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Created May 29, 2012 11:16
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Save rightgo09/2827889 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
steraming sample Amon2's app.psgi.
use strict;
use utf8;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
use lib File::Spec->catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'extlib', 'lib', 'perl5');
use lib File::Spec->catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'lib');
use Plack::Builder;
use T::Web;
use T;
use Plack::Session::Store::DBI;
use Plack::Session::State::Cookie;
use DBI;
my $c = T->new();
my $db_config = T->config->{DBI} || die "Missing configuration for DBI";
builder {
enable 'Plack::Middleware::Static',
#path => qr{^(?:/app/static/)},
path => sub { s!^/app/static/!! },
root => File::Spec->catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'static');
enable 'Plack::Middleware::Static',
path => qr{^(?:/robots\.txt|/favicon\.ico)$},
root => File::Spec->catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'static');
enable 'Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy';
enable 'Plack::Middleware::Session',
store => Plack::Session::Store::DBI->new(
get_dbh => sub {
DBI->connect( @$db_config )
or die $DBI::errstr;
state => Plack::Session::State::Cookie->new(
httponly => 1,
mount '/app' => T::Web->to_app();
mount '/streaming' => sub {
my $env = shift;
return sub {
my $responder = shift;
my $writer = $responder->([ 200, []]);
for ( 1..5 ) {
sleep 1;
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