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Created April 14, 2015 18:31
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name occurrences
Mechanics Bkg. Association 1
Slaughter Ho. 1
House Comp.y No. 35 1
Hudson River R.R. Locomotive House 1
Stove Yard 2
Slaughter house 20
R.P. Getty & Sons Packing-house 1
St. Peters School 1
office 1
Varnish manufactory 1
Nassau Bank 3
O.C. Fowler storage for 1
Flock Mill 1
African Church 2
Coal 4
Police Station 2nd District 1
Sand 1
Wood & Machine Works 1
Private Coal & Iron Yard 1
Rom. Cath. Church 1
Washington Hotel 1
Ship Joiner's Yard 3
Grinding Mill 1
Public School No. 2
Maillard House 2
Pearl Street 1
Primary School No 37 1
Eagle Brewery 1
Sant Pauls Church 1
Manufactory of Hoop Shirts 1
Moulding & Picture Frame Factory Second Floor 1
Lead and color mill 1
Stove 1
Hudson River Railroad Depot 1
Carriage Factory 1
Forge 2
Continental Bank 3
Havana Hotel 2
Merchants Exchange Bank 4
Ward School No. 29 1
Kindling-wood Factory 1
Late Cordage Factory 1
United States Bonded Warehouse 3
Blowing Shop 1
Dipping Room 1
Allan Hay & Co. Soap and candle factory 1
Mechanics Bkg Associat. 1
Parchment Factory 2
Tobacco Factory 1
Public School No. 1 2
Old Sheds, vacant 1
torn works 1
Provision Warehouse 2
Carpenter Shop 1
Mason 1
Gunpowder 1
Bell Tower 2
Oil Manufacty 1
Mineral Water Factory 1
Slaughter Houses 1
Manufactory of Carpet Bindings 1
United State Treasury 1
Bergh Stores 1
Gramercy Park House 1
Rope Walk 1
Malt Store-houses 1
Soap & Candle Fanufactory 1
Granite Yard 1
United States Hotel 1
N.Y. & N. H. R.R. Co 1
Cooperage 9
oven 1
Tobacco Manufactory 1
Trinity Church 3
Ward School No. 12 1
Bell-tower 1
Madiosn Square Hotel 1
N.Y. Herald 1
Grammer School 1
Howard Hotel 2
Union Theological Seminary 1
Cable Terrace 1
Mould Loft and Workshop 1
Paint and lustre factory 1
Platform 2
Farmers and Citizens Bank 1
Protestant Episcopal Church 1
Hose Co. No 2 1
Glass Factory 1
Church 1
Studwell & Co Lumber Yard 1
Lime Burner's Yard 1
Seamen's Savings Bank 1
Drugs 13
Mauger & Nammond Brick & Lime Yard 1
Furniture Factory 4
Harper's Iron Builds 1
Blacksmith's Shop to Ship-yard 1
Marble Works 12
Printing Office 3
Saint Paul 1
Saint Pauls Church 1
Candle Factory 1
Worth Monument 1
Broome Street 1
Courtlandt Street Hotel 1
Marble W 1
New York Rice Mills 1
Joiners Shop 1
Second av. RR Co. 1
Steinway's Lumber Yard 2
Coach and Wagon Manufactory 2
Public Primary School Nos 10 & 29 1
Grand Street Ferry 1
Morocco Manufactory 1
Slaughter-ho. 1
Grain Room 1
Lime Depot 1
Niblo's Theater 2
Lublum & MIll's Anhydrous Cement Works 1
Store-house 4
Universalist Ch. 1
Soap Boiler 1
Locomotive House 2
Bank of C ommerce 1
Moulding & Planing Mill 1
Soap & Candle Manufactory 1
German mission church 1
drying-house 1
Stew & Planing Mills 1
annealer 1
Metropolitan Police Office 1
Fulton Market 1
