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Last active May 3, 2021 15:31
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a few clojure core.logic relations
(ns logic-data-transform.core
(:use [clojure.core.logic])
(:require [clojure.test :as test])
(:require [clojure.core.match :refer [match]]))
(defn assoco
([base & args]
(let [out (last args)
bindings (partition 2 (butlast args))]
(apply conjo base (conj (vec bindings) out)))))
(test/is (= (run* [q]
(assoco q 2 2 {2 2 3 3}))
'({3 3})))
(test/is (= (run* [q]
(assoco q 2 2 3 3 {2 2 3 3}))
(test/is (= (run* [q]
(assoco q 1 2 3 3 {2 2 3 3}))
(defne removeo [x col removed]
([_ [] []])
([_ [x . ys] _]
(removeo x ys removed))
([_ [y . ys] _]
(!= x y)
(fresh [removed%]
(conso y removed% removed)
(removeo x ys removed%))))
(test/is (= (run 1 [q]
(removeo 1 [1 3 1 2] q))
'((3 2))))
(defne uniqifyo [col uniqcol]
([[] []])
([[x . xs] _]
(fresh [no-x uniqcol%]
(conso x uniqcol% uniqcol)
(removeo x xs no-x)
(uniqifyo no-x uniqcol%))))
(test/is (= (run 1 [q]
(uniqifyo [1 1 1] q))
(test/is (= (run 1 [q]
(uniqifyo [1 1 2 1] q))
'((1 2))))
(test/is (= (into #{} (run 3 [q]
(uniqifyo q q)))
'#{[] (_0) ((_0 _1) :- (!= (_0 _1)))}))
(defn uniq-eltso [q] (uniqifyo q q))
(test/is (= (into #{} (run 3 [q] (uniq-eltso q)))
'#{[] (_0) ((_0 _1) :- (!= (_0 _1)))}))
;;; more efficient unique?
(defne drop-while= [x lst dropped]
([_ [] []])
([_ [x . ys] _]
(drop-while= x ys dropped))
([_ [y . _] lst]
(!= y x)))
(test/is (= (run 1 [q]
(drop-while= 1 [1 1 2 3 1] q))
'((2 3 1))))
(test/is (= (run 1 [q]
(drop-while= 1 [1 1 1] q))
(defn rename-keyo [lmap lkey rkey rmap]
(fresh [val basemap]
(conjo basemap [lkey val] lmap)
(conjo basemap [rkey val] rmap)))
(run 1 [q]
(rename-keyo {:x 1} :x :y q))
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