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Created May 19, 2014 22:22
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A Pen by Riley Shaw.

Glorious Pattern Matcher

Takes a series of characters ('abcad') and a series of space-delimited words ('red blue green red redux') and checks if they match the same sequence.

Mega-Glorious Pattern Matcher Takes a series of characters ('abcad') and a series of non-space-delimited words ('redbluegreenredredux') and checks if they match the same sequence. Hardcore.

Updated version here, on GitHub here.

A Pen by Riley Shaw on CodePen.


<h1>Glorious Pattern Matcher</h1>
<p>In the left box, type a series of characters representing an ordered pattern. In the right box, type a series of words separated by spaces. The <strong>⚙</strong> button will let you know if the words match the pattern specified in the first box.</p>
<h2 id="exampleToggle1">Examples</h2>
<div id="exampleContent1" class="drawer">
<p class="box">AAA</p>
<p class="box">Ho Ho Ho</p>
<p class="match">Match</p>
<p class="box">AAA</p>
<p class="box">Oh No No</p>
<p class="nomatch">No match</p>
<p class="box">ABBA</p>
<p class="box">Knowing Me Knowing You</p>
<p class="nomatch">No match</p>
<p class="box">ABBA</p>
<p class="box">Knowing Me Me Knowing</p>
<p class="match">Match</p>
<form id="test1" class="clearfix" autocomplete="off">
<input type="text" id="pattern1">
<input type="text" id="data1">
<button type="submit"><span>⚙</span></button>
<p id="result1"></p>
<h1>Mega-Glorious Pattern Matcher</h1>
<p>Same drill as before, but this time omit the spaces in the right box. Hardcore.</p>
<h2 id="exampleToggle2">Examples</h2>
<div id="exampleContent2" class="drawer">
<p class="box">hehe</p>
<p class="box">redrumredrum</p>
<p class="match">Match</p>
<p class="box">jack</p>
<p class="box">redrumredrum</p>
<p class="nomatch">No match</p>
<p class="box">ACDC</p>
<p class="box">I'mT.N.T.</p>
<p class="match">Match</p>
<form id="test2" class="clearfix" autocomplete="off">
<input type="text" id="pattern2">
<input type="text" id="data2">
<button type="submit"><span>⚙</span></button>
<p id="result2"></p>
<small>by <a href="">rileyjshaw</a></small>
var glorious = (function() {
var exports = {};
// takes a character pattern and a list of words
// and returns true if they follow the same pattern
exports.match = function(pattern, data) {
var patternLength = pattern.length;
var matches = {}, matchValues = {};
var curPattern, curData;
// handles arrays and strings
if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
pattern = pattern.split('');
// handles arrays and space-delimited strings
if (typeof data === 'string') {
data = data.split(' ');
if (patternLength !== data.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < patternLength; i++) {
curPattern = pattern[i];
curData = data[i];
if (!matches[curPattern]) {
if (!matchValues[curData]) {
matches[curPattern] = curData;
matchValues[curData] = true;
} else return false;
} else { // already recorded
if (matches[curPattern] !== curData) {
return false;
return true;
// takes a string and returns an array of substrings.
// splits are determined by the 'lengths' array
function substringify(lengths, string) {
var i = 0;
return {
var substring = string.substr(i, len);
i += len;
return substring;
// finds likely substrings from non-delimited data
// and runs them through the original match()
function tryPossibleConfigurations(coefficients, patternLength, dataLength, func) {
function weightedAdd(accum, cur, i) {
return accum + cur * lengths[i];
// lengths holds the substring lengths represented by each character
var lengths = [];
var totalDepth = coefficients.length;
// each level of the recursive call represents a unique
// character in the pattern (in the order that they first appear)
function loopThroughChars(depth) {
var isInnermost = (depth === totalDepth - 1);
var curCharCount = coefficients[depth];
var derivedDataLength;
// maxCharLength is the max substring length that this character can represent
var maxCharLength = (dataLength - patternLength + curCharCount) / curCharCount;
for(var i = 1; i <= maxCharLength; i++) {
lengths[depth] = i;
if (!isInnermost) {
if (loopThroughChars(depth + 1)) {
return true; // allows us to bubble up a true return
} else {
derivedDataLength = coefficients.reduce(weightedAdd, 0);
if (derivedDataLength < dataLength) continue;
else if (derivedDataLength === dataLength) {
if (func(lengths)) {
return true; // break out of all loops (bubbles up)
else {
return false; // breaks out of this loop (no bubbling)
return false;
return loopThroughChars(0);
exports.megamatch = function(pattern, data) {
var splitPattern = pattern.split('');
var patternLength = splitPattern.length;
var dataLength = data.length;
// coefficients stores the count of each character
// charIdx maps a character to its index in coefficients
var coefficients = [], charIdx = {};
// populate coefficients and charIdx
splitPattern.forEach(function(char) {
if (charIdx[char] === undefined) {
charIdx[char] = coefficients.push(1) - 1;
} else ++coefficients[ charIdx[char] ];
function splitAndMatch(lengths) {
var substrings = {
return lengths[ charIdx[char] ];
var splitData = substringify(substrings, data);
return exports.match(splitPattern, splitData);
return tryPossibleConfigurations(coefficients, patternLength, dataLength, splitAndMatch);
return exports;
(function(document) {
var domNodes = {
exampleToggle1: document.getElementById('exampleToggle1'),
exampleToggle2: document.getElementById('exampleToggle2'),
exampleContent1: document.getElementById('exampleContent1'),
exampleContent2: document.getElementById('exampleContent2'),
test1: document.getElementById('test1'),
test2: document.getElementById('test2'),
pattern1: document.getElementById('pattern1'),
pattern2: document.getElementById('pattern2'),
data1: document.getElementById('data1'),
data2: document.getElementById('data2'),
result1: document.getElementById('result1'),
result2: document.getElementById('result2')
function toggleOpen() {
this.className = this.className ? '' : 'open';
domNodes.exampleToggle1.addEventListener('click', toggleOpen);
domNodes.exampleToggle2.addEventListener('click', toggleOpen);
domNodes.test1.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
var pattern = domNodes.pattern1.value;
var data = domNodes.data1.value;
if (glorious.match(pattern, data)) {
domNodes.result1.textContent = 'Match';
domNodes.result1.className = 'match';
} else {
domNodes.result1.textContent = 'No match';
domNodes.result1.className = 'nomatch';
return false;
domNodes.test2.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
var pattern = domNodes.pattern2.value;
var data = domNodes.data2.value;
if (glorious.megamatch(pattern, data)) {
domNodes.result2.textContent = 'Match';
domNodes.result2.className = 'match';
} else {
domNodes.result2.textContent = 'No match';
domNodes.result2.className = 'nomatch';
return false;
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// lol
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