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Created November 18, 2015 16:37
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Haskell is a standardized, general-purpose purely functional programming language, with non-strict semantics and strong static typing. It is named after logician Haskell Curry.

Here I have explained basics of Haskell with complete examples. However, you might have doubts even after reading them because I have not included all details. For an exhaustive reference, read the official documentation.

Hello World

module Main where
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello, World!"

Note that all but the last line can be omitted.

This is a hello world program in Haskell.

To print something, write main = putStrLn "<whatever you want to print>"


Single line comments: They start with two dashes.

 '-- your comment'

Multiline comments: Enclosed in a block like this -

'{- your comment
comment in next line


You have numbers and basic operations 5 -- number 5 5 + 8 -- 13 12 * 3 -- 36 7 / 2 -- 3.5 Division is not integer division by default 7 div 2 -- 3 Integer division

False 		-- Boolean values are primitive
not True 	-- False
2 /= 2 		-- False
4 < 8 		-- True

Here not is a function that takes one parameter. Haskell doesn't need parentheses for function calls eg : for a function with name func and 3 arguments you write -

func arg1 arg2 arg3

"This is a string."

String is implemented as a list of characters

['H', 'e', 'y'] 	 -- "Hey"
'a' -- character

Concatenation is done using "++" operator

"Hello " ++ "world!"	  --"Hello world!"


Every element is of same type. You cant have a list that contains a number and a character.

eg - [1,2,3,4,5] is the same as - [1..5]

1..5 enumerates the numbers from 1 to 5.

1,3..11 enumerates the numbers from 1 to 11 skipping 1 number.

This is same as - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

For indexing you use "!!" operator.

[1,2,3,4,5] !! 2  		-- 3
[0,2..10]				-- [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
[5,4..1] 				-- [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

You can have infinite lists in Haskell. Remember Haskell has lazy evaluation though. It will evaluate anything only if it needs to do so.

[1..] !! 25 			-- 26

This is completely valid.

The "++" operator can be used to join 2 lists also.

eg - [1..5] ++ [6..10]

You can append to a list by using a ":".

The syntax is - value_to_be_appended:list_name

0:[1..5]	 		-- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Some common functions on a list:

head <list>    		-- gives 1st element
tail <list>		-- gives everything except head
last <list>		-- gives last element
init <list> 		-- gives everything except last

If you wanted to add each element of a list ([1..5]) with 2, you would do it this way. Also with condition that the new numbers should be great than 5.

[x+2 | x <- [1..5]]    		-- [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[x+2 | x <- [1..5], x+2 > 5]	-- [6, 7] 


Every element can have a different type, but the length of a tuple is fixed.

("hello", 10)

You can access elements of a pair (tuple of length 2) as -

fst <tuple>
snd <tuple>

Gives first and second element respectively.


Variables are dealt in Haskell the same way as python. To assign a variable x value 5, and variable y as "hello", you write :

x <- 5
y <- "hello"


Functions take parameters that are just listed without enclosing parantheses. example of a function that takes 2 parameters

add a b = a + b

Using this

add 1 2 		-- 3
-- or
1 `add` 2 		-- 3

You can also define a function that has no letters. Essentially your very own operators.

(//) a b = a `div` b
35 // 4			-- 8 Integer division

Guards are an easy way to do branching in functions.

fib x
	| x < 2 = 1
	| otherwise = fib (x-1) + fib (x-2)

Pattern matching is similar. We can give different definitions for fib. Haskell will automatically call the first function that matches the pattern of the value

fib 1 = 1
fib 2 = 2
fib x = fib (x-1) + fib(x-2)

Patterns can be matched on tuples also.

foo(x, y) = (x+1, y+2)

Pattern matching on lists. Here x is the first element in the list, and xs is the rest of the list. We can write our own map function:

myMap func [] = []
myMap func (x:xs) = func x:(myMap func xs)

Anonymous functions can be created with a backslash followed by all the arguments.

myMap (\x -> x + 2) [1..5] 		-- [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Haskell supports partial application. That means if you dont pass in all the arguments that a function requires, then Haskell will return a function that takes the rest of the arguments.

example -

add a b = a + b

foo = add 10		-- foo is now a function that takes a 						--	number and add 10 to it.
foo 5				-- 15
bar = (+10)		-- same as foo
bar 5				-- 15

Multiple functions can be composed together using a dot (.) operator.

Here lol is a function that takes a value and adds 10 to it. It then multiplies the result by 4 and return the final value.

lol = (*4) . (+10)
-- (5 + 10) * 4 = 60
lol 5 				-- 60 

Haskell has a $ operator that applies a function to a given parameter. In contrast to standard function application, which has highest possible priority of 10 and is left-associative, the $ operator has priority of 0 and is right-associative. Such a low priority means that the expression on its right is applied as the parameter to the function on its left. example :

-- before
even (fib 7) 			-- false
-- equivalent
even $ fib 7			-- false
-- composing functions
even . fib $ 7			-- false

Type Signatures

Haskell has a very strong type system, and eveything has a type signature.

some basic types :

5 :: Integer
"hello" :: String
True :: Bool

Functions have type too. not take a boolean and returns a boolean

not :: Bool -> Bool
<func> :: <what it takes> -> <what it gives>

Function that takes two arguments.

add :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer

When you define a value, it's good practice to write its type above it.

double :: Integer -> Integer
double x = x * 2

Flow Control

if expressions are:

yo = if 2<3 then "yes" else "no" 		--yo = "yes"

can be in multiple lines too, but then you will have to indent.

yo = if 2<3
	then "yes"
	else "no"

Case expressions. Use this to parse command line arguments.

case args of
	"help" -> printHelp
	"start" -> startProgram
	_ -> putStrLn "Bad args"

Haskell doesnt have loops. Because "To iterate is human, to recurse divine".

map applies a function to every element of an array

map (*2) [1..5] 		--[2,4,6,8,10]

for function using map:

for array func = map func array
for [0..5] $ \i -> show i
-- or
for [0..5] show

Data Types

You can even make your own data types in Haskell. Data types can have parameters too.


data Colour = Red | Blue | Green
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

say :: Color -> String
say Red = "You are Red!"
say Blue = "You are blue"
say Green = "You are green"	

-- all types of Maybe
Just "hello" 	-- of the type `Maybe String`
Just 1		-- of the type `Maybe Int`
Nothing 	-- of the type `Maybe a` for any `a`


When a Haskell program is executed, main is called. It must return a value of type IO (). eg:

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ "Hello World!" 

putStrLn has type String -> IO ()

It is easiest to do IO if you can implement your program as a function from String to String.

<function> :: (String -> String) -> IO ()

This inputs some text, runs a function on it, and prints the result.

Examples :

countLines :: String -> String
countLines = show . length . lines
main' = countlines

You can think of a value of type IO () as being a sequence of actions to be performed. We can use the do notation to chain actions together.

main = sayHello
sayHello :: IO ()
sayHello = do
	putStrLn "What is your name"
	name <- getLine  
	putStrLn $ "Hello, " ++ name

getLine has type -

getLine :: IO String

IO a represents a computer program that generates a value of type a when executed. We can make our own action of type IO String as:

action :: IO String
action = do
	putStrLn "This is a line"
	input1 <- getLine
	input2 <- getLine
	-- `return` is not a keyword, but a function
	-- return :: String -> IO String
	return (input1 ++ " " ++ input2)

We can use this "action" just like getLine.

sayHello :: IO ()
sayHello = do
	putStrLn "Echo 2 lines"
	name <- action
	putStrLn result

For more info about Haskell, check out the official documentation.

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