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Created July 1, 2009 18:25
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Converts an excel file to a structure of arrays
Modded by Raymond Camden to fix incorrect col count
added minor changes from Tony
@param excelFile Excel file to parse. (Required)
@return Returns a struct of arrays.
@author anthony petruzzi (
@version 1, Sep 13, 2011
handle blank and duplicate headers
<cffunction name="parseExcel" access="public" returntype="any" output="false">
<cfargument name="excelFile" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="returnType" type="string" required="false" default="">
<cfset var loc = {}>
<!--- structure to hold data retrieved --->
<cfset loc.ret = {}>
<!--- did we get headers yet --->
<cfset loc.firstRow = true>
<!--- create io stream for the excel file --->
<cfset = CreateObject("java","").init(excelFile)>
<!--- read the excel file --->
<cfset loc.workbook = CreateObject("java","org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook").init(>
<!--- get the first sheet of the workbook. zero indexed --->
<cfset loc.workSheet = loc.workBook.getSheetAt(javacast("int", 0))>
<!--- get the number of rows the sheet has. zero indexed --->
<cfset loc.rows = loc.workSheet.getLastRowNum()>
<!--- this is used for header that are blank --->
<cfset loc.headerCounter = 1>
<cfif !loc.rows>
<cfreturn loc.ret>
<!--- array to store data --->
<cfset = []>
<!--- loop through the rows and get the values. --->
<cfloop from="0" to="#loc.rows#" index="loc.atrow">
<!--- get the row --->
<cfset loc.row = loc.workSheet.getRow(javacast("int", loc.atrow))>
<!--- parsing bombs on blank rows --->
<cfif StructKeyExists(loc, "row")>
<!--- first check to see if first cell 1 is blank, if not process, if so move to next --->
<cfset loc.checkCell = "">
<cfset loc.rowCheck = loc.row.getCell(0)>
<cfif structkeyexists(loc, "rowCheck")>
<cfif loc.rowCheck.getCellType() eq 0>
<cfset loc.checkCell = loc.rowCheck.getNumericCellValue()>
<cfset loc.checkCell = loc.rowCheck.getStringCellValue()>
<!--- since it is blank, we will use a CHR(7) to indicate null --->
<cfset loc.checkCell = chr(7)>
<!--- if the first cell isn't blank, proceed --->
<!--- <cfif len(trim(loc.checkCell))> --->
<!--- the first row will tell us the number of columns to process --->
<cfif loc.firstRow>
<cfset loc.cols = loc.row.getLastCellNum() - 1>
<cfset loc.firstrow = false>
<cfset loc.values = []>
<!--- loop through the columns (cells) of the row and get the values --->
<cfloop from="0" to="#loc.cols#" index="loc.col">
<cfset loc.value = "">
<cfset loc.cellType = loc.row.getCell(javacast("int", loc.col))>
<cfif structkeyexists(loc, "celltype")>
<cfif loc.cellType.getCellType() eq 0>
<cfset loc.value = loc.cellType.getNumericCellValue()>
<cfset loc.value = loc.cellType.getStringCellValue()>
<cfset arrayappend(loc.values, loc.value)>
<!--- store the data --->
<cfset arrayappend(, loc.values)>
<!--- </cfif> --->
<cfif !arraylen(>
<cfreturn loc.ret>
<!--- create a struct of arrays to return --->
<cfset loc.numDown = arraylen(>
<cfset loc.numAcross = ++loc.cols>
<cfloop from="1" to="#loc.numAcross#" index="loc.across">
<cfloop from="1" to="#loc.numDown#" index="loc.down">
<!--- header --->
<cfif loc.down eq 1>
<cfset loc.key =[loc.down][loc.across]>
header can only have alphanumeric values.
trim it
make sure that the header is unique
replace spaces with underscores
upper case them so they look pretty ;)
<cfset loc.key = ReReplaceNoCase(loc.key, "[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", "ALL")>
<cfset loc.key = trim(loc.key)>
<cfset loc.key = Replace(loc.key, " ", "_", "ALL")>
<cfif !len(loc.key)>
<cfset loc.key = "BLANK_HEADER_#loc.headerCounter#">
<cfset loc.headerCounter++>
<cfif ListFindNoCase(StructKeyList(loc.ret), loc.key)>
<cfset loc.key = "#loc.key#_#loc.headerCounter#">
<cfset loc.headerCounter++>
<cfset loc.key = ucase(loc.key)>
<cfset loc.ret[loc.key] = []>
<cfset arrayappend(loc.ret[loc.key],[loc.down][loc.across])>
<!--- remove the rows that don't have anything in them --->
<cfset loc.numCols = ArrayLen(loc.ret[ListFirst(StructKeyList(loc.ret))])>
<cfloop from="#loc.numCols#" to="1" index="loc.i" step="-1">
<cfset loc.blankRow = true>
<cfloop collection="#loc.ret#" item="loc.a">
<cfif len(trim(loc.ret[loc.a][loc.i]))>
<cfset loc.blankRow = false>
<cfif loc.blankRow>
<cfloop collection="#loc.ret#" item="loc.a">
<cfset ArrayDeleteAt(loc.ret[loc.a], loc.i)>
<!--- convert to query if desired --->
<cfif arguments.returnType eq "query">
<cfset loc.q = QueryNew("")>
<cfloop collection="#loc.ret#" item="loc.i">
<cfset QueryAddColumn(loc.q, loc.i, "varchar", loc.ret[loc.i])>
<cfset loc.ret = loc.q>
<cfreturn loc.ret>
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rip747 commented Sep 13, 2011

handle blank and duplicate headers

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