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Created June 22, 2016 10:30
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Manages a shortcut in the desired location for App-V using the appvve hook.
Intended Use
Creates or removes a shortcut on the target system with the desired target,
working directory and swicthes.
Action this script using the App-V DeploymentConfig, using the child elements PublishPackage
and/or UnpublishPackage.
The parameters are as follows.
-SourceExe Path to the executable.
-ArgumentsToSourceExe Arguments for the executable, dont forget to add the appve hook.
-DestinationPath Path where the shortcut.lnk file will be created.
-DeploymentConfig Switch to specify creation of shortcut in all users Start menu.
-UserConfig Switch to specify creation of shortcut in users Start menu.
-Remove Switch to remove the shortcut.
* Create shortcut for all users Start menu.
Manage-Shortcut.ps1 -SourceExe "C:\Program Files\App\App.exe" -ArgumentsToSourceExe "/SomeAppSwitchExample /appvve:PackageIdGuid_VersionIdGuid" -DestinationPath "\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\The App Shortcut.lnk" -DeploymentConfig
* Create shortcut users Start menu.
Manage-Shortcut.ps1 -SourceExe "C:\Program Files\App\App.exe" -ArgumentsToSourceExe "/SomeAppSwitchExample /appvve:PackageIdGuid_VersionIdGuid" -DestinationPath "\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\The App Shortcut.lnk" -UserConfig
* Remove shortcut for all users.
Manage-Shortcut.ps1 -DestinationPath "\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\The App Shortcut.lnk" -DeploymentConfig -Remove
* Remove shortcut user profile.
Manage-Shortcut.ps1 -DestinationPath "\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\The App Shortcut.lnk" -UserConfig -Remove
I had an issue with Word 2013 add-ons and App-V, where it would prompt an warning it needed
repairing. Even though there was almost no registry or VFS files in the package that could
cause the prompt. I wrote this script to create a shortcut with the appvve hook, as that
seemed to work ok.
See this link for more details.
Known Defects/Bugs
* No error checking within this script.
Code Snippet Credits
Version History
1.0 19/05/2016
Initial release.
Copyright & Intellectual Property
Feel to copy, modify and redistribute, but please pay credit where it is due.
Feed back is welcome, please contact me on LinkedIn.
Source Code:..
Create a shortcut with appvve hook for global publishing via DeploymentConfig.xml.
<Arguments>-ExecutionPolicy ByPass -WindowStyle Hidden -File Manage-Shortcut.ps1 -SourceExe "C:\Program Files\App\App.exe" -ArgumentsToSourceExe "/SomeAppSwitchExample /appvve:PackageIdGuid_VersionIdGuid" -DestinationPath "\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\The App Shortcut.lnk" -DeploymentConfig</Arguments>
Create a shortcut with appvve hook for user publishing via UserConfig.xml.
<Arguments>-ExecutionPolicy ByPass -WindowStyle Hidden -File Manage-Shortcut.ps1 -SourceExe "C:\Program Files\App\App.exe" -ArgumentsToSourceExe "/SomeAppSwitchExample /appvve:PackageIdGuid_VersionIdGuid" -DestinationPath "\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\The App Shortcut.lnk" -UserConfig</Arguments>
Remove a shortcut with appvve hook globally published via DeploymentConfig.xml.
<Arguments>-ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Manage-Shortcut.ps1 -DestinationPath "\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\The App Shortcut.lnk" -DeploymentConfig -Remove</Arguments>
Remove a shortcut with appvve hook user published via UserConfig.xml.
<Arguments>-ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Manage-Shortcut.ps1 -DestinationPath "\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\The App Shortcut.lnk" -UserConfig -Remove</Arguments>
Param ([String]$SourceExe,
# Start of script work ############################################################################
If ($DeploymentConfig -eq $True)
{$DestinationPath = $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE + "$DestinationPath"}
If ($UserConfig -eq $True)
{$DestinationPath = $env:AppData + "$DestinationPath"}
If ($Remove -eq $false)
{$WshShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($DestinationPath)
$Shortcut.TargetPath = $SourceExe
$Shortcut.Arguments = $ArgumentsToSourceExe
Else{Remove-Item $DestinationPath -Force}
#<<< End of script work >>>
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