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Created December 12, 2021 15:02
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Color file for flutter-quill
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
Color stringToColor(String? s) {
switch (s) {
case 'transparent':
return Colors.transparent;
case 'black':
case 'black12':
return Colors.black12;
case 'black26':
return Colors.black26;
case 'black38':
return Colors.black38;
case 'black45':
return Colors.black45;
case 'black54':
return Colors.black54;
case 'black87':
return Colors.black87;
case 'white':
return Colors.white;
case 'white10':
return Colors.white10;
case 'white12':
return Colors.white12;
case 'white24':
return Colors.white24;
case 'white30':
return Colors.white30;
case 'white38':
return Colors.white38;
case 'white54':
return Colors.white54;
case 'white60':
return Colors.white60;
case 'white70':
return Colors.white70;
case 'red':
case 'redAccent':
return Colors.redAccent;
case 'amber':
return Colors.amber;
case 'amberAccent':
return Colors.amberAccent;
case 'yellow':
return Colors.yellow;
case 'yellowAccent':
return Colors.yellowAccent;
case 'teal':
return Colors.teal;
case 'tealAccent':
return Colors.tealAccent;
case 'purple':
return Colors.purple;
case 'purpleAccent':
return Colors.purpleAccent;
case 'pink':
case 'pinkAccent':
return Colors.pinkAccent;
case 'orange':
case 'orangeAccent':
return Colors.orangeAccent;
case 'deepOrange':
return Colors.deepOrange;
case 'deepOrangeAccent':
return Colors.deepOrangeAccent;
case 'indigo':
return Colors.indigo;
case 'indigoAccent':
return Colors.indigoAccent;
case 'lime':
return Colors.lime;
case 'limeAccent':
return Colors.limeAccent;
case 'grey':
return Colors.grey;
case 'blueGrey':
return Colors.blueGrey;
case 'green':
case 'greenAccent':
return Colors.greenAccent;
case 'lightGreen':
return Colors.lightGreen;
case 'lightGreenAccent':
return Colors.lightGreenAccent;
case 'blue':
case 'blueAccent':
return Colors.blueAccent;
case 'lightBlue':
return Colors.lightBlue;
case 'lightBlueAccent':
return Colors.lightBlueAccent;
case 'cyan':
return Colors.cyan;
case 'cyanAccent':
return Colors.cyanAccent;
case 'brown':
return Colors.brown;
if (s!.startsWith('rgba')) {
s = s.substring(5); // trim left 'rgba('
s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1); // trim right ')'
final arr = s.split(',').map((e) => e.trim()).toList();
return Color.fromRGBO(int.parse(arr[0]), int.parse(arr[1]),
int.parse(arr[2]), double.parse(arr[3]));
if (!s.startsWith('#')) {
throw 'Color code not supported';
var hex = s.replaceFirst('#', '');
hex = hex.length == 6 ? 'ff$hex' : hex;
final val = int.parse(hex, radix: 16);
return Color(val);
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File for Flutter-quill

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