The Park Hotel 2
U.S. Government Offices 1
Pattern Shop 1
Patent Medicines 1
Staats Zeitung 1
Barrow Street 1
livery stable 5
Hose Comp No 7 1
Painter's Shop 1
Albermarle Hotel 1
Astor House 3
Yellowbird Stage Line Stables 2
Roman Catholic Convent of St. Paul 1
Casting Shop 2
Clinton Place Hotel 1
Paint-shop & Hospital 1
Kindling-wood factory 1
Shed 5
N. Y. Express 1
Rope-Walk 1
Courier and Enquirer 1
Silk Factory 1
Baptist-Church 1
Stables &c 1
Marine B. 1
Brick & Cement Yard 1
Bk of North America 1
Percussion-cap Factory 1
Concert Room 2
Denis Hotel 1
Soft Soap Factory 1
Ship Joiner 1
Ferry COmpany 1
Fisher & Bird's 1
Burnishing Room 1
Paint Shop 4
Free German School 1
stable 1
Brick Yard 1
Feather Dyer 1
Public School No 5 & 18 1
Sawing 1
Jesse Rodman Lumber & Timber Yard 1
Paint Manufactory 1
Bonded Warehouse 2
Type Foundry 1
North American Gutta Percha Company 1
Hose Co 1
Pickle Preserve and Vinegar Factory 1
Patten's Hotel 2
Sixth Avenue Railroad Depôt 1
Metropolitan Bank 3
Soap & Candle Factory 2
Baptist Ch. 1
Third Avenue Stage-line Stables 1
William Johnson Coal Yard 1
Preparing of Charcoal for Rectifiers 1
presbyterian church 3
American Exchange Bank 1
Mechanic's Bank 3
Cattle Yards 9
Waiting rooms, Offices &c 1
Bixbys Hotel 2
Finishing Shop for Picture Frames & Mouldings 1
Wool & Coal Yard 1
Dodworth's Hall 2
Astor Place Hotel 1
Lumber 1
Henry C. Conklin's Lumber Yard 1
Racket Court 2
Dead-house 1
congregational church 1
Harper's Iron Buildings 2
St. Peter's School 2
school 2
Saleratus Factory 1
Storehouse & Stable 1
Spar Yard 2
Buckley's Minstrels 2
Tompkins Market 1
Bank of the Commonwealth 3
Wool Shop 1
Ward School No 3 1
Engine House 8
Barracks 1
Academy of Design 2
Veterinary Institute 3
Baptist church 1
Dry-Dcok Iron Works 1
Engine Co. No. 13 1
Machine Shop 8
Ward School No 14 1
Camphene 7
Lying in for Destitute Females 1
Kress & Schaefer's Brewery 1
Universalist Church 2
Law Buildings 1
Houston St. Ferry 1
Engine Room 3
New York Volks' Theater 1
Mariners Savings Bank 1
Finishing Shop 1
9th Av. R.R. Co. Repair & Blacksmith's Shops 1
Ward Primary School 39 & 48 1
Stables 4
Allaire's Iron Works 1
Soap Maker 1
Ward School No. 17 1
Still Room 1
Shoeing 1
E. Mitchell & Co. Coal Yard 1
Erie Hotel 1
Washington Market 1
Varnish Manufactory 2
Ship Builder's Yard 1
Boorman Place 1
Dutch Ref. Church 1
Irving Hall 1
Mahogany Saw Mill 1
Copper & Brass Foundry 1
Smithsonian house 1
Entrance to Niblos 1
Molasses Room 1
Disbrow's Riding Academy 1
Butchers'Hide Association 1
Infants' Home 2
Burner & Lamp Factory 1
Laundry 4
Adams Express Co.s Stables 1
Hoop-Skirt Factory 1
German school 1
Marble Saw Mill 1
Police Court 7th Judicial District 3
Franklin Terrace 1
Speedwell Boiler Works 2
Office 89
Hook & Ladder Co. No. 16 1
West 44th street 1
Engine Ho. 1
District School No. 6 1
North River Bank 3
Am. Telegraph Co. 2
