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Last active July 5, 2023 19:58
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リストを2回逆順にすると元に戻る in Lean
open list (hiding reverse)
#check 1
#reduce head [0, 1, 2, 3]
variable {T : Type}
def snoc : list T → T → list T
| [] y := [y]
| (x :: xs) y := x :: snoc xs y
#reduce snoc [0, 1, 2, 3] 5
def reverse : list T → list T
| [] := nil
| (x :: xs) := snoc (reverse xs) x
#reduce reverse [0, 1, 2, 3]
lemma l1 : ∀ (xs : list T) (y : T), reverse (snoc xs y) = y :: (reverse xs)
| [] _ := rfl
| (x :: xs) y := calc
reverse (snoc (x :: xs) y) = reverse (x :: snoc xs y) : rfl
... = snoc (reverse (snoc xs y)) x : rfl
... = snoc (y :: (reverse xs)) x : congr_arg (λ t, snoc t x) (l1 xs y)
theorem rev_rev_id : ∀ (xs : list T), reverse (reverse xs) = xs
| [] := rfl
| (x :: xs) := calc
reverse (reverse (x :: xs)) = reverse (snoc (reverse xs) x) : rfl
... = x :: (reverse (reverse xs)) : by rw l1 (reverse xs) x
... = x :: xs : by rw rev_rev_id
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