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Created April 9, 2020 07:12
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Sentiment Analysis on "air pollution disease" Tweets
0 polarity subjectivity
0 familiar negat effect pollut know damag eye 0.375 0.5
1 rebuild neighbourhood layout act solar calendar light effect solstic equinox larg statu middl chang facial express depend level pollut 0.2 0.35
2 filter protect brain pollut learn filter abil preserv indoor qualiti hold protect brain detriment effect post filter protect brain 0.0 0.0
3 shortterm effect pollut bloodpressur 0.0 0.0
4 background cool paper europ general germani particular surpris bad pollut sort negat effect learn -0.0333333333333333 0.5375
5 vaccin help season chang pollut effect kid qualiti index get wors swasthimmunis 0.0 0.0
6 icymi improv access meaning work black resid uncov earli insight health effect airpollut read recent develop urbanhealth program -0.08333333333333333 0.3416666666666667
7 trump administr think ignor pollut exist peopl world feel effect right climatecrisi airpollut 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
8 studi show effect pollut child mental health -0.1 0.2
9 studi show effect pollut child mental health -0.1 0.2
10 happi educ peopl effect pollut workshop open data read 0.0 0.5
11 dont forget million suffer health die pollut caus burn fossil fuel death cost deal pollut effect greennewd 0.0 0.0
12 studi show effect pollut child mental health -0.1 0.2
13 race clean lucasdigrassi recent travel delhi effect pollut way solv watch documentari fiaformula 0.18333333333333335 0.47500000000000003
14 studi indic immedi substanti effect health outcom follow reduc exposur pollut airpollut pollut healthrisk airqual 0.0 0.0
15 public broitman portnov forecast health effect potenti associ reloc major pollut sourc environment airpollut riskassess 0.03125 0.2833333333333333
16 here brief overview pollut health effect 0.0 0.3333333333333333
17 simpli differ intens locat primarili measur health effect high mean high pollut help point visibl differ like islamabad sky arent blue monsoon season build hill arent visibl 0.0018750000000000017 0.46687500000000004
18 kabul airpollut caus effect silent insidi 0.0 0.1
19 studi show effect pollut child mental health -0.1 0.2
20 studi show effect pollut child mental health -0.1 0.2
21 studi show effect pollut child mental health -0.1 0.2
22 studi show effect pollut child mental health -0.1 0.2
23 studi evalu effect pollut dementia particip live higher pollut area like eventu develop diseas learn 0.19318181818181818 0.5
24 scientist know health effect associ breath microplast know pollut damag near organ affect cell human bodi 0.05 0.25
25 trumpgop attack measur demonstr effect year pollut increas caus addit death relat pollut liter kill increas corpor profit evangel trade abort mass murder 0.0 0.0
26 result global effect pollut recogn nejm reduct pollut reduc mortal mitig climat chang ilmastopane kestã vyyspane climatechang airpollut 0.0 0.0
27 peopl everyday pollut develop part world feel direct effect climat chang newli london media bubbl check fact inform nimwit -0.05 0.5
28 abbott pollut health effect youtub 0.0 0.0
29 tree plant worth path fight pollutionglob warm harm effect join save planet ingomagazin citfrclimact hollywildchild jacquelyngil ecocatherin 0.44999999999999996 0.35
30 pollut deal advers effect numer health outcom wide document understand cognit cost recent cost certain signific underemphas 0.03809523809523809 0.4071428571428572
31 ongo exposur pollut short term symptom leav vulner develop chronic condit long term effect impact health -0.025 0.35
32 sourc airpollut worri studi show microplast pollut london wors pari scientist fulli understand effect human health particl lung tissu suspect caus cancer 0.0 0.1
33 studi reveal airpollut sever effect health children unborn babi listen mother share concern icareforlung 0.0 0.0
34 pollut problem india affect everybodi offer product name airo nixerâ curb pollut effect work provid product like organ honey protein fulfil essenti vitamin need human bodi 0.0 0.1
35 climat chang pollut signific global economi report mark time oecd predict joint econom consequ climat chang pollut countri limit effect 0.0 0.0
36 workday lose year western balkan health effect pollut learn 0.0 0.0
37 dont talk airpollut nation wide phenomena million anyway die effort take govtw suffer atleast tell shud awar danger effect -0.1 0.4
38 california china mandatori cruis ship plug port pollut cours effect worst poor communiti nearbi creat right nygovcuomo nycmayor -0.37142857142857144 0.7119047619047619
39 accur weather data vital climat model huge rang applic pollut crop growth predict effect climat chang habitat chang 0.25000000000000006 0.65
40 care influenza vaccin help control pollut effect kid swasthimmunis 0.0 0.0
41 jandersonqz disconnect pose danger compar smoke cigarett predict earli death effect pollut physic inact 0.0 0.0
42 season chang pollut effect kid swasthimmunis 0.0 0.0
43 kid immun influenza vaccin help season chang pollut effect kid swasthimmunis 0.0 0.0
44 guy dont miss kid immun complet hesh wear mask travel outsid influenza vaccin help season chang pollut effect kid swasthimmunis 0.0 0.0
45 kid immun complet hesh wear mask travel outsid influenza vaccin help season chang pollut effect kid swasthimmunis 0.0 0.0
46 save advers effect indoor pollut clean cook cheap stabl electricti grid advocaci 0.38333333333333336 0.7
47 children vulner negat effect pollut grow develop mean breath higher rate kilogram bodi weight join urjadelhi movement -0.03125 0.59375
48 trust like work effect wont month pollut problem result time 0.0 0.0
49 peopl expos pollut natur work featur distribut antipollut devic nasofilt media public strong activ educ pollut effect prevent measur 0.21666666666666665 0.39999999999999997
50 learn filter abil preserv indoor qualiti hold protect brain detriment effect pollut airpollut environ airqual airfilt cleanairmatt takeabreath 0.0 0.0
51 pollut signific risk factor human health condit allergi cardiovascular diseas lung damag immun health combat negat effect pollut take antipollut herb airopol nixerâ 0.0 0.1
52 absolut research health effect pollutionthi liter put live risk trump 0.13636363636363635 0.5
53 toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mental health problem adult children world health organ say pollut silent public health emergencyâ airqoon 0.08 0.31333333333333335
54 specialissu household cook space heat effect pollut climat chang human health atmospher publish paper read free 0.2 0.45
55 effect physic activ pollut blood pressur 0.0 0.0
56 pollut global concern caus impact transport busi oper person health learn effect direct influenc busi continu plan 0.05 0.2
57 wonder long term health effect breath insan pollut healthi breath prolong period -0.05 0.4
58 diet reduc harm effect pollut ûøªù read share 0.0 0.0
59 wouldshould free resid need massiv curb drive london general year london die pollut doesnt includ aw effect death isnt attribut 0.22500000000000003 0.65
60 think chamonix ban fire restrict open fire promot wood stove plenti pollut effect health wood burn grrrrrrrr cleanair airpollut 0.0 0.5
61 cognit perform labor product advers effect poor signific wellestablish link infant mortal respiratori diseas know health estim death attribut pollut -0.4 0.6
62 santa wear mask season save harm effect pollut festiv season let fight pollut home citi clean airok purifi pollutionfre airpurifi breatheasi pollut christma 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
63 glad studi conduct institut car effect pollut kosovo cite world bank report pollut kosovo report world bank report 0.5 1.0
64 learn team uutah work understand genet influenc effect pollut childhood asthma asthma uofuhealth 0.0 0.0
65 aspirin reduc advers effect pollut lung 0.0 0.0
66 pollut affect brain airpollut refer wide rang gas liquid solid suspend atmospher know harm effect respiratori cardiovascular system contamin implic damag brain -0.05 0.25
67 peopl read news pollut effect aspect health 0.0 0.0
68 know harm effect respiratori cardiovascular system contamin airpollut implic damag brainâ organ expos multipl pathway 0.0 0.0
69 cardiopulmonari health effect airborn particul matter correl anim toxicolog human epidemiolog airpollut 0.0 0.1
70 extern factor need take care ingest import read know lessen effect pollut keep check delhipollut airpollut partner volvocarsin 0.0 0.0
71 effect pollut reach physic read know affect mental health kid delhipollut airpollut -0.1 0.2
72 thegazett airpollut articl highlight harm effect total unnecessari fashion form particul 0.0 0.75
73 miss public pollut toxic effect 0.0 0.06666666666666667
74 smoke increas level high quantiti effect similar smoke cigarett saidâ today northern tableland region north sydney level cigarett equival airpollut 0.08 0.47
75 drive civiliz collaps sure that like outcom effect hundr million billion refuge choke pollut crippl drought caus sort problem lead major conflict escal 0.28125 0.6944444444444444
76 caus airpollut mean planet short video natgeoeduc defin type caus effect harm pollut -0.15625 0.49375
77 question pollut rais popul risk asthma heart diseas health effect correl short longterm exposur pollut extrem effect impact chronic peopl kid elder 0.0 0.3
78 climatecrisi pollut fire creat travel globe affect qualiti globe effect fire warm trend globe 0.6 0.6
79 occur daili human activ wake stand beat pollut effect high human plant anim 0.05333333333333334 0.24666666666666662
80 health effect pollut older adult 0.13333333333333333 0.31666666666666665
81 bring awar effect pollut lead cancer have harm emiss burn harsh chemic make peopl awar kind pollut caus differ type cancer 0.19999999999999998 0.8
82 peopl shanghai experi wors pollut everyday effect smoke health shanghai compar rest popul -0.2 0.6
83 data terribl effect pollut respiratori heartbrain children develop time class action 0.1 0.1
84 epidemiolog studi suggest health effect pollut birth weight preterm birth stay affect individu live reason care women health worri 0.13636363636363635 0.5
85 unfortun mention cardiovascular effect prove signific associ pollut heart diseas heart attack outofhospit cardiac arrest heart failur -0.05 0.0
86 longterm health effect pollut includ heart diseas lung cancer respiratori diseas emphysema stagger peopl hunter region ignor health great risk 0.8 0.75
87 excel post patrickc cognit effect pollut keep closer purpleair look today surpris condit unment 0.0 0.0
88 effect pollut reach physic read know affect mental health kid delhipollut airpollut partner -0.1 0.2
89 survivorship treatment late effect controversi surround ecig smoke cessat mechan ethic surround genet test pros con blood test earli tumor detect pollut good luck 0.19999999999999998 0.6000000000000001
90 suprem court uphold lower court rule protect potenti devast effect climat chang human right govern duti protect citizen airpollut 0.14285714285714285 0.31785714285714284
91 publish articl effect pollut children biomedcentr ê³µì 0.0 0.0
92 congratul faculti research megan hert hertinglab receiv rosenblith award fund research look airpollut effect brain emot develop children teen 0.0 0.0
93 effect inhal pollut marker integr inflamm microbiota profil intestin apolipoprotein knockout mice fitch environ 0.0 0.0
94 intervent reduc ambient pollut effect health abridg cochran systemat review pubm ncbi 0.0 0.0
95 differ type pollut affect asthma risk male studi evalu associ asthma pollut sulfur dioxid nitrogen dioxid need learn effect individu pollut asthma occurr 0.0 0.1
96 good half million peopl year violent act million peopl year effect pollut scandal doesnt -0.0888888888888889 0.5888888888888889
97 season affect disord affect long winter month pollut exacerb effect ownyourair -0.05 0.4
98 climatechang genderneutr environment pollut women hardest effect hormon fertil fundament data suggest pollut disrupt axi control menstrual cycl 0.0 0.0
99 absolut issu concern hear caus young peopl commit suicid capac reduc pollut human health effect real 0.10000000000000002 0.26666666666666666
100 disagre immigr okay today ask togetherâ think pollut effect 0.5 0.5
101 disconnect danger good health smoke cigarett predict earli death effect pollut couch potato 0.7 0.6000000000000001
102 dont knowi think actual like patch fill space addict doesnt negat outward effect pollut societi creat problem go solv overnight 0.0 0.1
103 iitb washington univers research monitor pollut effect mumbai urbanupd news mumbai pollut airpollut iitb mpcb ncap read 0.0 0.0
104 open burn inciner plastic negat effect releas black carbontwo potent climatechang substanc burn plastic especi contain chlorin bromin addit signific sourc pollut 0.11111111111111112 0.4777777777777778
105 doctor come warn long last effect airpollut predict continu direct apocalypt futur dramat hyperbol probabl realiti region 0.016666666666666666 0.2888888888888889
106 pollut especi children mental health children expos effect develop brain suscept harm pollut need deal pollut emerg foot -0.1 0.2
107 vispi speak pollut health effect nutrit solut 0.0 0.0
108 pollut especi children mental health children expos effect higher rate breath intak pollut develop brain suscept harm pollut 0.075 0.35
109 pakistani medic practition come write essenti articl health effect pollut read realis dedic time fight pollut 0.0 0.0
110 publish research show peopl strong social relationship increas likelihood surviv weaker tie disconnect pose compar danger smoke cigarett effect pollut exercis 0.2333333333333333 0.39999999999999997
111 thank share great piec inform insight mental health caus pollut caus human health effect collabor privat govern communiti achiev mileston peopl come great thing happen 0.375 0.45
112 vitamin protect harm epigenet effect pollut 0.0 0.0
113 vitamin protect harm epigenet effect pollut 0.0 0.0
114 airresourc ignor show speak devast effect pollut jimmyodea tweet power bring board meetingâ 0.0 0.0
115 pollut coalfir power plant contribut signific number negat environment health effect coal burn generat electr combust releas combin toxic chemic bodi 0.0 0.0
116 excit opportun work close health effect institut year better understand pollut impact prefront white matter connect outcom 0.25 0.25
117 final offici receiv fund bayã kotox bavarian environment agenc studi effect pollut bumblebe health year 0.0 1.0
118 black carbon extrem harm pollut health effect pollut climat chang decreas snowic albedo water resourc glacial melt nice short articl timonen import south asianhimalayan context icimod 0.14444444444444446 0.5777777777777778
119 good video airthinx explain spare alert winter month area harm effect wood smoke area winter pollut season begin theâ 0.7 0.6000000000000001
120 die industri realiz effect coal pollut global warm mention health respiratori issu coal miner plagu 0.3 0.3
121 effect pollut lung function children children lung matur especi vulner pollut impact pollut health measur reduc exposur kosovo 0.0 0.0
122 know think thing like breath techniqu anxieti effect skincar like plane cabin devil pollut effect skinmakeup import cleans moisturizingetc 0.0 0.0
123 happi decemb exposur pollut link greater risk depress suicid effect bodi breath dirti wellestablish emerg bodi researchâ 0.21666666666666667 0.26666666666666666
124 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi cleanair 0.0 0.0
125 extern factor need take care ingest import lessen effect pollut keep check volvocarsin delhipollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
126 shale bring electr localis employ pollut downwind longterm climat effect read latest issu erinnmayfield colleagu 0.5 0.9
127 expert level pollut tube whos safe limit sure effect want studi unsurpris particul matter virtual metal metal oxid cityam 0.5 0.6944444444444444
128 catch particular abl separ potenti impact nois occur alongsid pollut know psycholog effect 0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
129 depress suicid link pollut global studi evid effect pollut general health mental health -0.029166666666666664 0.18333333333333335
130 effect pollut reach physic read know affect mental health kid delhipollut airpollut volvocarsin -0.1 0.2
131 depress suicid link pollut global studi studi abl separ potenti impact nois occur alongsid pollut know psycholog effect -0.03333333333333333 0.016666666666666666
132 trafficrel pollut come combust fossil fuel motor vehicl vehicl emiss easili inhal advers health effect pregnanc hypertens risk increas trafficrel pollut car 0.0 0.0
133 effect pollut reach physic read know affect mental health kid delhipollut airpollut volvocarsin -0.1 0.2
134 effect pollut reach physic read know affect mental health kid volvocarsin delhipollut airpollut partner -0.1 0.2
135 reduc stop climat chang that fact control reduc pollut human countri busi need plan reduc effect climat chang peopl live busi 0.06818181818181818 0.3
136 execut coach member climat health allianc caha pain awar physic mental health advers effect current environment condit extrem heat smoke pollut hereâ -0.05 0.30000000000000004
137 probabl argument hold physic health effect pollut establish independ direct biolog effect 0.1 0.4
138 abl separ potenti impact nois occur alongsid pollut know psycholog effectsâ 0.0 0.0
139 studi wearabl sensor provid insight effect pollut develop brain way reduc harm 0.0 0.0
140 research mental health pollut decad research effect physic health year clearer pictur dirti direct caus mental health conditionsâ -0.03333333333333333 0.26666666666666666
141 indoor outdoor pollut huge impact health strive improv indoor climat learn pollut negat effect 0.4000000000000001 0.9
142 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
143 advoc cleaner cook altern curb advers effect indoor pollut caus death africa 0.0 0.0
144 live citi certain breath that danger healthâ lead view podcast speak jane burston caus pollut effect local level 0.11688311688311688 0.35714285714285715
145 caus effect airpollut drgaryful talk 0.0 0.0
146 pollut effect marin life provid insight impact human sector caus pollut attent 0.0 0.1
147 escap effect pollut lead reduct life expect johnsodeau craclabucc uccchemistri impact transport choic human health environ echolivecork paultbolg 0.0 0.1
148 share sourc climat chang pollut treat separ issu address creat immedi substant effect world vulner reduc climat chang deliv local health develop benefit 0.0 0.0
149 effect pollut reach physic read know affect mental health kid volvocarsin delhipollut airpollut -0.1 0.2
150 shelagh fogarti speak gari fuller king colleg london caus effect pollut capit shelaghfogarti 0.0 0.0
151 âeffect pollut fertil lower sperm qualiti increas risk birth defect gynaecolog complic reduc success fertil treatment vrindafertil 0.3 0.0
152 water caus frack compani dont care effect frack contamin groundwat methan pollut impact climat chang pollut impact exposur toxic chemic 0.0 0.0
153 children immun weaker adultsbutjust question mindthen children live countri dont awar pollut possibl environment effect children 것ê 0.13636363636363635 0.5
154 effect pollut imperil human live fact follow nicedayhealth niceday earth savetheplanet natur airpollut waterpollut delhi ocean globalwarm 0.06818181818181818 0.3
155 pollut make winter crisi wors dozen doctor health profession warn action tip protect check articl tip reduc health effect airpollut 0.1 0.1
156 nation world need adapt rapid fire pollut flood threaten health communiti time govern step urgent reduc emiss mitig effect 0.0 0.0
157 pollut worri effect child cognit physic develop accord data think govern concern young pole 0.1 0.4
158 extern factor need take care ingest import lessen effect pollut keep check delhipollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
159 extern factor need take care ingest import read know lessen effect pollut keep check airpollut volvocarsin 0.0 0.0
160 extern factor need take care ingest import read lessen effect pollut check volvocarsin delhipollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
161 research effect pollut 0.0 0.0
162 justdon fund expert wit medic effect pollut evid anglia squar public inquiri donat justgiv help rais 0.0 0.06666666666666667
163 love effect pollut effect burn stuff energyâ word scientist husband 0.5 0.6
164 call peer review scienc demonstr declin global burn area climat denial articl research effect pollut 0.0 0.0
165 spend minut look induc demand follow minut read effect pollut hope youll realis build road idea 0.0 0.0
166 ban car barbican estat beech street interest citi london corpor studi dome indic effect pollut localis interest true level individu street 0.35 0.65
167 clear recent iseeglob confer utrecht domin health impact pollut research effect climat chang pollut shape health children bear today lancetcountdown 0.05000000000000001 0.31666666666666665
168 caus pollut mean planet short video subtitl defin type pollut discuss caus effect pollut -0.15625 0.49375
169 extern factor need take care ingest import read lessen effect pollut check volvocarsin delhipollut airpollut partner 0.0 0.0
170 cardiopulmonari health effect airborn particul matter correl anim toxicolog human epidemiolog airpollut 0.0 0.1
171 pollut effect epigenomewid methyl suscept pregnanc pollut airpollut methyl epigenet pregnanc 0.0 0.0
172 nigerian govt citizen pay servic climat chang effect health matter airpollut 0.0 0.0
173 africa largest consum tradit solid biomass fuelwood charcoal farm residu world impact indoor airpollut health effect deforest landdegrad emiss impact women girl 0.0 0.1
174 milk isnt healthi vaccin danger effect pollut kill insid burn brain cell dont read ingredi dont plastic 0.0 0.0
175 crazi condon inhal ufp lung form pollut form inhal ultra fine particul prove harmdisablekil vape add lessen effect fact know harm reason vape 0.4166666666666667 0.5
176 pertin articl reassur filter particul pollut destroy airborn bacteria microb virus mould airpollut cleanaireu cleanair airqual -0.2 0.0
177 mention harm effect link keep warm woodburn major sourc particul pollut carcinogen thing good airpollut 0.4541666666666666 0.5666666666666668
178 pollut poland major radio station smog forecast like weather one daili morn dedic sole smog effect 0.03125 0.375
179 australia health expert warn climaterel health effect have impact vulner babi children elder peopl preexist diseas safe level airpollutionâ 0.5 0.5
180 amerchemsocieti health effect pollut sensat synthes read hottest chemistri research trend cenmag year chemistri scienc 0.0 0.0
181 drink lemon water protect harm effect smog tuesdaytreat annual subscript newspap smog tip pollut airpollut health healthtip exercis fruit fit medic medicaldarpan 0.4 0.4
182 mount evid airpollut health effect start local evid larg eman europ north america popul difficult convinc govern huge invest pollut control local data -0.02499999999999998 0.475
183 facial improv skin tone textur clean pore elast counteract damag effect pollut exposur refresh relax skin facial facial massag oftenâ 0.09166666666666667 0.17500000000000002
184 local evid health effect airpollut import know begin collect local health data evid pollut caus stroke heart diseas respiratori ill death global popul -0.125 0.25
185 justdon fund expert wit medic effect pollut evid anglia squar public inquiri donat justgiv help rais 0.0 0.06666666666666667
186 address worsen urban qualiti situat subsaharan africa prove increas difficult owe pauciti data pollut level lack local evid magnitud associ health effectsâ -0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
187 happi convers health effect pollut particular step reduc exposur improv popul health 0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
188 dont think addit pollut effect allow coal mine indefinit kill million 0.0 0.0
189 short answer health guardianeco good place start learn effect pollut human bodi 0.2333333333333333 0.3333333333333334
190 climaterel health effect have impact vulner babi children elder peopl preexist diseas safe level pollutionâ auspol springst airpollut 0.5 0.5
191 high pollut serbia dramat effect live propos urgent short longterm measur demand serbian govern appli soon possibl 0.0987878787878788 0.4466666666666667
192 fire fireplac woodburn stove cozi romant winter season pose health risk edg act director joel kaufman expert health effect pollut help explain 0.0 0.0
193 hous health wait daughter patmitchel stand solidar janefonda youth risk effect airpollut firedrillfriday climatecrisi 0.0 0.0
194 ozon major pollut citi effect pollut wreck havoc human health planet swasthimmunis 0.03125 0.3
195 review jphysiol physiol today show marin speci predict cardiovascular effect pollut human 0.0 0.1
196 afghanistan nation environment protect agenc nepa say prepar plan longterm shortterm measur reduct effect pollut submit presid offic soon airpollut 0.0 0.0
197 pollut iran issu year thousand peopl hazard effect pollut 0.0 0.0
198 help rais fund expert wit medic effect pollut evid anglia squar public inquiri 0.0 0.06666666666666667
199 know general assembl declar build coal biomass power station crime human mean there pollut effect cheaper combin renew -0.08749999999999998 0.4291666666666667
200 know general assembl declar build coal biomass power station crime human mean there pollut effect cheaper combin renew -0.08749999999999998 0.4291666666666667
201 coal airpollut winter delhi today cpcboffici cseindia shivaniwrit dous explain effect smoke activ educ citizen tonic prakashjavdekar 0.0 0.0
202 need help make govt understand effect wtes live case go delhi resid suffer smoke ash plant dont want delhi like pollut bangalor infosi christinmptoi ecityris 0.13636363636363635 0.5
203 import creat awar airpollut mention immedi effect pollut continu breath pollut fall victim chronic lung diseas cancer stop propos eciti -0.07500000000000001 0.05
204 understand worri qualityhealth effect caus fire pollut traffichav live citi outskirt coastal area region town coeee citi toxic smell knock flat auspol 0.05568181818181818 0.3125
205 airpollut link detriment effect human marin health includ increas risk heartdiseas 0.0 0.1
206 vitamin protect harm epigenet effect pollut 0.0 0.0
207 vitamin protect harm epigenet effect pollut 0.0 0.0
208 group health worker declar public health emergencyâ amid catastroph earli start bushfir season sydney experi pollut smoke year longterm effect exposur larg unknown -0.05 0.3333333333333333
209 nice summari current research detriment effect airpollut human brain hillelaron fairwarningnew refer izabonn studi perform chess player 0.19999999999999998 0.5
210 climaterel health effect have impact vulner babi children elder peopl preexist diseas safe level pollutionâ kate charlesworth royal australasian colleg physician nswfire bluemountain 0.5 0.5
211 health climat chang convers split main convers pollut plastic pollut enter food chain secondari effect environment damag human health antibiot suppli chain 0.08333333333333333 0.21666666666666667
212 number group higher risk experi health effect pollut includ infant young children peopl lung diseas asthma copd adult heart diseas elder 0.15 0.39999999999999997