French's Hotel 1
"Spa" Brewery 2
Pork & Beef 1
Cleaning Ho 1
Union White Lead Company 3
Public School 3
Dye House 1
Second Av. RR Co 1
Boiler Maker Shop 1
Paper-hanging Manufactory 1
Trustow & Brothers Coal Yard 1
Bank of America 3
Sash & Blind Fact. 1
Manhattan Gas Company 1
Hose Co. No. 53 1
4th District Police 1
Kiln 6
roman catholic church 1
Howland & Moller, N.Y. Steam Sugar Refinery 1
Shakespeare Hotel 1
Hanover Bank 1
Ward School 7
Hudson River R.R. Stables 2
Hair Manufactory 2
Clausen's Brewery 1
Saint Nicholas Hotel 1
Commercial Advertiser 1
Printing Ink Factory 3
Kindling Wood Manufactory 1
Tan Yard 1
Chatham Bank 3
N.Y. & H.R.R. Co. 1
Lime & Brick Yard 1
Public Primary School 1
Morocco Factory 3
Druggist 81
Fifth Avenue State line Stables 1
ovens 1
Sixpenny Savings Bank 1
East 11th Street 1
Spar YArd 2
Adams Express Co's Stable 2
New York & Harlem 1
Sugar Warehouse 1
Children's Hospital 2
Wood & Coal Yard 2
Ward School No 33 1
National Hotel 2
Friends' Meeting-house 1
Drug Store 6
Dutch Ref Church 1
Type Foundery 1
Pub. School 1
Paint & Lustre Factory 1
N.Y. Express 1
Unitarian Church 2
Boiler Shop 1
Historical Library 4
United States Treasury 2
Sodawater Manufactory 1
Sweeny's Hotel 2
Browning's Cattle Market 1
Piano Forte Manufactory 7
New York Steam Saw Mills 1
Police Station 19th District 1
Jones's Wood Hotel 1
W.M. Johnson's Son & Johnson & Lazarus Distillery & Sugar Refinery 1
Union Print Works 2
Pen-holder Factory 2
Friends' Cemetery 2
6th & 8th Avenue Rail Road 1
Livery Stables 8
Casting 1
Dey Street House 3
East 38th Street 1
Mercantile Library 1
Cattle Yards 1
Moravian Brethrens Church 1
Coal yard (covered) 1
Lafayette Hall 1
Jews Synagogue 1
Lumber stored 1
Glass Cutter 1
Laura Keene's Theatre 2
Methodist Church 26
Lutheran Church 1
Kris's & Schaefer's Brewery 1
Machinists Shop 1
Academy of Music 1
Hendrickson & Royih? Wood Yard 1
Steam Cooperage 1
Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church 1
Lighters Naval Stores 1
Chemical Shop 1
Slaughter House 17
Observatory 2
Hudson River R. R. Passenger Station 1
slaughter house 1
4th District Court 1
Milk Shed 1
Police Station 4 & Precinct 1
Dutch reformed Church 1
Broadway Bank 2
Engine No. 18 1
New York Steam Brewery 2
Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum 1
Cooper 2
Hose co. no. 61 1
Sash & Blind Manufactory and Tarning Shop 1
Packing House 2
German Evangelical Church 3
Ship Yard 2
Ward School No. 45 1
Lime Kilns 2
Blale;pcls Jpte; 1
Butchers' Hide & Melting Association 1
Episcopal church 1
Engine No. 11 1
The Volks Garten 1
Slaughter-house 12
Union Bank 3
Marble works 1
Boiler Maker shop 1
Laundre &c to St Nicholas Hotel 1
City Bank 1
St. George's Chapel 3
Car-spring Factory 1
Washington ?? 1
Third Avenue Railroad Co. Depot & Stables 1
Charcoal 2
Shet 1
Western Hotel 3
Engine Co No. 19 1
