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Created January 19, 2017 05:32
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Ingest new cbers catalogue
__author__ = 'rischan - <>'
__date__ = '3/4/16'
import os
import sys
import glob
from cmath import log
from datetime import datetime
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
import traceback
import shutil
from django.db import transaction
from django.contrib.gis.geos import WKTReader
from import CommandError
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.conf import settings
from dictionaries.models import (
from catalogue.models import OpticalProduct
def parse_date_time(date_stamp):
"""A helper method to create a date object from a CBERS time stamp.
:param date_stamp: Date in this format:
:type date_stamp: str
Example format from CBERS:`2015-12-03 10:40:23`
:returns: A python datetime object.
:rtype: datetime
#print 'Parsing Date: %s\n' % date_stamp
start_year = date_stamp[0:4]
start_month = date_stamp[5:7]
start_day = date_stamp[8:10]
start_time = date_stamp[11:19]
tokens = start_time.split(':')
start_hour = tokens[0]
start_minute = tokens[1]
start_seconds = tokens[2]
#print "%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%s" % (
# start_year, start_month, start_day,
# start_hour, start_minute, start_seconds)
parsed_date_time = datetime(
return parsed_date_time
def get_geometry(log_message, dom):
"""Extract the bounding box as a geometry from the xml file.
:param log_message: A log_message function used for user feedback.
:type log_message: log_message
:param dom: DOM Document containing the bounds of the scene.
:type dom: DOM document.
:return: geoemtry
up_left_lat_value = dom.getElementsByTagName('productUpperLeftLat')[0]
up_left_lat = up_left_lat_value.firstChild.nodeValue
up_left_long_value = dom.getElementsByTagName('productUpperLeftLong')[0]
up_left_long = up_left_long_value.firstChild.nodeValue
up_right_lat_value = dom.getElementsByTagName('productUpperRightLat')[0]
up_right_lat = up_right_lat_value.firstChild.nodeValue
up_right_long_value = dom.getElementsByTagName('productUpperRightLong')[0]
up_right_long = up_right_long_value.firstChild.nodeValue
low_left_lat_value = dom.getElementsByTagName('productLowerLeftLat')[0]
low_left_lat = low_left_lat_value.firstChild.nodeValue
low_left_long_value = dom.getElementsByTagName('productLowerLeftLong')[0]
low_left_long = low_left_long_value.firstChild.nodeValue
low_right_lat_value = dom.getElementsByTagName('productLowerRightLat')[0]
low_right_lat = low_right_lat_value.firstChild.nodeValue
low_right_long_value = dom.getElementsByTagName('productLowerRightLong')[0]
low_right_long = low_right_long_value.firstChild.nodeValue
polygon = 'POLYGON((' '%s %s, ' \
'%s %s, %s %s, %s %s, %s %s' '))' % (
up_left_long, up_left_lat,
up_right_long, up_right_lat,
low_right_long, low_right_lat,
low_left_long, low_left_lat,
up_left_long, up_left_lat )
myReader = WKTReader()
myGeometry =
log_message('Geometry: %s' % myGeometry, 2)
return myGeometry
def get_dates(log_message, dom):
"""Get the start, mid scene and end dates.
:param log_message: A log_message function used for user feedback.
:type log_message: log_message
:param dom: Dom Document containing the bounds of the scene.
:type dom: DOM document.
