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Last active August 1, 2019 16:10
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GIT commands + workflow cheatsheet

• Add Origin

- Sync your local repo to a RE-NAMED repo on github

git remote set-url origin

- Add a new dir project to an existing (previously created) repo

git remote add origin

- Find what remote url owns a given repo

git remote show origin


- Hyperlinks

[CakePHP]( - The rapid development PHP framework

- Images

![alt text](app.png?raw=true "app image")

- Write text with "code syntax" on

  • Wrap text with backticks. i.e. index.js


- Clone repo from a specific commit ie: first commit

git clone --depth=1 <your-project-name>


- Stage and commit

git commit -a -m 'message'

- Fixes typos on last commit messages

$ git commit --amend -m 'new message'

- Undo commit

git reset HEAD~

- Rollback a github repository to a specific commit

git reset --hard 'your_commit_id' git push -f -u origin master

- See all unpushed commits or commits that are not in another branch

git cherry -v

- Compare against another (upstream) branch like:

git cherry -v origin/somebranch

- SQUASH Commits

  • git rebase -i HEAD~N
  • On VIM: CW, esc, . (this will change the desired word and period will repeat the previous actions)
  • Pass the desired flag before each commit message
  • You may need to use -f when pushing if your rebased branch was previously pushed before

- Amend Most Recent Commit Message

git commit --amend


- Delete file from repo

git rm file_name

- Permanently Delete a repo, caution with rf

rm -rf .git

- How to remove a dir ex: .idea or node_modules from existing github repo.

git rm -r --cached .idea

- Create and/or remove files

echo '.idea' >> .gitignore,
git rm -r --cached .idea,
git add .gitignore,
git commit -m 'your msg',
git push 

- Undo a git init

If you just inited it, you can just delete it:

rm -rf .git


- Force a push to master branch

git push -f -u origin master


- Create and checkout branch

git checkout -b <branch-name>

- Delete a branch

git branch -d <branch-name>

- Delete remote branch

git push origin --delete branch-name

- Rename a branch

git branch -m <new_name>

- Create a branch

git branch <branch-name>

- Checkout a Branch

git checkout <branch_name>

- List Remote Branches

git branch ls-remote git branch -a

- Fetch Newly Created Branches

git fetch

- List Current Branch

git branch


- To see log and commits on a branch graph

git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph

- One Line Log

git log --oneline

- Log History

git log
git log <filename>


- See changes before commit

git diff

hit enter

q ends it

- See differance between master and local branch before merging

git diff master ..branch-name


- To type/insert: type i

- When finished editing the file, click the esc key

- To save: type :wq, then press enter

- To quit: type :q!, then press enter

- To change word: type cw

- To delete type dd

- To undo type u

• Linux Commands

- print file on cli

cat file_name

- create new dir and file at the same time

mkdir name && touch name/file.js

- remove a file

rm file_name

- remove a dir

rm -r dir_name

- to move files

mv file_name path

- Toggle between directories

cd -

- Clean terminal window

  • ctr l
  • cmd k
  • ctr u

- Bring Cursor Back to begining of line

ctr a

- Bring Cursor back by one word

ctr e

- Delete the word immediately before, or to the left of, the cursor.

ctl w

- Move cursor to the next word on the line

esc f

- Move cursor to the next word on the line

esc b

• Merge and/or Discard

- Discard Changes to file

git checkout -- file_name

- Discard Changes to all files

git checkout -- .

- Unstage a added file

git reset HEAD file_name

- Fast Forward Merge

git checkout master
git merge branch-name

- Certify what branches were merged

git branch --merged

- 3-way Merge

git merge branch-name

• Merge Conflicts

- Abort a merge during a merge conflict situation

git merge --abort

- Checkout a commit directly, not through a branch, results in a detached HEAD state

git checkout (commit-hash)

- Merging changes from a remote branch

- Make sure you have the latest data from upstream

git fetch upstream

- Create and switch to a new branch based on master to explore the conflict

git checkout -b explore-conflict upstream/master

- Now try merging the unmergeable-branch into it

git merge upstream/unmergeable-branch

- Fix Conflits, then:

git add file-name, git commit -m "fixed conflict"

ps: Create new branches when resolving conflicts

  • Branches are cheap and disposable.
  • Rather than risk messing up the branch you’ve been working on, create a new one specially for the purpose of discovering what sort of conflicts arise, and to give you a place to work on resolving them without disturbing your work so far.