Wm.. Burdon Steamengine Manufactory 1
Eighth Avenue RR Co's Stables &cc 1
Storage Yard 1
coffee mill 1
Stevens Building 1
cemetery 1
Lumber Yard 39
Provision establishment 3
Stone Cutters Yard 3
Store house 1
Lafarge House 1
Hose Co No 51 1
Kindling Wood Factory 1
Ferall's Alchohol Distillery 1
Liquid Quartz Mf.g Co. 1
Sabbath School 2
Machinist 1
Grammar school no. 20 1
Public School No. 8 1
Saw Mill 11
Pianoforte Manufactory 2
Tammany Hall 1
Flour Mill 1
Car-house 1
Planing & Scroll Sawing Mill 1
Slaughter house & leather factory 1
ward school n34 1
Dutch Reformed Church 7
Rope-walk 2
Window Shade Factory 1
Repair and Blacksmith Shops 1
Drying Room 1
Educational Institute 1
Hoop Yard 1
Wood Shed 1
German Prot Church 1
shed 1
Furniture Manufactory 2
Oilcloth Printing 1
Window shade factory 1
Jews' Synagogue 3
Mission Church 1
Florist's Garden 12
Malt HOuse 1
Timber Yard 6
stone yard 1
John J. Eckel's Melting-house 1
Iron Yard 4
Episcpal Church 1
Charcoal Stored 1
Black Smith Shop 1
Contractor's Yard 1
Oil & Candle Manufact 1
Institute of Art 2
Barton's Theater 1
Walters Coach Manufactory 1
Wood Yard 6
Dyeing Establishment 2
Alihause Iron Works 1
Metropolitan Hotel 2
Bleecker Buildings 1
Mechanics Bkg. Associat. 1
Wallack's Theater 1
Perris & Browne 2
Lorilard's Snuff Manufactory 1
Ward School No. 33 1
Bolt Shop 1
Police Station 1
Hard-Wood Yard 1
Brick & Lime Yard 1
Whitning & Putty Manufactory 1
Drain-pipe & Terra Cotta Works 2
Sailors Union Bethel Church 1
Mount Vernon Hotel 1
wood Yard 1
Manhattan Gas Co's Gas Holder House 1
Rectory 2
Manhattan Bk 1
Percussion-Cap Factory 1
Boat Builder 1
House Co., No. 53. 1
Store Yard 3
American Union Building 1
Bank of the Republic 2
Soap and candle manufactory 1
Dodsworth's Hall 1
Henry Aldworth Wood & Coal Yard 1
Public School no. 1 1
Ludlum & Mill's Anhydrous Cement Works 2
Ward School No. 31 1
Russell & Beach Iron foundry 1
Lounsberry & Betts's Distillery 1
lumber yard 1
East River Savings Bank 2
Hunt Building 3
Lumber & Timber Yard 1
American Oil Company 1
Tradesmen's Bank 3
Roman Catholic School 3
Sun Building 2
German Evangelic Church 1
Hose Co No 40 1
Daniel Winken's Brewery 4
Lime Yard 3
Tassel Factory 1
Ocean Bank 2
Store Rooms 1
Ballast Yard 1
John W. Lewis Beef & Pork Packing Establishment 1
Clinton Hose No. 17 1
Varnish & Sealing-wax Factory 2
Street 2
Salaratus Manufactory 1
Slaughter hosue 1
Distillery 11
United states Sale Stables 1
Flag Yard 2
Coal YArd 1
Wire Factory 3
Packer Institute 1
Charcoal Yard 2
Ward Primary School No. 22 2
2 1
Laboratory 2
Union Coal Yard 1
Storage Sheds 1
Cemetery 2
Chain & Buckle Factory 2
Marble Mill 1
German evangelical church 1
Congregational Church 3
Paint shop & Hospital 1
Schultz & Striler Lumber Yard 1
Ward. School No. 29. 1
wood yard 1
Livery Stable 11
Althause Iron Works 1
Ward School No. 50 1
Brass Foundry 2
City Spice Mills 2
