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Created July 1, 2009 18:24
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Takes a .Net dataset and converts it to a CF structure of queries.
<cffunction name="convertDotNetDataset" access="public" returnType="struct" output="false"
hint="takes a .Net dataset and converts it to a CF structure of queries">
<cfargument name="dataset" required="true">
<cfset var Local = StructNew()>
<cfset Local.result = structNew() />
<cfset Local.aDataset = arguments.dataset.get_any() />
<cfset Local.xSchema = xmlParse(Local.aDataset[1]) />
<cfset Local.xData = xmlParse(Local.aDataset[2]) />
<!--- Create Queries --->
<cfset Local.xTables = Local.xSchema["xs:schema"]["xs:element"]["xs:complexType"]["xs:choice"] />
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(Local.xTables.xmlChildren)#" index="Local.i">
<cfset Local.tableName = Local.xTables.xmlChildren[Local.i] />
<cfset Local.xColumns = Local.xTables.xmlChildren[Local.i].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren/>
<cfset Local.result[Local.tableName] = queryNew("") />
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(Local.xColumns)#" index="Local.j">
<cfset queryAddColumn(Local.result[Local.tableName], Local.xColumns[Local.j], arrayNew(1)) />
<!--- see if there are any row of data, if not exit --->
<cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Local.xData["diffgr:diffgram"], "NewDataSet")>
<cfreturn Local.result>
<!--- Populate Queries --->
<cfset Local.xRows = Local.xData["diffgr:diffgram"]["NewDataSet"] />
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(Local.xRows.xmlChildren)#" index="Local.i">
<cfset Local.thisRow = Local.xRows.xmlChildren[Local.i] />
<cfset Local.tableName = Local.thisRow.xmlName />
<cfset queryAddRow(Local.result[Local.tableName], 1) />
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(Local.thisRow.xmlChildren)#" index="Local.j">
<cfset querySetCell(Local.result[Local.tableName], Local.thisRow.xmlChildren[Local.j].xmlName, Local.thisRow.xmlChildren[Local.j].xmlText, Local.result[Local.tableName].recordCount) />
<cfreturn Local.result>
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