213 studi show fragranc workplac secondhand smokeâ indoor pollut fragranc know neurolog toxin peopl experi advers health effect synthet fragranc exposureâ -0.1 0.3
214 play macceau medozil pollut carbon monoxid health effect individu 0.0 0.0
215 train effect environ includ produc nitrogen dioxid carbon dioxid particul matter contribut pollut negat health effect hope safe journey miss social environ activist greta 0.26666666666666666 0.2833333333333333
216 vitamin protect harm epigenet effect pollut 0.0 0.0
217 simpl measur protect harm effect pollut airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia 0.0 0.0
218 horrif pollut right check brooklyn melbourn inner west tooðÿ bushfir apocalypt health effect sydney toxic 0.14285714285714285 0.35119047619047616
219 bushfir apocalypt health effect sydney toxic auspol qldpol nswpol timeforact airpollut kill stopadani 0.0 0.0
220 awar immens pollut negat health effect manag serious mobilis public opinion thank away thenetherland point respons china say total count -0.1111111111111111 0.49444444444444446
221 vitamin protect harm epigenet effect pollut 0.0 0.0
222 vitamin protect harm epigenet effect pollut 0.0 0.0
223 pleaseeee dont pollut breath effect 0.0 0.0
224 glad bostonglob highlight effect caremit pollut health total health cost higher contamin runoff urban heat island lack exercis onbut driver pay excit read kennedyschool 0.1875 0.5625
225 requir activist resourc seek protect constitut supremecourtind deforest effect includ toxic pollut letindbreath letmebreathein fffindia 0.0 0.0
226 clean airpurifi filter show effect airpollut dust effect thank purifi airpollut dust delhi 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
227 advers effect human health caus level exposur despit govern continu claim particul matter emit mwis safe breath report airpollut 0.25 0.3
228 suppli howardccox fairfueluk sourc info terribl harm health effect pollut dont mumsforlung flyer hand right 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
229 global confer pollut health director general tedro adhanom ghebreyesus call pollut silent public health emergencyâ approxim million prematur death annual effect pollut 0.012500000000000004 0.16666666666666666
230 health effect pollut sensat synthes read hottest chemistri research trend cenmag year 0.0 0.0
231 complet stat effect pollut increas carbon dioxid death fall tree way hurt 0.0 0.0
232 unicefindia unicefchief power visual babi young children affect damag health neurolog effect toxic pollut damag health brain tissu put risk diseas undermin cognit 0.05 0.2
233 simpl measur protect harm effect pollut airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia 0.0 0.0
234 apart compromis qualiti immedi atmospher pollut wafrican region observ localregion effect pigdgreen adebot tgtito estherclim olumideidowu msimir hamzycod climatew undpnigeria sdomainguefco stopdontdrop 0.0 0.0
235 calcul scientist grossli underestim effect pollut warm actual 0.3 0.35
236 power visual babi young children affect damag health neurolog effect toxic pollut damag health brain tissu put risk diseas undermin cognit develop 0.05 0.2
237 road mainten cost take valuabl real estat parkingroadway lose product worker sit traffic biggest direct health cost injuri death effect pollut 0.15000000000000002 0.35000000000000003
238 interest want work airpollut want studi airpollut effect manag unfortun doctor base india dont know qualifi -0.8 1.0
239 fact world suffer effect pollut regular your breath clean today grate need help breathelifein 0.18333333333333335 0.3884615384615385
240 reduc pollut result immedi health improv close steel utah high emiss major effect excerpt origin studi 0.11125 0.52
241 great hear cheryl countri state cop effect global warm heat airpollut publicspac import citi cityofkigali remarwanda rwandainfra 0.4666666666666666 0.45
242 citi bring natur innov tackl effect climatechang airpollut read renatur citi good health economi feat rmitcur frontrunn citi urbangreenup 0.7 0.6000000000000001
243 like banner outsid school spread word toxic effect airpollut cleanairdulwich recent help dulwich school download websit 0.0 0.25
244 effect largest place high baselin level pollut domest higher coal older coal fire power plant 0.1922222222222222 0.4577777777777778
245 green unbeliev effect pollut cognit function -0.2 0.3
246 team south central asia work partner region increas awar effect unhealthi airqual great video usandindia explain proper mask protect pollut way protect 0.26666666666666666 0.3666666666666667
247 concertina long term health effect sydney pollut week nation emerg -0.05 0.4
248 action googl booth show health effect pollut exposur data acquir googl street view car 0.1 0.1
249 year epidemiologist link airpollut everbroaden group health problem negat effect fetal earli childhood develop read studi 0.0 0.0
250 smoke obes lack exercis pollut health effect climat chang inform primarili observ data rcts 0.0 0.0
251 race clean climat ambassador lucasdigrassi travel delhi learn catastroph effect pollut popul watch documentari 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
252 morwel day level exceed know suffer auto immun thyroid heart condit googl effect extrem pollut 0.0 0.0
253 climateact relev relat peopl climat effect airpollut away health effect airpollut immedi talk cobenefit climat action 0.1 0.1
254 simpl measur protect harm effect pollut airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey nitiaayog 0.0 0.0
255 simpl measur protect harm effect pollut airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey nitiaayog 0.0 0.0
256 health effect pollut death stroke lungcanc heartdiseas airpollut airqual healthrisk pollut 0.0 0.0
257 pollut caus negat effect bodi way protect ourself airpollut greenpeac wwfindia pmoindia 0.0 0.0
258 team workshop prioriti advanc research health effect airpollut india aiimsnewdelhi 0.0 0.0
259 climat scientist engin design technolog fight pollut citi scale reduc elimin negat effect climat chang design deploy china want chang simpli respond 0.0 0.0
260 skin strong skin barrier keep skin moistur make look brighter taut younger environment effect cold weather citi life pollut negat effect skin -0.05555555555555556 0.5777777777777778
261 airpollut cardiovascular oxid proinflammatori effect travel angel beij circul 0.0 0.0
262 effect salt ion heat mitig pollut decidu roadsid hedg 0.0 0.0
263 seper note like hear view alleg effect pollut particular brain neurolog general 0.10833333333333334 0.41666666666666663
264 india estim million peopl die effect pollut accord data 0.0 0.0
265 nber paper make sens extrapol exist literatur urg caution literatur health effect particul pollut particular dramat result settl scienc warrant studi 0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
266 report china india world deadliest pollutionðÿ health effect institut find india china deadliest pollut countri worldðÿ diplomat 0.0 0.0
267 need combin remov car road return street pedestrian cyclist euro electr vehicl produc pollut tire wear nois reduc activ contribut effect 0.0 0.0
268 visual effect airpollut recent nyt articl entitl world pollut compar citysâ use mobil experi help nearlyinvis pollut float 0.0 0.125
269 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas airpollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat 0.25 0.5
270 sydney bushfir smoke pollut longterm health effect newscientist airpollut 0.0 0.0
271 endotheli dysfunct mental disord harm effect shortterm effect environment pollut usual highlight wide rang hazard pollut earli life possibl implic chronic noncommunic -0.15 0.2833333333333334
272 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas airpollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat 0.25 0.5
273 support eucommiss zeropollut action plan water soil health effect institut iseeglob conven expert present latest scientif evid health impact pollut 0.19999999999999998 0.3333333333333333
274 citi world face challeng relat effect decad carori citi plan congest pollut nois physic inact emiss crowd unattract public space cycl compon 0.0 0.06666666666666667
275 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut healthforal -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
276 phong paper craft villag show clear pollut effect recycl environment control pollut dead river lack social protect worker recicl wast consumerist societi cast away chang pattern -0.022222222222222216 0.2833333333333333
277 short suffoc fill haze airborn particl determin fight clean rais awar effect airpollut climatechang side coin capefarewel 0.18333333333333335 0.5
278 year steer committe pollut healthrel issu india ministri health famili welfar submit report feder govern devast effect pollut peopl health india 0.0 0.0
279 india estim million peopl die effect pollut accord data 0.0 0.0
280 advers effect human health caus level exposur despit govern continu claim particul matter emit mwis safe breath report airpollut 0.25 0.3
281 environment issu india pollut water pollut garbag domest prohibit good pollut natur environ challeng india natur caus drastic effect globe 0.7 0.6000000000000001
282 effect pollut sever impact overal health breath pollut put higher risk asthma respiratori diseas rajpotpari 0.25 0.5
283 india pollut water pollut garbag domest prohibit good pollut natur environ challeng india natur caus drastic effect india 0.7 0.6000000000000001
284 million indian prematur evri pollutionacrdng nonprofit health effect institut million childrenâ half children delhiâ abnrmlti lung delhi heart lung institut -0.16666666666666666 0.16666666666666666
285 saverel nuclear test fail success fulli rise pollut dead effect cancer skin deseas -0.13333333333333333 0.2333333333333333
286 effect pollut sever impact overal health 0.0 0.0
287 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
288 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
289 great summari bushfir smoke health effect visit carcr public health reaearcher australia respons current pollut crisi east coast 0.26666666666666666 0.4055555555555556
290 sure anthropogen climat chang isnt real isnt worth mitig give poor qualiti shouldnt tri reduc sourc pollut mitig effect smoke 0.15 0.4722222222222222
291 good thing smoke negat feedback effect emiss fact counter warm effect sulphur base pollut 0.1666666666666666 0.7333333333333334
292 here commentari drkimknowlton nrdcs scienc center explain import health studi illumin harm effect exposur ozon pollut level half feder limit reason actonclim -0.13333333333333333 0.13333333333333333
293 articl pollut fire australia interest insight capit tackl pollut health effect encourag boom industri consum item design minimis impact pollut 0.0 0.0
294 dramat health benefit follow pollut reduct great benefit pollut control magnitud short durat accomplish impress find immedi substanti effect outcom follow reduc pollut 0.4 0.525
295 link transport health effect specif trafficrel pollut exposur pollut silent killer cardepend area like studi relationship group ttitamu carteehutc 0.0 0.1
296 research gender differ effect outdoor pollut cognit function elder korea backgroundaim give fastgrow age popul south korea preval cognit impairmentâ publichealth healthforal 0.0 0.0
297 great initi understand import cut pollut like think climat chang isnt import doesnt affect friend sever effect 0.8 0.75
298 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
299 pregnanc advic sydney effect thing good pollut woodburn major sourc particul pollut carcinogen 0.38125 0.55
300 million peopl expos million hazard pollut mental health effect protract haze biggest public health event contemporari australian histori deserv highest level collabor govern respons today -0.03333333333333333 0.08888888888888889
301 solut tomani issu deal negat environment bodili effect brick kiln pollut singl plastic pollut gender 0.0 0.0
302 weve releas factsheet effect bushfir smoke health provid answer smoke affect health protect link climat chang futur bushfir smokehaz airpollut 0.0 0.0
303 congratul friend berkeleyscirev great issu sure check featur articl cancer immunotherapi health effect pollut write ucbscipolici markodair chwistofu scicomm 0.65 0.8194444444444444
304 author note public health effect natur chart frack link contamin grind surfac water pollut nois light pollut radiat releas ecosystem damag earthquak sdoh climatechang health 0.2 0.3833333333333333
305 lipid peroxid biomark earli effect airpollut great studi jesus araujo uclaio 0.8 0.75
306 studi specif health effect aircraftrel pollut communiti underneath downwind jet land seatac airport expos distinct type pollut studi 0.3 0.3
307 understand ordinari peopl point finger tri draw attent detriment effect pollut crohnzon sure isnt websit 0.5 0.8888888888888888
308 effect longterm exposur pollut incid type diabet mellitus metaanalysi cohort studi 0.0 0.0
309 csatusc keckmedusc scientist team protect pregnant women babi wearabl sensor provid insight effect pollut develop brain way reduc harm 0.3333333333333333 0.5
310 chemistri research year sensat synthes greener industri synthesi pfas pollut solut move forward metabolit microb affect healt airpollut tie expand rang advers health effect 0.0 0.0
311 that say hear emerg vehicl block action say attempt draw attent health effect pollut admir 0.1 0.1
312 what wrong guy pollut effect health industri studi truli need -0.5 0.9
313 lead view podcast execut director cleanairfund janeburston outlin effect pollut human health local nation level 0.0 0.05
314 studi health effect pollut offspr mice expos pollut varieti heart problem prime stage live airqual research data health parent 0.13636363636363635 0.5
315 interest tackl childhood obes work peopl journey illhealth effect pollut vulner group adolesc mental health divers neighbourhood hire -0.1 0.2
316 heisoga state global report produc bostonbas health effect institut reveal million indian die ailment trigger pollut 0.0 0.0
317 shock horror poorest peopl societi vulner caus effect climat chang london year pollut dont live park lane 0.13636363636363635 0.5
318 prakashjavdekar politician similar world expert water energi food housingth list go there consider local evid simpl search googl pollut health effect indiaâ 0.0 0.2
319 motiv citi transit away fossil fuel reduct pollut health effect sure pollut look visualis pollut citi recgsr 0.5 0.8888888888888888
320 theme pollut week let start effect europ news pollut half million earli death europ despit progress -0.16666666666666666 0.16666666666666666
321 protect effect pollut micronutri 0.0 0.0
322 thank share report prakashjavdekar minist attach report hope convinc devast effect airpollut action 0.1 0.1
323 pollut silent killer short term long term effect health curtail easi step airpollut airqual pollut healthrisk -0.016666666666666666 0.26666666666666666
324 simpl measur protect harm effect pollut airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey nitiaayog 0.0 0.0
325 safar advis peopl avoid physic exert frequent break avoid harm effect pollut especi heart asthma patient delhipollut continu rise despit crop burn activ fade 0.1 0.3
326 protect effect pollut micronutri 0.0 0.0
327 oper note hazard pollut warn issu sarajevo bosnia herzegovina measur curb effect place resid travel limit outdoor travel person high suscept respiratori infect remain indoor 0.16 0.5399999999999999
328 illinoisalma research discov immedi substanti effect exposur airpollut reduc 0.0 0.0
329 missdevlina search httpswwwmdpicom systemat review health effect impact pollut 0.0 0.0
330 search systemat review health effect impact pollut 0.0 0.0
331 protect effect pollut micronutri 0.0 0.0
332 request sing favourit song open traffic squar delhi india real experi data effect pollut 0.1 0.4
333 khilnani tiwari pollut india relat advers respiratori health effect past present futur direct curr opin pulm -0.049999999999999996 0.21666666666666667
334 rizwan pollut delhi magnitud effect health indian communiti 0.0 0.0
335 balakrishnan shortterm effect pollut mortal result timeseri analysi chennai india health 0.0 0.0
336 protect effect pollut micronutri 0.0 0.0
337 inhal nanoparticl pollut enter bloodstream multipl effect organ bodi 0.0 0.0
338 protect effect pollut micronutri 0.0 0.0
339 protect effect pollut micronutri kahnchronicl 0.0 0.0
340 concern effect heat stress extrem weather event longterm effect pollut spread diseas lose work capac reduc product food insecur malnutrit displac mental illhealthâ -0.1 0.2
341 simpl measur protect harm effect pollut airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey nitiaayog 0.0 0.0
342 current season cascad cumul effect pollut loss damag properti life impact environ actual one aspiorg afacnew 0.0 0.25
343 effect pollut 0.0 0.0
344 protect effect pollut micronutri natur news pollut major environment problem grow health threat especi peopl live httpsisgdhutosc stopthemad toofarleft 0.09943181818181818 0.5
345 doctor concern effect heat stress extrem weather event longterm effect pollut spread diseas lose work capac reduc product food insecur malnutrit displac mental illhealth -0.1 0.2
346 doctor concern effect heat stress extrem weather event longterm effect pollut spread diseas lose work capac reduc product food insecur malnutrit displac mental illhealth -0.1 0.2
347 rizwan titl pollut delhi magnitud effect healthâ exampl larg number studi delhi examin effect pollut respiratori function associ morbid 0.0 0.0
348 breath pollut increas violent behavior bandag food revers effect pollut nativ american sioux chef indigen kitchen -0.4 0.5
349 effect longrang transport pollut veget fire 0.0 0.0
350 invis strang featur crisi person street youll forget thousand die effect dirti faze youâ excerpt choke life breath pollut beth gardin 0.0 0.0
351 pollut doesnt caus advers health effect that minist health dont want idiot like run delhi -0.8 0.8
352 effect pollut wreak havoc human health planet longterm health effect pollut includ heart diseas lung cancer respiratori diseas emphysema rocpeopl peac love 0.25 0.35
353 drharshvardhan mohfwindia hop leav prakashjavdekar peopl countri studi effect airpollut advis better leav countri settl unepeurop half world popul mockeri airpollut 0.16666666666666669 0.3333333333333333
354 australia east coast burn month level pollut reach hazard level inform health effect protect nswrfs nswfire 0.0 0.0
355 lung effect pollut smokingâ million peopl includ children year pollut popul madridâ climat protect health protectionâ diarmidcl 0.0 0.0
356 simpl measur protect harm effect pollut airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey nitiaayog 0.0 0.0
357 smart understand pollut sideeffect didnt media creat specul panic societi detail studi indian context pressur studi year 0.21428571428571427 0.6428571428571429
358 doesnt know task make ludicr statement distract media help unearth know pointless debat pollut effect -0.25 0.5
359 cieem confer sheffield airpollut effect biodivers submit propos 0.0 0.0
360 interest effect group promot effect green infrastructur mitig pollut read occur provid shade hedgestre mitig process -0.2 0.3
361 indian pollut scienc talk proper studi effect bhopal leak health affect populationthi proper healthcar victim -0.025000000000000005 0.08333333333333333
362 drkerrynphelp doctorkarl go long term effect day hazard pollut million peopl children sydney -0.05 0.4
363 provid clean cookstov method reduc household pollut health effect associ suppli challeng main barrier cookstov adopt 0.26666666666666666 0.5166666666666667
364 questionâ inuteroâ shock play havoc live long bear nidhya menon crippl effect pollut matern child health 0.043181818181818175 0.45
365 gald collabor mengl tang zhejiang univers beateritz studi shortterm effect pollut sleep disord elder resid china yaledepteh yalesph 0.0 0.0
366 isch research link airpollut pregnanc heart rate variabl infanc studi airpollut utero affect risk factor health issu extend list health effect lowlevel pollut 0.0 0.0
367 cut pollut secondhand smoke immedi sizabl posit effect number death rang diseas -0.1 0.3
368 resid real concern huge impact expans local area includ nois light traffic pollut effect wildlif tourism local industri reason nocloghanpoint 0.2 0.38
369 recent present focus health effect pollut inhal smoke effect respiratori fire leav poor qualiti health consequ pollut -0.13333333333333333 0.2833333333333333
370 pollut environment risk factor death diseas effect lung cardiovascular pollut get circul blood littl understand what 0.0 0.0
371 pollut effect dead -0.2 0.4
372 knowledg essenti understand effect pollut environ pollut need know nrdc 0.0 0.0
373 wife near die effect pollut london leav choic lung effect heart kidney intestin infect blood clot asthma sepsi list go 0.1 0.4
374 thisisu studi show reduc airpollut posit health effect week emiss reduct improv health environ time phase pollut 0.0 0.0
375 health effect fine particul pollut westofenglandca dont build road weca build activ travel connect network document poor regard need look 0.008333333333333331 0.55
376 find indic immedi substanti effect critic govern adopt enforc world health organ guidelin pollut immedi actonclim 0.0 0.0
377 newest guest blog compar health effect smoke breath pollut check airpollut 0.0 0.0
378 review annalsat show reduc level airpollut substanti immedi effect health reduct asthma children miss school heart attack number small prematur babi heartdisea airqual -0.25 0.4
379 live citi certain breath that danger healthâ lead view podcast speak janeburston sourc pollut effect local level 0.11688311688311688 0.35714285714285715
380 effect airpollut human health govern spend hundr billion public money subsidi fossilfuel 0.0 0.08333333333333334
381 clean park influenc veget cycl mitig pollut decidu roadsid hedgeveget barrier road mitig effect pollut open 0.18333333333333335 0.6000000000000001
382 mention harm effect total unnecessari fashion form airpollut traffic year sort woodburn start quick educ 0.16666666666666666 0.625
383 airpollut caus harm period respiratori ill symptom make vulner diseas plenti evid harm effect pollut jindal pgimer chandigarh cpcboffici -0.5 1.0
384 immedi substanti effect critic govt adopt enforc guidelin pollut immedi london racetrackðÿš sewer charg strateg interventn thruðÿš traffic free ðÿš²bus street nðÿšoðÿš wðÿš 0.4 0.8
385 health remind peopl children older adult peopl heart lung condit suscept effect pollut excess smoke 0.13333333333333333 0.31666666666666665
386 especi poison level tini cancerlink particul matter rise time safe limit part capit india health minist recommend eat carrot fight harm effect airpollut 0.5 0.5
387 lbsouthwark read health effect fine particul pollut talk matthew loxham donna davi stephen holgat school clinic experiment scienc faculti medicin univers southampton novemb 0.4166666666666667 0.5
388 super interest health effect environment injustic like pollut sayin 0.3333333333333333 0.6666666666666666
389 symptom airpollut effect includ eye throat nose skin cough sneez wheez tired dizzi clear leav destinationfor young elder peopl condit asthmacopd -0.06666666666666667 0.49444444444444446
390 peopl wear mask reduc exposur harm effect airpollut expert recent articl help think airadv 0.0 0.25
391 despit preexist evid dead effect pollut bori commit public health fraud industri scale deliber risk avoid death thousand vulner children -0.1 0.23333333333333334
392 pollut effect particular poor hous closer major road pollut sourc -0.05694444444444446 0.4777777777777778
393 defraukair fail nation health thebhf asthmauk lunguk know harm effect total unnecessari fashion form airpollut organis silenc kill peopl educ -0.25 0.5249999999999999
394 great work kaleidoscopeuab examin climat chang pollut birmingham alabama southern state great impact climat chang mitig effect adapt chang 0.5333333333333333 0.5
395 cllr doug william say theyr short land shouldnt develop rais pollut effect 0.0 0.3
396 thebhf highlight harm effect total unnecessari fashion form airpollut woodburn major sourc particul 0.03125 0.625
397 interest listen prof martin william kingscollegelon luci harbor health effect airpollut better understand govern need need tackl pollut main road residenti street 0.3333333333333333 0.41666666666666663
398 know short medium long term exposur caus harm human health consid devast effect child health lower socioeconom part world unep asthmaaustralia -0.016666666666666666 0.26666666666666666
399 consid advers effect pollut measur reduc pollut let contribut cleaner swasthabharat airpollut 0.0 0.0
400 send flyer multipl trip post offic week need peopl know pollut effect sourc idea messag bubbl tini budget know 0.0 0.0
401 davidrutley hypocrit genuin doesnt understand caus effect airpollut know point happen say import look point want road hell blind vote -0.5 0.6666666666666666
402 longterm effect think like recent research show pollut like relationship autism rat type diabet condit voc danger 0.0 0.25
403 consid advers effect pollut measur reduc pollut let contribut cleaner swasthabharat airpollut 0.0 0.0
404 pollut climat chang hide plain sight effect like effect south read caus high rat pollut -0.027142857142857135 0.4485714285714285
405 professor sotiri vardoulaki anus climat chang institut urg higher risk poor health effect pollut limit exposur physic exert ensur access medicationâ -0.07500000000000001 0.55
406 pollut releas pollut pollut negat impact human health environ pollut emit energi product effect like smog soot greenhous gas 0.0 0.1
407 health effect pollut stress hormon great talk errol thomson 0.8 0.75
408 interestin articl pollut effect human health 0.0 0.1
409 critic inform global preval multipl health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
410 amaz idea rais awar terribl effect airpollut hand hope world leader experi home deliv airqualityðÿ solut avail today improv health 0.0 0.0
411 pollut caus infertil injuri effect pollut widespread detail click kamla devi center namita chandra equip cater infertil problem -0.1 0.1
412 peopl world sever impact pollut effect climat chang take action climat chang posit chang environ drastic improv health wellb peopl world 0.1 0.1
413 fair bull best friend today theme cover rang bhutan carbon negat countri posit effect natur childhood develop threat pollut pose children consist highlight 0.85 0.6
414 world leader attend climat chang confer madrid invit walk pod recreat suffoc effect pollut 0.0 0.0
415 exposur airpollut caus health effect south africa exposur link molecular effect telomer length effect correspond increas chronolog vitobelgium uhasselt stellenboschuni 0.0 0.0
416 organizado pela portugalecolog pela europeanecolog estivemo particularment atento est problema talk dict jacquemin irsetfr isglobalorg airpollut health effect 0.0 0.0
417 notic immedi effect expos wood burn stave burn near vicin remain toxic residu airpollut woodstov health 0.1 0.4
418 studi correl clever citi pollut effect mortal diseas hop somebodi tweet retweet relat risk increas suggest studi 0.16666666666666666 0.8333333333333334
419 your concern effect mass usag congest inact relat condit bankrupt pollut that kill thousand includ children year 0.0 0.0
420 mamavot effect pollut inform websit linkðÿ 0.0 0.0
