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rightfold/a Secret

Created December 27, 2014 12:11
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scala> class A {
| case object O
| }
defined class A
scala> val (x, y) = (new A, new A)
x: A = A@543e710e
y: A = A@57f23557
scala> x.O match { case y.O => 1; case x.O => 2 }
<console>:10: error: pattern type is incompatible with expected type;
found : y.O.type
required: x.O.type
x.O match { case y.O => 1; case x.O => 2 }
scala> x.O.asInstanceOf[Any] match { case y.O => 1; case x.O => 2 }
res2: Int = 2
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