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Created March 9, 2021 21:00
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To import registry (.reg) file using pure PowerShell.
Intended Use
This script was produced to assist with importing registry (.reg) files where the registry
handlers, such as reg.exe or regedit.exe, are blocked from executing.
This is a heavily modified version of the code snippet credit, many thanks to Xeнεi Ξэnвϵς for
providing the heavy lifting.
Known Defects/Bugs
* No known issues with correctly formed registry file. No error checking has been provided for a
malformed registry file.
* Large registry files do take time to import.
Code Snippet Credits
Version History
1.00 2020-03-09
Initial release.
Copyright & Intellectual Property
Feel to copy, modify and redistribute, but please pay credit where it is due.
Feed back is welcome, please contact me on LinkedIn.
Source Code:..
Import-Registry.ps1 [FileName.reg | PathToFileName.reg] [-ImportRecursively] [-WhatIf]
[-VerboseOutput] [-DebugOutput]
Import-Registry.ps1 FileName.reg
Import a single registry file. When a absolute path is not provided, the script will check the
$PSScriptRoot for the registry file.
Import-Registry.ps1 C:\Path\FileName.reg
Import a single registry file with absolute path.
"C:\Path\FileName.reg","C:\AnotherPath\FileName.reg" | .\Import-Registry.ps1
Pipeline regstry files to be imported to the script.
Import-Registry.ps1 -ImportRecursively -WhatIf -VerboseOutput -DebugOutput
Recursively import registry files from the script root and subdirectories, with follow options.
ImportRecursively: Recursively import registry files from the script root and subdirectories.
WhatIf: Preforms WhatIf PowerShell action to evaluate changes.
VerboseOutput: Displays verbose output.
DebugOutput: Displays debug output.
# Start of script work ############################################################################
Begin {
$hive = @{
[system.boolean]$isfolder = $false
$addedpath = @()
if ($VerboseOutput) {
$CurrentVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
Write-Verbose 'Verbose enabled.'
if ($DebugOutput) {
$CurrentDebugPreference = $DebugPreference
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
Write-Debug 'Debug enabled.'
if ($WhatIf) {
Write-Warning 'WhatIf will throw errors if preformed on registry keys or subkey values which do not exist!'
Process {
if ($Path -eq '') {
Write-Verbose '$Path is null, setting $Past to $PSScriptRoot.'
$Path = $PSScriptRoot
} elseif (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\$Path") {
Write-Verbose '$Path was passed a file name only, converting to absolute path.'
$Path = "$PSScriptRoot\$Path"
switch ($ImportRecursively)
$true {$Files = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Force -File | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq '.reg'}).FullName;$isfolder=$true}
$false {if($Path.EndsWith(".reg")){$Files=$Path}}
foreach($File in $Files) {
$Commands = @()
[string]$text = $nul
$FileContent = Get-Content $File | Where-Object {![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
$joinedlines = @()
for ($i = 0;$i -lt $FileContent.count;$i++){
if ($FileContent[$i].EndsWith("\")) {
$text = $text+($FileContent[$i] -replace "\\").trim()
} else {
$joinedlines += $text+$FileContent[$i]
[string]$text = $nul
Write-Debug "Contents of registry file: $((Get-ChildItem $File).Name) `r`n $($joinedlines | Out-String)"
foreach ($joinedline in $joinedlines) {
if ($joinedline -match '\[' -and $joinedline -match '\]' -and $joinedline -match 'HKEY') {
$key = $joinedline -replace '\[|\]'
Write-Debug "Processing registry key: $key"
switch ($key.StartsWith("-HKEY"))
$true {
$key = $key.substring(1,$key.length-1)
$hivename = $key.split('\')[0]
$key = "`"" + ($key -replace $hivename,$hive.$hivename) + "`""
Write-Debug " Registry key remove detected: $key"
if ($Whatif) {
$Commands += 'Remove-Item -Path {0} -Force -Recurse -WhatIf' -f $key
} else {
$Commands += 'Remove-Item -Path {0} -Force -Recurse' -f $key
$false {
$hivename = $key.split('\')[0]
$key = "`"" + ($key -replace $hivename,$hive.$hivename) + "`""
if ($addedpath -notcontains $key) {
Write-Debug " Registry key create/add detected: $key"
if ($Whatif) {
$Commands += 'New-Item -Path {0} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WhatIf | Out-Null'-f $key
} else {
$Commands += 'New-Item -Path {0} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null'-f $key
$addedpath += $key
} else {
Write-Debug " Previous command detected to create key, no need to do work."
