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Created December 21, 2017 06:50
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template heap sort
#include <iostream>
template<int item> struct num { static int const value = item; };//包装整数
struct null {}; //TODO, 空是否需要内容
template<class left, class right>
struct cons {
using car = left;
using cdr = right;
static int const length = cdr::length + 1;
template<class left>
struct cons<left, null> {
using car = left;
using cdr = null;
static int const length = 1;
template<class head, class ...tail>
struct list {
using type = cons<head, typename list<tail...>::type>;
using car = head;
using cdr = list<tail...>;
static int const length = cdr::length + 1;
template<class head>
struct list<head> {
using type = cons<head, null>;
using car = head;
using cdr = null;
static int const length = 1;
struct list<null> {
using type = null;
template<int n, class _list> //_list可传入诸如cons<num<1>, cons<num<2>, null>>
struct find_list {
using result = typename find_list<n - 1, typename _list::cdr>::result;
template<class head>
struct find_list<0, list<head>> {
using result = typename list<head>::car;
template<class _list>
struct find_list<0, _list> {
using result = typename _list::car;
template<int start, int end, class _list>
struct copy_list {
using result = typename cons<typename find_list<start, _list>::result,
typename copy_list<start, end - 1, typename _list::cdr>::result>;
template<int start, class _list>
struct copy_list<start, start, _list> {
using result = typename cons<typename find_list<start, _list>::result, null>;
};//TODO 如何简便解决start>end的情形
//-------------链表合并-------------- //TODO,可以写可变参数
template<class cons1, class cons2>
struct append {
using result = cons<typename cons1::car, typename append<typename cons1::cdr, cons2>::result>;
template<class cons2>
struct append<null, cons2> {
using result = cons<typename cons2::car, typename append<null, typename cons2::cdr>::result>;
struct append<null, null> {
using result = null;
template<int index, int val, class _list>
struct change_list {
template<bool cond, int index, int length, class _list>
struct if_need_null {};
template<int index, int length, class _list>
struct if_need_null<true, index, length, _list> { using type = null; };
template<int index, int length, class _list>
struct if_need_null<false, index, length, _list> { using type = typename copy_list<index + 1, length - 1, _list>::result; };
using result = typename append<typename copy_list<0, index - 1, _list>::result,
cons<num<val>, typename if_need_null<index == _list::length - 1, index, _list::length, _list>::type>>::result;
template<int val, class _list>
struct change_list<0, val, _list> {
using result = typename append<null,
cons<num<val>, typename copy_list<1, _list::length - 1, _list>::result>>::result;
template<int a, int b, class _list>
struct swap {
using temp = typename change_list<a, find_list<b, _list>::result::value, _list>::result;
using result = typename change_list<b, find_list<a, _list>::result::value, temp>::result;
template<class _list, int index, int heapSize>
struct maxHeapify {
static const int left = 2 * index + 1;
static const int right = left + 1;
template<bool cond, int index, int num1>
struct if_temp {
static const int max = index;
template<int index, int num1>
struct if_temp<true, index, num1> {
template<bool cond, int index, int num1>
struct if_temp2 {
static const int max = index;
template<int index, int num1>
struct if_temp2<true, index, num1> {
static const int max = num1;
static const int max = if_temp2 < ((find_list<index, _list>::result::value) < (find_list<num1, _list>::result::value)), index, num1>::max;
static const int temp_max = if_temp<(left < heapSize), index, left>::max;
static const int maxIndex = if_temp<(right < heapSize), temp_max, right>::max;
template<bool cond1, int maxIndex, int index, int heapSize>
struct if_temp3 {};
template<int maxIndex, int index, int heapSize>
struct if_temp3<false, maxIndex, index, heapSize> {
using result = _list;
template<int maxIndex, int index, int heapSize>
struct if_temp3<true, maxIndex, index, heapSize> {
using temp_list = typename swap<maxIndex, index, _list>::result;
using result = typename maxHeapify<temp_list, maxIndex, heapSize>::result;
using result = typename if_temp3<(maxIndex != index), maxIndex, index, heapSize>::result;
template<class _list, int heapSize>
struct build {
template<int i, class _list>
struct loop {
using result = typename loop<i - 1, typename maxHeapify<_list, i, heapSize>::result>::result;
template<class _list>
struct loop<0, _list> {
using result = typename maxHeapify<_list, 0, heapSize>::result;
using result = typename loop<(heapSize / 2), _list>::result;
template<class _list, int heapSize>
struct sort {
using temp = typename build<_list, heapSize>::result;
template<int i, class _list>
struct loop {
using temp = typename swap<0, i, _list>::result;
using temp2 = typename maxHeapify<temp, 0, i>::result;
using result = typename loop<i - 1, temp2>::result;
template<class _list>
struct loop<1, _list> {
using temp = typename swap<0, 1, _list>::result;
using result = typename maxHeapify<temp, 0, 1>::result;
using result = typename loop<(heapSize - 1), _list>::result;
int main()
using mylist = list<num<6>, num<5>, num<4>, num<3>, num<2>, num<1>>;
using a = sort<mylist::type, mylist::length>::result;
std::cout << "sort " << std::endl << typeid(a).name() << std::endl;
return 0;
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