Baptist Church (Schools Nos 49 & 50) 2
Market Bank 3
Provision Establishment 3
Garden 2
Cells 4
Episcopal Orphan Asylum 2
Saltpetre Factory 1
Water Street 1
Cabinet Factory 1
Lumber yard 2
baptist church 1
Soda Water Manufactory 1
Cotton Factory 1
Mahogany Yard 12
Mozart Hall 2
Fulton Ferry Line of Stages 1
Ninth Avenue Railroad Company's Stables 1
Agricultural Implement Manufactory 1
Manufactory of Hoop Skirts 1
Presbyterian church 1
Episcopal Church 22
John J. Ecket's Melting House 1
Croton Aqueduct Department Distributing Reservoir 2
Hook & Ladder 1
Organ Builder 1
Lovejoy's Hotel 4
Gas holders 1
Livery stables 1
Ward School No. 25 4
West PResbyterian Church 1
Ferrall's Alcohol Distillery 1
Hudson River Rail Road Co's Freight Depot 1
Coal Yard in basement 1
Ferry to Hoboken 1
Wood Mill 1
Store -house 1
Rigging Loft 1
Planters' Hotel 1
3rd District Police 1
Shed for Car horses 1
Methodist Episcopal Church. 1
grammar school 1
Tobacco Inspection 1
Smith's Shop 1
American Bible Society 2
Planing Mill 5
VII District Police Station 1
Second Av. R.R. Co. -- Upper Depôt 1
Fulton Bank 2
Gas Fixture Factory 1
Presbyterian Church 28
St. Luke's Hospital 2
Volkenings Furniture Factory 1
Paperhanging Manufactory 1
Hose Company No. 35 1
United State Hotel 1
Banhattan Bk 1
Peoples' Coal Yard 1
Oil & Candle 1
Baptist Church 28
Ship Smith 1
Gas Holder 1
Washington Parade Ground 1
Soap and Candle Shop 1
Machine & Blacksmith Shop 1
Wallack's Theatre 1
Skirt Wire Factory 1
Eight Avenue R.R Co's Stables 1
Powers' Hotel 1
John Leech Stone Yard 1
Builder's Yard 2
Atlantic Bank 3
Coal and Wood Yard 2
Pattern 1
Croton White Lead Works 1
R.R. Depôt 1
Works of the Manhattan Gas 1
Fischer & Bird's Marble Works 1
Catholic College 1
Bone-black Manufactory 1
Howard Building 1
Fire Bell 1
Engine No. 9 1
Bag Warehouse 1
Dutch Reformed School 1
Kipp & Brown's Stage Line Stables. 1
Tobacco manufactory 1
light company in progress 1
Police Statio 4th Precinct 1
Vacant 1
Primary schools no. 1 & 4 1
Mahongany Yard 1
Bonded Warehouse. 1
St. Luke's Place 1
Columbia College 2
Granary 1
Old Sheds 1
Foundry 5
Hose Co No. 34 1
House Co. No. 51 1
Daily News 1
Dead house 1
Duncan Sherman & Co. 2
Tar House 1
Power's Hotel 2
Iron Works 1
Iron tube Factory 1
Soda water Manufact 1
Vinegar Factory 1
Lumber Sheds 1
Hook & Ladder Co. No 16 1
Feed House 2
Rectifying Distillery 7
Irving Bank 2
Engine Co No. 28 1
Ward School No 15 1
Cooperage Stock Yard 1
David Wetmore 1
Phenix Bone Works 2
Ward School No. 45. 1
Engine Co No. 13 1
Piano-forte Manufactory 1
Merchant's Bank 1
R.L. Allen 1
Street Cleaner's Stables 1
Cottage Place 1
Furniture Stored 1
Mortimer Buildings 3
Salceratus Manufactory 1
coal yard 1
Compound Metallic Spring Co. 1
N. Y. Herald 1
Melodeon Manufy 1
Carriage Manufactory 1
Racket court 1
Steaming Shed 1
Libery Stable 2
Putnam County House 1