- Save changes for later use:

git stash

- See list of stashed changes:

git stash list

- See all edits done on previous stashes points:

git stash list -p

- To show files changed in the last stash:

git stash show

- To view the content of the most recent stash:

git stash show -p

- To view the content of an arbitrary stash:

git stash show -p stash@{1}

- Apply stashed changes (applies the most recent one)

git stash apply

- Apply a specific stashed change

git stash list
git stash apply <label-name>

- Discard a stash

git stash pop

- Add message w/ stash

git stash save "message"

- To clear all of stashes at once:

git stash clear


- Pull all changes

git pull --all


- Incorporate origin master changes

git checkout master
git fetch
git merge origin/master


- Incorporate upstream master changes

git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

PS: Note that here instead of git fetch followed by git merge, you could have run git pull. The pull operation does two things: it fetches updates from your GitHub fork (origin), AND merges them. However, be warned that occasionally git pull won’t always work in the way you expect, and doing things the explicit way helps make what you are doing clearer. git fetch followed by git merge is generally the safer option.

• Workflow

fork > clone > branch > edit > stage > commit > push > pull request > merge


- When you ready to push, do it from your local branch

push origin <local-branch>

- Send pull request from your local branch

- Keeping master ‘clean’

You could of course have merged your new branch into your master branch, and sent me a pull request from that. But, once again, it’s a good policy to keep your master branch, on GitHub too, clean of changes you make, and only to pull things into it from upstream.

In fact the same thing goes for other branches on my upstream that you want to work with. Keeping them clean isn’t strictly necessary, but it’s nice to know that you’ll always be able to pull changes from upstream without having to tidy up merge conflicts.

• Obscure Errors

- Remote rejected (shallow update not allowed) ERROR
- This means that you have to unshallow your repository. To do so you will need to add your old remote again.

git remote add old <path-to-old-remote>

- After that we use git fetch to fetch the remaining history from the old remote

git fetch --unshallow old

• Alias Examples

alias gs='git status '
alias ga='git add '
alias gb='git branch '
alias gc='git commit'
alias gd='git diff'
alias go='git checkout '
alias gk='gitk --all&'
alias gx='gitx --all'

• Work flow

git branch git checkout master

Once on master and ready to pull updates, use the following:

git fetch git merge origin/master

Now that I am all up to date with the remote repo, I'll create a branch

git checkout -b branch-name git branch

Edit and commit

git commit -am 'my message in present tense'

Push local branch

git push origin branch-name

Tracking remote branches

git branch -r

To keep my local repo 100% in sync with deleted remote branches, I make use of this command:

The -p or --prune flag, after fetching, will remove any remote-tracking branches which no longer exist. git fetch -p

Pull request - Once the reviewer has approved the editors updates...

git checkout my-feature-branch git pull origin branch-name

Make sure that the feature branch is up to date with master, while in the feature branch, execrate the following:

git pull origin master

Now that I know that the feature branch is up to date with the remote repo and that it has the latest code from master, I can now merge these branches

git checkout master git pull origin master git merge --no-ff my-feature-branch

Notice the --no-ff flag in the merge command. This flag keeps the repo branching history from flattening out. If I were to look at the history of this branch, using GitX for example, when using the --no-ff flag, I will see the appropriate bump illustrating the history of the feature branch. This is helpful information. If I didn't use this flag, then Git will move the commit pointer forward.

Now that I have merged the code, the feature branch by definition is obsolete. First, delete the branch from the local repo.

git branch -d branch-name


If the feature branch was pushed to the repo, as it should have been per the workflow we described, you will want to delete this from the remote repo as well...

git push origin --delete my-feature-branch

PS: My branch was rejected?

AKA: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind

This is a special case when working on a team and the branch I am are pushing is out of sync with the remote. To address this, it's simple, pull the latest changes: git pull origin branch-name

• Greyed out icon on remote GitHub directories

git rm --cached <folder_name>
git add .
git commit -m "<your_message>"
git push --all

• How to add SSH keys to your github/gilab

  • Create the key $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "$"

To accept the default path just hit Enter on your keyboard

  • View the Public Key $ cat ~/.ssh/

Your key will appear – copy the key text starting from ssh-rsa all the way to your username/host.

  • Add the Key to Your GitLab/GitHhub Profile

  • To avoid entering a passphrase everytime $ ssh-add

• How to Fork and PR to main Stream from your Fork

  • Fork the desired repo
  • Check for the remote version $ git remote -v
  • Add the Main Repo (the one you forked from) as remote upstream $ git remote add upstream 'main_repo_url'
  • Pull latest upstream changes $ git pull upstream master
  • Pull latest upstream changes w/ rebase $ git pull --rebase upstream master

• GitLens- How to Compare Changes Between Branches

  • On VSC >GitLens:Compare Working Tree With...
  • Choose desired option

• Git Config

  • Set a Git username: $ git config --global "Mona Lisa"
  • Confirm that you have set the Git username correctly: $ git config --global > Mona Lisa
  • Repeat process for $ git config --global

• Commit History Trouble Shooting

  • git reset --soft HEAD~1
  • stash your changes
  • git reset --hard HEAD~10
  • Merge Origin Master
  • stash apply
  • stage, commit and force push your branch
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