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Created February 14, 2013 12:19
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// ネタ元:
// 衝撃的なデータベース理論・関手的データモデル 入門
object Strage {
trait Strage[A] {
def get: A
object Book {
//case classで定義しているけど、Bookは単なるテーブルのラベルで、実体はなんでも良い
case class Book(isbn: Int)
def isbn: Book => Int = _.isbn
trait BookT {
type Book
def isbn: Book => Int
object CsvBook extends BookT {
type Book = String
def isbn: Book => Int = b => b.split(",")(0).toInt
object Person {
import Strage._
type YMD = (String, String, String)
case class Person(num: Int, name: String, birth: YMD)
def num: Person => Int = _.num
def num_1[A <: Map[Int, Person]: Strage]: Int => Person = implicitly[Strage[A]].get
def birth: Person => YMD = _.birth
def name: Person => String =
object Purchase {
import java.util.Date
import Person._
import Book._
import Strage._
case class Purchase(book: Book, personNum: Int, dateTime: Date)
def personNum: Purchase => Int = _.personNum
def person[A <: Map[Int, Person]: Strage]: Purchase => Person = num_1 compose personNum
def dateTime: Purchase => Date = _.dateTime
object StrageImpl {
import Strage._
private lazy val data = Map(
1 -> Person.Person(1, "foo", ("2000", "01", "01")),
2 -> Person.Person(2, "bar", ("2010", "01", "01")),
3 -> Person.Person(3, "foobar", ("2013", "01", "01")))
implicit val psersonDb = new Strage[Map[Int, Person.Person]] {
def get = data
object FunctorialDataModel {
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Date
import java.util.Calendar
import StrageImpl._
//関数合成で[Purchase, person, Person, birth, YMD, calcAge, Integer]のパスを作成
def path1: Purchase.Purchase => Int = calcAge compose Person.birth compose Purchase.person
//関数合成で [Integer, mum~1, Person, name, String]のパスを作成
def path2: Int => String = compose Person.num_1
private lazy val DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/mm/dd")
def calcAge: Person.YMD => Int = { ymd =>
val currentDate = Calendar.getInstance();
val targetDate = Calendar.getInstance()
val age = currentDate.get(Calendar.YEAR) - targetDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)
def schema2Data[A, B](f: A => B): Seq[A] => Seq[B] = _ map f
object Exec extends App {
import java.util.Date
import FunctorialDataModel._
val purchaseData = (1 to 3) map { x =>
Purchase.Purchase(Book.Book(x * 100), x, new Date())
schema2Data(path1)(purchaseData) foreach println
val personalNums = (1 to 3)
schema2Data(path2)(personalNums) foreach println
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