421 planetari health activ healthi age interlink pollut health effect improv health peopl healthi food link environ thlresearch 0.0 0.0
422 health effect pollut healthcar healtheffect airpollut pharmaci 0.0 0.0
423 glad expert doctor atmospher scientist polici maker economist public health come discuss pollut problem india health effect aiim airpollut 0.25 0.5333333333333333
424 worth look especi visual effect pollut differ citi frighten world pollut compar citi 0.15 0.05
425 impress tech better grasp airpollut effect health 0.5 0.5
426 health effect pollut older adult 0.13333333333333333 0.31666666666666665
427 kind follow servic action project rais awar danger effect pollut global carefortheair appreci support 0.2333333333333333 0.3333333333333333
428 frighten stuff unsurpris give know effect pollut brain develop remind neuroscientist play import role drive climat chang dialogu 0.0 0.0
429 econom benefit prevent effect health pollut protect environ enorm 0.0 0.0
430 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
431 health effect fine particul pollut mattloxham 0.4166666666666667 0.5
432 pollut damag human health caus coughinghard breathingey skin irritationand hedeacheslong term effect includ damag lung lead cancerheart diseasesand liver problem 0.0 0.1
433 construct qualityplz carstruck industri emiseveryon know pollut effect hold bank pollut infact debt 0.0 0.0
434 cool research polici citi reduc pollut urban heat island effect climat chang 0.175 0.325
435 jeanin darmiento explain find research columbiam greater negat effect brown carbon especi regard indoor airpollut 0.5 0.5
436 stark remind pollut health effect climat crisi citi stack qualiti unpleas surpris nytimesâ -0.2 0.6
437 fantast idea tour peopl appreci differ qualiti effect pollut human 0.0 0.1
438 person filter mask wear reduc rise effect pollut filter dust filter poison inorgan hydrocarbon gas especi popular congest african citi 0.3 0.45
439 climatechangek discuss plausibl solut help combat effect climatechang human health individu organis health polici maker role play help combat effect airpollut proper 0.0 0.1
440 airpollut harm effect burn garbag impact wast dispos evid peopl experi itchi burn sensat eye complain throat 0.0 0.0
441 get grow bodi evid damag exhaust health forget respromaskâ morn regret pass traffic pollut health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
442 health effect fine particul pollut harder look 0.15833333333333333 0.25
443 health effect fine particul pollut harder look 0.15833333333333333 0.25
444 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
445 know lack action climat chang extrem fire pollut detriment effect live unborn start sue govern violat right futur generat 0.174025974025974 0.37857142857142856
446 health effect indoor outdoor pollut chinatown poor hous lead paint make negat respiratori system outdoor pollut make asthma reason high risk asthma chinatown -0.12000000000000001 0.57
447 onsit pod visitor firsthand look pollut climat chang effect 0.0 0.0
448 angela mcbride alphafriend share innov way rais fund educ communiti rare genet condit increas chanc develop lungdiseas confer deliber advers health effect airpollut 0.3 0.9
449 fascist feku cohort live cuckooland numer studi world conclus prove deleteri effect pollut human health 0.06818181818181818 0.3
450 think reason usaðÿ pollut effect peopl start health crise sydneysmok bushfiresnsw 0.0 0.0
451 look awar afraid wont doubl digit retweet need spread awar righttobreath effect airpollut govern feel airpollut hullabaloo joke today -0.6 0.9
452 airpollut effect cell bodi human anim cleanair sunlight clenwat unpollutedsoil crop starstuddedski watch luxuri live thing affect pollut element pollut 0.06818181818181818 0.3
453 think diesel care unaccept urban environ sooner advers health effect airpollut lead prematur death diesel car especi implic exposureharm 0.0 0.0
454 havent see programm hope didnt confin health effect pollut particul matter 0.0 0.0
455 safe level pollut latest scienc show health effect level ultra fine particl 0.47222222222222227 0.6333333333333333
456 week bratislava cleanaireu forum statu tell stori real peopl affect devast effect coal major caus airpollut climatecrisi coal compani make europ sick -0.1505952380952381 0.5523809523809523
457 improv indoor save harm effect pollut launch introduc pure space cleans spray combat pollut easier healthier breatheâ 0.21428571428571427 0.5
458 area socioeconom disadvantag sydney harboursid suburb risk vari effect airpollut know extend heart lung julielyford singletonargus sirvickz ruraldoctorsaus rdansw 0.0 0.0
459 india look develop countri mexico colombia solut rise airpollut advers health effect bring say govindraj ethiraj indiaspend center -0.1 0.1
460 recommend tune episod pallavipnt know delhi turn chamber winter airpollut caus sever health effect state fail -0.5 0.29999999999999993
461 note paper peopl environ environment pollut effect topic base peopl environ syllabus paper pollut water -0.8 1.0
462 glaucoma certain vascular compon longterm effect airpollut possbil 0.21428571428571427 0.5714285714285714
463 wipeout pollut kill nation pollut control celebr rais awar pollut hazard effect airpollut awar apollomed askapollo 0.0 0.0
464 airpollut hazard look short long term effect pollut health want wait mondaythought -0.025 0.35
465 jerotichseii fight saniti kplc good transpar health rural folk advers effect indoor pollut result fuel need clean sustain energi cook solar energi save stovesjiko 0.35555555555555557 0.4333333333333334
466 think medic conflagr larger consid negat effect pollut effect larg ignor individu basi readili appar larg popul studi 0.0 0.5
467 health effect fine particul airpollut mount sooner sooner world popul reap benefit 0.4166666666666667 0.5
468 cash spend time speak parent effect pollut lade odour evid school neighbour school dairi meadow primari 0.0 0.0
469 know pollut environ effect possibl extend natur read today post neurosci synapsesunday uoft 0.0 0.0
470 beij olymp transport industri restrict substanti improv qualiti accompani drop relat risk outpati visit asthma health effect fine particul pollut mattloxham 0.4166666666666667 0.5
471 rosamund know follow number number cyclist kill london year number london popul earli effect pollut number london earli lack exercis obes thank 0.0 0.0
472 work understand envirohealth effect pollut greenspac health includ effect pollut autism adhd crosbiejen 0.0 0.0
473 decad longoverdu increas research pollut effect women health link exampl context health effect pollut research 0.0 0.0
474 effect pollut list compani delhi pollut citi earth 0.0 0.0
475 children lomond school lowrisk effect pollut accord primari pupil surround street contain level nitrogen dioxid airpollut airqual environ cleanair health school 0.0 0.0
476 aspect human health safe effect pollut go googl qualiti erectil dysfunct 0.25 0.3
477 home town endur year horrend toxic pollut effect 0.0 0.0
478 appreci need initi sure thank share khan detriment effect healthrel qualiti life pollut sever death stroke lung cancer heart diseas occur pollut 0.5 0.8888888888888888
479 associ shortterm effect pollut sleep disord elder resid china 0.0 0.0
480 pollut effect great egypt take step reach goal halv pollut airpollut 0.8 0.75
481 million peopl die effect airpollut tracker india accord data accord lancet medic journal burn solid fuel cook releas pollut kill peopl lahoresmog 0.0 0.1
482 effect gaseous solid constitu pollut endotheli function 0.0 0.1
483 public dieinâ afternoon obelisk fountain jam street highlight devast effect pollut dublin worst ireland rebel extinctrebelsi tinamacveigh -0.5 0.5333333333333333
484 black peopl expos higher level like live work near pollut sourc extra damag attribut effect poverti inadequ access good health care impact african american doubl whammyâ 0.1274621212121212 0.3166666666666667
485 report publish april health effect institut pollut contribut million death year india citizen look govern urgent tackl public health emerg 0.0 0.06666666666666667
486 great islingtonbc take matter serious protect valuabl green space islington pollut children need safe place play exercis away pollut lifelong effect health 0.13333333333333336 0.5633333333333334
487 controversi articl lack evid effect pollut copd articl press lancet pollut chronic airway diseas evid clear 0.10000000000000002 0.3833333333333333
488 pollut effect prevent telugu health hand 0.0 0.0
489 communiti feel effect pollut black risk dirti power plant pollut hope know quest environment climat energi justic racialjustic health -0.16666666666666666 0.43333333333333335
490 relev health effect pollut exposur studi appear aris conveni exposur outcom data handwhi analyz understand variat exposur surpris result 0.0 0.0
491 make earli assess grave condit climatechang drastic effect airpollut caus sever concern human life like appreci sacm stit dost prompt action installng qualiti sensor 0.05 0.1
492 hard unsubstanti claim johnsenmp listen radio interview week surpris dismiss evid catastroph effect toxic pollut -0.2916666666666667 0.5416666666666666
493 bmjlatest health effect fine particul airpollut globalhealth 0.4166666666666667 0.5
494 look essenti element surviv programm what effect bodi technolog motiv public chang equat better monday decemb airpollut 0.25 0.2833333333333333
495 pollut longterm effect health precaut airpollut lung healthylung healthtip indianmedinfo 0.0 0.0
496 time come ought visit ucsf center tobacco control research educ pollut research discuss regardless sourc add effect shortterm -0.1 0.1
497 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
498 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
499 articl discuss pollut strong connect death unit state inhal pollut damag effect life earth 0.4333333333333333 0.7333333333333333
500 import work set qualiti standard longterm advers effect pollut health includ heart diseas chronic respiratori diseas lung cancer increas burden ncds upcom global meet muscat provid platform 0.0 0.0
501 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
502 report rank kano pollut citi africa updat figur health effect institut institut health metric evalu ihm show peopl die household pollut nigeria main -0.3166666666666667 0.6166666666666667
503 sustyfriday today wade pollut nigeria caus effect solut sustyfact sustyfriday sustyvib 0.0 0.0
504 call govt clean pollut protect vulner peopl effect join philiprbox support sign open letter take min 0.18333333333333335 0.6000000000000001
505 ecotioneri ensur learner awar effect deforest global warm affect world teamtre swachhbharat makeinindia teamtre ecofriend writenpl airpollut 0.3 0.3
506 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
507 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
508 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
509 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
510 effect pollut behaviour allergen potenti fungi 0.0 0.0
511 unfortun posit london pollut effect poorest issu social justic basic human right breath clean children vulner 0.13714285714285715 0.30547619047619046
512 doubt advers effect pollut asthmaâ certain consid pollut contribut factor asthma advoc intervent environ greennewd erspubl lunguk 0.21428571428571427 0.5714285714285714
513 talk pollut health effect kofiamegah guapoair workshop qualiti west 0.0 0.0
514 scari stuff health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
515 place statu bratislava cleanaireu forum tell stori real peopl affect devast effect coal major caus airpollut climatecrisi messag clear endcoal 0.12083333333333335 0.39444444444444443
516 plhiv weaker immun system encourag mind effect pollut discuss doctor potenti impact health anumedia anuclim pollut 0.0 0.0
517 anim go instinct pollut water ocean harm insecticid neglig effect 0.0 0.0
518 infograph pollut effect solut 0.0 0.0
519 darf ein literaturangab meinem tweed machen pollut lung cancer incid european cohort prospect analys european studi cohort pollut effect 0.0 0.0
520 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi airpollut 0.0 0.0
521 thank clean reduc risk prematur death health effect caus pollut scenic vista nation park clearer reduct pollutioncaus haze moreâ 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
522 rang diseas includ kidney failur septicaemia link pollut largest studi health effect breath toxic particlesâ 0.0 0.0
523 health effect pollut think latest discoveri scientist show elder women expos higher level airpollut experi greater declin memori increas risk 0.4166666666666667 0.6333333333333333
524 home blood spot sampl kit readi shipment scienc test rang effect airpollut prediabet provid personalis choic base lifestyl -0.8 1.0
525 excel bmjlatest editori mattloxham health effect fine particul pollut safe lower limit small reduct larg benefit uosmedicin 0.22222222222222224 0.4666666666666666
526 european citizen engag qualiti monitor cost measur devicesðÿ cleanairschool initi children particip school learn airpollut health effect cleanaireu infoâž 0.0 0.0
527 pollut area negat posit effect exercis unlik area interest consid 0.0 0.0
528 pollut sever health effect cleanair 0.0 0.0
529 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
530 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
531 appear massiv underestim effect pollut cllrangusforb your environ infrastructur convenor youll like know choic import tori health choic 0.0 0.0
532 rang diseas includ kidney failur septicaemia link pollut largest studi health effect breath toxic particl 0.0 0.0
533 effect pollut peopl risk blind -0.5 0.6666666666666666
534 understand effect pollut understand effect stress respons main biolog 0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
535 unnecessari pollut health effect huge victim 0.16250000000000003 0.47500000000000003
536 novemb delhi drop place world qualiti index week delhi stand here hop doesnt convers airpollut hazard effect 0.0 0.0
537 worri qualiti sydney bushfir listen car christin cowi talk news health effect associ bushfir smoke airpollut bushfiresnsw breath 0.0 0.0
538 wear mask reduc shortterm exposur effect heart blood vessel exposur urban pollut tritonhospit hospit airpollut facemask precaut pollut pollutionissu 0.0 0.0
539 parliamentari stand committe urban develop yesterday call meet discuss effect pollut lung overal health delhiit read bccl 0.0 0.0
540 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
541 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
542 health effect fine particul pollut 0.4166666666666667 0.5
543 fascin research bmjlatest health effect airpollut draw million medicar claim headlin find bare percept increas level risk increas hospit visit cost poor health -0.17500000000000002 0.35
544 pollut sure lead factor ill major citi glad peopl hand effect bring awar combat issu 0.140625 0.8472222222222222
545 mayor come intens polit pressur address health hazard pollut grow concern health effect pollutionâ 0.0 0.0
546 fact effect pollut children lung develop date children breath illeg level pollut 0.0 0.0
547 green cllrs andborough challeng borough improv monitor creat action plan improv qualiti hope council support take step health effect pollut serious -0.14444444444444446 0.35555555555555557
548 pleas panel tonight thebhf health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
549 qualiti polici offic explain call govt clean pollut protect vulner peopl effect support sign open letter take minut 0.18333333333333335 0.6000000000000001
550 anim kill hong kong toxic pollut expos chemic month govern stop action lead health effect live organ sourc telegram 0.11818181818181818 0.3
551 health effect institut kati walker aaron cohen hanna boogaard summar recent advanc understand effect airpollut human health highlight import area futur research read articl 0.0 0.175
552 mother follow famili delray deal health effect pollut filmmak lauren santucci begin work move area notic short breath 0.0 0.3
553 food fight pollut maintain immun right diet best reduc harm effect pollut excel food item includ diet broccoli apart beingâ 0.6428571428571428 0.4178571428571428
554 neighbour countri impact airpollut improv good region recent research netherland effect european emiss reduct airqual netherland associ health effect 0.2333333333333333 0.2833333333333334
555 advers effect water pollut smooth ignor waterpollut health airpollut pollutioncrisi airpollut water watermanag health healthforal healthcar healthi healthyliv bolteraho 0.4 0.5
556 studi show consequ exposur extent detriment effect pollutionoth environment toxin remain unclear inhaleucc uccpublichealth eriucc craclabucc work improv health understand mechan 0.0 0.0
557 parliamentari stand committe call meet effect pollut citizen parliament airpollut 0.0 0.0
558 macron right nonâ doesnt effect consumpt foie gras product franc matter fin pollut dirti travel effect member state 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
559 didnt know threshold level effect pollut health real threshold observ increas risk die associ veryveri exposur concentr fine particul matterâ 0.30833333333333335 0.4
560 precaut health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
561 cement emiss largest contributor pollut local protect general demolit effect appreci council experi handl type situat 0.02500000000000001 0.25
562 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
563 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
564 news current good true enkhbat achiev coal surpris measur mire corrupt smuggl awar effect motiv 0.13749999999999996 0.6625
565 effect lung result vape pollut situat lung wors airpollut high time medic prof start mention pollut medic report medic find asthma copd 0.16 0.5399999999999999
566 evid aw health effect pollut heart diseas acut respiratori issu cancer craclabucc jackhojo businessposthq danieltmurray simonharristd leovaradkar 0.0 0.0
567 great paper tderyugina garthheutel miller davidmolitor julianreif impact pollut mortaliy health care exploit daili chang wind direct techniqu uncov heterogen treatment effect 0.45 0.575
568 viewer carersworldrad scientif proof health threat pollut exampl truth effect incess woodburn stove small welsh villag -0.25 0.4
569 thank david take time come speak islington parent pollut effect children 0.0 0.0
570 temperatur effect team research examin enorm data american citi pollut level posit predict incid singl crime categori look 0.0 0.0
571 suffer effect indoor pollut knightwatcherâ develop launch electron devic monitor qualiti home busi enjoy better health comfort techiegift 0.45 0.5
572 check diet essenti upbeat help beat advers effect airpollut smogfre 0.0 0.0
573 suffer effect indoor pollut knightwatcherâ develop launch electron devic monitor qualiti home busi enjoy better health comfort techiegift 0.45 0.5
574 research behaviour development effect scarier pollut link wors memori attent vocabulari adhd autism spectrum disord 0.0 0.0
575 effect lithium mine water pollut process mine affect local water suppli poison communiti chemic leakag major concern come lithium mine lithium carbon extract process harm soil caus pollut 0.03125 0.25
576 travel pollut citi short trip hazard health ucla studi say accord ucla studi examin cardiovascular effect shortterm pollut exposur human 0.0 0.2
577 rickshaw puller know effect delhiairqu start wear mask happi letmebreath airpollut delhipollut 0.0 0.0
578 need rethink know global warm calcul scientist grossli underestim effect pollut 0.3 0.3
579 vitamin lessen pollut effect 0.0 0.0
580 discuss hazard caus airqual distribut mask curb effect letmebreath delhipollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
581 rori interest your tweet sure answer pollut peopl car bonus effect lower obes congest feel like stick olasy 0.5 0.8888888888888888
582 pollut pollut pollut pollut effect pollut effect 0.0 0.0
583 letmebreath campaign focus rais awar harm effect pollut solut problem delhipollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
584 rickshaw puller karkardooma metro station take keen know pollut protect nasti effect distribut mask letmebreath initi delhipollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
585 respir prefer protect lung harm effect smog smoke airpollut airsoftworld smoginlahor lahorenew lahor pakistan pollut environ dailypost breakingnew 0.0 0.0
586 poison cocktail smog pay price true cost climat chang felt hospit lungsâ read articl understand scienc caus effect smog pollut pakistan india 0.35 0.65
587 creat nois alarm pollut level countri awar effect solut precautionari measur airpollut 0.0 0.0
588 studi show kid expos roadsid pollut lung growth stunt lung cancer risk increas read blog tip reduc health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
589 question discuss effect coal power plant pollut 0.0 0.0
590 safe harm effect pollut airpollut 0.5 0.5
591 interest studi effect pollut alzheim 0.0 0.0
592 studi examin cardiovascular effect shortterm pollut exposur human accord ucla 0.0 0.1
593 worrisom effect warm planet includ frequent sever extrem weather event hurrican flood drought wildfir heat wave worsen pollut affect cardiopulmonari health especi vulner 0.35 0.44999999999999996
594 action sustain manag plasticsw know manag wast lack determin unknown health effect ignor swachhbharat airpollut myogiadityanath 0.0 0.35
595 count effect climat pollut flight overcrowd tourist place sens 0.0 0.0
596 earlier week research receiv million develop model better measur effect particul pollut human health accord milken institut school public health 0.125 0.2916666666666667
597 shall consid blight exist affect dead pollut accross globe want perspect kill climat chang relat death effect extract spillag -0.2 0.4
598 question parent describ direct effect pollut children famili 0.1 0.4
599 studi evid terribl health effect airpollut have lung 0.0 0.0
600 airpollut oxid inflammatori effect travel angel beij biomarkerbas natur experi circul 0.0 0.0
601 control pollut prioriti effect children signific lexihealth health well healthconcierg healthcar lung children pollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
602 speak rosamund kissidebrah rosamundelsfdn lose daughter roberta reiter bear incred healthi effect pollut 0.0 0.0
603 panel expert tonight highlight devast effect pollut have children life long issu lung damag repair rosamundelsfdnâ -0.05 0.4
604 communiti feel effect airpollut agueo 0.0 0.0
605 tonight islingtonbc host airpar concern health effect pollut particular wheez asthma children clean basic human right pollut caus motor traffic 0.1638095238095238 0.35880952380952386
606 conserv unfortun hard wire birth probabl result effect brain womb studi point brain defect result pollut cdnpoli -0.2916666666666667 0.5416666666666666
607 realiti remov tweet daili mail admit effect climat chang pollut caus brain damag seek medic help immedi 0.0 0.0
608 studi look effect live major road suggest roadsid pollut stunt children lung growth asthmat children cough rais peopl risk heart attack stroke heart diseas lung cancer 0.09943181818181818 0.5
609 link pollut impair memori examin effect messag characterist inform diffus 0.0 0.0
610 effect airpollut health 0.0 0.0
611 cleanairfund kingscollegelon data show cut airpollut london contribut fewer asthmat children bronchit symptom year solut have impact need lessen effect 0.0 0.0
612 okay know think breez protect karachi last effect pollut read research paper evid thank monitor citi abido understand nuanc 0.25 0.2833333333333333
613 respect pope religi leader author energi issu effect pollut creat energi sourc creat victim today -0.07500000000000001 0.05
614 month report huge work ansesfr health effect compon releas french week english translat summari report check airpollut health 0.13333333333333336 0.3
615 protect harm effect pollut youtub 0.0 0.0
616 protect harm effect pollut 0.0 0.0
617 protect harm effect pollut infogujarat 0.0 0.0
618 steve elect sort congest central hill disappoint local labour parti dont interest latest news effect pollut children growth 0.325 0.5125
619 rosamund daughter die asthma attack speak tonight clean event devast effect pollut children islington town hall 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
620 pollut advers effect health adopt necessari measur like breath mask protect 0.0 0.0
621 intl effect pollut climat extrem agricultur health south asia organis india collab cicero seed connect coproduc roadmap climat clean scienc polici action breathelif 0.23333333333333334 0.4
622 research articl effect breez circul soil temperatur kuwait detail visit researcharticl benthamopen airchemistri airpollut 0.0 0.0
623 live near busi road famili health effect airpollut cleanairforal cleanairfund 0.11818181818181818 0.45
624 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
625 expect effect pollut human health area legal action 0.10000000000000002 0.13333333333333333
626 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
627 citizen right know protect till safe especi govern sleep scientif evid health effect patna india airpollut know public domain 0.2619047619047619 0.36746031746031743
628 need help unicef unicefindia ministrywcd pollut effect adjac school locat sacr heart public school kapurthala subhanpur kapurthala punjab kapurthala 0.0 0.06666666666666667
629 live near busi road child health toxic effect airpollut kudo thetim give public health crisi promin justifi cleanairfund 0.07878787878787878 0.32222222222222224
630 worri pollut understand negat effect human player mistak politician complex speech pollut day higher level pollut correl whigher rat alzheim -0.016666666666666663 0.3333333333333333
631 whatsapp forward delhi airpollut problem diet help fight effect cours scienc hell 0.0 0.0
632 communiti feel effect pollut black risk dirti power plant pollut that african american lead environment climat racial justic struggl -0.05555555555555555 0.14444444444444446
633 plan reduc pollut borough mean march approv kirkleescouncil plan includ record effect exhaust fume overal qualiti encourag usag electr vehicl -0.3125 0.6875
634 pollut damag peopl brain contamin atmospher appear harm effect cognit function 0.0 0.0
635 come check curriculum toxicolog environment medicin invit lectur tomorrow lungimmunolog fantast talk effect airpollut monday sotoxicolog atseoph iehsunc 0.0 0.0
636 understand talk issu effect vote open eye realiti airpollut effect voter possibl singl caus effect have not alik better opportun govt pollut 0.25 0.5
637 cleanairlondon cognit effect pollut 0.0 0.0
638 health effect pollut older adult 0.13333333333333333 0.31666666666666665
639 inflamm follow exposur airpollut particl volatil caus pneumonia causal effect precursor cancer lung cell regrow aneuploidi blackcarbon nanoparticl genotox trojan hors empach altusepa cdcasthma cdccancer 0.0 0.0
640 blackcarbon nanoparticl genotox pathologost epidemiologist know inflamm follow exposur particl volatil precursor cancer temporari effect airpollut risk write attribut childeld death epaair 0.0 0.0
641 tenbrinkpatrick cognit effect establish discours pollut make dumber sicker kill million year freedom pollut import freedom pollut 0.0 0.0
