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Created May 20, 2018 15:12
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Initializing zappa settings
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Welcome to Zappa!
Zappa is a system for running server-less Python web applications on AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway.
This `init` command will help you create and configure your new Zappa deployment.
Let's get started!
Your Zappa configuration can support multiple production stages, like 'dev', 'staging', and 'production'.
What do you want to call this environment (default 'dev'):
AWS Lambda and API Gateway are only available in certain regions. Let's check to make sure you have a profile set up in one that will work.
We found the following profiles: default, and hdx. Which would you like us to use? (default 'default'):
Your Zappa deployments will need to be uploaded to a private S3 bucket.
If you don't have a bucket yet, we'll create one for you too.
What do you want call your bucket? (default 'zappa-108wqhyn4'): django-zappa-sample-bucket
It looks like this is a Django application!
What is the module path to your projects's Django settings?
We discovered: django_zappa_sample.settings
Where are your project's settings? (default 'django_zappa_sample.settings'):
You can optionally deploy to all available regions in order to provide fast global service.
If you are using Zappa for the first time, you probably don't want to do this!
Would you like to deploy this application globally? (default 'n') [y/n/(p)rimary]: n
Okay, here's your zappa_settings.json:
"dev": {
"aws_region": "us-east-1",
"django_settings": "django_zappa_sample.settings",
"profile_name": "default",
"project_name": "django-zappa-sa",
"runtime": "python2.7",
"s3_bucket": "django-zappa-sample-bucket"
Does this look okay? (default 'y') [y/n]: y
Done! Now you can deploy your Zappa application by executing:
$ zappa deploy dev
After that, you can update your application code with:
$ zappa update dev
To learn more, check out our project page on GitHub here:
and stop by our Slack channel here:
~ Team Zappa!
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