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Created July 23, 2011 10:33
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Horrible Code Generation from Real Basic
0007f688 pushl %ebp
0007f689 movl %esp,%ebp
0007f68b subl $0x00000038,%esp
0007f691 movl %esp,0xffffffcc(%ebp)
0007f697 movl %ebp,%eax
0007f699 movl 0x08(%eax),%eax
0007f69c movl %eax,0xf8(%ebp)
0007f69f movl %ebp,%eax
0007f6a1 movl 0x0c(%eax),%eax
0007f6a4 movl %eax,0xf0(%ebp)
0007f6a7 movl %ebp,%eax
0007f6a9 movl 0x10(%eax),%eax
0007f6ac movl %eax,0xe8(%ebp)
0007f6af xorl %eax,%eax
0007f6b1 movl %eax,0xe0(%ebp)
0007f6b4 movl %eax,0xd8(%ebp)
0007f6b7 pushl %eax
0007f6b8 pushl %eax
0007f6b9 pushl %eax
0007f6ba pushl 0xf8(%ebp)
0007f6bd calll 0x0008029f
0007f6c2 movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f6c5 calll 0x0008022f
0007f6ca movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f6cd movl 0xf0(%ebp),%eax
0007f6d0 movl 0xe8(%ebp),%ecx
0007f6d3 addl %ecx,%eax
0007f6d5 movl %eax,0xd8(%ebp)
0007f6d8 movl %eax,0xe0(%ebp)
0007f6db jmp 0x0007f6e0
0007f6e0 xorl %eax,%eax
0007f6e2 movl %eax,0xd0(%ebp)
0007f6e5 jmp 0x0007f6f8
0007f6ea adcl %eax,(%eax,%eax)
0007f6ed addb %al,(%eax)
0007f6ef addb %dl,%al
0007f6f1 decl 0xffffcca5(%ebx)
0007f6f7 call *0x50(%eax)
0007f6fa pushl %eax
0007f6fb pushl 0xf8(%ebp)
0007f6fe calll 0x0008024f
0007f703 movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f706 xorl %eax,%eax
0007f708 movl %eax,0xf8(%ebp)
0007f70b movl 0xd0(%ebp),%ecx
0007f70e cmpl %eax,%ecx
0007f710 je 0x0007f735
0007f716 pushl %eax
0007f717 pushl %eax
0007f718 pushl %eax
0007f719 pushl %ecx
0007f71a calll 0x0008023f
0007f71f movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f722 pushl %eax
0007f723 pushl %eax
0007f724 pushl %eax
0007f725 pushl 0xd0(%ebp)
0007f728 calll 0x0008024f
0007f72d movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f730 xorl %eax,%eax
0007f732 movl %eax,0xd0(%ebp)
0007f735 movl 0xe0(%ebp),%eax
0007f738 addl $0x00000038,%esp
0007f73e popl %ebp
0007f73f ret
0007f688 pushl %ebp
0007f689 movl %esp,%ebp
0007f68b subl $0x00000038,%esp
0007f691 movl %esp,0xffffffcc(%ebp)
0007f697 movl %ebp,%eax
0007f699 movl 0x08(%eax),%eax
0007f69c movl %eax,0xf8(%ebp)
0007f69f movl %ebp,%eax
0007f6a1 movl 0x0c(%eax),%eax
0007f6a4 movl %eax,0xf0(%ebp)
0007f6a7 movl %ebp,%eax
0007f6a9 movl 0x10(%eax),%eax
0007f6ac movl %eax,0xe8(%ebp)
0007f6af xorl %eax,%eax
0007f6b1 movl %eax,0xe0(%ebp)
0007f6b4 movl %eax,0xd8(%ebp)
0007f6b7 pushl %eax
0007f6b8 pushl %eax
0007f6b9 pushl %eax
0007f6ba pushl 0xf8(%ebp)
0007f6bd calll 0x0008029f
0007f6c2 movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f6c5 calll 0x0008022f
0007f6ca movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f6cd movl 0xf0(%ebp),%eax
0007f6d0 movl 0xe8(%ebp),%ecx
0007f6d3 addl %ecx,%eax
0007f6d5 movl %eax,0xd8(%ebp)
0007f6d8 movl %eax,0xe0(%ebp)
0007f6db jmp 0x0007f6e0
0007f6e0 xorl %eax,%eax
0007f6e2 movl %eax,0xd0(%ebp)
0007f6e5 jmp 0x0007f6f8
0007f6ea adcl %eax,(%eax,%eax)
0007f6ed addb %al,(%eax)
0007f6ef addb %dl,%al
0007f6f1 decl 0xffffcca5(%ebx)
0007f6f7 call *0x50(%eax)
0007f6fa pushl %eax
0007f6fb pushl 0xf8(%ebp)
0007f6fe calll 0x0008024f
0007f703 movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f706 xorl %eax,%eax
0007f708 movl %eax,0xf8(%ebp)
0007f70b movl 0xd0(%ebp),%ecx
0007f70e cmpl %eax,%ecx
0007f710 je 0x0007f735
0007f716 pushl %eax
0007f717 pushl %eax
0007f718 pushl %eax
0007f719 pushl %ecx
0007f71a calll 0x0008023f
0007f71f movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f722 pushl %eax
0007f723 pushl %eax
0007f724 pushl %eax
0007f725 pushl 0xd0(%ebp)
0007f728 calll 0x0008024f
0007f72d movl 0xcc(%ebp),%esp
0007f730 xorl %eax,%eax
0007f732 movl %eax,0xd0(%ebp)
0007f735 movl 0xe0(%ebp),%eax
0007f738 addl $0x00000038,%esp
0007f73e popl %ebp
0007f73f ret
Dim limit As Double = Sqrt(maxInteger)
#pragma BackgroundTasks False
#pragma BoundsChecking False
#pragma NilObjectChecking False
for x as Integer = 1 to limit
Dim x2 As Integer = x * x
Dim x2_3 As Integer = 3 * x2
for y as Integer = 1 to limit
Dim y2 As Integer = y * y
Dim n As Integer = 4 * x2 + y2
if n <= maxInteger and (n mod 12 = 1 or n mod 12 = 5) then
isPrime(n) = not(isPrime(n))
n = x2_3 + y2
if n <= maxInteger and (n mod 12 = 7) then
isPrime(n) = not(isPrime(n))
n=x2_3 - y2
if (x > y) and (n <= maxInteger) and (n mod 12 = 11) then
isPrime(n) = not(isPrime(n))
for n as Integer = 5 to limit step 2
if isPrime(n) then
Dim k As Integer = n * n
Dim m As Integer = k
Dim i As Integer = 1
while m < maxInteger
isPrime(k) = False
i = i + 2
m = i * k
isPrime(2) = True
isPrime(3) = True
#pragma BoundsChecking True
#pragma BackgroundTasks True
#pragma NilObjectChecking True
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