642 lifestyl diseas choos health forc creat airpollut domin airpollut restrict activetravel fast food obes list damag effect lifestyl choic longer tweet 0.2 0.6
643 nigerian obvious dont understand impact pollut reach effect pollut killer cook wood coal deadliest form pollut thank sound messag 0.2 0.45
644 burn code control specif type pollut particul matter check youtub video learn come health effect 0.0 0.0
645 airpollut definit silent killer live life dont pictur effect upto kind degre 0.24545454545454545 0.5
646 health effect pollut older adult 0.13333333333333333 0.31666666666666665
647 effect airpollut healthissu smog longtermeffect shortterm effect lungcanc savelif besaf healthyhack advic careyourself motivationðÿ lifehacksâ 0.0 0.0
648 take site effect contribut densiti charact suburban area suburban park requir work crosspurpos effort reduc traffic congest pollutionâ 0.0 0.0
649 firstofitskind skin treatment bath skin refresh waterlikeâ hydrat deliv highest concentr antipollut ingredi help fight effect pollut urbanliv 0.0 0.0
650 nurs summer write essay prepar materi postdoc applic work cook stave intervent health effect pregnant nigerian women children uchicago airpollut cleancook 0.3333333333333333 0.5
651 research vape affect heart health fine particl pollut know enter bloodstream particl increas blood pressur heart rate look forward research truli understand effect 0.4166666666666667 0.5
652 weekend read provid staff look data mine look convinc pollut cognit effect environ health chess player check chess studi pollut 0.0 0.0
653 hope see effect climat chang have planet poorest countri suffer terribl natur disast kid die capit pollut 0.0 0.0
654 impact pollut children start bear research ohio look effect exposur childbirth shock result fine particul matter especi micrometr 0.4166666666666667 0.5
655 children suffer bale effect toxic damag california kid grow breath pollut wors math read test airpollut cleanair 0.0 0.0
656 correl causat case correl causat paulg quick precis summari caus effect airpollut patrickc 0.3333333333333333 0.5
657 support student think critic global sustain goal help understand effect pollut studi india current qualiti crisi 0.0 0.2
658 signific chang exercis activ biggest health concern climatechang heat drought airpollut exercis health effect live affect 0.13636363636363635 0.5
659 great talk arden pope washuengineersâ washueeceâ case research wash work dilig overcom advers effect pollut aaar 0.8 0.75
660 listen currentaffair discuss pollut caus effect solut 0.0 0.0
661 listen current affair pollut caus effect solut 0.0 0.4
662 programm currentaffair listen discuss pollut caus effect solut rajdhanifm goldðÿ particip mukul sanwal varshney moder sanjay journalist 0.0 0.0
663 airpollut guidelin affect human support content concentr airpollut differ effect human health 0.0 0.1
664 interest interview edmund hugh imohq head pollut energi effici marin environ divis global suppli effect sulphur marin fuel 0.0 0.0
665 sensitis children women garbag hazard effect health hitherto unknown import burn garbag strew add pollut -0.1 0.6
666 airpollut delhi increas latest edit ope young blogger samyukthanair talk harm effect airpollut mentalhealth read articl link airpollut 0.3 0.65
667 hope see effect climat chang have planet poorest countri suffer terribl natur disast kid die capit pollut 0.0 0.0
668 effect airpollut climateextrem agricultur health south asia ongo workshop delhi india organis ciceroklima research project cixpag seed cleanairasia airqual climatechang workshop 0.0 0.0
669 think pollut accumul toxin dramat effect endocrin brain function 0.0 0.0
670 airpollut india lack awar effect pollut measur safeguard common surpris practic doctor stori week -0.3 0.5
671 current administr weaken pollut regul studi find fine particl particl width human hair caus advers health effect women expos 0.1388888888888889 0.3333333333333333
672 effect pollut health estim million death global link ambient pollut issu affect case australia aris 0.0 0.0
673 pollut effect asthma essay 0.0 0.0
674 research suggest advers health effect includ condit associ death airpollut extend current recogn caus death associ exposur 0.0 0.4
675 bikenyc columbiamsph earthinstitut studi pollut exposur bike effect heart consid sign contribut import publichealth research 0.0 0.0
676 push polici silenc research harm effect pollut toxic chemic research influenc govern regul save thousand live 0.13636363636363635 0.5
677 travel place pollut pollut induc system prooxid proinflammatori effect interest biomarkerbas natur experi pubm ncbi 0.0 0.0
678 notwithstand tragedi recent bush fire australia offer use sourc exogen variat identifi harm effect pollut human health 0.0 0.175
679 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
680 research thelancet outlin health effect infant bear today face action climat chang pollut reduc shortliv climat pollut kind fastact solut need save live 0.27878787878787875 0.5
681 quot blog post pollut deal advers effect numer health outcom general mortal wide document -0.024999999999999994 0.45
682 thursdaymorn read societi peopl live pollut random poorer communiti feel effect pollut -0.18181818181818182 0.5
683 hear effect think nuclear fission better fossil fuel pollut burn carbon kill thousand peopl annual safeti certain import 0.35714285714285715 0.5357142857142857
684 atseoph pollut methyl effect exposur human review articl rider clin epigenet 0.0 0.1
685 communiti feel effect pollut 0.0 0.0
686 ask carrot goat congress pratap singh bajwa hit health minist harsh vardhan rajya sabha suggest consum veget help check effect pollut -0.2 0.7
687 like pot plant idea think vehicl privat public indoor plant keep ward effect pollut mass cut exist grow tree carri plant today wear oxygen mask tomorrow 0.0 0.06666666666666667
688 diet mitig effect pollut rishitradit rishipath ayurv airpollut delhi 0.0 0.0
689 pollut news make worri choos wear advind healthcar antipollut mask avoid harm effect rise level citi airpollut pollut environ climatechang cleanair 0.0 0.0
690 collabor mrtbindia embark journey sensitis school student teacher sourc measur scienc effect pollut let hope delhi futur champion climat action 0.1 0.1
691 price wood keep drop year czech republ experi effect peopl buy wood ton burn heat home airpollut airqual myaqi 0.0 0.0
692 ruddock tell shire nois pollut effect go wors penrith dead shire aliv -0.2 0.4
693 nois environment nois exposur responsibl rnge health effect increas risk diseasesleep disturb cognit impair childrn annoy stressrel mental risk tinnitus nois largst caus health prob airpollut -0.1 0.2
694 definit moron hope drharshvardhan wait fruitveget formula overcom water pollut thank suggest carrot lower effect pollut thank sirðÿ -0.8 1.0
695 teacher instruct student benefit mask ask wear daili go order prevent harm effect urban airpollut delhi kid 0.0 0.0
696 switch cleanenergi sourc reduc airpollut consequ advers health effect electr product suggest research pikclim economictim 0.0 0.0
697 general public sensit group high risk experi strong irrit advers health effect trigger ill avoid exercis remain indoor smog smoginfsd environn airpollut 0.028666666666666663 0.568
698 thank blackburn great step freedom movement pollut worsen hong kong therer thousand tear fire health generat threat unknown effectsfreedom breath concern 0.35000000000000003 0.675
699 airpollut india attend demand give lectur parliament grave effect poor emin scientist cseindia shamikaravi bahardutt brookingsindia urbanemiss ecothrust -0.4 0.6
700 realis state govern theoret introduc distancebas anti pollut charg petroldiesel vehicl combat effect pollut simonahac mcannonbrook thedrivenio murpharoo 0.0 0.0
701 pretti live australia coupl year didnt happen time experi dread effect haze pollut local countri cantescap climatechang airpollut 0.06818181818181818 0.25
702 level seldom see sydney imagin live pollut constant know effect level peopl awar advers effect occur normal level sydney 0.09545454545454546 0.4944444444444444
703 pollut caus effect solut curb globalwarm varieti measur need take add renewableenergi replac gasolinefuel car zeroemiss vehicl climatechang 0.0 0.0
704 pollut daili number admiss psychiatr emerg servic evid detriment mental health effect ozon airpollut mentalhealth ozon psychiatri environ umbria uniperugianew -0.1 0.2
705 emilyhholden excel piec point effect pollut hardest africanamerican communiti protect pollut isnt narrow green concern matter justic -0.2 0.35
706 note kind studi privat medic record determin health impact best understand pollut effect exact studi target exclus trump 0.6166666666666667 0.48333333333333334
707 child right healthi environ environment exposur start womb effect life year airpollut secondhand smoke unsaf water lack sanit poor hygien kill million children -0.07142857142857144 0.4785714285714285
708 meet polli theyr daerani pollut buster websit explain simpli clear type effect pollut help reduc airpollut pollut climatechang 0.10000000000000002 0.3833333333333333
709 long term effect pollut stroke lung cancer respiratori condit cardiovascular diseas cllrbartington unibirmingham -0.05 0.4
710 cllrbartington talk short term long term effect pollut -0.025 0.35
711 short term effect pollut exacerb asthma cough wheez short breath suzann bartington cllrbartington unibirmingham 0.0 0.3
712 cllrbartington session focus health impact pollut share area begin medic student suffer effect poor qualiti -0.4 0.6
713 push polici silenc research harm effect pollut toxic chemic research influenc govern regul save thousand live 0.13636363636363635 0.5
714 recommend follow accur opinion effect pollut health come articl commut stick traffic basic bodi 0.0 0.125
715 brussel look ban fossil fuel transport soon citi world routin struggl smog apart unsight heavi pollut negat health effect short term regard longterm lifâ 0.0 0.3
716 earlier week research receiv million develop model better measur effect particul pollut human health accord milken institut school public health 0.125 0.2916666666666667
717 small effect larg impact distribut larg number peopl like effect pollut mortal citi studi -0.25 0.4
718 allow opinion smallest thing chang attitud stop driver pollut unnecessari lead pollut effect okay 0.5 0.5
719 awar link airqual health effect particular vulner group pregnant women infant babi follow free onlin cours airpollut caus impact imtfranc 0.3 0.5444444444444444
720 climatechang session point dichotomi longterm effect threat like airpollut versus short polit cycl decis maker tend focus gasteinforum definit agenda drmarianeira veromanfrv 0.0 0.3
721 lancetcountdown outlin farreach health effect infant bear today face concert action climatechang airpollut reduc slcps need save live ccacoalit 0.11818181818181818 0.3
722 brussel look ban fossil fuel transport soon citi world routin struggl smog apart unsight heavi pollut negat health effect short term regâ 0.0 0.3
723 health effect climat chang uneven distribut children especi harm lead health problem caus infecti diseas worsen pollut rise temp malnutrit -0.2 0.2
724 decarbon power sector renew boost human health reduc pollut associ advers health effect electr product 0.0 0.1
725 damag health effect pollut includ lower score thank maga brillianc 0.0 0.0
726 add economi includ medic bill suffer worst health effect delhipollut airpollut drive -1.0 1.0
727 vehicl fleet growth place transit develop countri need channel growth emiss transport effect pollut urban area irrevers inform audienc 0.0 0.0
728 pollut world largest killer health effect pollut danger onethird death stroke heart diseas lung cancer pollut know visit 0.0 0.0
729 noon diminish harm effect pollut prof grigg make clear council need reduc longterm exposur generat look say 0.10000000000000002 0.3833333333333333
730 health effect airpollut let proactiv approach health today know click 0.0 0.0
731 go advic lead paediatrician effect pollut walford scheme go hackney qualiti action plan mayorofhackney promis increas pollut school need better scheme 0.3 0.3
732 prof grigg lead paediatrician effect pollut say increas traffic school increas exposur leav risk effect pollut reduc lung growth 0.0 0.0
733 prof grigg lead paediatrician effect pollut import road closur displac traffic road children schoolâ support scheme advic lead paediatrician 0.0 0.0
734 prof grigg lead paediatrician effect pollut say increas traffic school increas exposur leav children risk effect pollut reduc lung growthâ 0.0 0.0
735 prof grigg lead paediatrician effect pollut say increas traffic school increas exposur leav children risk effect pollut reduc lung growthâ 0.0 0.0
736 prof grigg lead paediatrician effect pollut say increas traffic school increas exposur leav children risk effect pollut reduc lung growthâ 0.0 0.0
737 prof grigg import road closur displac traffic road children schoolâ support closur go advic lead paediatrician effect pollut 0.0 0.0
738 prof grigg lead paediatrician effect pollut say increas traffic school increas exposur leav children risk effect pollut reduc lung growthâ 0.0 0.0
739 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
740 effect pollut health breath pollut put higher risk asthma otherread like share page whatsapp group daili updat 0.25 0.5
741 daniel raimi talk nichola muller green account understand econom effect pollut resourcesmag -0.2 0.3
742 cardiovascular effect inhal particl matter respons rise number death attribut pollut escjourn cvrtomaszguzik airpollut 0.0 0.0
743 peopl need educ effect pollut fight long term solut learn protect -0.05 0.4
744 effect climatechang uneven distribut children especi harm children vulner physiolog result absorb pollut adult smaller bodi size -0.03333333333333333 0.3333333333333333
745 accord immedi effect poor indoor qualiti similar typic cold like sympton difficult determin symptom result exposur indoor pollut -0.375 0.75
746 effect pollut hand data point 0.0 0.0
747 affect direct slew reason want firework health effect pollut nois pollut 0.1 0.4
748 justdon fund expert wit medic effect pollut evid angliasquar public inquiri donat 0.0 0.06666666666666667
749 latino kid higher risk obes base mere breath that nieh give dukeghi junfeng jimâ zhang grant studi effect prenat earlylif exposur pollut -0.35000000000000003 0.6666666666666666
750 thank generous donor research grant like possibl chrisfrid overse chris carlsten pollutionlab improv life investig effect pollut asthma medic ubcmedicin 0.0 0.0
751 countthedead pollut small effect vascular mortal account diseaseloc uncertainti need effect child respiratori diseas phriresearch -0.25 0.4
752 evid harm effect pollut carrel pollut specif claim overblown argument reduc pollut isnt dont need traffic bath know disagre 0.0 0.0
753 review negat cognit effect pollut patrickc 0.0 0.0
754 pollut india caus effect solut 0.0 0.0
755 pollut substanti effect health continu increas nice articl atabarrok 0.6 1.0
756 studi show decreas pollut area residenti solar sure residenti solar effect decreas fuel usag util batteri peaker storag util scale solar effect fund decreas emiss 0.5 0.8888888888888888
757 push polici silenc research harm effect pollut toxic chemic research influenc govern regul save thousand live 0.13636363636363635 0.5
758 know pollut degener cognit abil latest stori explor fieldworkfclti brain teaser project counter negat effect keep resid commut stimul riddl maze 0.5 0.9
759 earlier week research receiv million develop model better measur effect particul pollut human health accord milken institut school public health 0.125 0.2916666666666667
760 smog airpollut negat effect human health accord respons million prematur death worldwid 0.0 0.1
761 proud alumni work solut effect climat chang farm develop countri peter kenya attend britishcouncil newtonfund earli career research workshop explor pollut emerg megac 0.8 1.0
762 here inform airpollut econom effect india gloablli india lose near pollut world bank estim pollut cost world economi trillion year india gurugram 0.1 0.4
763 exercis offset harm effect airpollut reduc inflamm caus boost immun audreydenazell speak airqual exercis outdoor mailonlin 0.0 0.0
764 dont think understand energet effect differ food tcmbut interest confirm tcms know appl improv lung function airpollut nswpol auspol bushfiresnsw 0.0 0.0
765 airqual part newsouthwal particular right effect wildfir smoke linger day check level like smoke clear airpollut sydney 0.1841269841269841 0.4174603174603175
766 actor back effort group constant work highlight hazard effect sever pollut india especi nation capit 0.0 0.16666666666666666
767 teacher instruct student benefit mask ask wear daili go order prevent harm effect urban airpollut delhi kid 0.0 0.0
768 chess player mistak high airpollut day read short long term effect patrick collison post 0.03666666666666667 0.4133333333333333
769 cognit effect pollut mention materi pollut reduc 0.0 0.0
770 pollut undocu effect 0.0 0.0
771 pollut caus long term effect environ largest contributor pollut unit state car truck airpollut nocap savemoney -0.05 0.4
772 myth airpollut peopl feel situat look exampl peopl understand harm effect indoor pollut morn walk park pollut myth bust 0.0 0.0
773 children world suffer effect pollut extrem weather event say lancet countdown annual report impact climat chang human health read 0.0 0.1
774 pollut bushfir effect heart lung especi preexist condit tip help manag bushfir smoke health risk 0.0 0.0
775 pollut kill million peopl year hazypercept studi show awar longterm health effect vitalstrat pmhaze ecobusinesscom tackl misconcept 0.0 0.0
776 cognit effect negat pollut half world expos annual averag exposur longterm like year age studi -0.16666666666666666 0.16666666666666666
777 pollut caus effect solut natgeo 0.0 0.0
778 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel china chen -0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
779 fulli selfconsist view effect pollut bear huge group rightist want justifi discrimin 0.10000000000000003 0.65
780 cognit effect pollut 0.0 0.0
781 pollut methyl effect exposur human review articl rider clin epigenet 0.0 0.1
782 mondayafternoon read effect airpollut abnorm weather hit part world hard carbon dividend help open ramp exit fossilfuel -0.14583333333333334 0.5208333333333333
783 pollut reduc pollut deal advers effect numer health outcom general mortal wide document econom extern govern -0.024999999999999994 0.45
784 fascin pollut effect cognit tldr 0.0 0.0
785 fair comprehens review cognit effect pollut 0.7 0.9
786 pollut reduc number qualiti studi show pollut substanti effect health continu increas 0.0 0.0
787 fascin list cognit effect drive pollut qualiti want quantifi self list long time probabl plume flow report -0.05 0.4
788 push polici silenc research harm effect pollut toxic chemic research influenc govern regul save thousand live 0.13636363636363635 0.5
789 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut swasthabharat -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
790 toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mental health problem adult children world health organ say pollut silent public health emergencyâ 0.08 0.31333333333333335
791 guess that chines citi score scholast academ aptitud test sarcasm pollut suck doesnt feel good skeptic effect cognit 0.7 0.6000000000000001
792 pollut damag heart lung vital organ adolesc effect accumul time 0.1 0.4
793 effect delhi pollut oxygen suppli 0.0 0.0
794 know pollut effect there evid point numer death week work local busi woman elif kose like see car villag rottingdean add issu 0.0 0.0
795 dont understand think fenc better hedg hedg self repair captur pollut provid shade cool effect wildlif habitat fenc provid shade benefit 0.425 0.575
796 suffer worst effect pollut higher price clean measur pollut focus afet -0.12777777777777777 0.7333333333333334
797 breath heavier quicker greater exert athlet liter take greater pollut filter pollut bodi immun effect level exposur gita sinha 0.5 0.5
798 hous singleton librari communiti airpollut meet sirvickz speak health effect particl pollut nswepa control strategi start coal mine power 0.0 0.0
799 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
800 effort faridabad continu instruct give grap epca support stakehold citizen requir minimis effect airpollut faridabad mlkhattar 0.0 0.0
801 fascin terrifi summari effect cognit abil pollut basic life india kill make dumber nice 0.3 0.5625
802 know best anybodi effect pollut peopl deed dissent grow avalanch awar action bhavreenmk 0.55 0.2
803 look studi effect shortterm exposur particul matter pollut cognit perform titl instead effect shortterm exposur particul matter pollut cognit perform test 0.0 0.0
804 interest articl sciencedaili nsaid like aspirin lessen effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
805 accord immedi effect poor indoor qualiti similar typic cold like symptom difficult determin symptom result exposur indoor pollut -0.375 0.75
806 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
807 part inspir albrgr tweet littl recent find relationship pollut cognit effect amaz larg 0.0 0.25
808 research climatechang affect homeless peopl sad underdevelop unshelt exposur climat effect includ pollut extrem heat extrem cold flood signific increas homeless david -0.55 1.0
809 measur protect harm effect pollut health gajar khao airpollut 0.0 0.0
810 doctor australia see multipl health effect climat changew know respiratori ill heart attack stroke consequ terribl pollut firesâ -0.5 1.0
811 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
812 workshop perfect group school organis fruiti beauti cosmet equal reduc effect pollut lot choos 0.5 0.625
813 pollut caus effect solut 0.0 0.0
814 clear summari effect pollut reduc impact health worth watch 0.2 0.24166666666666664
815 meet polli theyr daerani pollut buster websit explain simpli clear type effect pollut help reduc airpollut pollut climatechang 0.10000000000000002 0.3833333333333333
816 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
817 push polici silenc research harm effect pollut toxic chemic research influenc govern regul save thousand live 0.13636363636363635 0.5
818 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi sevilla safe level huvmacarena neumomacarena alergomacarena saludand hospit region virgen macarena 0.5 0.5
819 jaggerybas recip pamper tast bud fight effect airpollut httweet 0.0 0.0
820 mine fuel somalia lead crise poverti like nigeria improp inequit share resourc pollut climat effect qualifi staff proper manag need mine 0.0 0.1
821 encyclopedia medicin pollut effect reduc 0.0 0.0
822 let fight pollut sarvodaya health clinic faridabad meet renown pulmonologist avail safe effect airpollut pulmonologist freshair 0.5 0.5
823 negat effect health pollut consider econom impact cut short live increas medic cost reduc product lose work day pollut impact environ affect qualiti fresh water soil 0.14545454545454545 0.43333333333333335
824 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
825 doubt govern know harm effect tear stop report pollut index month carrielam allow happen polic kill hongkong 0.0 0.0
826 pollut effect global warm airgo 0.3 0.3
827 health effect pollut httpcanadaca 0.0 0.0
828 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel middleag older popul china 0.03333333333333333 0.15555555555555556
829 know pollut health effect age sever elder children long term serious prakashjavdekar drharshvardhan rmoef narendramodi -0.19166666666666665 0.5333333333333333
830 pollut talk effect nois pollut ignor delhi request stop queri theyv take permiss play loudspeak need 0.0 0.0
831 ùƒøªø ùƒùø toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mental health problem adult children world health organ say pollut silent public health emergencyâ 0.08 0.31333333333333335
832 interest truth final come effect frequenc mood look number peopl profit weaken popul 0.0 1.0
833 delhi pollut caus smog health effect control measur poor -0.4 0.6
834 children world suffer effect pollut extrem weather event say lancet countdown annual report impact climatechang human health globalwarm 0.0 0.1
835 effect breez circul soil temperatur kuwait situ observ ecmwf model detail visit aimsandscop airchemistri airpollut benthamopen 0.0 0.0
836 negat effect traffic pollut children health human capit format absenc lower test score behaviour incid airpollut 0.0 0.1
837 cheap garbag labor environment standard pollut earth water half southeast asia choke pollut california feel effect fair purchas tariff boycottchina freehk 0.23333333333333334 0.44166666666666665
838 exposur extrem level airpollut high toxic generat shortterm health effect underestim longterm effect fineparticl chronic exposur level recommend drmarianeira stroke lungcanc 0.16 0.5399999999999999
839 lessen pollut strengthen immun harm reaction load power nutrient combat effect pollut foodrich antioxid pollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
840 shortterm effect ambient pollut stelev myocardi infarct event potenti suscept group pubm ncbi 0.0 0.0
841 discuss social segreg poverti pollut auster polic cut potenti damag knockon effect brexit busi poorest famili borough concern conserv agenda complet unsuit 0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
842 pollut caus effect way prevent 0.0 0.0
843 scienc health effect pollut similar question difficult right compound difficulti allow scienc hijack polit right leav 0.01785714285714285 0.6178571428571428
844 push polici silenc research harm effect pollut toxic chemic research influenc govern regul save thousand live 0.13636363636363635 0.5
845 pollut intensifi teen feel stress anxious depress feel biggest effect read -0.10555555555555556 0.3444444444444445
846 higher earlier year cover effect impact climat chang today mention wildfir southern australia effect condit wildfir increas impact habitat loss increas pollut loss properti 0.08333333333333333 0.3333333333333333
847 provid sourc claim nuclear accid caus pollut negat health effect peopl downstream provid plenti sourc nuclear energi safe 0.5 0.5
848 india china pakistan afghanistan pollut youtub world climat effect 0.0 0.0
849 pollut delhi caus effect chutti suha watch share subscrib 0.0 0.0
850 kid dont respiratori problem pollut effect climat chang worsen fossil fuel 0.0 0.0
851 afternoon particip cooper learn lesson primari discuss caus effect pollut beij record answer ipad paper globalgo 0.0 0.0
852 good articl possibl effect airpollut brain 0.7 0.6000000000000001
853 vital organ effect accumul time adulthoodwith total global pollut death reach million say report global institut 0.025 0.2875
854 brace silent killer alert effect pollut sore throat burn eye know 0.0 0.1
855 breath affect health longterm effect airpollut includ lung cancer lower sperm qualiti cardiovascular diseas neurolog effect diabet pulmonari 0.0 0.0
856 effect airpollut import comparison jalebi cricket commentari gautam gambhir 0.0 0.0
857 wait gautamgambhir come eat jalebi reduc health effect pollut bhakt start jalebi stall delhi 0.0 0.0
858 accord combin effect pollut kill million peopl year advanc electr vehicl legisl elimin toxic transport sector emiss crucial electrifynj inthistogeth 0.0 1.0
