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GSettings array manipulation made easy from CLI. Implements ls, insert, pop, rm, sort and dedup operations

GSettings Array Manipulator

Welcome to the GSettings Array Manipulator, a powerful command-line tool designed to simplify and streamline your interactions with GSettings arrays. With this tool, you can perform a variety of tasks, from inserting items into an array to sorting and deduplicating items, all with a few simple commands.


  • Insert: Add one or more items to your array at a specified index.
  • List: Display all items in your array, each on a new line.
  • Sort: Sort all items in your array.
  • Deduplicate: Remove duplicate items from your array.
  • Pop: Print and remove the item at a specified index.
  • Remove: Delete one or more items from your array.
  • Clear: Remove all items from your array.


You can download and make the script executable using the following commands:

chmod +x


The general usage of the GSettings Array Manipulator is as follows:


Replace COMMAND with one of the available commands listed in the Features section.

For detailed usage instructions for each command, use the -h or --help option after the command, like so:



Here are some examples of how to use the various commands:

  1. Insert Command:

    gsettings-array insert --dedup "org.gnome.desktop.input-sources" "sources" 0 "('xkb', 'us+cz_sk_de')"

    This command inserts the tuple ('xkb', 'us+cz_sk_de') at index 0 in the sources array of the org.gnome.desktop.input-sources schema. The --dedup option ensures that no duplicates will be present in the array.

  2. List Command:

    gsettings-array ls "org.gnome.desktop.input-sources" "sources"

    This command lists all items in the sources array of the org.gnome.desktop.input-sources schema.

  3. Sort Command:

    gsettings-array sort "org.gnome.desktop.input-sources" "sources"

    This command sorts all items in the sources array of the org.gnome.desktop.input-sources schema.

  4. Deduplicate Command:

    gsettings-array dedup "org.gnome.desktop.input-sources" "sources"

    This command removes duplicate items from the sources array of the org.gnome.desktop.input-sources schema.

  5. Pop Command:

    gsettings-array pop "org.gnome.desktop.input-sources" "sources" 0

    This command prints and removes the item at index 0 from the sources array of the org.gnome.desktop.input-sources schema.

  6. Remove Command:

    gsettings-array rm "org.gnome.desktop.input-sources" "sources" "('xkb', 'us+cz_sk_de')"

    This command removes the tuple ('xkb', 'us+cz_sk_de') from the sources array of the org.gnome.desktop.input-sources schema.

  7. Clear Command:

    gsettings-array clear "org.gnome.desktop.input-sources" "sources"

    This command removes all items from the sources array of the org.gnome.desktop.input-sources schema.

GSettings GVariant Value Types

Official docs:

Each value type in GSettings has a unique representation. Here's how you can set different types of values in dconf:

String (s)

A string is a sequence of characters.

'my-string-value'  # Example of a string

Boolean (b)

A boolean represents a truth value and can be either true or false.

false  # Example of a boolean

Integer (i)

An integer is a number without a fractional component.

10  # Example of an integer

Array (a)

An array is an ordered collection of values.

['foo', 'bar', 'baz']  # Example of an array of strings (`as`)
[10, 20, 30]  # Example of an array of integers (`ai`)

Tuple ((ss), (si), (sib), (s(is)), etc.)

A tuple is an ordered collection of values that may have different types.

('my-string', 10)  # Example of a tuple consisting of a string and an integer (`si`)
('yet-another-string', 30, false)  # Example of a tuple consisting of a string, an integer, and a boolean (`sib`)
('tuple-string', (50, 'inner-string'))  # Example of a tuple consisting of a string and another tuple (`s(is)`)

