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Last active December 14, 2015 18:19
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El script que he usado para las gráficas y El segundo fichero saca El siguiente enlace permite acceder a los mismos datos que he usado yo (tiene información de más países, yo me he quedado c…
# Eustat data analysis
eustat <- read.csv(file = "/tmp/ilc_di01_1_Data.csv", na.string = ":")
eustat$Value <- gsub(" ", "", eustat$Value)
eustat$Value <- as.numeric(eustat$Value)
spain <- eustat[eustat$GEO == "Spain" &
eustat$CURRENCY == "Purchasing Power Standard" &
eustat$INDIC_IL == "Top cut-off point",
c("QUANTILE", "TIME", "Value")]
spain$QUANTILE2 <- reorder(spain$QUANTILE, spain$Value, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
spain$val.first <- rep(spain[spain$TIME == 1995, "Value"],
each = length(unique(spain$TIME)))
p <- ggplot(data = spain) + geom_line(aes(x = TIME, y = Value)) +
facet_wrap(~ QUANTILE2, nrow = 2) + xlab("\nAño") +
ylab("Ingresos [PPS]\n") + ggtitle("Evolución de los ingresos en España\n1995 - 2011 (fuente: Eurostat)\n")
# Eustat data analysis
eustat <- read.csv(file = "/tmp/ilc_di01_1_Data.csv", na.string = ":")
eustat$Value <- gsub(" ", "", eustat$Value)
eustat$Value <- as.numeric(eustat$Value)
spain <- eustat[eustat$GEO == "Spain" &
eustat$CURRENCY == "Purchasing Power Standard" &
eustat$INDIC_IL == "Share of national equivalised income",
c("QUANTILE", "TIME", "Value")]
spain$QUANTILE2 <- reorder(spain$QUANTILE, spain$Value, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
spain$val.first <- rep(spain[spain$TIME == 1995, "Value"],
each = length(unique(spain$TIME)))
# No hay datos de 2002, pero los de 2003 aparecen como NA. Quitar.
spain <- spain[spain$TIME != 2003, ]
p2 <- ggplot(data = spain) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(QUANTILE2),
y = Value)) +
facet_wrap(~ TIME, nrow = 3) + xlab("\nDecil") + ylab("Porcentaje [%]\n") +
ggtitle("Reparto de ingresos en España\n1995 - 2011 (fuente: Eurostat)\n")
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