859 child health prioritis come tackl pollut especi vulner effect pollut right child health prioriti hackney 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
860 studi children live disadvantag neighborhood suscept effect pollut compar children especi disord relat anxieti suicid 0.13636363636363635 0.5
861 citi good reason burn wood biomass extrem poverti airpollut health effect major inflict minor outweigh benefit lifestyl choic 0.23749999999999996 0.43333333333333335
862 hour aparna darswal consult ophthalmolog live facebook inform effect pollut eye smog airpollut 0.13636363636363635 0.5
863 agre foremost thing peopl need concern health issu thing prevent pollut effect 0.0 0.0
864 pollut effect children bodi allergi asthma jaipur airpollut 0.0 0.0
865 statist descript inferenti expertis epidemiolog public health background medicin toxicolog atmospher particl scienc health effect pollut includ quantif special relat qualiti health 0.17857142857142858 0.319047619047619
866 juan postigoâ speech special effect heat noic pollut citi result challang build plan build gain attent 0.35714285714285715 0.5714285714285714
867 incept upesi jiko see reduct advers health environment effect indoor pollut deforest carbon dioxid emiss 0.0 0.0
868 effect inhal pollut marker integr inflamm microbiota profil intestin apolipoprotein knockout mice 0.0 0.0
869 breath affect health longterm effect airpollut includ lung cancer lower sperm qualiti cardiovascular diseas neurolog effect diabet pulmonari diseas inform 0.0 0.0
870 current health impact climatecrisi respiratori ill heartattack stroke caus airpollut frombushfir mentalhealth health effect drought rural communiti chang pattern healthyclim -0.16666666666666666 0.4666666666666666
871 appear housecommitte scienc space technolog birnbaum say propos roll fundament protect airpollut toxin effect affect entir generationâ 0.0 0.0
872 imagin patient stpaulshospit tonight horribl decis launch firework minut roof rais moneyâ light hopeâ anxieti induc effect ºplus nois pollut make decis 0.4 0.7
873 push polici silenc research harm effect pollut toxic chemic research influenc govern regul save thousand live 0.13636363636363635 0.5
874 woodsmok contribut signific pollut citi town worldwid evid safe level exposur threshold advers health effect occur doctor scientist wood smoke 0.5 0.5
875 test child know harm effect pollut doover 0.0 0.0
876 pollut clear effect physic health harm mental health 6.938893903907228e-18 0.29166666666666663
877 great video highlight effect pollut climat chang impact human right cleartheair 0.36190476190476195 0.4619047619047619
878 read thorough compel seri monicalvaughan slotribun nipomo mesa danger pollut effect resid cassandragari ashleyladin uscannenberg 0.0 0.0
879 your say pollut angel effect climat franc 0.0 0.0
880 mission engag rang area sustain trade environment human right defend effect pollut thank grethel aguilar iucn today insight present valu biodivers natur 0.09523809523809523 0.2119047619047619
881 general question commut raili research effect pollut brake dust effect passeng live near station quantifi pollut benefit switch electr train englishrail 0.09545454545454546 0.4666666666666666
882 addit recent blog deleteri effect pollut think guardian articl explain scari recent research wellðÿ 0.0 0.25
883 goodread kendrawrit nytim kid especi vulnerableâ negat health effect climatechang like asthma children absorb pollut give bodi size adult situat 0.1 0.3
884 read delhipollut time run decad insult want children start develop horrif effect airpollut lung cancer brain tumor host cardiac pulmonari morbid shamikaravi sanchx -0.05 0.0
885 germani german face exposur airpollut heatwav health effect climatechang 0.0 0.0
886 crisi peopl flood home effect climat chang pollut damag health children conserv respons immigr 0.0 0.0
887 kabat continu crucial caveatâ scienc health effect pollut similar difficult enuf right compound difficulti allow scienc hijack polit right leav 0.01428571428571428 0.6942857142857142
888 pollut effect dog natur way improv indoor quali youtub 0.0 0.0
889 senrobportman repbradwenstrup stevechabot epaawheelerâ ohio demand action protect countri citizen effect pollut ceas desist deregul clean standard 0.15555555555555556 0.26666666666666666
890 pkli hold symposium advers health effect smog pkli smog lahoresmog cleantheair airpollut health punjab gopunjabpk phcpunjab 0.0 0.0
891 pkli hold symposium advers health effect smog pkli smog lahoresmog cleantheair airpollut health punjab gopunjabpk phcpunjab 0.0 0.0
892 toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mental health problem adult children world health organ say pollut silent public health emergencyâ 0.08 0.31333333333333335
893 laugh educ million long term effect pollut children understand lifelong health stake know mitig public health machineri genuineqn 0.0375 0.2916666666666667
894 give poor qualiti pollut issu prevail capit primushospit urg care wear mask check link know harm effect airpollut delhincr ndtvindia -0.4 0.6
895 swasthabharat complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut airemerg -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
896 coast week know respiratori ill heart attack stroke consequ terribl pollut fire doctor mental health effect drought rural communiti -0.19999999999999998 0.39999999999999997
897 poison health issu effect brain develop children brain tumour lung cancer reduct life expect prove effect exposur pollut inact govern epdpunjab tackl make culpabl 0.0 0.0
898 complet escap pollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health airpollut swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
899 danger live children elder peopl vulner advers effect pollut compar adult 0.11818181818181818 0.4
900 report warm planet exacerb dead pollut world kill ten million peopl decad europ wealthier countri climat mitig polici immedi health effect 0.13333333333333333 0.3333333333333333
901 climat chang pollut wors say collin professor atmospher chemistri earth model univers read add climat mitig polici immedi health effectsâ 0.0 0.0
902 drive fossil fuel exacer climat changedamag heart lung vital organ effect accumul time adulthood total global pollut death reach million 0.03333333333333333 0.3833333333333333
903 absolut right smog pollut effect kid kid futur nation delhi breath 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
904 pollut lung diseas toxic chemic effect parkinson diseas cancer exampl scientist argu data natur reproduc includ exampl collect particl spew erupt volcano 0.0 0.0
905 billion peopl continu suffer danger effect indoor pollut burn dirti fuel like wood dung cook warm solar panel dont solv problem weak power clean stove heater 0.19722222222222222 0.6416666666666667
906 woodsmok contribut signific pollut citi town worldwid evid safe level exposur threshold advers health effect occur doctor scientist wood smoke dsawsp 0.5 0.5
907 global review pollut effect human bodi pollut negat affect virtual organ bodyâ pollut level steadili decreas begin rise recent trump regulatori rollback 0.0 0.11666666666666665
908 safe level airpollut frequenc bushfir increas scientist field specul health effect concern say brian oliv 0.5 0.5
909 safe level airpollut frequenc bushfir increas scientist field specul health effect concern say brian oliv utsscienc 0.5 0.5
910 know pollut environment effect final proof demonstr negat physiolog effect airpollut blood pressur consid silent killer definit requir immedi action pollutionkil 0.03333333333333333 0.4000000000000001
911 toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mental health problem adult children world health organ say pollut silent public health emergencyâ 0.08 0.31333333333333335
912 rise crash rat pollut climat chang caus greenhous emiss concern accord maizlish health effect dwarf inact endur norm travel 0.0 0.0
913 toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mental health problem adult children world health organ say pollut silent public health emergencyâ 0.08 0.31333333333333335
914 check great scari partner ldnenviron cleanair pollut invis effect 0.8 0.75
915 studi suggest level pollut dont affect adult harm grow fetus leav lifelong health effect reason switch cleanenergi 0.0 0.44999999999999996
916 stack recent paper show harm widerang effect pollut previous think -0.08333333333333333 0.20833333333333331
917 effect pollut colossalu 0.0 0.0
918 pollut nanoparticl link brain cancer time toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mental health problem adult children silent emergencyâ 0.1 0.37500000000000006
919 excit advocaci event come invit join updat attende latest scientif evid health effect airpollut offer train advoc cleanair access agenda 0.5 0.9
920 know qualiti garden sheffield read blog post learn sheffield monitor effect pollut steel citi airqual natur airpollut 0.0 0.0
921 fact set planet edit devast cite effect pollut line defens climat denier 0.0 0.0
922 rise crash rat pollut climat chang caus greenhous emiss concern accord maizlish health effect dwarf inact endur norm travel 0.0 0.0
923 toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mental health problem adult children world health organ say pollut silent public health emergencyâ 0.08 0.31333333333333335
924 come establish scientif sourc iceberg airpollut long term effect cpcboffici arvindkejriw captamarind mlkhattar drsidmukherje drmohanbhagwat jpnadda -0.05 0.4
925 effect pollut colossalu 0.0 0.0
926 disturb confirm devast effect pollut direct like diseas health issu kill near need expedit effort provid better outcom 0.2333333333333333 0.43333333333333335
927 rate throat cough cold effect inhal pollut noida feel like gaschamb relief smog caus health problem live delhincr airpollut womenonthemov -0.2318181818181818 0.75
928 pollut nanoparticl link brain cancer timeâ guardianâ studi reveal health effect climatechang follow 0.0 0.0
929 delhi affect danger level pollutionpl vitamin omega fatti magnesium rich dietlik cashewsfor omega akhrotgur jaggeri food help reduc effect pollut 0.375 0.75
930 effect pollut colossalu 0.0 0.0
931 toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mental health problem adult children world health organ say pollut silent public health emergencyâ 0.08 0.31333333333333335
932 toxic link effect brain includ huge reduct intellig dementia mentalhealth problem adult children say airpollut silent publichealth emergencyâ guardian 0.1666666666666667 0.43333333333333335
933 effect pollut prin colossalu 0.0 0.0
934 reduc plastic effect minim creation wast drift end world ocean harm marin life reduc pollut caus burn singleus plastic 0.0 0.0
935 week pollut level region danger level effect airpollut step take delhi govern polici go vain high time 0.16 0.5399999999999999
936 effect pollut colossalu 0.0 0.0
937 bomb terrorist attack produc pollut kill massiv number world uneduc peopl unawar hazard effect pollut includ educ leader toopoor develop countri sever effect hazard 0.0 0.0
938 delhi airpollut factor lose busi invest whilst creat strain healthcar unwant effect workforc environ delhipollut pollut 0.0 0.0
939 oxygen consid best defens harm effect pollut delhipollut airpollut pollut delhiairqu airqual delhi 1.0 0.3
940 drop public health reg pollut need protect resid file requir public health work energyenviron affair pollut advers health effect sit pollut sourc line communiti 0.0 0.06666666666666667
941 yoga effect method tackl pollut relat diseas like nasal allergi bronchial asthma sinus yoga strengthen immun protect harm effect pollut 0.0 0.0
942 pollut effect human bodyðÿ stroke asthma cancer hight blood pressur cough wheez bronchit copd reduc lung develop visit drdcgupta asthmatreat asthmadoctor airpollut 0.0 0.1
943 note paper peopl environ environment pollut effect topic base peopl environ syllabus paper pollut water -0.8 1.0
944 day ignor jerk longer wreck confus public negat health effect breath pollut drink water pollut expos toxic industri emiss truck tailpip galor 0.0 0.06666666666666667
945 fellow question name steve milloy tobacco industri lobbyist think public studi health effect pollut especi small particul matter pollut fabric junk scienc screenshot tweet easi -0.125 0.23333333333333334
946 effect pollut colossalu 0.0 0.0
947 exact travel larg scale factori product creat pollut byproduct hazard wast materi nuclear power plant arent go away hell larg scale agricultur environment effect 0.25 0.25
948 pollut level entir poison tear citi whos destroy land extrem danger expos inhal poison caus extrem health effect stop asap hkpolic -0.2 0.0
949 climat crisi unawar read littl effect pollut peopl lucki access good healthcar need antibiot vaccin relat pneumonia essenti bless 0.7 0.6000000000000001
950 improv breath leed huge prioriti play role pollut effect health cleanair leed climateact worktogeth 0.4000000000000001 0.9
951 time fool citizen prevent action need bodi say oddeven profound effect curb pollut airpollut 0.09166666666666667 0.55
952 studi publish journal american colleg cardiolog dietari fish supplement contain fatti acid effect pollut high pollut area tuesdaytip orgnathealth 0.08 0.26999999999999996
953 carbon neutral cut local pollut complet clean fuel stop cruis ship engin oper port local peopl suffer ship emit pollut effect health 0.12222222222222223 0.23333333333333336
954 tip relief wors effect pollut 0.0 0.0
955 tuesdaymorn read airpollut fear situat continu futur year longterm effect wors today pakistan pollut teen fight save lahor toxic 0.0 0.0
956 latest paper human health effect outdoor pollut iseeglob 0.25 0.5
957 ask prime minist clean pollut protect vulner peopl effect support sign open letter take minut send letter prime minist elect 0.3888888888888889 0.7000000000000001
958 health effect grind water pollut gaug larg popul studi individu effect pollut easili negat industri result genet unhealthi lifestyl cours rule prevent larg group studi 0.0 0.0
959 health effect grind water pollut gaug larg popul studi individu effect pollut easili negat industri result genet unhealthi lifestyl rule prevent larg group studi 0.0 0.0
960 consid donat import caus current plan anglia squar bakedin increas airpollut disastr health norwich citizen expert wit need explain medic effect 0.0 0.4
961 rais fund expert wit medic effect pollut evid anglia squar public inquiri norwichgreen eveningnew mumsforlung carfreenorwich radionorwich airqualitynew cleanairdayuk 0.0 0.06666666666666667
962 pollut common citi here protect qualiti index report clean pollut area effect breath outdoor health smartciti wswmuc 0.033333333333333354 0.6000000000000001
963 stand fossil fuel car hospit doorway discuss effect vape children vape ciggi casual ignor major sourc pollut condemn -0.21875000000000006 0.6833333333333333
964 indoor pollut effect children home twitter maria neira drmarianeira 0.0 0.0
965 eye vulner effect pollut direct contact outsid atmospher indic rang itch sting eye kerat inflamm cornea clean eye daili eyelidhygien 0.23333333333333334 0.55
966 eye vulner effect pollut direct contact outsid atmospher indic rang itch sting eye kerat inflamm cornea clean eye daili eyelidhygien 0.23333333333333334 0.55
967 pollut worst indoor bedroom worst immedi effect health feel seek remedi long term effect plenti life threaten -0.6833333333333332 0.7999999999999999
968 discuss winchesterc plan appli fund deliv public health campaign health effect woodburn awar grow problem signific contribut winchest pollut 0.0 0.06666666666666667
969 recogn fighter menac pollut effect congratul kalpana balakrishnan 0.0 0.0
970 dont think breath live london breath filthi richard smith wake lethal effect pollut cleanair airpollut airqual london 0.13636363636363635 0.5
971 best food counter effect pollut video 1.0 0.3
972 wheez problem rachel rebecca pollut health effect tip chennai smog 0.0 0.0
973 pollut news make worri choos wear miairpop antipollut mask avoid harm effect rise level citi mistorenand nand miairpop nand 0.0 0.0
974 pollut news make worri choos wear miairpop antipollut mask avoid harm effect rise level citi 0.0 0.0
975 issu pollut ewarren say want feder prioriti address effect felt frontlin communiti want treat public health emerg say want real resourc fix 0.1 0.18333333333333335
976 car steven lancsunilec royalsocieti rsairqual scienc meet summaris signific effect pollut manag natur habitat airpollut 0.0 0.0
977 area research need impact airpollut food chain effect crop speci import pollin complex feedback interact practic food product rsairqual systemsthink -0.3 0.4
978 say pollut affect intern organ respiratori heart nervous liver spleen blood effect pollut see long term trigger medic problem pollutionkil -0.05 0.4
979 effect yagya help conserv ecosystem purifi atmospher kill destroy diseasecaus microb remov water soil pollut yagya scientif process ashokshandilya mashwamedha yagya airpollut -0.2 0.0
980 histor studi base health impact singl pollut legisl samebut real life expos mixtur airpollut work push look multipollut effect -0.30000000000000004 0.65
981 yale univers talk health impact pollut start london smog show airpollut kill peopl smog wasnt obvious broad effect blatant -0.14583333333333334 0.4375
982 rsairqual scienc meet qualiti past present futur royalsocieti london start lead organis prof david fowler day talk world expert pollut effect environ peopl follow airpollut -0.125 0.125
983 citi popul close import know effect pollut inhabit state statist reveal heart diseas death attribut stroke death attribut pollut 0.0 0.0
984 best food counter effect pollut 1.0 0.3
985 best food counter effect pollut 1.0 0.3
986 best food counter effect pollut 1.0 0.3
987 guarante mom babi pollut effect cover mask clenar nasal filter protect airpollut allergi visit httpsclenarein 0.0 0.0
988 complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
989 carrot seed natur anti age compound protect skin harm effect pollut antiag skincar health travelwithcar airpollut alberthealthtip albertpharma 0.0 0.0
990 learn food consum fight effect pollut food rich antioxid lung save toxic affect pollut airpollut pollut lung awar 0.375 0.75
991 public health emerg declar delhi pollut breach danger level articl sanjay wazir hindu busi line effect pollut children 0.0 0.06666666666666667
992 climat effect coal mine gasfield definit consid pollut caus health death australia plus urgent need transit industri bushfir climatechang climateact auspol listen scienc 0.0 0.0
993 vhpdigit krrissh rahu mantra reduc pollut effect 0.0 0.0
994 krrissh rahu mantra reduc pollut effect 0.0 0.0
995 respect arvindkejriw smog effect aliv peopl go offic offic peopl humanðÿ airpollut delhipollut delhichok 0.0 0.0
996 effect pollut busi sarahypgh billpeduto 0.0 0.0
997 diet reduc effect pollut food pollut airpollut airqual 0.0 0.0
998 health effect climatechang futur thing climat impact happen fossilfuel emiss contribut million death year airpollut adopt cleanenergi zeroemiss tech today save live today drmarianeira 0.13636363636363635 0.5
999 longterm health effect pollut includ heart diseaselung cancer respiratori diseas emphysemaair pollut caus longterm damag peopl nervesbrain kidneysliv organssom scientist suspect pollut caus birth defect 0.0 0.0
1000 pollut caus damag bodi water contribut deplet ozon layerwhich protect earth sun rayssom environment effect pollut haze climat chang 0.0 0.0
1001 alright their caus cigarett smoker pollut pollut noun presenc introduct substanc harm poison effect 0.0 0.0
1002 indiachest nation chest centr partner fcrd support zydus respiratori divis mass awar activ harm effect pollut smoke attend peopl walk life 0.0 0.0
1003 articl discuss indirect effect like asthma pollut doesnt mention traffic death injuri scroll past read articl -0.25 0.25
1004 dose aspirin robust prevent damag lung caus pollut longer aspirin usag continu stronger protect effect 0.0 0.0
1005 effect diet smog leafi veget like saag coriand methi fenugreek spinach richest sourc beta caroten radish leav carrot good sourc omega fat protect bodi detriment effect pollut 0.7 0.6000000000000001
1006 airpollut signific effect health environ legal respons assess improv local qualiti meet govern object prestoncouncil object 0.1 0.1
1007 antipollut face pack pollut effect face pack mindblowingmahi pollut airpollut watch video visit youtub channel mind blow mahi 0.0 0.0
1008 complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
1009 complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia nitiaayog -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
1010 antipollut face pack pollut effect face pack mindblowingmahi pollut airpollut watch video visit youtub channel mind blow mahi 0.0 0.0
1011 fatti acid protect negat effect pollut omega pollut antioxid fattyacid 0.0 0.0
1012 sale purifi face mask soar slight chang eat habit skincar routin help reduc effect smog httweet airpollut -0.16666666666666666 0.16666666666666666
1013 food item help fight effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1014 photograph mont win commiss document pollut effect pdnonlin 0.8 0.4
1015 pollut wildfir climat chang major threat vision cultur health communiti effort benefit planet mitig health effect chang climat 0.0625 0.5
1016 albrgr collect paper health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1017 understand concern twitter friend like expos pollut effect friend children citi like manila kuala lumpur 0.0 0.0
1018 wonder india minist health sugegst carrot protect effect pollut serious centuri -0.3333333333333333 0.6666666666666666
1019 nceciti year year econom effect world current environment path bear delhi airpollut crisi delhi extrem uniqu jameshamblin point threat accumul 0.0 0.4
1020 delhipollut attract attent late increas airpollut great concern shorttim exposur pollut intern travel lead advers cardiopulmonari health effect read jtravm 0.25 0.675
1021 effort faridabad continu instruct give grap epca support stakehold citizen requir minimis effect airpollut smog faridabad mlkhattar 0.0 0.0
1022 accord report unicef billion children world breath toxic live northern india risk health effect includ damag lung brain organ airpollut treesforlif 0.13636363636363635 0.5
1023 year year econom effect world current environment path bear delhi airpollut crisi delhi extrem uniqu jameshamblin point threat accumul 0.0 0.4
1024 effect airpollut children lung function know year introduct wretch roamerpark scheme guardian cover immedi link 0.0 0.0
1025 let health effect pollut health effect airpollut protect gogreen saturday weekendvib 0.0 0.0
1026 wake lethal effect pollut elect health allianc approsserâ helenhgavinâ relev west oxfordshir resid 0.8 0.9
1027 complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
1028 corpor pollut lessen effect wait wont major priveleg agre post like villain margin communiti 0.0625 0.5
1029 unicefindia mohfwindia complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoâ -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
1030 doctor delhi pollut long term effect children delhi airpollut -0.05 0.4
1031 complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
1032 recent pollut malaysia long term detriment effect public healthrais level asthma lung diseas worst lack proactiv action curb problem current chronicil airpollut -0.15833333333333335 0.36944444444444446
1033 aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1034 moocairqu great place learn pollut qualiti mean caus effect health need yard ongo mooc consid enrol 0.24375000000000002 0.71875
1035 yosemit valley pollut health effect research symposium share space expert outdoor indoor pollut effect honor panel talk tenaya lodg yosemit 0.0 0.0
1036 sanmiguelco commission say aqcc need adopt strong rule pollut direct effect pollut includ decreas snowpack rapid spring runoff longer wildfir season negat impact economi like 0.26666666666666666 0.5666666666666667
1037 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas pollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat 0.25 0.5
1038 effect smog reason sourc increas pollut techniqu avail prevent smog airpollut 0.0 0.0
1039 candid constitu reduc lethal effect pollut 0.6 0.8
1040 presid royal colleg physician show talent present power video lethal effect pollut ukhealthclim rcplondon 0.0 0.0
1041 look video bodgoddard cycl london qualiti monitor bike stop interview peopl health effect pollut thank ukhealthclim bmjlatest make happen 0.0 0.0
1042 effect pollut children felt adulthood unicefchief seek immedi action ensur children breath clean south asia unicefbd dailysunbd airpollut 0.23333333333333334 0.4
1043 children vulner harm effect pollut defens mechan evolv inhal higher volum bodi weight adult airpollut 0.175 0.4
1044 think studi thing import medic treat effect pollut issu mayb small compar thing caus issu place -0.25 0.4
1045 great idea adrienneadellec reduc effect pollut uony uoninglab stevenag 0.8 0.75
1046 compel present adrienneadele livscitalk lpoolgirlgeek reduc effect pollut glaxosmithklin 0.0 0.0
1047 prevent measur allow prevent advers effect smog click link give know prevent measur danger airpollut smoke harm blog lahor pakistan news healthcar 0.0 0.0
1048 india world servic center econom machin jeopardi prevent airpollut decreas product worldbank estim india lose health effect uncontrol emiss -0.1 0.1
1049 estim year life expect lose current pollut level bangladesh egypt ªniger tajikistan afghanistan µnepal ³india sudan ªuae health effect institut state global 0.0 0.2
1050 protect effect breastfe advers health effect induc pollut current evid possibl mechan 0.0 0.4
1051 great contempl effect pollut that learn speakâ 0.8 0.75
1052 effect pollut children wide reach -0.1 0.4
1053 report suggest million peopl prematur effect pollut dead unjust caus basic right breath proper 0.021428571428571422 0.29017857142857145
1054 airpollut devast impact health recordbreak pollut level tarun taneja head product maxbupa right point need choos health cover guard famili effect 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
1055 sit prospect campaign poison effect airpollut inciner wise guy stand suttonlibdem suttontori thomasbrak scullyp elliotcolburn hinabokharild 0.7 0.9
1056 fantast umsb confer healthi build human perform open academ session econom effect airpollut friend sefiroth juan palacio thank invit nilskok kunnsteffen great 0.26666666666666666 0.45
1057 children vulner harm effect airpollut parent afford children clean fli india 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
1058 winter delhi turn chamber airpollut caus sever health effect delhi fail need episod pallavipnt airqualityindia airsouthasia -0.5 0.29999999999999993
1059 airpollut invis killer death stroke lungcanc heartdiseas pollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat let stop breathelif 0.25 0.5
1060 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas pollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat whoâ 0.25 0.5
1061 mumbairain novemb proof ecoquiz long start experi harm effect airpollut let -0.05 0.4
1062 comment nois impact consid pollut ultrafin particl car train regul link cardiovascular risk neurolog effect diesel generat black carbon -0.16666666666666666 0.43333333333333335