Note: The short syntax is represented in parentheses for each type: s for string, b for boolean, i for integer, a for array, and parentheses with types inside for tuple. For example, a(ss) represents an array of tuples, each containing two strings.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ANNO DOMINI 2024 Jan Chren (rindeal) <dev.rindeal(a)>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
import sys
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 11)
import argparse
import copy
import enum
from typing import Generator
from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
PROG = "gsettings-array"
AUTHOR = "Jan Chren (rindeal)"
URL = ""
LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only"
class args_auto:
class ArgsMeta(type):
def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict):
classdict.update({k: k.lower() for k, v in classdict.items() if isinstance(v, args_auto)})
return super().__new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict)
class ArgsBase:
def _arg_dir(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
return (k for k in dir(self) if k[0] != '_' and k.replace('_', '').islower())
def __init__(self, args_ns: argparse.Namespace):
for key in self._arg_dir():
attr_val = getattr(self, key)
if hasattr(args_ns, key):
attr_t = type(attr_val)
new_val = attr_t(getattr(args_ns, key))
new_val = copy.copy(attr_val)
setattr(self, key, new_val)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
attributes = ", ".join(f"{k}={getattr(self, k)!r}" for k in self._arg_dir())
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({attributes})"
class ArgCmdName(enum.StrEnum):
_ = ''
LS =
RM =
class _UpdaterCmdName(enum.StrEnum):
_ = ''
class Args(ArgsBase, metaclass=ArgsMeta):
CMD = args_auto(); cmd: ArgCmdName = ArgCmdName('')
SCHEMA = args_auto(); schema: str = str()
KEY = args_auto(); key: str = str()
INDEX = args_auto(); index: int = int(sys.maxsize)
ITEMS = args_auto(); items: list[str] = list()
UPDATER = args_auto(); updater: _UpdaterCmdName = _UpdaterCmdName('')
OPT_SORT = args_auto(); opt_sort: bool = bool(False)
OPT_REVERSE = args_auto(); opt_reverse: bool = bool(False)
OPT_DEDUP = args_auto(); opt_dedup: bool = bool(False)
OPT_CLEAR = args_auto(); opt_clear: bool = bool(False)
# OPT_CHECK_UPDATE = args_auto(); opt_check_update: bool = bool(False)
class Updater:
URL = ""
CmdName = _UpdaterCmdName
def handle_args(cls, args: Args) -> int | str:
if args.updater in {cls.CmdName.CHECK, cls.CmdName.DIFF}:
print_diff = cls.CmdName.DIFF == args.updater
is_update_available, err = cls.check_for_update(print_diff=print_diff)
if print_diff:
return 0
if is_update_available:
print("Update is available!")
print("Download it from", Updater.URL)
return 0
if err:
return f"Error occurred when checking for an update: '{err}'"
print("No update available.")
return 61 # ENODATA 61 No data available
elif cls.CmdName.UPDATE == args.updater:
return 0
assert False
def check_for_update(cls, local_path: str = __file__, remote_url: str = '', print_diff: bool = False) -> tuple[bool, str]:
- (True, '') if there are updates
- (False, '') if there are no updates
- (False, error_message) if there was and error
import os
import urllib.request
if not remote_url:
remote_url = cls.URL
response = urllib.request.urlopen(remote_url)
if response.getcode() != 200:
return False, "Failed to get a successful response from the server."
remote_info =
remote_size: str | int | None = remote_info.get('Content-Length')
if remote_size is None:
return False, "Could not retrieve 'Content-Length' of the remote file."
remote_size = int(remote_size)
if remote_size < 1e3:
return False, "Remote file size is too small"
if remote_size > 1e6:
return False, "Remote file size is too big"
local_size = os.path.getsize(local_path)
if not print_diff and local_size != remote_size:
return True, ''
remote_content ='utf-8')
with open(local_path, 'r') as f:
local_content =
if print_diff:
import difflib
def generate_unified_diff(old_content: str, new_content: str, file_name: str) -> str:
"""Generate a unified diff between old_content and new_content."""
difflines = difflib.unified_diff(
fromfile=f"Old '{file_name}'",
tofile=f"New '{file_name}'",
return ''.join(list(difflines)).strip()
diff = generate_unified_diff(local_content, remote_content, PROG)
return (True, '') if remote_content != local_content else (False, '')
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
return False, f"An error occurred while trying to access the URL: {e}"
except OSError as e:
return False, f"An error occurred while trying to access the local file: {e}"
class App:
def _parse_args(raw_arg_list: list[str] | None = None) -> Args:
indent = " " * 4
main_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Manipulate GSettings arrays.',
indent*0 + "additional information:",
indent*1 + f'''Docs: {URL}''',
indent*1 + f'''Copyright: {COPYRIGHT}''',
indent*1 + f'''License: {LICENSE}''',
# main_parser.add_argument('--check-for-update', dest=Args.OPT_CHECK_UPDATE, help="Check Gist GitHub for an update to this utility.", action='store_true')
cmdpar = main_parser.add_subparsers(metavar='COMMAND', dest=Args.CMD, help="Task to perform on the array. Available commands are:", required=True)
C = ArgCmdName
P = {
C.INSERT: cmdpar.add_parser(C.INSERT, help="Insert one or more items starting at a specified index."),