:return: A two-tuple of dates for the start, and mid scene
:rtype: (datetime, datetime)
start_element = dom.getElementsByTagName('imagingStartTime')[0]
start_date = start_element.firstChild.nodeValue
start_date = parse_date_time(start_date)
log_message('Product Start Date: %s' % start_date, 2)
product_date = dom.getElementsByTagName('productDate')[0]
center_date = product_date.firstChild.nodeValue
center_date = parse_date_time(center_date)
log_message('Product Date: %s' % center_date, 2)
return start_date, center_date
def get_original_product_id(filename):
# Get part of product name from filename
# file name = CB04-WFI-81-135-20160118-L20000024812
tokens = filename.split('-')
product_name = ''.join(tokens)
return product_name
def get_band_count(dom):
band_count_data = dom.getElementsByTagName('bands')[0]
band_count = band_count_data.firstChild.nodeValue
if len(band_count)==1:
return 1
return len(eval(band_count))
def get_solar_azimuth_angle(dom):
sun_azimuth = dom.getElementsByTagName('sunAzimuthElevation')[0]
solar_azimuth = sun_azimuth.firstChild.nodeValue
return solar_azimuth
def get_scene_row(dom):
scene_row = dom.getElementsByTagName('sceneRow')[0]
row = scene_row.firstChild.nodeValue
return row
def get_scene_path(dom):
scene_path = dom.getElementsByTagName('scenePath')[0]
path = scene_path.firstChild.nodeValue
return path
def get_sensor_inclination():
# The static value of sensor inclination angle
# source
return 98.5
def get_spatial_resolution_x(dom):
spatial_resolution_data = dom.getElementsByTagName('pixelSpacing')[0]
spatial_resolution = spatial_resolution_data.firstChild.nodeValue
return spatial_resolution
def get_spatial_resolution_y(dom):
spatial_resolution_data = dom.getElementsByTagName('pixelSpacing')[0]
spatial_resolution = spatial_resolution_data.firstChild.nodeValue
return spatial_resolution
def get_product_profile(log_message, product_id):
"""Find the product_profile for this record.
:param log_message: A log_message function used for user feedback.
:type log_message: log_message
:param dom: Dom Document containing the bounds of the scene.
:type dom: DOM document.
:return: A product profile for the given product.
:rtype: OpticalProductProfile
# We need type, sensor and mission so that we can look up the
# OpticalProductProfile that applies to this product
# CB04WFI8113520160118L20000024812
sensor_value = product_id[4:7]
mission_index = product_id[0:4]
instrument_type = InstrumentType.objects.get(
operator_abbreviation=sensor_value) # e.g. MUX, P10
except Exception, e:
#print e.message
raise e
log_message('Instrument Type %s' % instrument_type, 2)
mission_value = mission_index[0:2] + sensor_value
satellite = Satellite.objects.get(abbreviation=mission_value)
satellite = Satellite.objects.get(abbreviation=mission_value)
satellite_instrument_group = SatelliteInstrumentGroup.objects.get(
satellite=satellite, instrument_type=instrument_type)
except Exception, e:
print e.message
raise e
log_message('Satellite Instrument Group %s' %
satellite_instrument_group, 2)
satellite_instrument = SatelliteInstrument.objects.get(
except Exception, e:
print e.message
raise e
log_message('Satellite Instrument %s' % satellite_instrument, 2)
spectral_modes = SpectralMode.objects.filter(
except Exception, e:
print e.message
log_message('Spectral Modes %s' % spectral_modes, 2)
product_profile = OpticalProductProfile.objects.get(
except Exception, e:
print e.message
print 'Searched for satellite instrument: %s and spectral modes %s' % (
satellite_instrument, spectral_modes
raise e
log_message('Product Profile %s' % product_profile, 2)
return product_profile
def get_radiometric_resolution(dom):
"""Get the radiometric resolution for the supplied product record.
source =
MUXCAM = 8 bits
PANMUX = 8 bits
IRSCAM = 8 bits
WFICAM = 10 bits
:param resolution_element: Dom Document containing the bounds of the scene.
:type resolution_element: DOM document.
:returns: The bit depth for the image.
:rtype: int
get_sensor_id = dom.getElementsByTagName('sensorId')[0]
sensor_id = get_sensor_id.firstChild.nodeValue
# sensor_id : MUX, P10, P5M, WFI
if sensor_id == 'MUX':
return 8
elif sensor_id == 'P10':
return 8
elif sensor_id =='P5M':
return 8
elif sensor_id == 'WFI':
return 10
return 0
def get_projection(dom):
"""Get the projection for this product record.