1063 nstlifestyl airpollut studi fine particl enter circul direct effect heart data ecigarett point directionâ vape vape health 0.25833333333333336 0.45
1064 aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin articl answer stop pollut quick pop vitamin risk drug effect worri better britpharmsoc 0.41666666666666663 0.5
1065 pollut coalfir power plant includ sulfur dioxid nitrogen oxid particul matter heavi metal lead smog acid rain toxin environ numer respiratori cardiovascular cerebrovascular effect 0.0 0.0
1066 improv breath leed huge prioriti play role pollut effect health 0.4000000000000001 0.9
1067 excel piec susannah thank share oscar citi peopl beef coal farmer citi peopl want sustain citi corros lobbi wreck democraci look pollut hunter valley effect 0.0 0.0
1068 valley pollut health effect research symposium guest calasthma place knock work morn tenaya lodg yosemit 0.0 0.0
1069 unicef execut director henrietta fore unicefchief releas statement call action address airpollut crisi south east asia harm effect childright read statement 0.1 0.1
1070 photograph mont win commiss document pollut effect onlin 0.8 0.4
1071 make sens special polit request step pollut lucki action show social media effect peopl delhi 0.1634920634920635 0.24603174603174602
1072 aspirin halv harm effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1073 lahor worst pollut world delhi describ extrem hazard dire healthi peopl effect short exposur citi envelop great cloud limit visibl trump deni happen world -0.06666666666666665 0.6833333333333332
1074 pill prevent effect pollut dralist say mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1075 thing good airpollut unnecessari sourc particul pollut caus woodburn thing asthmauk arent demand woodburn defraukair know harm effect 0.7 0.6000000000000001
1076 space effect human presenc planet flight visibl chang deforest bodi water pollut contamin 0.0 0.1
1077 surpris httpstatementit fact sorri guy unawar kathmandus pollut hazard health effect face daili life 0.0 0.0
1078 know pollut studi fine particl enter circul direct effect heart data ecigarett point 0.25833333333333336 0.45
1079 go insid hous close window remedi thisâ edith abeyta north braddock resid say describ effect pollut near home 0.1 0.4
1080 let talk airpollut tomorrow discuss harm effect pollut action polici frame forward csrindia ministrywcd moefcc apoliticalco youthkiawaaz 0.1 0.1
1081 british safeti council welcom king colleg london research demonstr direct link pollut health emerg work need effect exposur outdoor worker 0.05 0.2
1082 appar dung karishanarjun approv antidot hazard effect poison gas airpollut india 0.0 0.0
1083 deliber tackl detriment effect stubbleburn health socioeconom medic expert scientist stakehold meet airpollut 0.0 0.0
1084 defend sideeffect delhi pollut delhipollut airpollut pollut delhiairqu airqual 0.0 0.0
1085 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1086 california scientist set cohort studi assess health effect wild fire airpollut climatechang epidemiolog naturenew ðÿ²ðÿ 0.1 0.4
1087 opinion caus pollut effect health sunitanar airpollut teriin delhiairqu 0.0 0.0
1088 airpollut vadiveluforlif pollut caus effect 0.0 0.0
1089 program pollut health effect laboratori awesom work tobacco ecig exposur public health alot communiti drive research work interest look chemistri airuci great collab abound 0.4 0.4083333333333333
1090 complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
1091 delight note vital issu discuss thorough solut delhi today face effect pollut oddeven polici bring relief 0.1 0.4
1092 minim negat effect pollut home 0.0 0.0
1093 estim year life expect lose current pollut level bangladesh egypt niger tajikistan afghanistan nepal india sudan health effect institut state global 0.0 0.2
1094 airpollut level peak citi immun dip import know prevent harm effect pollut one health 0.0 0.0
1095 pollut sever damag effect human health link respiratori problemscanc heart diseas million vehicl leav carbon footprint environ hybrid fulli electr vehicl bestðÿ 0.0 0.1
1096 airpollut affect health larg number way definit limit studi show effect humanhealth cardiovascular reproduct endocrin system affect 0.0 0.0
1097 indair comprehens effort inventoris surviv indian research analysi pollut caus effect present studi easili access formatâ indairlaunch csirneeri 0.0 0.0
1098 indusri lahor ought shift citi remot area larg chunk popul save advers effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1099 infograph pollut indian capit citi delhi current exceed environment protect agenc threshold hazard mean experi effect delhipollut -0.15625 0.54375
1100 equal import plant tree certain measur individu level fight pollut improv diet combat effect pollut read blog post detail 0.10714285714285714 0.4107142857142857
1101 pollut get worst recent year time improv environ mitig effect climatechang -0.5 0.625
1102 great valley pollut health effect research symposium vapher linkag discuss explor challeng opportun continu improv qualiti health joaquin valley 0.8 0.75
1103 pollut undisput health effect target polici establish problem prioriti better insul home benefici overlap green corp hike small busi hard like contrbut littl pollut -0.060416666666666674 0.4354166666666667
1104 discov cardiovascular effect traffic relat pollut respir latest editorschoic articl american journal hypertens 0.25 0.45
1105 mental physic health effect pollut back recent studi -0.03333333333333333 0.15
1106 mental physic health effect pollut back recent studi lifeadvanc lifeadvanc -0.03333333333333333 0.15
1107 reduc risk improv qualiti substanti worsen california exclud effect fire increas pollut kill californian oxnard resid 0.0 0.0
1108 tragedi mindless corrupt urbanis savelahor main caus pollut vehicular emiss industri emiss dust fall effect follow main effect pollut respiratori diseas irrit reduc visib -0.09166666666666667 0.6416666666666667
1109 mental physic health effect pollut back recent studi -0.03333333333333333 0.15
1110 grade creat websit promot initi reduc caus effect pollut plan plant treesplant convert larg amount emiss oxygen what feedback designthink vwelab npway hamcoschool 0.0 0.0
1111 plausibl solut restrict automobil metropolitan shall maximum vehicl famili smog pollut greenhous gas effect reduc 0.0 0.0
1112 dung protect hindus nuclear effect pollut interest start eat carrotsðÿ 0.0 0.0
1113 extinctrebelsi dublin south central group hold public saturday novemb obelisk fountain jam street highlight dramat effect pollutionâ killer communiti irelandact 0.0 0.15833333333333333
1114 mayb peopl final begin differ pollut climat chang polit local environment effect 0.0 0.5
1115 guess badger submit author includ chines massiv deskreject review health effect pollut east asian popul exclud nonenglish studi stand decis 0.0 0.0
1116 didyouknow pollut link increas stress indoor purif technolog mitig effect react improv indoor qualiti today 0.0 0.0
1117 effect pollut plant wide see damag plant includ food crop tree officialgnida urg citizen care tree tree care -0.1 0.4
1118 pollut drastic health effect action take entir northern region awar harm impact airpollut narendramodi prakashjavdekar bullshitnomor enoughisenough climateactiongg youthkiawaaz 0.1 0.1
1119 peopl india share pictur devast effect unbear pollut 0.0 0.0
1120 doubt advers effect pollut asthmaâ certain consid pollut contribut factor asthma advoc intervent environ 0.21428571428571427 0.5714285714285714
1121 great talk johnsodeau airpollut climatechang side coin airpollut diseas climatechang effect symptom greenhealth symposium rcpinew scienceirel irishhearti macehead mareicentr 0.8 0.75
1122 human effect pollut data show increas hospit admiss asthma heart failur poor qualiti day dublin prof john sodeau -0.2 0.35
1123 effect pollut pregnanc protect toll free number visit book appoint miracl happen airpollut 0.4 0.8
1124 countri face enorm effect pollut modi busi foreign countri save constitu advers effect feel like doesnt care worstpmev -0.125 0.125
1125 peopl india share pictur devast effect unbear pollut 0.0 0.0
1126 peopl india share pictur devast effect unbear pollut 0.0 0.0
1127 diet home remedi hous plant live ayurveda expert mitali head doctor sspanchakarma share ayurved hack deal effect pollut airpollut delhi 0.13636363636363635 0.5
1128 run project abovement issu healthngo share quick tip stay safe season highlight health effect pollut feel free comment assist 0.41111111111111115 0.6
1129 frack temporarili stop onshor drill continuesi expand doctor health issu includ effect pollut climat chang watch video support legal challeng chuff 0.2 0.2
1130 current qualiti index read srilanka unhealthi level begin experi health effect member sensit group experi health effect airpollut 0.0 0.4
1131 peopl india share pictur devast effect unbear pollut 0.0 0.0
1132 takeaway current smog situat colombo srilanka iqair privat provid pull data china current airpollut unhealthyâ affect activ outdoor experi effect 0.0 0.4
1133 pakistan poison stubbl burn carrot reliev effect pollut delhi punjab stop burn stubbl genius 0.0 0.0
1134 effort faridabad continu instruct give grap epca support stakehold citizen requir minimis effect airpollut smog faridabad mlkhattar dchautala 0.0 0.0
1135 effect pollut peopl tackl 0.0 0.0
1136 healthiswealth food minim effect pollut time india 0.0 0.0
1137 great lectur wildfir smoke health effect causal model seminar ucla tarik benmarhnia ucsd wildfir natur experi suffer day airpollut 0.8 0.75
1138 know improv health lung children lung contribut social justic vulner communiti suffer worst effect pollut -0.48333333333333334 0.5333333333333333
1139 aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1140 effect matern exposur ambient pollut newborn telomer length 0.0 0.0
1141 dont worri combin anim agricultur nurtur pathogen chronic inflammatori effect food waterborn glyphos biom certain live citi pollut like save 0.17532467532467533 0.5357142857142857
1142 pollut cost annual forget advers health effect dont govern concret measur improv public transport associ mile connect urban area purchas stubbl delhipollut 0.0 0.03333333333333333
1143 peopl india share pictur devast effect unbear pollut 0.0 0.0
1144 peopl india share pictur devast effect unbear pollut 0.0 0.0
1145 aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1146 depress pic yamuna river go viral becoz add effect toxic matter citi airpollut level part label dead oxygen marin life surviveannu bubblebath occurr -0.13333333333333333 0.21666666666666667
1147 solut pollut kill peopleyr pill solut emiss toxin zero asap irrespons dailymailuk headlin aspirin halv harm effect dead pollut -0.2 0.4
1148 go common consid noxious countri strang peopl touch produc consequ nation effect pollut inaud killer pakistan thebpoint -0.3 0.5
1149 health effect pollut medic lectur medicalstud medschoolnot medschoolpost medic mediconot 0.0 0.0
1150 delhi airpollut matern child health effect stand lose grind effort meet 0.0 0.0
1151 aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1152 million suffer advers effect pollut say hcfrey despit strong evid strengthen standard activ break process 0.21666666666666665 0.36666666666666664
1153 leav visibl smog affect ncrlucknow reduc peopl vulner group respiratori diseas econom disadvantag feel life alter effect pollut indian citi 0.0 0.0
1154 your water rank unit state rank exposur particul matter gedd call good indic health effect pollut guy wrong histori -0.35000000000000003 0.8250000000000001
1155 pollut heart health fatti acid protect negat effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1156 peopl india share pictur devast effect unbear pollut 0.0 0.0
1157 nice pictur great citycareitn awar seminar effect pollut skin take place dowhomeperson octob thank speaker particip merkleinstitut uniferrara 0.7 0.875
1158 kiran chaudhari say longterm effect pollut lower resid life expect 0.0 0.0
1159 estim year life expect lose current pollut level bangladesh egypt niger tajikistan afghanistan nepal india sudan health effect institut state global 0.0 0.2
1160 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel china chen -0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
1161 peopl india share pictur devast effect unbear pollut 0.0 0.0
1162 qualiti slip afteryear improv direct relat trump rollback clean airwat bill wast coal fire power plant health effect pollut death stroke lung cancer heart diseas dueto pollut 0.23333333333333334 0.55
1163 context pollut logic sensibl burn counter effect caus burn general benefit camphor read articl say counter pollut 0.05000000000000002 0.5
1164 think effect bonfirenight caus environ studi reveal year bonfir night pollut level exceed defraukair recommend level time airqualitynew read 0.0 0.0
1165 right pollut delhi instead threaten farmer dont understand farmer clear field crop dont solv root caus issu speak effect issu life drama 0.19285714285714287 0.4595238095238095
1166 peopl india share pictur devast effect unbear pollut 0.0 0.0
1167 firework beauti colour effect bang screech think limit nois level neighbour loud hous shake dont point pollut dread believ 0.1 0.8
1168 effect pollut human health high level pollut pregnanc link miscarriag prematur birth autism spectrum disord asthma children shudhvayu delhiairqu 0.08 0.31999999999999995
1169 meet polli theyr daerani pollut buster websit explain simpli clear type effect pollut help reduc airpollut pollut climatechang 0.10000000000000002 0.3833333333333333
1170 let dive deep effect pollut health today look impact pregnant women unborn children recent research indic particul matter breach protect placent barrier harm foetus 0.1111111111111111 0.3833333333333333
1171 week physiolog subject killer exam hard exam gotta finish research assign effect pollut produc paper prove wasnt fluke -0.22916666666666669 0.4375
1172 aspirin halv harm effect dead pollut -0.2 0.4
1173 measur control pollut implement maximum readi chock lot money cure diseas relat effect increas world 0.0 0.0
1174 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas airpollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat health effect pollut 0.25 0.5
1175 asthma suffer catch vicious cycl increas peopl reli inhal devast effect airpollut -1.0 1.0
1176 delhi pollut caus smog caus effect pollut delhi 0.0 0.0
1177 estim year life expect lose current pollut level bangladesh egypt ªniger tajikistan afghanistan µnepal ³india sudan ªuae health effect institut state global 0.0 0.2
1178 septemb studi take nonsteroid drug nsaid aspirin halv effect lung function import aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1179 pollut level alarm stage here detoxifi harm effect airpollut aasima dietician alshifa multi specialti hospit 0.0 0.0
1180 aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1181 professor srinath reddi highlight effect airpollut 0.0 0.0
1182 children sensit pollut lung brain immun system develop blueair purifi remov airborn pollut great reduc health effect breath indoor learn httpblueaircom 0.8 0.75
1183 aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1184 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1185 climatechang indisput case need extra motiv effect airpollut indisput need possibl form energi technolog soon human possibl fusion 0.0 0.1
1186 estim year life expect lose current pollut level bangladesh egypt ªniger tajikistan afghanistan µnepal ³india sudan ªuae health effect institut state global 0.0 0.2
1187 soon season pass forget airpollut long term effect reduc life qualiti realiti greater public awar need tackl delhismog 0.15 0.32222222222222224
1188 effect pollut studi specif note increas rat admiss case children elder 0.0 0.0
1189 aspirin halv harm effect dead pollut -0.2 0.4
1190 school nurs visit grade scienc classroom demonstr asthma attack feel like finish studi pollut effect portlandeastm 0.0 0.0
1191 estim year life expect lose current pollut level bangladesh egypt ªniger tajikistan afghanistan µnepal ³india sudan ªuae health effect institut state global 0.0 0.2
1192 theworldindex estim year life expect lose current pollut level bangladesh egypt ªniger tajikistan afghanistan µnepal ³india sudan ªuae health effect institut staâ 0.0 0.4
1193 estim year life expect lose current pollut level bangladesh egypt ªniger tajikistan afghanistan µnepal ³india sudan ªuae health effect institut state global 0.0 0.2
1194 death peopl attribut pollut afghanistan pakistan india nigeria china saudi arabia russia germani japan canada health effect institut global 0.0 0.0
1195 death peopl attribut pollut afghanistan pakistan india nigeria china saudi arabia russia germani japan canada health effect institut global news economi polit 0.0 0.0
1196 death peopl attribut pollut afghanistan pakistan india nigeria china saudi arabia russia germani japan canada health effect institut global 0.0 0.0
1197 reason feel like there sudden surg research horrif effect pollut follow peopl whove start pay attent 0.0 0.5
1198 prakashjavdekar drharshvardhan mrtbindia urjadelhi health emerg unnesarili make pollut yesterday msisodia prove effect health cycl offic mask generat night chhat ghat 0.0 0.0
1199 current level aurobindo marg station mean level effect good pollut pose littl risk moder 0.12916666666666665 0.5625
1200 level pollut delhi cross limit cmaao recommend indian govern halt outdoor activ time health peopl topmost prioriti effect pollut irrevers medwma imaindiaorg 0.0 0.0
1201 level pollut delhi cross limit cmaao recommend indian govern halt outdoor activ time health peopl topmost prioriti effect pollut irrevers medwma imaindiaorg 0.0 0.0
1202 aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1203 aspirin halv harm effect pollut mailonlin 0.0 0.0
1204 pollut heart health fatti acid protect negat effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1205 aspirin halv harm effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1206 dont know famili illiter dont know effect pollut lung cancer pooch nahi hogga kaun famili member loss hogga pollut dont govern 0.0 0.0
1207 prevent better cure necessari step awar activ citi peopl awar pollut futur effect pmoindia myogiadityanath airnewsalert ddnation airpollut 0.5 0.5
1208 regist nurs warn health effect pollut quarri microscop particl travel mile imposs sunrock contain quarri dustâ ncpolicywatch 0.0 0.0
1209 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel china chen -0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
1210 gupta ihm faculti discuss danger health effect pollut california recent histor wildfir read piec news 0.0 0.25
1211 airpollut affect health studi horrifi realiti indiatoday aqli cite studi effect pollut human health learn qualiti life index 0.0 0.1
1212 pompeo liar belief endtim death cult welcom encourag destruct earth administr pollut have real life effect heath peopl live peopl die past year increas pollut 0.02878787878787879 0.35000000000000003
1213 doesnt trip generat peopl year subject thing entir world eat habit pollut poison water etcthat know real effect gonna 0.016666666666666677 0.31666666666666665
1214 dont know there definit interest info effect bonfir night studi definit look decreas pollut caus year friendlier healthier altern 0.0 0.0
1215 doctor student mostafijur raman apha poster philli health effect pollut bangladesh crop burn 0.0 0.0
1216 pollut heart health fatti acid protect negat effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1217 interest review effect airpollut success age highlight need research environment exposur impact age popul 0.3 0.0
1218 agre pollut caus vehicl effect planet develop children believ help 0.0 0.0
1219 director centr sport exercis scienc univers essex colbeck explain peopl limit effect pollut exercis 0.0 0.0
1220 robin current have fund qualiti monitor work local school mitig effect pollut initi 0.0 0.2
1221 consum antioxid enrich super snack remov toxic chemic bodi fight effect pollut supersnack fightpollut selfcar startfromhom mrmakhana healthyliv 0.3333333333333333 0.6666666666666666
1222 ongo exposur pollut short term symptom leav vulner develop chronic condit long term effect impact health -0.025 0.35
1223 delhi current grappl danger level pollut effect devast whoâ million peopl year result exposur smog read cnnâ 0.0 0.4
1224 worri nasti pollut ayurved hack reduc effect pollut safeguard health airpollut delhipollut 0.0 0.0
1225 help aqiindia project rais awar pollut effect time visitor peopl live stay 0.13636363636363635 0.5
1226 wonder honour minist awar mechan pollut exert dead effect oxid stress pseudo acknowledg pollut problem -0.2 0.4
1227 effect pollut wreck havoc human health planet here caus pollut delhipollut airpollut mocomikid 0.0 0.1
1228 health minist drharshvardhan promot eatrightindia advis peopl tweet tackl effect sever airpollut seek write 0.0 0.0
1229 dagen daili paraphras pollut delhi environment group warn long term effect equival smoke pack cigarett -0.05 0.4
1230 pollut heart health fatti acid protect negat effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1231 classic ethic dilemma construct activ reduc pollut hospit treat effect pollut 0.16666666666666666 0.16666666666666666
1232 ayurved remedi fight pollut natur way reduc effect pollut health 0.0 0.0
1233 peopl right point unequ effect pollut margin oppress group delhi solut need address need exposur thread past year work cestudi 0.01785714285714285 0.39285714285714285
1234 know pram cover reduc babi exposur pollut effect health 0.0 0.0
1235 delhi choke sever pollut make children elder sick politician indulg blame game suggest resid carrot eas effect toxic -0.5571428571428572 0.6285714285714286
1236 mislead incorrect compar direct impact fukushima daiichi nuclear accid indirect effect airpollut prematur death evacue thyroid cancer rat higher fukushima prefectur 0.175 0.45
1237 airpollut prevent caus advers birth outcom india kalpana balakrishnan share result cohort studi tamil nadu provid quantit effect estim link exposur birthweight 0.0 0.0
1238 health effect exposur airpollut prabhakaran preet dhillon bhargavkrishna discuss health effect pollut particular look cardiovascular diseas cancer clearingtheair 0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
1239 earth die media talk stupid person care annoy teach peopl help earth thank person dont know pollut probabl death caus effect -0.7999999999999999 1.0
1240 major citi india current experi sever level pollut common health effect pollut includ irrit eye throat lung zealand affect area advis monitor pollut read -0.07916666666666666 0.4666666666666666
1241 simpl solut bodi want listen plant tree popul control billion human be util natur resourc destroy natur pollut minor effect -0.08333333333333333 0.10000000000000002
1242 omega fat protect heart detriment effect pollut nut seed like walnut chia seed flax seed hearthealth pollut 0.0 0.0
1243 mechan health effect involv oxid stress inflamm inflamm show strong predictor serum î²caroten invers correl creactiv protein 0.4333333333333333 0.7333333333333333
1244 burn cracker time harm caus damag negat effect cracker pollut land pollut nois pollut disturb resid residenti area respons safa khan grade 0.0 0.0
1245 effect pollut health click link read complet articl 0.0 0.0
1246 thought prayer definit help solv delhi pollut problem astrolog point specif solut reduc negat effect celesti posit india 0.0 0.0
1247 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas airpollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat health effect pollut 0.25 0.5
1248 caus effect solut pollut 0.0 0.0
1249 love school street park stride walk bus cardiff children suffer effect pollut school 0.5 0.6
1250 citizen delhi expos high level pollut risk lung diseas heart diseas stroke long term shortterm effect includ wateri eye sore throat 0.055 0.47
1251 minim effect pollut winter 0.0 0.0
1252 combat extrem effect pollut one health adapt dietari guidelin majorpoonia 0.0 0.0
1253 jaggeri prefer dark save harm effect pollut pollut industri daili diet worker -0.15 0.4
1254 ayurved remedi combat pollut natur way reduc effect pollut health 0.0 0.0
1255 rapid econom growth bring benefit india cost human health environ health econom effect chronic exposur high concentr airpollut document global 0.05333333333333334 0.2133333333333333
1256 delhialert poor airqual general public sensit group high risk experi strong irrit advers health effect trigger ill delhismog wilfultriumph airpollut -0.04277777777777778 0.5733333333333334
1257 beat effect pollut lifestyl chang cleans lung natur prevent health hazard pollut need hour immedi precautionari step lung proper detox read 0.0 0.1
1258 metro incl dehi face health emerg pollut reach danger level combat extrem effect pollut one health adapt dietari guidelin share friend famili rememberhealth wealth 0.0 0.0
1259 littl doctor check pollut effect 0.0 0.0
1260 action teammcf faridabad continu instruct give epca grap support stakehold citizen requir minimis effect airpollut smog faridabad ncrdistrict 0.1 0.1
1261 didyouknow health effect pollut health effect pollut httpaccto time period shortterm effect exacerb asthma cough wheezingsound short 0.0 0.3
1262 effect pollut develop brain wide knownâ -0.1 0.4
1263 fall temp sequest carbon regrett sound fascin airpollut effect health link consider thank engag 0.4 0.4
1264 decad research caus asthma stroke heart diseas pregnanc complic effect work suggest level pollut immedi psycholog effect 0.0 0.0
1265 richard smith wake lethal effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1266 india pollut effect devast everybodi 0.0 0.0
1267 index rang high index valu indic higher level pollut higher potenti advers health effect 0.22 0.5133333333333333
1268 airpollut caus short term health problem like nose throat irrit ongo exposur make vulner longer term effect like lung heart diseasesread pollut climatechang 0.0 0.3
1269 health effect pollut imperil human live fact document 0.06818181818181818 0.3
1270 interest data effect pollut young children children reduc lung function higher risk ard requir greater need ecmo global manufactur ecl product have difficulti meet need 0.2125 0.35
1271 struggl airpollut read updat articl effect pollut health role homeopathi airqualityindex delhipollut homeopathi 0.0 0.0
1272 pollut problem china india europ advers health effect frequent cours make current situat india feel wors peopl need awar threat stop pollut 0.05 0.35
1273 go colon work class one effect climat chang riksha driver shop owner worker experi deadliest effect pollut upper class white work class 0.0 0.0
1274 airpollut immedi intermedi long term advers effect affect includ leader long term plan think -0.05 0.4
1275 here puzzl poliscitwitt airpollut crisi india worsen year hop seri event appar effect smog respiratori issuesmedia polit mobil stricter legisl 0.0 0.0
1276 here think recognis exposur ambient outdoor pollut occup health issu action take protect worker effect regular exposur noxious rememb tobacco indoor worker michealmartintd 0.05 0.08846153846153847
1277 effort faridabad continu support stakehold citizen requir minimis effect airpollut smog follow instruct issu epca grap district cpcb aqialert share public info 0.0 0.06666666666666667