Stone Yard 43
Carriage Maker 1
Moulding Room 2
Architectural Iron Works 1
Barnum's Museum 3
2nd Police Station 2
New York Daily Times 1
Volkening's Furniture Factory 1
Coal yard 6
Pacific Hotel 3
Coal & Wood Yard 1
Windust's Hotel 4
Steinway's Piano-forte Factory 2
Reade 1
New York Metallic Car Spring Co 2
Varnisher 1
Burton's Theatre 1
Union Steam Works 1
E.S. Keith 1
Bk. of North America 1
Coal Yard 118
Hague Street 1
Presbyterial Church 2
Hope Chapel 1
N.Y. Steam Stone Dressing Co 1
Piano-hardware Foundary 1
Engine co no. 19 1
Post-office 1
Second Avenue R. R. Depot 1
Piano-hardware Foundry 1
Globe Iron Works 1
Offices 2
baptist church (schools nos. 29 & 30) 1
Sugar Refinery 2
Hotel 1
Coal Shed 3
Presbyterian cemeteries 1
Lard Oil Manufact.y 1
Rum Distillery 1
Sugar rooms 1
Molasses House 1
Bulls Head 2
Gwynne's Composite Oil Works 1
Primary School No. 37 1
Hose Co. No. 40 1
Drigg's Stores 1
Shot Tower 1
Wm. H. Webb's Ship Yard 1
Journal of Commerce 1
Columbian Brewery & Malt-house 1
New York Tribune 1
Iron Foundry 7
cracker bakery 1
Park Bank 2
Drying-house 2
Union Place Hotel 1
Public School No. 7 2
Billiard Saloon 1
New York Central Sawing & Planing Mill 1
Pianoforte Manufacty 1
Camphene Room 1
Engine Co. No. 20 2
Ship Joiner &c 1
Importers' & Traders' Bank 2
Brazing Rooms 1
Tuttle & Bailey Work Shops 1
gunpowder sold 1
Billing's Row 1
Mill 1
Police Station 27th Precinct 2
Crane 1
Police Station 15th District 1
Butcher's Hide & Melting Association 1
Silk Trimming Manufactory 1
Box Shop 2
Firemans' Hall 1
Medical College 1
Terra-cotta Works 1
Burr, Waterman & Co. 1
Manhattan Hotel 2
Wm. P. Jimmerson Coal Yard 1
Cracker Bakery 2
Machinist Shop 1
S.H. Crook's Hotel 1
Lying in for destitute Females 2
Harmony Garden 2
Greenwich Pottery 2
New York Hotel 1
Stages 1
Burial Ground 1
Mahogany Inspection U. S. Bonded Yard 1
Williamsburgh City Ins. Co. 1
Hook & Ladder No. 4 1
Drug store 1
Tool Shop 1
Coach Factory 2
East Place 1
Cong. Unitarian Church 1
Storage & Iron Yard 1
Annealer 1
Lager Beer Brewery 2
Chelsea Pottery 1
Colored Orphan Asylum 1
Stone Cutters Yard 1
Empire City Iron Foundry 1
Police Station 4th Precinct 2
Gunpowder sold 2
Marble Cutter 1
Ward School No. 18 1
Lumber Yard of the Piano Manufactory 1
Columbia Iron works 1
Soap Factory 4
Paper hanging Manufactory 1
Match Factory and Chemical Works 1
Pennsylvania Coal Company's Yard 1
Manufacturer's & Merchant's Bank 2
Hendrickson & Rolph Wood Yard 1
John Johnson Brewery 1
confectioner 1
Wire Manufactory 1
Methodist Episcopal Church 5
Engine 4
Malt House 3
Iron yard 1
Dying Establishment 1
Pork Packing Establishment 1
Peter Cooper Institute 2
Hook & Ladder Co. No. 9 1
Free Academy 1
Tannery 1
Brewey 1
Sale Stables 1
Oven 1
druggist 7
New York and Harlem Rail Road Depôt 2
Trenail? Shop 1
Kilns 2
Reservoir Square 1
Blacksmith's Shop 8
Coffee Mill 3
Evening Post 2