The project is always expressed as an EPSG code and we fetch the related
Projection model for that code.
:param specific_parameters: Dom Document containing the bounds of the scene.
:type specific_parameters: DOM document.
:returns: A projection model for the specified EPSG.
:rtype: Projection
epsg_default_code = '32'
get_zone = dom.getElementsByTagName('zone')[0]
zone_value = get_zone.firstChild.nodeValue
zone = zone_value[0:2]
location_code = '7' # 6 for north and 7 for south
epsg_code = epsg_default_code + location_code + zone
projection = Projection.objects.get(epsg_code=epsg_code)
return projection
def get_quality(dom):
"""Get the quality for this record - currently hard coded to unknown.
:returns: A quality object fixed to 'unknown'.
:rtype: Quality
overall_quality = dom.getElementsByTagName('overallQuality')[0]
quality_xml = str(overall_quality.firstChild.nodeValue)
quality = Quality.objects.get(name=quality_xml)
return quality
def ingest(
Ingest a collection of CBERS metadata folders.
:param test_only_flag: Whether to do a dummy run ( database will not be
updated. Default False.
:type test_only_flag: bool
:param source_path: A CBERS created CBERS 04 metadata xml file and thumbnail.
:type source_path: str
:param verbosity_level: How verbose the logging output should be. 0-2
where 2 is very very very very verbose! Default is 1.
:type verbosity_level: int
:param halt_on_error_flag: Whather we should stop processing when the first
error is encountered. Default is True.
:type halt_on_error_flag: bool
:param ignore_missing_thumbs: Whether we should raise an error
if we find we are missing a thumbnails. Default is False.
:type ignore_missing_thumbs: bool
def log_message(message, level=1):
"""Log a message for a given leven.
:param message: A message.
:param level: A log level.
if verbosity_level >= level:
print message
'Running CBERS 04 Importer with these options:\n'
'Test Only Flag: %s\n'
'Source Dir: %s\n'
'Verbosity Level: %s\n'
'Halt on error: %s\n'
% (test_only_flag, source_path, verbosity_level,
halt_on_error_flag), 2)
# Scan the source folder and look for any sub-folders
# The sub-folder names should be e.g.
# L5-_TM-_HRF_SAM-_0176_00_0078_00_920606_080254_L0Ra_UTM34S
log_message('Scanning folders in %s' % source_path, 1)
# Loop through each folder found
ingestor_version = 'CBERS 04 ingestor version 1.1'
record_count = 0
updated_record_count = 0
created_record_count = 0
failed_record_count = 0
log_message('Starting directory scan...', 2)
for myFolder in glob.glob(os.path.join(source_path, '*.XML')):
record_count += 1
log_message('', 2)
log_message('---------------', 2)
# Get the folder name
product_folder = os.path.split(myFolder)[-1]
log_message(product_folder, 2)
# Find the first and only xml file in the folder
#search_path = os.path.join(str(myFolder), '*.XML')
log_message(myFolder, 2)
xml_file = glob.glob(myFolder)[0]
file = os.path.basename(xml_file)
file_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
original_product_id = get_original_product_id(file_name)
# Create a DOM document from the file
dom = parse(xml_file)
#First grab all the generic properties that any CBERS will have...
geometry = get_geometry(log_message, dom)
start_date_time, center_date_time = get_dates(
log_message, dom)
# projection for GenericProduct
projection = get_projection(dom)
# Band count for GenericImageryProduct
band_count = get_band_count(dom)
row = get_scene_row(dom)
path = get_scene_path(dom)
solar_azimuth_angle = get_solar_azimuth_angle(dom)
sensor_inclination = get_sensor_inclination()
# # Spatial resolution x for GenericImageryProduct
spatial_resolution_x = float(get_spatial_resolution_x(dom))
# # Spatial resolution y for GenericImageryProduct
spatial_resolution_y = float(
log_message('Spatial resolution y: %s' % spatial_resolution_y, 2)
# # Spatial resolution for GenericImageryProduct calculated as (x+y)/2
spatial_resolution = (spatial_resolution_x + spatial_resolution_y) / 2
log_message('Spatial resolution: %s' % spatial_resolution, 2)
radiometric_resolution = get_radiometric_resolution(dom)
log_message('Radiometric resolution: %s' % radiometric_resolution, 2)
quality = get_quality(dom)
# ProductProfile for OpticalProduct
product_profile = get_product_profile(log_message, original_product_id)