1278 time conduct pareto analysi approxim effect come caus concret step tackl caus reduc pollut pmoindia iasassoci piyushgoy nsitharaman nitingadkari ipsassoci 0.0 0.0
1279 pmoindia arvindkejriw drharshvardhan help ddnation channelwith natur cure ayush prevent hazard effect airpollut delhi natur cure line nobel prize medicin 0.0 0.0
1280 worri increas pollut harm effect child health use tip 0.0 0.0
1281 simonharristd defend handsoff disdain pollut effect health posit finefail greenpartyi socdem sinnfeinireland depart health pollut ireland 0.0 0.0
1282 abl migrat afford eventu increas grow concern effect hazard pollut human health 0.0 0.1
1283 complet understand there clear lack understand airpollut global certain peopl oblivi true caus effect that educ patienc kind good spread messag 0.3273809523809524 0.5174603174603175
1284 delhi affect danger level pollut vitaminc flaxseedomega fatti acid tulsi ginger lemon coriand methi spinach tomato food help reduc effect pollut delhipolut amitmalviya 0.0 0.0
1285 india systemat studi effect danger pollut gutka factor western rare encount studi cancer perspect littl data hand studi 0.15 0.45
1286 delhi affect danger level pollut vitaminc flaxseedomega fatti acid coriandermethi spinach tomato food help reduc effect pollut spread delhipollut 0.0 0.0
1287 import studi short term pollut event regular enni enniscorthi letterkenni show toxic effect health longterm exposur previous think -0.05555555555555555 0.1811965811965812
1288 delhi affect danger level pollut vitaminc flaxseedomega fatti acid coriandermethi spinach tomato food help reduc effect pollut spread delhipollut 0.0 0.0
1289 unfortun miss interview reduc pollut london hope effect woodsmok logburn woodburn rais children influenc parent walk public transport asthmauk copd 0.0 0.06666666666666667
1290 richard smith wake lethal effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1291 million death annual airpollut solv problem long term effect health devast effect delhi healthforal -0.05 0.4
1292 delhi turn chamber past day respiratori diseas harm effect pollut skin leav feel irrit wonder saveâ -0.25 0.25
1293 delhi turn chamber past day respiratori diseas harm effect pollut skin leav feel irrit wonder saveâ -0.25 0.25
1294 pollut wont effect immedi ruin generat suffer chronic diseas prioriti rich purifi purifi level toxic 0.375 0.75
1295 pmoindia amitshahoffic mohfwindia effect pollut jharkhand cmojhr 0.0 0.0
1296 generat feel effect climat chang generat delhismog delhipollut delhiairqu delhiair pollutionkil pollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
1297 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi global platform qualiti health 0.0 0.0
1298 solut googl china counter pollut problem xian provinc updat world biggest purifi clean radius sustain effect take wait till 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
1299 effect prenat exposur particul matter pollut spain behaviour problem children mortamai prenat exposur consequ increas behaviour problem 0.0 0.0
1300 wait pollut health effect come pictur year till forget apn lung khud jimmedar 0.0 0.0
1301 pollut harm heart lung brain quintfit speak doctor effect breath toxic delhincr face 0.0 0.0
1302 wast money expens purifi use inform protect famili hazard effect breath pollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
1303 creat hashtag possibl solutionsin airpollut includ petit combat pollut effect includ masksimmun boost food stress bust techniqu read creat mindset health 0.0 0.0
1304 true vitamin omega fatti acid tulsi ginger lemon help reduc sideeffect pollut 0.35 0.65
1305 realis detriment effect flora fauna peopl choke everybodyðÿ process beauti occas diwali year besirch occas vile actionsðÿ airpollut 0.0 0.0
1306 realis detriment effect flora fauna peopl choke everybodyðÿ process beauti occas diwali year besirch occas vile actionsðÿ airpollut thereisnoearthb 0.0 0.0
1307 stop burst cracker realis detriment effect flora fauna peopl choke everybodyðÿ process beauti occas diwali year airpollut 0.0 0.0
1308 doubt advers effect pollut asthma 0.0 0.0
1309 avian fare migrat temporarili away delhi carcass dead bird street human inhabit local immun effect pollut -0.06666666666666667 0.16666666666666666
1310 avian fare migrat temporarili away delhi carcass dead bird street human inhabit local immun effect pollut -0.06666666666666667 0.16666666666666666
1311 entir even cough feel reliev pollut effect guy realis sooner good health fundament right airpollut 0.4928571428571428 0.5678571428571428
1312 paper alertðÿÿ depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel middleag older popul china yalesph yalegh yaledepteh cchyal stotenjourn 0.03333333333333333 0.15555555555555556
1313 jacobogl flapol detriment effect water vehicular exhaust emiss sewag leak pollut kill sayfi 0.0 0.0
1314 peopl worri worri airpollut effect health children elder voic concern dont know control monster 0.0 0.0
1315 look excel emeritus professor paul cosford public health englandgav talk environ health livuni emphasis need green space effect pollut global solar green deal theouglob fantast -0.1 0.16666666666666666
1316 effect plastic pollut current biggest environment concern plastic toxic pollut damag environ caus land water pollut hundr thousand year plastic break damag 0.0 0.4
1317 facial best anti age treatment facial improv skin tone textur elast counteract damag effect pollut exposur need facial book 0.25 0.075
1318 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1319 higher exposur airpollut particular associ higher level cholesterol associ pronounc obes peopl suggest obes exacerb effect pollut cholesterol level young adult 0.1733333333333333 0.4066666666666666
1320 delhi emerg airpollut need immedi step choke long term health effect arvindkejriw myogiadityanath mlkhattar prakashjavdekar delhiairqu delhipollut delhibachao -0.05 0.4
1321 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas airpollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat health effect pollut 0.25 0.5
1322 review protect effect breastfe advers health effect induc pollut current evid possibl mechan 0.0 0.4
1323 harm effect breath pollut simplifiedbi delhi gasp breath thank airpollut politico play blame game -0.4 0.4
1324 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas airpollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat health effect pollut 0.25 0.5
1325 caus effect smog pollut destroy health capit clinic sadaqat khan novemb program link capitaltv capitalclin smog pakistan -0.2 0.0
1326 protect effect breastfe advers health effect induc pollut current evid possibl mechan 0.0 0.4
1327 govern need creat mechan control pollut delhi children elder vulner effect 0.0 0.0
1328 order reduc effect pollut especi school go children decid close school till novemb airpollut 0.0 0.0
1329 know spend budget treat effect pollut deal ksis road like retrograd step spend money encourag peopl drive 0.0 0.0
1330 doubt advers effect pollut asthma eprompt respir 0.0 0.0
1331 farmwast compost scientist indian agricultur research institut come remark solut curb pollut burn paddi straw rupe capsul convert agricultur wast compost sideeffect icarindia agrigoi 0.0 0.0
1332 speak pollut mockeri religionw wit diwali effect environ school close diwali burn cracker share love make life danger think 0.5 0.6
1333 airpollut level imagin ghaziabad delhi noida live gaschamberdelhi immedi step choke sever long term effect narendramodi mlkhattar arvindkejriw unep 0.043181818181818175 0.45
1334 there choos side come pollut switch protect effect indoor pollut ole display laser particl sensor filtrat 0.0 0.0
1335 eat junk deepfri food multipli toxic effect pollut occur season homecook food like roti rice green veggi right remedi neutral pollut associ ill eatrightindia -0.1380952380952381 0.6119047619047618
1336 delhi battl sever pollut level randeep guleria director aiim speak health effect safe mask purifi work airpollut 0.5 0.5
1337 let reduc effect pollut smog right nutrit care smog airpolut righttobreath 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
1338 brilliant petro koutraki colleagu includ egarshick harvardchansph innov approach measur radioact ambient particul matter meaning stride determin health effect airpollut 0.9 1.0
1339 great news articl gartreehigh geographi student read caus effect pollut delhi link case studi india ³and gcse unit challeng urbanis world 0.8 0.75
1340 children peopl long term condit risk effect pollut -0.05 0.4
1341 data demonstr effect pollut worker 0.0 0.0
1342 dont think breath live london breath filthi smell filth discuss lethal effect high level pollut 0.1481818181818182 0.52
1343 richard smith wake lethal effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1344 what logic candl respons pollut wouldnt give poor effect cheaper green altern build electr grid poor sustain power -0.3333333333333333 0.5
1345 public health emerg delhi concret setup creat awar world pollut caus advers effect time realis real climat chang small step action saveearth 0.012500000000000004 0.21666666666666667
1346 effect outdoor pollut pregnanc pollut relat issu includ retard brain develop autism weight birth children number thing reduc effect pollut -0.9 1.0
1347 public qualiti mask face pollut advers effect bodi see peopl dont wear mask hesit guy wear maskit safeti delhiairqu delhipollut delhichok delhismog 0.0 0.06666666666666667
1348 baffl lot evid pollut effect includ level individu collect polit intens civic action solut sight need stronger green lobbi strang -0.05 0.2
1349 point similar debat firework iceland recent term pollut aggre side there liber polici effect guess 0.0 0.325
1350 toll california wildfir have health cough itchi eye begin tdmatt environment health divis speak element effect airpollut 0.0 0.0
1351 forthcom articl aeajourn show effect airpollut elder specif delhipollut impact elder internet statist indic delhi elder popul million wonder what happen 0.0 0.0
1352 accord combin effect ambient outdoor household pollut caus million prematur death year popul 0.0 0.0
1353 longterm exposur pollut perman health effect includ heart diseas decreas lung function respiratori diseas lead shorten life span healthoptim know pollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
1354 let reduc effect pollut right nutrit smog airpolut righttobreath 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
1355 your plan bonfireðÿ weekend import awar affect local pollut effect peopl health environ info tipsâž airqual pollut 0.0 0.0
1356 older peopl particular vulner cardivascular pulmonari effect pollut pollurion caus dementia need clean 0.2333333333333333 0.45555555555555555
1357 food build resist effect pollut vitamin rich fruit ginger lemon omega fat magnesium rich diet 0.375 0.75
1358 time neighbour citi state precautionari measur like closur school colleg protect kid harm effect airpollut 0.0 0.0
1359 stubbleburn advers effect human health trigger respiratori heart problem huge number ipsfound delhiairqu stopcropburn agricultur farmer agriculturelif airpollut punjab punjabfarm pollut 0.20000000000000004 0.5
1360 complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
1361 citizen breath nation capit mask save listen drsanjeev bagai give measur minim effect pollut bodi 0.0 0.0
1362 china contribut global green trend come larg program conserv expand forest develop effort reduc effect soil eros pollut climat chang -0.1 0.15
1363 protect smog smog combin smoke consid type pollut smog terribl effect human health aggarav asthma caus bronchiti pneumonia staysaf smog smoglahor 0.0 0.1
1364 protect smog smog combin smoke consid type pollut smog terribl effect human health aggarav asthma caus bronchiti andâ 0.0 0.1
1365 climat changealreadi caus advers health effect vulner includ older peopl children preexist conditionsâ simonharristdâ saidâ increas pollutionâ respons 0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
1366 sign letter environ need target reduc guidelin effect children wait exposur illeg level pollut lifelong effect health emilythornberri -0.1 0.6
1367 articl cancer research organis quot intern agenc research cancer report effect pollut delhipollut prefer ignor health risk suicid 0.0 0.0
1368 pollut invis effect forev especi children lung brain immun system develop child clean healthi start life sourc unicef 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
1369 know negat effect pollut wisdom dental skin hospit consult book appoint airpollut ageingskin fueandfut hairtranspl acnescar 0.0 0.0
1370 learn effect pollut impact environ cabarruschart 0.0 0.0
1371 import lunguk highlight harm effect call woodburn focus prevent need inhal mean tackl sourc airpollut -0.3125 0.6875
1372 climat crisi worsen effect pollut increas wild increas effect grind level ozon switch inhal user carbon footprint recycl inhal greenhous leav canist 0.1 0.4
1373 airpollut contributor cardiovascular diseas nino kã¼nzli physician epidemiologist record research outdoor pollut health effect swisstph unibaselen 0.0 0.0
1374 dont believ climat chang effect pollut forc stay delhi region airpollut delhichok 0.0 0.0
1375 year children adolesc kill road traffic crash effect urban outdoor pollut worldcitiesday commit make street safe join 0.25 0.25
1376 pollut global epidem advers effect health environ economi countri globe climateact airpollut 0.0 0.0
1377 pollut detriment effect environ contribut acidif terrestri aquat ecosystem damag habitat lead loss biodivers 0.0 0.0
1378 actual pollut caus asthma know prenat exposur pollut increas risk child develop asthma children expos pollut like develop asthma pollut effect develop lung immun system 0.0 0.1
1379 pollut surround bounc elementslif pure breathabl cannedoxygen help effect pollut learn 0.21428571428571427 0.5
1380 kazakhstan deleg contribut import confer combat urban pollut hold ulaanbatar let stop pollut negat health effect foreverychild thank organ govt mongolia unicefmongolia 0.0 0.0
1381 know lose precious year certain intend black lung effort take care health respons negat metastat effect airpollut entir bodi road worst state -0.11309523809523808 0.7511904761904762
1382 focus twin urban plagu dead pollut traffic congest children pregnant women elder suscept effect trafficborn pollut 0.04444444444444443 0.3
1383 health effect pollut diwali httpvisual visual visual infograph 0.0 0.0
1384 exclus video maddymast etnowl startupcentr nayantararai talk pollut region india step reduc harm effect airpollut delhismog 0.0 0.0
1385 counter effect high pollut health vitamin omega fatti acid magnesium rich diet tulsi ginger lemon cashew omega walnut jaggeri food help reduc effect pollut 0.2675 0.645
1386 asthma funniest pollut extrem temperatur effect averag lung wors yall climat chang get wors 0.0 0.0
1387 worst know decim entir town devast effect tragic linger smoke add smogair pollut watch hors kill -0.875 0.875
1388 susbsidi harvest exist farmer wake effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1389 hope fragranc caus negat health effect pollut public bathroom 0.0 0.06666666666666667
1390 come hear rosamund kissidebrah rosamundairglbl speak clean event novemb pollut effect children health book free ticket 0.38333333333333336 0.75
1391 relat clean level enjoy toronto vancouv small chang pollut level lead major chang health effectsâ 0.14479166666666668 0.525
1392 translat poison peopl poison fewer peopl utter mad give know damag effect pollut let poison fewer peopl bathnesld cllrdineromero -0.3125 1.0
1393 airpollut advers effect infant bear mother expos pollut htlifeandstyl pollut delhipollut 0.0 0.0
1394 council pass packag legisl establish commerci wast zone regul privat wast haul industri effort pollut truck harm effect reduc cost increas worker safeti 0.0 0.0
1395 dont think link isnt sure peopl inform effect inhal empow switch pollut easier quicker 0.5 0.8888888888888888
1396 abl feel outrag outrag pollut caus asthma stop pollut peopl suffer effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1397 studi aggreg health effect pollut commut highwaymedian station idl wonder wait spring garden station 0.0 0.0
1398 enjoy site warn effect pollut individu health mention activist tri chang climat chang 0.4 0.5
1399 time wildfir put person safeti health understand peopl like compar health effect airpollut cigarett smoke richardamul 0.0 0.0
1400 support build giant lung nottingham citi center highlight devast effect pollut better choic worthwhil interest project team airpollut 0.13333333333333333 0.5333333333333333
1401 pollut plant garden environ plant good better counteract effect pollut 0.6 0.55
1402 great cambridg research combat effect rise level industri pollut ask affect purchas green altern necessari medicin 0.30000000000000004 0.525
1403 pollut harm concentr particl gas outsid indoor effect rang higher diseas risk rise temperatur soot smoke mold pollen methan carbon dioxid exampl pollut 0.25 0.5
1404 iron episod weed public health effect pollut featur advertis fund american petroleum institut battl regul pollut 0.0 0.03333333333333333
1405 professor kinney buspheh discuss health effect pollut caus wildfir happen role climatechang play intensif fire 0.0 0.0
1406 cours innov vicious cycl mention pollut factor rise number asthmat medic free effect obvious lesser evil -0.32 0.76
1407 make sens claim pollut number killer global think prevent occup ill person protect equip wear work reduc synergist effect hazard exposur -0.25 0.5
1408 leonida ntziachristo aristotl univers highlight transport sector contribut ambient airpollut share futurecarfleet look like reduc impact pronounc effect 0.0 0.0
1409 michael brauer univers british columbia share latest scienc health effect airpollut meetingthi reduc lung function growth children affect organ system heart brain popul expos guidelin 0.25 0.45
1410 video professor kinney discuss health effect exposur pollut caus wildfir happen california role climatechang play intensif 0.0 0.0
1411 scientif articl show urban pollut affect health jordi sunyer airpollut research speak effect brain stori publish earlier month 0.0 0.25
1412 grow healthburden trafficrel airpollut today michaelbrau present latest scienc health effect pollut follow ipeec learn second transporttg meet take place 0.16666666666666666 0.3
1413 primari issu state pollut regul tri compar potenti health effect compressor station union hill resid effect neighbor buckingham 0.0 0.0
1414 isl wight studi launch effect pollut allergen exposur asthma david hide asthma allergi centr mari hospit look patient asthma studi 0.0 0.0
1415 isleofwight studi launch effect pollut allergen exposur asthma david hide asthma allergi centr mari hospit look patient asthma studi iownhstrust asthma iwnew 0.0 0.0
1416 venkiah naidu vice presid talk effect pollut live delhi rashtrapati bhawan 0.13636363636363635 0.5
1417 congression brief hear youth climat activist american lung associ capitol hill screen documentari film effect climat chang pollut kid 0.0 0.16666666666666666
1418 insan forc consum medic necessari counter effect pollut blame pollut medic instead mega corpor pharmaceut compani 0.0 0.0
1419 arav green lung million peopl live citi face effect airpollut mlkhattar arvindkejriw dchautala rakeshdaultabad savearav aravallibachao delhismog -0.03181818181818183 0.4
1420 doneðÿ fight pollut devast effect health requir prevent awar joint action healthier kosovo forward 0.1 0.1
1421 airpollut advers effect infant bear mother expos pollut htlifeandstyl pollut delhipollut 0.0 0.0
1422 airpollut level current hazard protect love one harm effect toxicair caus host ill choos wise choos elof airpurifi detail visit 0.175 0.725
1423 doctor warn impact airpollut immedi visibl longterm effect especi pregnant women unborn babi 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1424 worst delhismog major popul total unawar damag long term effect airpollut sign grap school run normal morn walker pollut vehicl stubbl burn amidst clueless govern ndtv -0.1675 0.6599999999999999
1425 delhi pollut remain sever categori doctor warn longterm effect airpollut 0.0 0.0
1426 today million american live area high level fine particl health effect exposur fine particul pollut includ respiratori cardiovascular diseas prematur death 0.22593939393939397 0.40800000000000003
1427 right avail form great combo work minim effect happi abl breath monkey reduc urban pollut reduc need say 0.25892857142857145 0.3214285714285714
1428 gserratomark say switch powder inhal year guess effect includ mouth ulcer throat thrush green inhal didnt sure let folk asthma solv pollut deepest roll 0.15 0.5944444444444444
1429 india pollut problem grow major threat publichealth effect plant lifeâ includ cropsâ signific climat environ wheat ifpri 0.0625 0.5
1430 pollut food build resist effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1431 lung damag heart diseas elev blood pressur effect prolong exposur pollut cough itchi eye like symptom minor irrit protect mask purifi number shld -0.05 0.2
1432 worri health effect pollut choke forest fire consid add broccoli sprout diet 0.0 0.0
1433 general focus health impact work concern dont hear effect airpollut biodivers problem solut simpli need courag explor 0.05000000000000002 0.5
1434 flood fire pollut be die pollin food peopleanim endang list wait effect hous health listen crash world 0.0 0.0
1435 bushfir continu rage health remind peopl children older adult peopl heart lung condit suscept effect pollut excess smoke care precaut climat health 0.13333333333333333 0.31666666666666665
1436 believ exposur pollut immedi effect brain result behavior changesâ publichealthumn assist professor jess berman publichealth airpollut 0.0 0.0
1437 climat chang caus environment problem correl climat chang health effect extrem health effect caus pollut leav peopl respiratori problem chronic asthma need chang 0.0 0.0
1438 wildfir devast communiti major contributor increas pollut negat effect human health 0.03125 0.3
1439 congression brief hear youth climat activist american lung associ capitol hill screen documentari film effect climat chang pollut kid 0.0 0.16666666666666666
1440 airpollut effect visibl right away doctor doctor warn impact pollut immedi visibl longterm effect especi pregnant women unborn babi photo 0.30952380952380953 0.5178571428571428
1441 household pollut occasion kerosen lamp link prematur death negat effect children health thank clean afford solar home system parent live worryfre creat healthi environ home 0.2515151515151515 0.6000000000000001
1442 wildfir make dead pollut wors advers health effect start emerg qualiti equival smoke cigsday breath oakland monday equival smoke cigarett -0.2 0.4
1443 world health organ report pollut kill million peopl year recent state global report health effect institut contribut million death world greennewd 0.0 0.125
1444 breath oakland monday reach qualiti index equival smoke seven cigarett danger effect pollut california wildfir long fire -0.05 0.4
1445 issu pollut root social injustic global caus effect requir fundament transform live million peopl world popul live place exceed qualiti guidelin 0.07651515151515151 0.26666666666666666
1446 postdoc howard ask naiv continu research health effect face overwhelm evid aw repli need convinc assum problem go pollut 0.0 0.0
1447 interest know wonder effect particul matter respiratori health long term pollut health emerg head england warn -0.05 0.4
1448 heartfound sure know harm effect unnecessari sourc particul pollut thing good airpollut 0.6 0.7444444444444445
1449 children unfortun vulner effect pollut adult breath faster come share view pollut young children asia 0.1 0.35
1450 health import thing prevent health effect pollut smogathon data hackathon categori dont forget appli smogathon airpollut 0.0 0.0
1451 delhincr remain overcast day pollut peripher effect cyclon kyarr india meteorolog depart say 0.0 0.0
1452 melbourneglob live confer pollut ulaanbaatar mongolia report monitor health effect poor qualiti globalhealth mongolia mcriforkid -0.13181818181818183 0.55
1453 delhincr remain overcast day owe pollut peripher effect cyclon kyaar say delhipollut 0.0 0.0
1454 delhincr remain overcast day pollut peripher effect cyclon kyarr india meteorolog depart 0.0 0.0
1455 delhincr remain overcast day pollut peripher effect cyclon kyarr india meteorolog depart 0.0 0.0
1456 didnt realis plastic take year decompos litter lead soil water pollut litter disrupt balanc water caus larg rippl effect planet anim ecosystem 0.0 0.0
1457 news effort urg citizen redefin celebr festiv order reduc airpollut wit effect climat chang read think 0.0 0.0
1458 special episod dedic diwali harish india institut speech hear govt india mohfwindia talk longlast effect firecrack communityradio airpollut sdgs climateact 0.35714285714285715 0.5714285714285714
1459 delhincr remain overcast day airpollut peripher effect cyclonekyarr india meteorolog depart say octob photo 0.0 0.0
1460 delhincr remain overcast day airpollut peripher effect cyclonekyarr india meteorolog depart say 0.0 0.0
1461 phew worri elder small children wors effect pollut hear radio morn -0.25 0.4
1462 myogiadityanath deepawali festiv avoid effect increas pollut uttar pradesh govern strict rule present futur generat healthi safe 0.25 0.25
1463 gotta love fact professor assign read negat health effect pollut right breath smoke getti 0.39285714285714285 0.5678571428571428
1464 effect pollutionâ say toni wexler director davi qualiti research center dont want minim -0.1 0.1
1465 harm effect occur level qualiti standard previous consid safe good news problem pollut addressedâ 0.2583333333333333 0.31666666666666665
1466 mumsnetblogg highlight advers health effect especi children thing good airpollut 0.7 0.6000000000000001
1467 tweet health effect pollut specif particul matter rememb context 0.0 0.0
1468 environment research group king colleg calcul health effect pollut rata adjust estim london suggest portsmouthâ 0.0 0.0
1469 wildfir smoke health effect thread monicalvaughan slotribun mcclatchi kincadefir gettyfir health airpollut 0.0 0.0
1470 mondaymorn read reason put anxieti depress appear especi sensit pollut effect airpollut intensifi teen feel stress addthi -0.03333333333333333 0.016666666666666666
1471 exposur pollut especi ultrafin particl combust sourc exacerb lung diseas heart diseas cancer anim research consist human studi michael kleinman director pollut health effect ucirvineeh 0.0 0.1
1472 prof rgen vestbo officialuom fbmhuom featur huffpost articl famili choos citi negat health effect airpollut 0.0 0.0
1473 know nanomateri affect format fibrous protein bodi similar see diseas affect lung heart blood circul similar effect know particul pollut 0.0 0.4
1474 pollut asia damag inhabit world impact revers effect public health pollut emiss car factori industri danger caus health problem peopl 0.0 0.06666666666666667
1475 aftereffect celebr outnout patakhey wali diwali happydeepavali airqual airpollut greendiwali moefcc prakashjavdekar 0.0 0.0
1476 coder particl airpollut warn immedi effect wednesday risk death health effect festiv bonfir cold slight easter wind worsen episod offici warn -0.3833333333333333 0.5833333333333334
