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Last active May 1, 2018 15:40
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# import Flask
from flask import Flask
# import Ask Class and statement method from flask_ask
from flask_ask import Ask, statement
# create a flask app
app = Flask(__name__)
# define alexa endpoint
ask = Ask(app, '/alexa_end_point')
def launch():
# this method will handle launch request
def hello(SlotName):
# this method will handle HelloIntent request
def session_ended():
return "", 200
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
port = int(os.getenv('PORT', 5000))
print ('Starting app on port %d' % port), port=port, host='')
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
from flask import make_response
from flask_ask import Ask, statement, question
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
import datetime
app = Flask(__name__)
ask = Ask(app, '/alexa_end_point')
def launch():
speech_text = 'Welcome to HelloWorld skill, using this skill you can great your guests.'
reprompt_text = 'Whom would you like to greet, you can say, say hello to Cipherhack'
return question(speech_text).reprompt(reprompt_text)
@ask.intent('HelloIntent', mapping={'first_name': 'FirstName'}, default={'first_name': 'Unknown'})
def hello(first_name):
speach_text = 'Hello %s' % first_name
speach_text += get_wish()
return statement('<speak>' + speach_text + '</speak>').standard_card('Chipherhack', speach_text)
def get_wish():
current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
hour = current_time.hour - 5
if hour < 0:
hour += 24
if hour < 12:
return '. Good morning.'
elif hour < 18:
return '. Good evening.'
return '. Good night.'
def session_ended():
return "", 200
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
port = int(os.getenv('PORT', 5000))
print ('Starting app on port %d' % port), port=port, host='')
@ask.intent('HelloIntent', mapping={'first_name': 'FirstName'}, default={'first_name': 'Unknown'})
def hello(first_name):
speach_text = 'Hello %s' % first_name
return statement('<speak>' + speach_text + '</speak>')
def launch():
speech_text = 'Welcome to HelloWorld skill, using this skill you can great your guests.'
reprompt_text = 'Whom would you like to say hello to, you can say, say hello to Cipherhack'
return question(speech_text).reprompt(reprompt_text)
def launch():
speech_text = '<speak>Welcome to HelloWorld skill, using this skill you can great your guests.</speak>'
reprompt_text = '<speak>Whom would you like to say hello to, you can say, say hello to Cipherhack.</speak>'
return question(speech_text).reprompt(reprompt_text)
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