neg,P,N,LP]++e++[RP] -> Not $ Printable p (e++[LP]++e++[RP]) -> EvalR p s True
-- 「文s を印字するならそれは全て True である」⇔「 False となる文は絶対に印字しない」
-- はここ(かしこいプリンタ)で与えられる、としておこう
CorrectPrinter : (p : Printer) -> Type
CorrectPrinter p = (n : Nat) -> Not $ EvalR p (p n) False
g : Gexp
g = [Neg, P, N, LP, Neg, P, N, RP]
-- lemma
gTrueUnprintable : (p : Printer) -> CorrectPrinter p
-> (Not $ Printable p Gp1.g, EvalR p Gp1.g True)
gTrueUnprintable p cor = (\pt=> sub pt, (TnPN2 [Neg, P, N] Refl (\pt=> sub pt))) where
sub pt with (pt)
| (n ** eq) =
let cor2 = replace {P=(\x=>(EvalR p x False -> Void))} eq (cor n) in cor2 (TnPN1 [Neg, P, N] Refl pt)
-- 「かしこいプリンタ」に、引数から取り出した pt : Printable p g を食わせる
-- theorem
printerIncompleteness : (p : Printer) -> CorrectPrinter p
-> (s : Gexp ** (Not $ Printable p s, EvalR p s True))
printerIncompleteness p cor = (g ** (gTrueUnprintable p cor))
-------------------- 補足 --------------------
g0 : Gexp
g0 = [P, N, LP, Neg, P, N, RP]
aux : (p : Printer) -> CorrectPrinter p
-> (e : Gexp) -> EvalR p (Neg::e) True -> EvalR p e False
aux _ _ _ (TP1 _ eq _ ) = let inj = consInjective eq in absurd (fst inj)
aux _ _ _ (TPN1 _ eq _ ) = let inj = consInjective eq in absurd (fst inj)
aux _ _ _ (TnP2 e2 eq pt) = let inj = consInjective eq in TP2 e2 (snd inj) pt
aux _ _ _ (TnPN2 e2 eq pt) = let inj = consInjective eq in TPN2 e2 (snd inj) pt
-- 決定不能命題であることの証明
gImpliesUndecidability : (p : Printer) -> CorrectPrinter p
-> (Not $ Printable p Gp1.g0, Not $ Printable p (Neg::Gp1.g0))
gImpliesUndecidability p cor = (\pt=> sub pt, (fst (gTrueUnprintable p cor))) where
sub pt with (pt)
| (n ** eq) =
let cor2 = replace {P=(\x=>(EvalR p x False -> Void))} eq (cor n) in
let aux2 = aux p cor g0 (snd (gTrueUnprintable p cor)) in cor2 aux2
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