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Created September 21, 2023 21:07
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Synthetic Hydrograph Comparisons
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
x = np.arange(0, np.pi * 12, 0.025)
q_insitu = 2 * np.sin(0.5 * x) + 4
q_constant = np.ones_like(x) * 4
q_biased_high = 2 * np.sin(0.5 * x) + 4 + 1.5
q_biased_low = 2 * np.sin(0.5 * x) + 4 - 1.5
q_inverse = 2 * np.sin(0.5 * x + np.pi) + 4
q_bad_timing = 2 * np.sin(0.5 * x - 1) + 4
q_higher_frequency = 3 * np.sin(2 * x) + 4
q_nonstationary_mean = 2 * np.sin(5 * x) + 4 + np.sin(x)
df = pd.DataFrame({
'q_insitu': q_insitu,
'q_constant': q_constant,
'q_biased_high': q_biased_high,
'q_biased_low': q_biased_low,
'q_inverse': q_inverse,
'q_bad_timing': q_bad_timing,
'q_higher_frequency': q_higher_frequency,
'q_nonstationary_mean': q_nonstationary_mean,
def kge2012(simulated_array, observed_array):
# Means
sim_mean = np.mean(simulated_array)
obs_mean = np.mean(observed_array)
# Standard Deviations
sim_sigma = np.std(simulated_array)
obs_sigma = np.std(observed_array)
# Pearson R
top_pr = np.sum((observed_array - obs_mean) * (simulated_array - sim_mean))
bot1_pr = np.sqrt(np.sum((observed_array - obs_mean) ** 2))
bot2_pr = np.sqrt(np.sum((simulated_array - sim_mean) ** 2))
pr = top_pr / (bot1_pr * bot2_pr)
# Ratio between mean of simulated and observed data
beta = sim_mean / obs_mean
# CV is the coefficient of variation (standard deviation / mean)
sim_cv = sim_sigma / sim_mean
obs_cv = obs_sigma / obs_mean
# Variability Ratio, or the ratio of simulated CV to observed CV
gam = sim_cv / obs_cv
if obs_mean == 0 or obs_sigma == 0 or sim_mean == 0:
return np.nan
kge = 1 - np.sqrt((pr - 1) ** 2 + (gam - 1) ** 2 + (beta - 1) ** 2)
return kge
for qcol in df.columns.drop('q_insitu'):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(tight_layout=True, figsize=(6, 4))
[['q_insitu', qcol]]
.rename(columns={'q_insitu': 'in-situ', qcol: 'model'})
.plot(figsize=(7, 4), ax=ax, legend=True, color=['k', 'r'])
# calculate mean error, rmse, R, kling gupta, and nash sutcliffe
me = np.mean(df['q_insitu'] - df[qcol])
mse = np.mean((df['q_insitu'] - df[qcol]) ** 2)
rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((df['q_insitu'] - df[qcol]) ** 2))
r = np.corrcoef(df['q_insitu'], df[qcol])[0, 1]
kg = kge2012(df[qcol], df['q_insitu'])
ns = 1 - (np.sum((df['q_insitu'] - df[qcol]) ** 2) / np.sum((df['q_insitu'] - np.mean(df['q_insitu'])) ** 2))
volume_insitu = np.sum(df['q_insitu'])
volume_qcol = np.sum(df[qcol])
std_insitu = np.std(df['q_insitu'])
std_qcol = np.std(df[qcol])
if np.isnan(r):
r = 0
ax.set_ylabel('Discharge (m3/s)')
ax.set_ylim(0, 8)
fig.savefig(f'./hydrograph_comparison_nometrics_{qcol}.png', dpi=500)
f'ME: {round(me, 2)} MSE: {round(mse, 2)} RMSE: {round(rmse, 2)} R: {round(r, 2)} KG: {round(kg, 2)} NS: {round(ns, 2)}' +
f'\nVolume Insitu: {round(volume_insitu, 2)} Volume Model: {round(volume_qcol, 2)}'
f'\nStd Insitu: {round(std_insitu, 2)} Std Model: {round(std_qcol, 2)}'
fig.savefig(f'./hydrograph_comparison_withmetrics_{qcol}.png', dpi=500)
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