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Last active July 20, 2020 14:17
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Instalasi Python dan Nginx di Server
# Tahapan :
1. Update komponen sistem operasi :
> apt update
> apt full-upgrade
> apt install net-tools
2. Instalasi Python 3
> apt install python3-all python-is-python3
> apt install python3-pip pipenv
> apt install python3-psycopg2
3. Instalasi Nginx:
> apt install nginx
> systemctl status nginx
4. Instalasi supervisor
> apt install supervisor
> systemctl status supervisor
5. Instlasi Gunicorn
> apt install gunicorn
6. Instalasi Git
> apt install git
7. Install Nodejs
> curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
> apt update
> apt install nodejs
8. Instalaso PostgreSQL
> apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
> systemctl status postgresql
> sudo -u postgres psql
> ALTER USER PASSWORD 'pwdDatabase123'
9. Buat user baru:
> useradd -mg sudo -s `which bash` rakyat -c "Rakyat Biasa"
> passwd rakyat
10. Reload konfigurasi supervisor
> supervisorctl reread
> supervisorctl update
> systemctl restart supervisor
> systemctl status supervisor
11. Konfigurasi Let's Encrypt
- Pastikan domain / subdomain sudah ter-pointing ke server
- Pastikan IP publik
> apt install certbot
> systemctl stop nginx
> certbot certonly --no-bootstrap \
--standalone --rsa-key-size 4096 --agree-tos \
--register-unsafely-without-email -d
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