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Last active December 22, 2015 15:58
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-- othello.hs
-- To run...
-- Prelude> control initialBoard initialTurn
-- controls...
-- cursor keys => move cursor
-- Z key => put stones
-- P key => pass the turn
-- Q key => quit
-- Problems...
-- The cursor input doesn't work good...
-- The better solution should be using Graphic Libraries.
-- libraries for screen
cls :: IO ()
cls = putStr "\ESC[2J"
type Pos = (Int, Int)
goto :: Pos -> IO ()
goto (x,y) = putStr ("\ESC[" ++ show y ++ ";" ++ show x ++ "H")
writeat :: Pos -> String -> IO ()
writeat p xs = do goto p
putStr xs
seqn :: [IO a] -> IO ()
seqn [] = return ()
seqn (a:as) = do a
seqn as
-- main
type Board = [[Pos]]
data Turn = Black | White
deriving (Eq,Show)
width :: Int
width = 8
height :: Int
height = 8
boxU :: String
boxU = "+" ++ concat (replicate width "-+")
boxD :: String
boxD = "|" ++ concat (replicate width " |")
keys :: String
keys = "\ESC-[-A\ESC-[B\ESC-[C\ESC-[DZzPpQq\ESC"
showBoard :: IO ()
showBoard = seqn [writeat (1,y) xs | (y,xs) <- strlist]
strlist = zip [1..(height*2+1)] bs
bs = mkls boxU boxD
mkls u d = u:d:mkls u d
-- [[White],[Black],[Cursor]]
initialBoard :: Board
initialBoard = [[(4,4),(5,5)],[(4,5),(5,4)],[(4,4)]]
initialTurn :: Turn
initialTurn = Black
writePos :: Pos -> Pos
writePos (x,y) = (x*2,y*2)
showStones :: Board -> IO ()
showStones b = seqn ( [writeat (writePos p) "O" | p <- b!!0]
++ [writeat (writePos p) "X" | p <- b!!1] )
showTurn :: Turn -> IO ()
showTurn t = writeat (1,height*2+2) ("It's " ++ show t ++ " turn!")
control :: Board -> Turn -> IO ()
control b t = do
showStones b
showTurn t
goto . writePos . head $ b!!2
c <- getChar
if elem c keys then
process b t c
control b t
process :: Board -> Turn -> Char -> IO ()
process b t c
| elem c "\ESC-[-A" = cursor 0 7 b t -- Upper
| elem c "\ESC-[-B" = cursor 0 3 b t -- Lower
| elem c "\ESC-[-C" = cursor 1 2 b t -- Right
| elem c "\ESC-[-D" = cursor 7 2 b t -- Left
| elem c "Zz" = chkSetStone b t
| elem c "Pp" = control b (chTurn t)
| otherwise = quit
quit :: IO ()
quit = goto (1,height*2+3)
cursor :: Int -> Int -> Board -> Turn -> IO ()
cursor x y b = control [b!!0, b!!1, [newpos]]
oldpos = head $ b!!2
newposx = if fst oldpos + x <= width then fst oldpos + x else fst oldpos + x - width
newposy = if snd oldpos + y <= height then snd oldpos + y else snd oldpos + y - height
newpos = (newposx, newposy)
chkSetStone :: Board -> Turn -> IO ()
chkSetStone b t | isStoneHere b = control b t
| otherwise = chkSandedStone b t
isStoneHere :: Board -> Bool
isStoneHere b = (elem (head $ b!!2) $ b!!0) || (elem (head $ b!!2) $ b!!1)
aroundCell :: Board -> Turn -> [Pos]
aroundCell b t | t == Black = [ (x+m, y+n) | (x,y) <- b!!2, m <- [-1..1], n <- [-1..1], elem (x+m, y+n) $ b!!0 ]
| otherwise = [ (x+m, y+n) | (x,y) <- b!!2, m <- [-1..1], n <- [-1..1], elem (x+m, y+n) $ b!!1 ]
chkSandedStone :: Board -> Turn -> IO ()
chkSandedStone b t | chkLine b t = setStone (turnedStones b t) t
| otherwise = control b t
chkLine :: Board -> Turn -> Bool
chkLine b t = or . map (isSanded b t) $ arLines b t
isSanded :: Board -> Turn -> [Pos] -> Bool
isSanded _ _ [] = False
isSanded b t (x:xs) | isMine b t x = True
| isMine b (chTurn t) x = isSanded b t xs
| otherwise = False
arLines :: [[Pos]] -> Turn -> [[Pos]]
arLines b t = map (takeWhile isInBoard . arLine pos) $ aroundCell b t
where pos = head $ b!!2
arLine (x,y) (z,w) = (z,w) : arLine (z,w) (2*z-x,2*w-y)
isInBoard :: Pos -> Bool
isInBoard (x,y) = and [x <= 8 , x >= 0, y <= 8, y >= 0]
turnedStones :: Board -> Turn -> Board
turnedStones b t | t == Black = [reduced $ b!!0, added $ b!!1, b!!2]
| otherwise = [added $ b!!0, reduced $ b!!1, b!!2]
sandedLines = [ xs | xs <- arLines b t, isSanded b t xs]
sandedStones b t (x:xs) | isMine b (chTurn t) x = x:sandedStones b t xs
| otherwise = []
ssList = concat $ map (sandedStones b t) sandedLines
reduced xs = filter (\x -> not $ elem x ssList) xs
added xs = xs ++ ssList
setStone :: Board -> Turn -> IO ()
setStone b t | t == Black = control [b!!0, b!!1 ++ b!!2, b!!2] (chTurn t)
| otherwise = control [b!!0 ++ b!!2, b!!1, b!!2] (chTurn t)
isMine :: Board -> Turn -> Pos -> Bool
isMine b t p | t == Black = elem p $ b!!1
| otherwise = elem p $ b!!0
chTurn :: Turn -> Turn
chTurn t | t == Black = White
| otherwise = Black
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