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Last active March 30, 2016 21:28
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Ugly Soup for You!
class Command(NoArgsCommand):
help = "Output flatpage info as a csv"
print 'hello, flatpage'
def handle(self, **options):
pages = FlatPage.objects.all()
test_pages = FlatPage.objects.filter(url__icontains='test')
interactive_pages = FlatPage.objects.filter(url__icontains='interactive')
js_pages = FlatPage.objects.all().exclude(extra_js=u'')
# reference material
# Good example of flatpage that looks like an article:
# uncomment when you want to output things
out = csv.writer(open('actual_page_audit.csv', 'wb'))
out.writerow(("Name", "Authors", "Date", "URL" ))
for p in pages:
date = ''
author_string = ''
# look for a byline
soup = BeautifulSoup(p.content)
meta = soup.find("ul", { "class" : "meta" })
if meta != None:
date = meta.find("li", { "class" : None }).text
authors = meta.find_all("a")
author_list = []
for a in authors:
# author_string = str(author_list).strip('[]').encode("utf-8")
author_string = ', '.join(author_list)
# get the url
abs_url = p.get_absolute_url()
# if there's not a date in the byline, find date in url, if there is one
if date == '':
a = ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016']
for item in a:
if abs_url.find(item) != -1:
date = item
# test for js
has_js = ''
if p.extra_js != u'':
has_js = 'yes'
has_js = 'no'
#test for test page
is_test = ''
if abs_url.find("test") != -1:
is_test = 'yes'
is_test = 'no'
# test for interactive
is_interactive = ''
if abs_url.find("interactive") != -1:
is_interactive = 'yes'
is_interactive = 'no'
# uncomment when you want to output things
# use this to filter whatever type of pages
if meta == None and is_test == 'no':
row = [
'' + abs_url,
out.writerow([unicode(item).encode('utf8') for item in row])
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