C.LS: cmdpar.add_parser(C.LS, help="List all items in the array, each on a new line."),
C.SORT: cmdpar.add_parser(C.SORT, help="Sort all items in the array."),
C.DEDUP: cmdpar.add_parser(C.DEDUP, help="Remove duplicated items from the array."),
C.POP: cmdpar.add_parser(C.POP, help="Print and remove the item at a specified index."),
C.RM: cmdpar.add_parser(C.RM, help="Remove one or more items from the array."),
C.CLEAR: cmdpar.add_parser(C.CLEAR, help="Clear all items from the array."),
updater_parser = cmdpar.add_parser(C.UPDATER, help="Check updates for this tool and possibly update itself.")
upcmdpar = updater_parser.add_subparsers(metavar='COMMAND', dest=Args.UPDATER, required=True)
UC = Updater.CmdName
upcmdpar.add_parser(UC.CHECK, help="Check for updates.")
upcmdpar.add_parser(UC.DIFF, help="Display unified diff with new changes.")
upcmdpar.add_parser(UC.UPDATE, help="Perform self-update.")
for p in P.values():
p.add_argument(metavar='SCHEMA', dest=Args.SCHEMA, help="GSettings schema, eg. `org.gnome.desktop.input-sources`")
p.add_argument(metavar='KEY', dest=Args.KEY, help="GSettings key, eg. `sources`")
for p in (P[C.INSERT], P[C.POP]):
p.add_argument(metavar='INDEX', dest=Args.INDEX, help="Array index, 0 = first, ..., -1 = last", type=int)
for p in (P[C.INSERT], P[C.RM]):
p.add_argument(metavar='ITEM', dest=Args.ITEMS, help="Value formatted according to the array's inner type. Use `gsettings range` command to inspect array type.", nargs=argparse.ONE_OR_MORE)
for p in (P[C.INSERT],):
p.add_argument('--clear', dest=Args.OPT_CLEAR, help="Run `clear` before main task", action='store_true')
for p in (P[C.INSERT], P[C.POP], P[C.RM]):
p.add_argument('--sort', dest=Args.OPT_SORT, help="Run `sort` after main task", action='store_true')
for p in (P[C.INSERT], P[C.POP], P[C.RM], P[C.SORT]):
p.add_argument('--reverse', dest=Args.OPT_REVERSE, help="Reverse orientation of the sort", action='store_true')
p.add_argument('--dedup', dest=Args.OPT_DEDUP, help="Run `dedup` after main task", action='store_true')
args_ns = main_parser.parse_args(raw_arg_list)
args = Args(args_ns)
if args.opt_reverse and not (args.opt_sort or ArgCmdName.SORT == args.cmd):
main_parser.error("--reverse requires --sort or sort command")
return args
def _maybe_get_schema(schema_str: str) -> Gio.SettingsSchema | None:
default_source = Gio.SettingsSchemaSource.get_default()
schema = Gio.SettingsSchemaSource.lookup(default_source, schema_str, True)
return schema
def _quote_strings(items: list):
checkers = {
'is_bool': lambda s: s.lower() in {'true', 'false'},
'is_array': lambda s: s[0] == '[' and s[-1] == ']',
'is_tuple': lambda s: s[0] == '(' and s[-1] == ')',
'is_string': lambda s: (s[0], s[-1]) in {('"',)*2, ("'",)*2},
'is_number': lambda s: s.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit()
quoted = []
for item in items:
if item and not any(checker(item) for checker in checkers.values()):
quote = '"' if "'" in item else "'"
item = quote + item.replace(quote, "\\" + quote) + quote
return quoted
def _main(cls, args: Args) -> int | str:
if ArgCmdName.UPDATER == args.cmd:
return Updater.handle_args(args)
schema = cls._maybe_get_schema(args.schema)
if not schema:
return f"Error: Schema not found: schema=`{args.schema}`\n{args}"
if not schema.has_key(args.key):
return f"Error: Key not found: key=`{args.key}`\n{args}"
array_type = schema.get_key(args.key).get_value_type()
if not array_type.is_array():
return f"Error: Key not an array: type=`{array_type.dup_string()}`\n{args}"
gsettings =
old_array = gsettings[args.key]
should_print_diff = args.cmd not in (ArgCmdName.LS, )
if should_print_diff:
print("Old value:", old_array, file=sys.stderr)
input_array_str = "[%s]" % ",".join(cls._quote_strings(args.items)) if args.items else "[]"
parsed_array = GLib.Variant.parse(array_type, input_array_str)
if ArgCmdName.LS == args.cmd:
for item in cls._quote_strings(old_array):
if ArgCmdName.CLEAR == args.cmd or args.opt_clear:
old_array = gsettings[args.key] = []
if ArgCmdName.INSERT == args.cmd:
i = args.index
if i < 0:
i += len(old_array) + 1
gsettings[args.key] = old_array[:i] + list(parsed_array) + old_array[i:]
if ArgCmdName.POP == args.cmd and len(old_array):
i = args.index
mn, mx = -len(old_array), len(old_array)
if mn <= i < mx:
if i < 0:
i += len(old_array)
gsettings[args.key] = old_array[:i] + old_array[i + 1:]
return f"Error: Index out of bounds, must be: {mn} <= INDEX < {mx}"
if ArgCmdName.RM == args.cmd:
gsettings[args.key] = [x for x in old_array if x not in parsed_array]
if ArgCmdName.DEDUP == args.cmd or args.opt_dedup:
# use dict.fromkeys() since set() doesn't preserve order
gsettings[args.key] = list(dict.fromkeys(old_array).keys())
if ArgCmdName.SORT == args.cmd or args.opt_sort:
new_arr = sorted(old_array)
if args.opt_reverse:
new_arr = reversed(new_arr)
gsettings[args.key] = new_arr
# Writes made to a GSettings are handled asynchronously.
# Without sync(), new changes won't take effect at all!
if should_print_diff:
print("New value:", gsettings[args.key], file=sys.stderr)
return 0
def run(cls, args: list[str] | None = None) -> int | str:
return cls._main(cls._parse_args(args))
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = App()
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