elseif ($joinedline -match "`"([^`"=]+)`"=") {
Write-Debug "Processing registry value: $(($joinedline) -replace '`r|`n')"
[System.Boolean]$delete = $false
$value = $null
$name = ($joinedline | Select-String -Pattern "`"([^`"=]+)`"").Matches.Value | Select-Object -First 1
switch ($joinedline)
{$joinedline -match "=-"} {
Write-Debug ' Registry value remove detected.'
if ($Whatif) {
$Commands += 'Remove-ItemProperty -Path {0} -Name {1} -Force -WhatIf' -f $key, $Name;$delete = $true
} else {
$Commands += 'Remove-ItemProperty -Path {0} -Name {1} -Force' -f $key, $Name;$delete = $true
{$joinedline -match '"="'} {
$type = "string"
$value = $joinedline -replace "`"([^`"=]+)`"="
$value = $value -replace '(\\\\)','\'
{$joinedline -match "dword"} {
$type = "dword"
$value = $joinedline -replace "`"([^`"=]+)`"=dword:"
$value = "0x"+$value
{$joinedline -match "qword"} {
$type = "qword"
$value = $joinedline -replace "`"([^`"=]+)`"=qword:"
$value = "0x"+$value
{$joinedline -match "hex(\([2,7,b]\))?:"} {
$value = ($joinedline -replace "`"[^`"=]+`"=hex(\([2,7,b]\))?:").Split(",")
$hextype = ($joinedline | Select-String -Pattern "hex(\([2,7,b]\))?").Matches.Value
switch ($hextype)
'hex(2)' {
$value = for ($i = 0;$i -lt $value.count;$i += 2) {
if ($value[$i] -ne '00') {[string][char][int]('0x'+$value[$i])}
$value = $value -join ""
$value = "'" + $value + "'"
$type = "expandstring"
'hex(7)' {
$value = for ($i = 0;$i -lt $value.count;$i += 2) {
switch ($hextype)
'hex(2)' {if ($value[$i] -ne '00') {[string][char][int]('0x'+$value[$i])}}
'hex(7)' {if ($value[$i] -ne '00') {[string][char][int]('0x'+$value[$i])} else {"\0"}}
$value = $value -join ""
$value = $value.Replace('\0',',')
$value = $value.Substring(0,$value.Length-2)
$value = $value.Split(',') | foreach {"'" + $_ + "'"}
$value = ('@(' + ($value -join ",") + ')')
$type = "multistring"
'hex(b)' {
$type = "qword"
$value = for ($i = $value.count-1;$i -ge 0;$i--) {$value[$i]}
$value = '0x'+($value -join "").trimstart('0')
'hex' {
$type = "binary"
$buildbinaryvalue = $null
$value | foreach {$buildbinaryvalue += '0x' + $_ + ','}
$value = '(' + ($buildbinaryvalue.Substring(0,$buildbinaryvalue.Length-1)) + ')'
if ($delete -eq $false) {
Write-Debug " Registry value add/set detected, the registry type is '$type'."
if ($Whatif) {
$Commands += 'Set-ItemProperty -Path {0} -Name {1} -Type {2} -Value {3} -WhatIf' -f $key, $name, $type, $value
} else {
$Commands += 'Set-ItemProperty -Path {0} -Name {1} -Type {2} -Value {3}' -f $key, $name, $type, $value
elseif ($joinedline -match "@=") {
Write-Debug "Processing registry value: $(($joinedline) -replace '`r|`n')"
Write-Debug ' Registry value add/set detected.'
$name = '"(Default)"';$type = 'string';$value = $joinedline -replace '@='
if ($Whatif) {
$Commands += 'Set-ItemProperty -Path {0} -Name {1} -Type {2} -Value {3} -WhatIf' -f $key, $name, $type, $value
} else {
$Commands += 'Set-ItemProperty -Path {0} -Name {1} -Type {2} -Value {3}' -f $key, $name, $type, $value
$parent = Split-Path $file -Parent
$filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file)
$AllCommands += $Commands
End {
If ($VerboseOutput) {
$AllCommands | foreach {
Write-Verbose "Invoking $_"
Invoke-Expression $_
} else {
$AllCommands | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_}
if ($VerboseOutput) {
Write-Verbose 'Verbose set back to orginal value.'
$VerbosePreference = $CurrentVerbosePreference
if ($DebugOutput) {
Write-Debug 'Debug set back to orginal value.'
$DebugPreference = $CurrentDebugPreference
#<<< End of script work >>>
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