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Created July 28, 2016 10:00
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Maximum users of an application, limit license usage on Windows Terminal Server
# name of procsess we are tracking
$limited_process = "notepad.exe"
# limit of instances we allow
$user_limit = 3
# Limit reached message and title
$message = "Too many users! They are:"
$title = "No more notepad"
$msgbox = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]
$processes = (Get-WmiObject win32_process -Filter "name='$($limited_process)'")
$users = Foreach ($proc in $processes) { $proc.getowner().User }
$names = ($users -join ', ').ToUpper()
if ($users.count -eq $user_limit) {
$msgbox::Show("$($message) $($names)", $title)
} else {
start $limited_process
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