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Created January 4, 2011 22:06
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<cfset $class = {}>
<cffunction name="init">
<cfargument name="relativePath" type="string" default="" hint="the relative component path from the webroot">
<cfset $class.container = []>
<cfset $class.relativePath = arguments.relativePath>
<cffunction name="use" hint="Adds the new middleware at the bottom of the middleware stack.">
<cffunction name="insertBefore" hint="Adds the new middleware before the specified existing middleware in the middleware stack.">
<cffunction name="insertAfter" hint="Adds the new middleware after the specified existing middleware in the middleware stack.">
<cffunction name="swap" hint="Replaces the specified middleware with a new middleware">
<cffunction name="remove" hint="Removes a specified middleware">
<cffunction name="add" hint="Adds a middleware to the stack in a specified position">
<cfargument name="middleware_name" required="true">
<cfargument name="middleware_position" required="false" default="0">
<cfset var loc = {}>
<cfset loc.middleware_name = arguments.middleware_name>
<cfset structDelete(arguments, "middleware")>
<cfset loc.middleware_position = arguments.middleware_position>
<cfset structDelete(arguments, "middleware")>
<cfset loc.s = {name=loc.middleware_name, args=duplicate(arguments)}>
<cfif loc.middleware_position eq 0>
<cfset loc.middleware_position = ArrayLen(stack())>
<cfset ArrayInsertAt($class.container, loc.middleware_position)>
<cffunction name="position" hint="Returns the position of the specified middleware in the stack">
<cfargument name="middleware_name">
<cfset var loc = {}>
<cfset loc.stack = stack()>
<cfset loc.size = ArrayLen(loc.stack)>
<cfloop from="1" to="#loc.size#">
<cffunction name="clear" hint="Clears the middleware stack">
<cfset ArrayClear($class.container)>
<cffunction name="stack" hint="Returns the middleware stack.">
<cfreturn $class.container>
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