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Riley Dutton rileydutton

  • Overland Park, KS
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rileydutton / collabsablerows.js
Created April 28, 2011 16:03
Collapsable/Expandable Table View Rows in Titanium Mobile
var container = Ti.UI.createView({backgroundColor: "white", layout: "vertical"});
var layout = [
title: "Parent 1",
isparent: true,
opened: false,
sub: [
rileydutton / setheaders.rb
Created May 20, 2011 14:00
Easy way to set cache control and public read permissions on all files in an S3 bucket (in Ruby)
:access_key_id => "YOUR KEY ID",
:secret_access_key => "YOUR ACCESS KEY"
finished = false
lastkey = nil
objects = AWS::S3::Bucket.objects('YOUR BUCKET NAME', :marker => lastkey)
rileydutton / scraper.php
Created June 13, 2011 22:51
Website Scraper
include 'phpQuery-onefile.php';
$file = ''; // see below for source
// loads the file
// basically think of your php script as a regular HTML page running client side with jQuery. This loads whatever file you want to be the current page
:expires => :exp,
:notBefore => :nbf,
:admin => :admin,
:debug => :debug,
:simulate => :simulate
def create_options_claims(options)
opts = {}
// Guards on patrol...
on("ready", function() {
//Wait until the ready event fires so we know the campaign is completely loaded.
//Get a reference to our patrolling token.
log("Going Guard A...");
var patroltoken = findObjs({_type: "graphic", name: "Guard A"})[0]; //We know there is a token in the Campaign called "Guard A".
if(!patroltoken) {
log("NO GUARD A");
// Guards on patrol...
on("ready", function() {
//Wait until the ready event fires so we know the campaign is completely loaded.
//Get a reference to our patrolling token.
log("Going Guard A...");
var patroltoken = findObjs({_type: "graphic", name: "Guard A"})[0]; //We know there is a token in the Campaign called "Guard A".
if(!patroltoken) {
log("NO GUARD A");
//The light is closing in on you...
on("change:token", function(obj, prev) {
//Only do this if we actually moved.
if(obj.get("left") == prev["left"] && obj.get("top") == prev["top"]) return;
light_radius: Math.floor(obj.get("light_radius") * 0.90)
on("change:token", function(obj, prev) {
if(obj.get("left") === prev["left"] && obj.get("top") === prev["top"]) return;
var dragon = findObjs({"name": "Dragon"})[0];
if(dragon.get("layer") == "objects") return; //already triggered
if(objInPath(obj, getObj("path", "-It0Qq-YsN3s_oa_a_Zi"))) {
//You woke the dragon!
layer: "objects"
on("chat:message", function(msg) {
if(msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!show") !== -1) {
var charName = msg.content.replace("!show ", "");
var charToken = findObjs({_type: "graphic", name: charName})[0];
if(!charToken) {
if(charToken.get("layer") == "gmlayer"){
charToken.set("layer", "objects");
} else {
rileydutton / TheQuietYear.js
Last active December 28, 2015 06:19
"The Quiet Year" Roll20 API Script
//To use this script, create a Roll20 Campaign with 4 decks, each one with only one suit of cards. Then on each player's turn, have them draw from the deck for the current "season" (e.g. Hearts for Spring). After they put the card into their hand, they'll receive a whisper from "The Threads of Fate" telling them what that card 'means' in the game.
var cardIndex = {
"Ace of Hearts": "What group has the highest status in the community? What must people do to gain inclusion in this group? -OR- Are there distinct family units in the community? If so, what family structures are common?",
"Two of Hearts": "There’s a large body of water on the map. Where is it? What does it look like? -OR- There’s a giant, man-made structure on the map. Where is it? Why is it abandoned?",
"Three of Hearts": "Someone new arrives. Who? -OR- Two of the community’s younger members get into a fight. What provoked them?",
"Four of Hearts": "What important and basic tools does the community lack? -OR- Where are yo