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Created April 1, 2019 13:06
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Powershell 101
#requires -version 4
get-childitem variable:
get-module -ListAvailable
get-module psake
Powershell 101
Just a dumping ground for some techniques.
TODO: I need to get some best practices / coding standards & boiler plate sorted.
## Version
# or (Less good)
if ($false)
$hostVersionInfo = (get-host).Version.Major
if ( $hostVersionInfo -eq "2" )
# For PowerShell v2
write "We appear to be using PS version $hostVersionInfo... That's okay, but this script processes faster with PS v3!"
write ""
$containers = Get-ChildItem -path $MoLoPath\$CurrentParent -recurse | ? {$_.psIscontainer -eq $true}
elseif ( $hostVersionInfo -eq "3" )
# For PowerShell v3
write "We appear to be using PS version $hostVersionInfo... Good!"
write ""
$containers = Get-ChildItem -Directory -path $MoLoPath -recurse
write-host "Unknown/unapproved version of PowerShell. Exiting!"
## Alias's
% and ? are the only flow control ones defined.
% ForEach-Object
? Where
`...der | ? { $_ } | % { $syncExclusi….
NOTE: ForEach (item In collection) {ScriptBlock} is DIFFERENT to foreach-object
TODO: I must understand this.
Get-Process | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $ -foregroundcolor cyan}
Get-Process | % {Write-Host $ -foregroundcolor cyan}
## Grid View
For example:
Get-Command -PSSnapin Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility |sort-object PSSnapIn, noun | get-help -full | Out-GridView
## Arrays
$animal = @()
$animal = "Cat", "Dog"
$animal += "Hampster"
$animal -ne "Cat"
$animal -like '*a*'
$animal | % { Write-Output ">>" $_}
"$animal" # So all on one line
## Hash tables
$table = @{}
# functions
# Always use the attribute [cmdletbindings()], even if there are no paramaters
# If you ned vriable no of parameters then use `$args` (Not sure if you can use cmdletbindings() in that
# case
function my-function
Write-Verbose "Hi Rik"
my-function 1291212
function ex_01
Write-Output "Fn 01"
function ConvertTo-html
get-alias | convertto-html > .\aliases.htm
Invoke-Item .\aliases.htm
get-eventlog -logname "Windows PowerShell" | convertto-html > pslog.htm
Invoke-Item .\pslog.htm
get-process | convertto-html -property Name, Path, Company -title "Process Information" > proc.htm; ii proc.htm
get-service A* | ConvertTo-Html -title "Windows Services: Server01" `
-body (get-date) `
-pre "<P>Generated by Corporate IT</P>" `
-post "For details, contact Corporate IT." > services.htm; ii services.htm
Write-output $variable
Create a pipe-able function
function sqrt {
<# Then #>
sqrt 25
25 | sqrt
6..10 | sqrt
function my-function-with-no-parameters
Write-Output "Hello from my-function-with-no-parameters"
my-function-with-no-parameters 1291212
if (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
{Write-Output 'Running as Administrator!'}
{Write-Output 'Running Limited!'}
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