# Do the ingestion here...
data = {
'spatial_coverage': geometry,
'radiometric_resolution': radiometric_resolution,
'band_count': band_count,
'original_product_id': original_product_id,
'unique_product_id': original_product_id,
'spatial_resolution_x': spatial_resolution_x,
'spatial_resolution_y': spatial_resolution_y,
'spatial_resolution': spatial_resolution,
'product_profile': product_profile,
'product_acquisition_start': start_date_time,
'product_date': center_date_time,
'sensor_inclination_angle': sensor_inclination,
'solar_azimuth_angle': solar_azimuth_angle,
'row': row,
'path': path,
'projection': projection,
'quality': quality
log_message(data, 3)
# Check if it's already in catalogue:
today =
time_stamp = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
log_message('Time Stamp: %s' % time_stamp, 2)
except Exception, e:
print e.message
update_mode = True
log_message('Trying to update')
#original_product_id is not necessarily unique
#so we use product_id
product = OpticalProduct.objects.get(
log_message(('Already in catalogue: updating %s.'
% original_product_id), 2)
new_record_flag = False
message = product.ingestion_log
message += '\n'
message += '%s : %s - updating record' % (
time_stamp, ingestor_version)
data['ingestion_log'] = message
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
log_message('Not in catalogue: creating.', 2)
update_mode = False
message = '%s : %s - creating record' % (
time_stamp, ingestor_version)
data['ingestion_log'] = message
product = OpticalProduct(**data)
log_message('Product: %s' % product)
except Exception, e:
log_message(e.message, 2)
new_record_flag = True
except Exception, e:
print e.message
log_message('Saving product and setting thumb', 2)
if update_mode:
updated_record_count += 1
created_record_count += 1
if test_only_flag:
log_message('Testing: image not saved.', 2)
# Store thumbnail
thumbs_folder = os.path.join(
except OSError:
# TODO: check for creation failure rather than
# attempt to recreate an existing dir
jpeg_path = os.path.join(str(myFolder))
#log_message(jpeg_path, 2)
jpeg_path = jpeg_path.replace(".XML","-THUMB.JPG")
if jpeg_path:
print jpeg_path
new_name = '%s.jpg' % product.original_product_id
os.path.join(thumbs_folder, new_name))
print new_name
# Transform and store .wld file
# log_message('Referencing thumb', 2)
# try:
# path = product.georeferencedThumbnail()
# log_message('Georeferenced Thumb: %s' % path, 2)
# except:
# traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
# elif ignore_missing_thumbs:
# log_message('IGNORING missing thumb:')
raise Exception('Missing thumbnail in %s' %jpeg_path)
if new_record_flag:
log_message('Product %s imported.' % record_count, 2)
log_message('Product %s updated.' % updated_record_count, 2)
except Exception, e:
raise CommandError('Cannot import: %s' % e)
if test_only_flag:
log_message('Imported scene : %s' % product_folder, 1)
log_message('Testing only: transaction rollback.', 1)
log_message('Imported scene : %s' % product_folder, 1)
except Exception, e:
log_message('Record import failed. AAAAAAARGH! : %s' %
product_folder, 1)
failed_record_count += 1
if halt_on_error_flag:
print e.message
# To decide: should we remove ingested product folders?
print '==============================='
print 'Products processed : %s ' % record_count
print 'Products updated : %s ' % updated_record_count
print 'Products imported : %s ' % created_record_count
print 'Products failed to import : %s ' % failed_record_count
print '==============================='
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