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Last active February 7, 2023 01:47
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Useful theme suggestions (may use deprecated php)
use Drupal\block\Entity\Block;
use Drupal\block_content\BlockContentInterface;
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter().
function HOOK_theme_suggestions_page_alter(array &$hooks, array &$vars): void {
$constrained = [
if (array_intersect($constrained, $hooks)) {
$hooks[] = 'page__constrained';
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_block_alter().
function HOOK_theme_suggestions_block_alter(array &$hooks, array &$vars): void {
$original = $vars['theme_hook_original'];
$view_mode = null;
// View mode
if (isset($vars['elements']['#configuration']['view_mode'])) {
$view_mode = $vars['elements']['#configuration']['view_mode'];
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$view_mode}";
if (isset($vars['elements']['#id'])) {
$block_id = $vars['elements']['#id'];
if (($block = Block::load($block_id)) && $block instanceof Block) {
// Region
$region = $block->getRegion();
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$region}__{$vars['elements']['#base_plugin_id']}";
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$region}__{$block_id}";
// Pass region through to hook_preprocess_block().
$vars['elements']['#region'] = $region;
// Custom theme_suggestions based on ID
switch ($block_id) {
case 'mainpagecontent':
case 'pagetitle':
$hooks[] = "{$original}__bare";
// Custom Blocks (Bundles)
if (isset($vars['elements']['content']['#block_content'])) {
if (($block = $vars['elements']['content']['#block_content']) && $block instanceof BlockContentInterface) {
// Bundle type
if ($bundle = $block->bundle()) {
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$bundle}";
if ($view_mode) {
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$bundle }__{$view_mode}";
// Pass bundle through to hook_preprocess_block().
$vars['elements']['#bundle'] = $bundle;
// Custom theme suggestions based on plugin.
$plugin_id = $vars['elements']['#plugin_id'] ?? '';
if (str_starts_with($plugin_id, 'system_menu_block:footer-')) {
$hooks[] = "{$original}__footer_menu";
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_field_alter().
function HOOK_theme_suggestions_field_alter(array &$hooks, array &$vars): void {
$original = $vars['theme_hook_original'];
$name = $vars['element']['#field_name'];
// View mode
if ($vars['element']['#view_mode']) {
$view_mode = $vars['element']['#view_mode'];
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$view_mode}";
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$view_mode }__{$name}";
// Name
$bare_names = [
// Hook
$bare_hooks = [
$hook = implode(':', [
// Suggest keeping field.html.twig very sparce of markup,
// then field--bare.html.twig has absolutely none.
if (in_array($name, $bare_names, TRUE) || in_array($hook, $bare_hooks, TRUE)) {
$hooks[] = "{$original}__bare";
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_menu_alter().
function HOOK_theme_suggestions_menu_alter(array &$hooks, array &$vars): void {
$original = $vars['theme_hook_original'];
// These are present as we set them in hook_preprocess_block().
// @see
if (isset($vars['attributes']['region'])) {
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$vars['attributes']['region']}";
if (isset($vars['attributes']['block_id'])) {
$block_id = str_replace(array('block-', '-'), array('', '_'), $vars['attributes']['block_id']);
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$block_id}";
if (preg_match('/^footer-/', $vars['menu_name'])) {
$hooks[] = "{$original}__footer";
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_user_alter().
function HOOK_theme_suggestions_user_alter(array &$hooks, array &$vars): void {
$original = $vars['theme_hook_original'];
$view_mode = $vars['elements']['#view_mode'];
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$view_mode}";
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_taxonomy_term_alter().
function HOOK_theme_suggestions_taxonomy_term_alter(array &$hooks, array &$vars): void {
$original = $vars['theme_hook_original'];
$term = $vars['elements']['#taxonomy_term'];
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$term->bundle()}__{$vars['elements']['#view_mode']}";
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter().
function HOOK_theme_suggestions_form_element_alter(array &$hooks, array &$vars): void {
$original = $vars['theme_hook_original'];
if ($vars['element']['#type'] === 'select') {
$hooks[] = "{$original}__select";
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_media_alter().
function HOOK_theme_suggestions_media_alter(array &$hooks, array &$vars): void {
$original = $vars['theme_hook_original'];
$view_mode = $vars['elements']['#view_mode'] ?? 'default';
$bundle = $vars['elements']['#bundle'] ?? $vars['elements']['#media']->bundle->entity->id();
$bare_list = [
if (in_array($view_mode, $bare_list, TRUE) || $bundle === 'file') {
$hooks[] = "{$original}__bare";
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_views_view_unformatted_alter().
function HOOK_theme_suggestions_views_view_unformatted_alter(array &$hooks, array &$vars): void {
$original = $vars['theme_hook_original'];
/** @var \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view */
$view = $vars['view'];
$bare_list = [
if (in_array(sprintf('%s:%s', $view->id(), $view->current_display), $bare_list, TRUE)) {
$hooks[] = "{$original}__bare";
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$view->id()}";
$hooks[] = "{$original}__{$view->id()}__{$view->current_display}";
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This was super helpful, thanks!

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Really helpful, especially the theme suggestions for Custom Blocks (Bundles), thanks!

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