Engine No. 19 1
Third Avenue Railroad Co 1
Hudson River R.R. Passenger Depot & Car Shop 1
Ball, Black & Co. 2
Pepels Bank 1
Beef and Pork Inspection 1
Colored Home 3
Wood Coal & Charcoal Yard 1
Wm Spencer 1
Blacksmith 2
Hussey & Company Coal Yard 1
New York Medical College 3
Allan Hay & Co. Soap and Candle Factory 1
Greenwich Bank 2
Blacksmiths Shop 1
Mahogany Dealer 1
Mattress Factory 2
Mariners Church 2
Boiling room 1
Nail Factory 1
University Medical College 1
Mulberry Street 1
Refrigerator Factory 2
Chemical Works 2
Martin Place 1
Jefferson Engine No. 26 1
Pickle, preserve and vinegar factory 1
Mould Loft 1
Repair and Blacksmith's Shops 1
Bond St. Hotel 1
Stone Cutter's Yard 1
Brady's Gymnasium 2
Hose Co No 19 1
Card Factory 1
Varnish Factory 2
Morocco Leather Manufactory 3
Seventh Ward Bank 1
Stave Yard 2
Marion Street 1
Gunpowser 1
Whalebone Manufactory 1
Carpenter 1
School 6
Wood Turning 1
Williamsburgh City Coal Yard 1
Yard 2
Merchants Bank 2
District School 2
Shoeing Shop 1
Grocers Bank 2
Odd Fellows' Hall 1
Ward School No 18 1
Organ builder 1
Synagogue 1
New York University 1
episcopal church 2
National Bank 3
Scale Manufactory 1
Line Shed 1
Corroding Beds 2
Planing 1
[NY] Society Library 1
Rockland Lake Ice Company 1
Wash house 2
U.S. Steam Sugar Refining Company 1
Iron Strapped Block Manufactory 1
Wood 1
Merchants Hotel 2
Public School No 7 2
Knickerbocker Stage line Stables 1
Rum House 1
The Demilt Dispensary 1
Boiling Room 4
Grammar School 1
Moulding Mill 9
Engine Co. No. 37 1
Second-hand Lumber Yard 1
Industrial School 1
A. Lewis Coal Yard 1
Carriage factory 1
Trinity Building 3
6th District Police 1
Hazleton & Co's Oil Depôt 1
District School No. 14 1
Shakspeare Hotel 1
Storage 9
Stable 34
R. P. Getty & Son Packing House 1
United States Tobacco Inspection No. 2 1
Second St Cemetery 1
Bank Lock Manufactory 1
S. H. Crook's Hotel 1
Neptune Iron Works 1
Elias Colborn Lumber Yard 2
Courtland Street Hotel 1
Cattle Sheds 1
Peck Slip Ferry 1
Potash Inspection 3
Stevens Buildings 2
N. Y. city Pottery 1
Rom. Catholic Church 1
Mahogany Inspector (U. S. Bonded Yard) 1
Stuyvesant Institute 2
Provisions 1
Front Street 1
Jones's Brewery 1
Stone yard 1
Marble Yard 3
livery stables 1
Manure Yard 2
Ward School No. 49 1
Florist 1
Iron Factory 1
Reformed Presbyterian Church 1
Drugstore 1
Depôt & Stable 1
Grammar School No. 11 1
Brick & Lime 1
East 23rd Street 1
American Iron Tube Works 1
Brewery 29
Blacksmith Shop 2
Iron and Brass Foundry 1
West Street 1
New York Stadt Theater 1
Marble cutter 1
Elm Street 1
Lecture Room 3
Girard House Hotel 1
Mariner's Church 2
Hose Co. No. 2 1
Duncan Sherman & Co 1
Fire-bell 2
Fertis' Omnibus Stables 1
Brush Manufty. 1
Pork-packing Establishment 1
Roman Catholic Church 17
Jackson Engine House 1
Division Avenue Ferry 1
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