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Last active April 9, 2021 12:52
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Enables Windows 10 Features based on a CSV, with the option to undo/remove.
The CSV file should contain a header, then each feature name that needs to be enabled on a new line.
Update the housekeeping section with required information.
Example CSV contents below.
Code Snippet Credits
Version History
    1.01 06/11/2017
Bug fix pram switch, and actually make the change.
1.00 06/11/2017
Initial release.
Source Code:..
Param ([Switch] $Undo)
# Function List ###################################################################################
Function LogWrite {Param ([String] $LogLine,
[Switch] $EndOfLog)
If ($EndOfLog -eq $True) {Add-content $LogFile -value 'INFO: END OF LOGGING'
Add-content $LogFile -value ''}
Else {Add-content $LogFile -value $LogLine}}
#<<< End Of Function List >>>
# Setting up housekeeping #########################################################################
$ScriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$FeaturesDescription = 'Windows 10 Enable .Net 4.5 for Devlopment'
$FeaturesConfigurationFile = 'List_of_Feature_.csv'
$LogDate = Get-Date -Format 'dd MMMM, yyyy, HH:mm.'
#<<< End of Setting up housekeeping >>>
# Start of script work ############################################################################
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #SilentlyContinue|Continue
If ($Undo -eq $true)
{$Mode = 'Disable'}
Else{$Mode = 'Enable'}
$LogFile = "$env:systemroot\Temp\$((Get-ChildItem "$ScriptPath\$FeaturesConfigurationFile").BaseName)" + '.txt'
LogWrite 'INFO: ****************************************'
LogWrite "INFO: $FeaturesDescription"
LogWrite 'INFO: Author:'
LogWrite 'INFO: Source Script:'
LogWrite "INFO: $LogDate"
LogWrite "INFO: Features Configuration File: $FeaturesConfigurationFile"
LogWrite "INFO: Features Mode: $Mode"
LogWrite 'INFO: ****************************************'
$FeaturesToEnable = Import-Csv "$ScriptPath\$FeaturesConfigurationFile"
$ArrayScriptExitResult = @()
If ($Mode -eq 'Enable')
{#Enable Features in CSV.
ForEach ($_ in $FeaturesToEnable)
{Write-Verbose "Working on feature '$($_.Features)'"
LogWrite "INFO: Working on feature '$($_.Features)'"
$WorkingOnCurrentFeature = $_.Features
If ((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | where {$_.FeatureName -eq "$WorkingOnCurrentFeature"}).State -ne 'Enabled')
{Write-Verbose ' Feature is disabled, will enabled.'
LogWrite 'INFO: Feature is disabled, will enabled.'
$FeatureObject = Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $WorkingOnCurrentFeature -NoRestart
If ($? -eq $true)
{Write-Verbose 'Feature was enabled OK.'
LogWrite 'INFO: Feature was enabled OK.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += '0'
If ($FeatureObject.RestartNeeded -eq $true)
{$ArrayScriptExitResult += '3010'}}
Else{Write-Warning 'Error in enabling feature.'
LogWrite 'ERROR: Error in enabling feature.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += 1}}
Else{Write-Verbose ' Feature already enabled!'
LogWrite 'INFO: Feature already enabled!'}}}
Else{#Disable Features in CSV.
ForEach ($_ in $FeaturesToEnable)
{Write-Verbose "Working on feature '$($_.Features)'"
LogWrite "INFO: Working on feature '$($_.Features)'"
$WorkingOnCurrentFeature = $_.Features
If ((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | where {$_.FeatureName -eq "$WorkingOnCurrentFeature"}).State -ne 'Disabled')
{Write-Verbose ' Feature is enabled, will disabled.'
LogWrite 'INFO: Feature is enabled, will disabled.'
$FeatureObject = Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $WorkingOnCurrentFeature -NoRestart
If ($? -eq $true)
{Write-Verbose 'Feature was disabled OK.'
LogWrite 'INFO: Feature was disabled OK.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += '0'
If ($FeatureObject.RestartNeeded -eq $true)
{$ArrayScriptExitResult += '3010'}}
Else{Write-Warning 'Error in disabling feature.'
LogWrite 'ERROR: Error in disabling feature.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += 1}}
Else{Write-Verbose ' Feature already disabled!'
LogWrite 'INFO: Feature already disabled!'}}}
$SuccessCodes = @('Example','0','3010','True') #List all success codes, including reboots here.
$SuccessButNeedsRebootCodes = @('Example','3010') #List success but needs reboot code here.
$ScriptError = $ArrayScriptExitResult | Where-Object {$SuccessCodes -notcontains $_} #Store errors found in this variable
$ScriptReboot = $ArrayScriptExitResult | Where-Object {$SuccessButNeedsRebootCodes -contains $_} #Store success but needs reboot in this variable
If ($ScriptError -eq $null) #If ScriptError is empty, then everything processed ok.
{If ($ScriptReboot -ne $null) #If ScriptReboot is not empty, then everything processed ok, but just needs a reboot.
{$ScriptExitResult = 'Reboot'}
Else{$ScriptExitResult = '0'}}
Else{$ScriptExitResult = 'Error'}
Switch ($ScriptExitResult)
{'0' {LogWrite 'INFO: Processing of file complete. Return Result: 0.'
LogWrite -EndOfLog
Return '0'}
'Reboot' {LogWrite 'INFO: Processing of file complete. Return Result: 3010.'
LogWrite -EndOfLog
Return '3010'}
'Error' {LogWrite 'INFO: Processing of file complete. Return Result: 1.'
LogWrite -EndOfLog
Return 'Error'}
Default {LogWrite 'Error: Default/Null return on switch statement!'
LogWrite -EndOfLog
Return 'Null'}}
#<<< End of script work >>>
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