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Created April 3, 2022 17:50
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# plots to be manullly made using results from sheet
#Cloth Mask
#get final numbers by running the ML pipeline above
rf_pe= [3.5,4.7,5.2] #MAE for healthy with Random Forest
lr_pe = [3.2,6.7,6.3]
svr_pe = [8.2,9.7,8.2]
rf_std= [1.5,2.2,1.1] #STD for healthy with Random Forest
lr_std = [1.3,2.2,1.5]
svr_std = [2.6,4.5,4.2]
rf_pe_u= [6.2,6.8,6.5] #MAE for unhealthy with Random Forest
lr_pe_u = [9.3,8.6,7.8]
svr_pe_u = [2.8,10.1,3.21]
figname = 'revised-overall-error-cloth'
lt.latexify(columns=2, fig_height=2)
labels = ['PEF', 'FEV1', 'FVC']
x = np.arange(len(labels)) # the label locations
width = 0.30 # the width of the bars
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
rects1 = ax[0].bar(x, rf_pe, width, label='Random Forest', yerr=rf_std, ecolor='black', capsize=2.5, align='center')
rects2 = ax[0].bar(x + width, lr_pe, width, label='Linear Regression', yerr=lr_std, ecolor='black', capsize=2.5, align='center')
rects3 = ax[0].bar(x + width*2, svr_pe, width, label='Support Vector Regressor', yerr=svr_std, ecolor='black', capsize=2.5, align='center')
# Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc.
ax[0].set_title("Overall Eror For All Participants")
ax[0].set_ylabel('Percentage Error\n (Lower is better)',fontsize=12)
#ax.set_title('Percentage Error For Differnet Type of Mask', fontsize=12)
ax[0].set_xticklabels(labels, fontsize=12)
#ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[0.55,1.2],ncol=3, fontsize=12, loc='center')
#ax[0].annotate(' Result For Cloth Mask',xy=(0, 0), xytext=(60, 190),xycoords=('axes fraction', 'axes fraction'),textcoords='offset points',size=14, ha='center', va='bottom', weight='bold')
rects1 = ax[1].bar(x, rf_pe_u, width, label='Random Forest', ecolor='black', capsize=2.5, align='center')
rects2 = ax[1].bar(x + width, lr_pe_u, width, label='Linear Regression', ecolor='black', capsize=2.5, align='center')
rects3 = ax[1].bar(x + width*2, svr_pe_u, width, label='Support Vector Regressor', ecolor='black', capsize=2.5, align='center')
ax[1].set_title("Average Error For Participants With Lung Discomfort")
#ax[1].set_ylabel('Percentage Error',fontsize=12)
#ax.set_title('Percentage Error For Differnet Type of Mask', fontsize=12)
ax[1].set_xticklabels(labels, fontsize=12)
ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[0.3,1.5],ncol=3, fontsize=12, loc='center')
plt.savefig(figname+'.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
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