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Created November 14, 2016 08:08
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Create a private Twitter list out of someone else's feed so you can read it.
# Create a private Twitter list out of someone else's feed so you can read it.
# The name "ditter" is like "ditto" plus "Twitter" ha ha get it?
# Requires Python, GNU coreutils, and
# Installation:
# $ chmod 777 && mv /usr/local/bin/
# Usage:
# $ ditter <username> [<list_name>]
MY_USERNAME="$(t whoami | grep '^Screen name' | grep -o '[^@]*$')"
t list create --private "$LIST_NAME"
# I aliased GNU split to "gsplit" on my Mac. You may need to change this.
t followings "$THEIR_USERNAME" \
| gsplit -l 100 --filter="xargs t list add \"$LIST_NAME\""
python -mwebbrowser "$MY_USERNAME/lists/$LIST_NAME"
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