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Created June 11, 2024 20:03
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The documentation I was using for strapi wasnt giving a polouate so I was missing pieces
import qs from "qs";
interface Props {
endpoint: string;
query?: Record<string, string>;
wrappedByKey?: string;
wrappedByList?: boolean;
populate?: {
[key: string]: {
populate: boolean;
* Fetches data from the Strapi API
* @param endpoint - The endpoint to fetch from
* @param query - The query parameters to add to the url
* @param wrappedByKey - The key to unwrap the response from
* @param wrappedByList - If the response is a list, unwrap it
* @param populate - The fields to populate
* @returns
export default async function fetchApi<T>({
}: Props): Promise<T> {
if (endpoint.startsWith("/")) {
endpoint = endpoint.slice(1);
const queryPopulatedBracketed = qs
.stringify({ populate })
.replace(/%5B/g, "[")
.replace(/%5D/g, "]");
const url = new URL(
`${import.meta.env.STRAPI_URL}api/${endpoint}${populate ? `?${queryPopulatedBracketed}` : ""}`
// with populate and no ggraphiql checking the structure on the api helps
// console.log(url);
if (query) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(query)) {
url.searchParams.append(key, value);
const res = await fetch(url.toString());
let data = await res.json();
if (wrappedByKey) {
data = data[wrappedByKey];
if (wrappedByList) {
data = data[0];
return data as T;
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