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Last active December 15, 2015 07:59
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  • Save ringe/5227717 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ringe/5227717 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Say you want to export all your Exchange mailboxes to PST files, but would like to know which Active Directory "Windows" user names the mailboxes belongs to. Turns out it's not straightforward, unless there's something I don't get. First: Export a list of all AD users by their name, including their username - the one used in "DOMAIN\username", y…
# Then this in Exchange Management Shell
$Location = "\\server\pstexport"
New-Item -path $Location -name "migrate.txt" -type File -force
Add-Content "$Location\migrate.txt" "datasourceuser,destinationuser"
# Create a hash table of Exchange mailboxes
$mailboxes = @{}
Get-Mailbox | Select-Object name, alias |
ForEach-Object { $mailboxes.Add($, $_.alias) }
$reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText("c:\allusers.txt")
try { for(;;) {
$line = $reader.ReadLine()
if ($line -eq $null) { break }
# process the line
$name, $SamAccountName = $line.Split(",")
$ss = $name, $SamAccountName, $alias
$alias = $mailboxes.Get_Item("$name")
$ismbx = $mailboxes.ContainsKey($name)
$notspecial = $alias -notmatch [regex]::escape("{")
if (($ismbx) -and ($notspecial)) {
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $alias -FilePath "$Location\$alias.pst"
Add-Content "$Location\migrate.txt" "$alias.pst,$SamAccountName"
} }
finally {
# Run this in the Active Directory Module for Powershell
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Name |
select-object name,SamAccountName |
convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation |
% { $_ -replace '"', ""} |
out-file c:\allusers.txt -fo -en unicode
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adom503 commented Sep 24, 2013

Great project to export mailboxes by identifying Active directory user name. However exchange server gets corrupted or peoples want an automated way to export exchange mailboxes into pst file then help of an excellent exchange edb converter ( ) is much appreciated. As I know, this is a way only to export mailboxes from offline or dismounted or corrupted edb file.

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