1477 children vulner effect pollut children breath toxic year children pollut share view 0.0 0.0
1478 littleninjauk reckon time arrang local primari school highlight long term health effect toxic pollut -0.025 0.2
1479 fact industri pollut clear forest say pmoindia lack climateact pollut actual start kill peopl number kill begin effect heart lung diseas continu 0.05000000000000001 0.24166666666666664
1480 health effect pollut onethird death stroke lung cancer heart diseas pollut helplin navinhospit health hospit doctor bhfyp medicin surgeri medic treatment delhipollut 0.0 0.0
1481 meat caus pollut effect consum meat cholesterol effect meat eater crappi tweet peopl caus pollut fire cracker need effect 0.0 0.0
1482 dont look cough asthma heart attack month look long term irrevers effect pollut like smoke cigarett aravallibachao -0.05 0.4
1483 children vulner effect pollut asia make major child death attribut pollut share view 0.0625 0.5
1484 exposur pollut detriment effect heart lung 0.0 0.0
1485 worri news start week littl tackl airpollut europ need continu increas awar effect outdoor indoor pollut 0.0 0.0
1486 live danger qualiti level delhi today read wonder work colleagu prachieco health effect airpollut 0.13636363636363635 0.5
1487 pmoindia arvindkejriw diwali festiv light firecrack type firecrack save peopl harm effect pollut happydiwali banfirework banfirecrack 0.4 0.7
1488 airpollut healthawar pollut major concern today impact health environ pankaj chhabra consult respiratori medicin share tip prevent health effect pollut 0.0625 0.5
1489 your irrit nois file complaint nearbi pollut effect day piti peopl type opinion religion great make peopl hate religion -0.10000000000000002 0.6166666666666667
1490 neurosci pediatr publichealth airpollut detriment effect children brain frontneurosci 0.0 0.0
1491 area pune chang think peopl get awar pollut aftereffect peac diwali 0.0 0.0
1492 delhi pollut hyperobject stunt inchoat classist includ pollut effect unignor sound light dont featur degre remov sourc smoke fume 0.4 0.55
1493 effect pollut cardiopulmonari health document world breath 0.0 0.0
1494 scientist compar effect pollut lead young brain gces children airqual lead 0.1 0.4
1495 compel evid health effect occur area meet current standard airpollut 0.0 0.2
1496 potenti effect policydriven pollut intervent childhood lung develop american journal respiratori critic care medicin articl press 0.0 0.0
1497 children elder peopl preexist health condit vulner health effect associ exposur firework relat emiss diwali indiaaq airpollut 0.0 0.0
1498 dunno bcoz econom downturn realis advers effect nois pollut mumbai larg shun cracker diwali 0.0 0.0
1499 scientif pollut monitor negat affect human respiratori caus wide rang short longterm health effect base world health organ canada cleanest pollut -0.225 0.45
1500 ultim thin ozon layer antarctica result heat come atmospher affect life earth destroy ecosystem ruin live caus damag weather effect drought flood tsunami airpollut -0.15454545454545457 0.45
1501 power video devast effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1502 harm effect cracker sever pollut diwali 0.0 0.0
1503 health effect airpollut comprehens analysi find harm head includ dementia heart lung diseas fertil problem reduc intelligenceâ guardian qanda docsenvaus doctorsxr scottmorrisonmp read need 0.0 0.0
1504 world health organ linkedin death stroke lung cancer heart diseas pollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat 0.25 0.5
1505 total agre fight reduc effect airpollut piecem solut fail massiv govern action -0.13333333333333333 0.3833333333333333
1506 climat chang effect drought induc wild fire spike pollut 0.1 0.4
1507 level particul pollut element composit determin health effect metro system underground subway airpollut healtheffect 0.0 0.0
1508 scienc fest visit rodrigo armitro team learn health effect pollut iubip 0.0 0.0
1509 peopl scream abdab think virtual effect level pollut possibl threat pose have pocket knife think cool spread amplifi nois caus aural injuri psycholog distress 0.35 0.65
1510 icareforlung delhi studi effect airpollut lung go lahor patient colour lung pink nonsmok black smoker black smoker nonsmok nonsmok cancer -0.14444444444444446 0.3888888888888889
1511 sudden spike pollut firework trigger varieti negat health effect includ asthmat attack lung infect allergi fever heart diseas indiaaq airpollut 0.0 0.5
1512 jdonaldsonmp tri researchbas augment realiti demonstr learn harm effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1513 contribut pollut smokey effect 0.0 0.0
1514 climat chang biggest threat global health centuryâ lancetcountdown quot njing effect pollut felt acut poverti 0.0 0.0
1515 pollut caus effect solut natgeo 0.0 0.0
1516 come effect pollut cardiovascular diseas augment realiti 0.0 0.0
1517 educ diabet effect pollut read diabet revers work round clock revers wife diabet lot read will -0.2 0.4
1518 nois pollut danger pollut nois pollut harm effect cracker health affect human be anim cat dog ear sensit human 0.0 0.1
1519 effect pollut control measur qualiti improv guangzhou china 0.0 0.0
1520 yesterday north state food farm conven give floor local experi effect campfir includ shortag water pollut power shut off better connect fema cross crucial 0.125 0.375
1521 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel china chen -0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
1522 good explain pollut caus effect solut curb globalwarm varieti measur need take add renewableenergi replac gasolinefuel car zeroemiss vehicl natgeo 0.7 0.6000000000000001
1523 learn short longterm health effect pollut visit 0.0 0.3
1524 bbcnew scienc editor davidshukmanbbc take look airpollut outsid school give explan effect human bodi children high risk watch video 0.08 0.31999999999999995
1525 parti spill effect form pollut pollut nois pollut sound pollut light pollut mention aesthet pollut live citi ghast grimi starv natur beauti 0.31212121212121213 0.5333333333333333
1526 effect airpollut caus prematur death prematur heart attacksstrok lung diseasecanc asthma attack cross foetal bloodstream 0.0 0.0
1527 benefit suffer pollut effect immedi accumul longlast clean partisan issu conserv preserv improv baselin consensus save improv clean 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
1528 podcast episod focus effect pollut life expect badâ mattyglesia cut commerci natur clean energi organ 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
1529 know pollut insid effect outsid help clink link 0.0 0.0
1530 complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
1531 inhal nanoparticl airpollut effect bodi 0.0 0.0
1532 ghoshsmg hard popul know green cracker develop neeri approv peso peopl interact awar effect pollut caus firework -0.24583333333333335 0.4208333333333333
1533 harm effect burst cracker diwali festiv season diwali cracker gift pollut accid nois firecrack 0.0 0.0
1534 pollut effect 0.0 0.0
1535 state global report publish earlier year bostonbas health effect institut independ global health pollut research organ 0.0 0.16666666666666666
1536 nice experi speaker awer seminar effect pollut skin organ citycareitn 0.6 1.0
1537 research health effect airpollut addisabeba ethiopia general increas trend natur respiratori diseas clear attribut increas vehicl correspond emiss tarekegn 0.07500000000000001 0.44166666666666665
1538 number mild increas temperatur year substanti effect wildfir occurr toxic pollut advers effect human health actual human loss trend deal ðÿžðÿ 0.08333333333333333 0.19999999999999998
1539 octob issu scientist thescientistllc take deeper look pollut effect brain think origin parkinson diseas 0.0 0.0
1540 health effect climat chang exposur pathway caus health outcom death heatwav vector bear ill pollut food suppli water resourc environment refuge jonathanpatz usciencesglob -0.5 1.0
1541 dunno think graph account effect reflect market price fossil fuel like pollut health impact true cost coal fossil fuel higher cost renew energi technolog 0.3 0.575
1542 effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1543 inland ship caus compar pollut motorway busi canal river compar busi motorway public health effect main soot know general public health effect affect suscept asthma 0.05416666666666667 0.24166666666666664
1544 care nanomateri affect format fibrous protein bodi similar see diseas affect lung heart blood circul similar effect know particul pollut 0.0 0.4
1545 close want highlight health effect airpollut stroke heart attack dementia asthma cmadoc that reason health peopl transit 0.0 0.0
1546 interact voc creat ozon pollut despit recent past research pollut lifelong effect chronic exposur aviat industri deni effect toxic pollut aircraft passeng crew pilot -0.11666666666666665 0.3666666666666667
1547 test effect pollut plant earth scienc class today 0.0 0.0
1548 import rememb airpollut assess visual indic toxicolog understand composit biolog effect 0.0 0.0
1549 join midday news today twruk talk dead lorri health effect pollut detail tune guest directorcpauk richbul -0.2 0.4
1550 potenti effect policydriven pollut intervent childhood lung develop 0.0 0.0
1551 tackl advers health effect pollut utrecht broad approach zeroemiss citi prioritis walk bike biodirect solar power share implement qualiti standard 0.03125 0.15625
1552 place scrutini committe darlington ask question airpollut public health effect refus reduc wast build circular economi committe need green room -0.1 0.18333333333333332
1553 world organ doesnt rail pollut negat health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1554 child suffer effect pollut upto school even play sure precaut protect pollut school educ healthcar health 0.5 0.8888888888888888
1555 qualiti benefit electr vehicl save thousand live year studi note effect pollut china includ possibl link cognit declin alarm number prematur death recent 0.06818181818181818 0.375
1556 harm effect pollut easi way protect skin 0.0 0.0
1557 recent research pollut focus lifelong effect chronic exposur includ cognit declin stunt growth children prematur death bring ill immedi jenni -0.19999999999999998 0.6166666666666667
1558 yesterday join policymak expert world london intern cleanairsummit read airqual review discov step reduc health effect airpollut 0.0 0.0
1559 brigidjon tell hour die effect pollut that council need implement clean zone includ measur workplac park levi brumchamb wmgrowth 0.3666666666666667 0.7000000000000001
1560 cracker caus nois pollut health effect possibl avoid usag possibleðÿ diwalitip funrid dash kidsrid kidsprid toy tricycl walker toyartistri collect 0.0 0.0
1561 think wellb broad includ thing like planetari boundari thing person level mention exampl know negat effect pollut measur effect health immedi 0.0625 0.3125
1562 harm effect pollut bodi brain clark blog 0.0 0.0
1563 harm effect pollut bodi brain clark blog 0.0 0.0
1564 need educ effect pollut health lifespan 0.0 0.0
1565 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas airpollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat 0.25 0.5
1566 best food counter effect pollut youtub 1.0 0.3
1567 ill effect -0.5 1.0
1568 pollut reduc health birth decreas cognit abil memori increas medic visit increas prematur mortal debat cost benefit environment regul climat action consid human health effect 0.05 0.1
1569 toxic pollut associ rang negat health effect particular damag children longer address council jesmond jesmond remov newcastlecc plan previous 0.0 0.25
1570 jami chuvaloabraham inspir auratexa member student research ambassador team fourth year chemic engin student investig detriment effect pollut human lung cell welcom jami 0.0 0.05
1571 evid effect purifi reduc health effect pollut show help suffer allergi sinusalt clear invis pollut trap insid nasal passag 0.10000000000000002 0.3833333333333333
1572 shortterm effect pollut influenzalik ill jinan china valid evid pollut associ respiratori diseas studi quantifi shortterm effect pollut -0.5 1.0
1573 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1574 cognit effect pretti darn import effect incom pollut caus citi think clear progress studi 0.10000000000000002 0.3833333333333333
1575 british safeti council britsaf welcom research demonstr direct link airpollut health emerg work need effect exposur outdoor worker ƒðÿš 0.05 0.2
1576 there actual surpris evid high qualiti studi small amount pollut includ level citi incred harm effect exampl -0.03 0.3466666666666667
1577 dissert work health effect pollut trust alarm trend need address 0.0 0.0
1578 ejinact bring crucial climatejustic len climatehear fossil fuel facil locat communiti color face doubl whammi immedi pollut longterm effect climatechang 0.0 1.0
1579 benmapc estim health econom effect pollut know breathewis instal save famili learn moreðÿ 0.0 0.0
1580 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1581 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi london safe level 0.5 0.5
1582 acut effect pollut ischaem stroke onset death timeseri studi changzhou china 0.0 0.0
1583 know pollut degener cognit abil latest stori explor fieldworkfclti brain teaser project counter negat effect keep resid commut stimul riddl maze 0.5 0.9
1584 year airpollut caus thousand prematur death london cleanairsummit mayoroflondon citi leader busi explor play role reduc health effect poor qualiti -0.4 0.6
1585 econom redund paulin idea import tree crowd urban area green space line life death liter look effect london pollut children die hospit admiss soar stunt growth -0.1 0.15
1586 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1587 evansvill million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1588 fifti year scientist didnt know caus effect pollut research reveal effect dirti peopl environ economi 0.0 0.0
1589 pioneer project manchest involv monitor effect indoor airpollut educ health 0.0 0.0
1590 combin effect ambient pollut home environment facto 0.0 0.0
1591 intern cleanairsummit hold today london health effect pollut courtesi public health england cleanairsummit airpollut 0.0 0.06666666666666667
1592 pollut somewhat invis effect arent broad understand doubt sit westpac boardroom tomorrow gonna notic employe arent work hard breath smoke morn commut -0.11458333333333334 0.4270833333333333
1593 lawyer dude pass effect pollut general expect firm act sever decreas firm potenti output damag -0.11666666666666665 0.43333333333333335
1594 absolut love hear cstihler read seamus heaney poem otter open keynot beauti shes talk pollut effect peopl copd access data enabl communiti contribut open knowledg 0.16666666666666666 0.5333333333333333
1595 kingscollegelon evid publichealth england airqual review show bhamcitycouncil westmidsca reduc effect airpollut cleanairsummit today pheuk data 0.0 0.0
1596 burn coal hazard thing pollut coalfir power plant includ sulfur dioxid nitrogen oxid particul matter heavi metal lead smog acid rain toxin environ numer respiratori cardiovascular effect 0.0 0.0
1597 context auckland sudden rise pollut thread econom effect pollut like lose product probabl cost skyciti convent centr burn 0.0 0.5
1598 today attend intern cleanairsummit london bring polici maker expert explor global issu airpollut airqual review show step reduc health effect 0.0 0.0
1599 today attend intern cleanairsummit london bring polici maker expert explor global issu airpollut airqual review show step reduc health effect 0.0 0.0
1600 children particular vulner harm effect pollut immatur develop immun lung schoolsimprov 0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
1601 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel china chen -0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
1602 today attend intern cleanairsummit london bring polici maker expert explor global issu airpollut airqual review show step reduc health effect 0.0 0.0
1603 hopefullythi step prevent young one hold pollut mask inhal hand hopefullythi shall lessen effectsair pollut foetus wombà sivakasi 0.1 0.4
1604 nhsuk tackl airpollut educ public harm effect instal charger hospit park profit park charg vehicl staff visitor 0.0 0.06666666666666667
1605 health effect pollut evid china airpollut healtheffect agingsocieti articl boya institut capac develop intern monetari fund 0.0 0.0
1606 independ disband pollut panel advis pollut standard insuffici protect publichealth note advers effect earli death heart attack respiratori stress cleanair 0.0 0.0
1607 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel china chen -0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
1608 effect airpollut 0.0 0.0
1609 surpris crop burn punjab pollut haryana effect delhi 0.0 0.0
1610 easi piec necessari truth prof amedeo dangiulli carleton univers write pollut longterm effect children alzheim strong action take deal 0.26666666666666666 0.41666666666666663
1611 pleas posit effect month ulez pollut explor innov solut issu address impact health urbanhealth programm 0.0 0.0
1612 thank tweet peopl come page stove advic pollut minimis effect stave pass comment issu team 0.0 0.0
1613 thank tweet peopl come page stove advic pollut minimis effect stave pass comment issu team 0.0 0.0
1614 thank tweet peopl come page stove advic pollut minimis effect stave pass comment issu team 0.0 0.0
1615 stop pollut report pollut let save environ let save life slow poison inhal advers effect long term later peopl polluton year tweet thing -0.11666666666666668 0.26666666666666666
1616 studi king colleg london signific shortterm health risk caus pollut contribut death year feel effect pollut green environ -0.2 0.3
1617 imposs escap effect airpollut live near urban area imper support lung health combat 0.07878787878787878 0.3
1618 know airpollut signific environment factor drive poor health citi programm director klangford reflect address damag effect poor qualiti urbanhealth programm -0.4 0.6
1619 indoor pollut advers effect student health good indoor qualiti contribut favor environ student better perform teacher staff overal sens comfort health wellbeingâ 0.6 0.55
1620 pollut insid vehicl higher outsid exposur pollut immedi longterm effect driver health free trial airbubbl fleet car improv driver health 0.325 0.65
1621 great coverag detriment effect pollut health king colleg studi analys impact pollut health differ region telegraph airqual 0.8 0.75
1622 health environment effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1623 know kill effect pollut decad respons inadequ 0.0 0.0
1624 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel china chen -0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
1625 pollut trigger hundr heartattack stroke health studi clear link wider rang health effect research airpollut cleanairsummit delhipollut aqiindia letmebreathein 0.10000000000000002 0.3833333333333333
1626 weatherchannel list citi worst pollut suffer high amount airpollut respigard immunesystem support combat effect poor airqual naturalhealth respigard -0.41333333333333333 0.7133333333333334
1627 love polar bear climat chang mean drought water restrict food crise runaway fire heatwav pollut climat refuge peopl suffer health effect chang climat 0.03472222222222223 0.5125000000000001
1628 facial importantðÿ facial improv skin tone textur elast counteract damag effect pollut exposur refresh relax skin eachâ 0.0 0.0
1629 pollut reduct polici concentr main effect connect life expect health studi clear link wider rang health effect 0.13333333333333333 0.3583333333333333
1630 commonsbei protect vulner citizen effect climat chang countri there undeni link pollut asthma heart attack stroke ethicalhour climatechang 0.0 0.0
1631 madam sarcast green diwali solut curb pollut winter afford purifi year rain diwali effect year reach -0.2 0.3
1632 itvlondon ask what death pollut ask right question starter fuel emiss toxic element examin effect vape instancesam symptom caus inhal electr target research 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
1633 recent studi publish journal natur sustain pollut link miscarriag china studi link advers health effect airpollut pregnant women fetus 0.16666666666666666 0.375
1634 score acut ill heart attack stroke high pollut day research research add recent research pollut focus lifelong effect chronic exposur cognit declin stunt growth -0.10999999999999999 0.5975
1635 primari school greater manchest take studi monitor effect classroom airpollut educ health research project includ thousand school children analysi 0.5 0.5
1636 phes airqual review show local author reduc health effect airpollut show kingscollegelon studi today 0.0 0.0
1637 compel research king colleg london short term effect airpollut suggest emerg year higher pollut day 0.125 0.4
1638 water pollut water can pollut airpollut dust emiss road increas ray ultraviolet ray effect sone research pollut effect peopl health 0.0 0.0
1639 recent research pollut focus lifelong effect chronic exposur includ cognit declin stunt growth children prematur death bring ill immediatelyâ sdoh -0.19999999999999998 0.6166666666666667
1640 articl guardian highlight effect cardiovascular health airpollut health fit 0.4 0.4
1641 think aspect pollut need promot peopl assum link asthma effect heart brain health think bring board wider public concern push action peopl educ thing 0.05 0.08333333333333334
1642 indoor pollut refer chemic biolog physic contamin indoor result advers health effect 0.0 0.0
1643 effect heat island effecthigh pollut reduc nighttim cool increas temperatur outcom urban heat island advers affect human health uhuru park 0.11666666666666665 0.25
1644 today bbcnew report spike pollut trigger hundr heart attack stroke acut asthma attack expert work identifi caus effect pollut appli learn public polici global 0.0 0.03333333333333333
1645 pollut hit work class folk hardest suffer effect healthi life children 0.0 0.0
1646 scienc explain effect pollut kid brain bodi 0.0 0.0
1647 sudden spike pollut trigger hundr heart attack stroke acut asthma attack day news learn protect read articl tip reduc health effect airpollut 0.0 0.5
1648 julianskyrm speak bbcnwt partnership officialuom rscottprimari globalactplan philipsfdn measur effect pollut children manchest school uommeri uomurban seedsr 0.0 0.0
1649 expert unibirmingham identifi differ caus effect pollut appli learn public polici global 0.0 0.03333333333333333
1650 learn effect pollut human brain read rest octob issu 0.0 0.1
1651 adolesc extrem stress time teenag especi whove report anxieti depress effect stress suffer twice airpollut mentalhealth -0.06666666666666667 0.03333333333333333
1652 yall know stan clean studi say pollut kill show pollut get wors quick algebra expect effect nberday 0.35 0.6000000000000001
1653 research prove posit effect april rebellion qualiti thank speak improv commut experi london pollut domlipinski 0.0 0.0
1654 damn articl detriment effect airpollut need rapid meaning action increment improv claudiawebb helenafmckeown islingtontrib lucykan rachaelswyn carolinerussel islingtongztt 0.1 0.1
1655 score heart attack stroke high pollut day peopl realis danger pollut high level trigger heart attack stroke asthma attack have longterm health effectsâ 0.16 0.5399999999999999
1656 interest subject shock news item morn pollut health condit read blog activ travel role reduc effect pollut airpollut -0.16666666666666666 0.3333333333333333
1657 jenni bat friendsearth peopl realis danger pollut high level trigger heart attack stroke asthma attack have longterm health effect 0.16 0.5399999999999999
1658 peopl realis danger pollut high level trigger heart attack stroke asthma attack have longterm health effectsâ 0.16 0.5399999999999999
1659 year high pollut day lead cardiac arrest stroke england whilst attent health effect chronic long term airpollut exposur show acut impact 0.0024999999999999988 0.235
1660 king colleg research say climat emerg pollut emerg effect thousand live year need clean zone pollut trigger hundr heart attack stroke 0.2515151515151515 0.6000000000000001
1661 scari stuff effect pollut health reach add weight respons look planet better airpollut 0.5 0.5
1662 absolut there evid negat health effect pollut news today brainer 0.0 0.0
1663 life year abstract concept death distant time popul role summari statement common advers health effect pollut particular group suscept travel behaviourâ -0.07777777777777779 0.39444444444444443
1664 frank kelli talk pollut effect health pregnanc outcom affect fetus grow child adult elder affect robsinstitut uniofadelaid nichdnih nieh 0.1 0.3
1665 reduc airpollut paramount build futur citi technolog mappollut sensor reduc harm effect pollut pollut environ health 0.0 0.0
1666 academicchatt main studi effect environ lifestyl factor noncommunic diseas particular respiratori health adult children airpollut biomass ncds lunggrowth 0.14444444444444446 0.3222222222222222
1667 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1668 healthforal unitedn diminish effect cardiovascular diseas 0.0 0.0
1669 great famili abl enjoy citi centr safe interest effect pollut area love perman solut cyclesheffield 0.55 0.5875
1670 aspirin reduc harm effect pollut lung 0.0 0.0
1671 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1672 huge congrat advanc knowledg techniqu studi health effect airpollut climatechang 0.4000000000000001 0.9
1673 studi evalu effect pollut dementia particip live higher pollut area like eventu develop diseas learn 0.19318181818181818 0.5
1674 project mpca aim understand relationship common contamin public health effect rise pollut climat chang definit have impactâ aggrav asthma say professor teddi potter -0.15 0.2833333333333333
1675 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel china chen -0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
1676 effect pollut panel studi winter outdoor physic activ older adult 0.13333333333333333 0.31666666666666665
1677 airpollut intensifi teen feel stress anxious depress feel biggest effect -0.10555555555555556 0.3444444444444445
1678 note paper peopl environ environment pollut effect topic base peopl environ syllabus paper pollut water -0.8 1.0
1679 frack caus substanti negat health effect ipccwho expect global heat caus health effect increas dead flood storm heat wave pollut infecti vectorborn diseas etcðÿ -0.1 0.2
1680 yesterday talk school clean kinda bum speaker didnt effect pollut climat keep talk effect bodi mean that good 0.2513888888888889 0.6625000000000001
1681 plastic pollut caus harm grave effect health establish potenti carcinogen affect vital organ bodi system 0.1 0.4
1682 facial improv skin tone textur elast counteract damag effect pollut httpexposureit refresh relax skin facial infrar light targetsâ 0.13333333333333333 0.2333333333333333
1683 cultur differ delhi negat effect pollut affect similar leader 0.0 0.4
1684 studi publish monday add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus read breathif breathefre airpollut airqual climatecontrol 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1685 connect tweet time drown limit breach airpollut free onstreet parkingpav prking liberti effect need plan larger sustain cityjust transit plan ambiti 0.2 0.65
1686 relat world tragic airqual netherland better averag year health effect airpollut signific level see netherland -0.125 0.625
1687 thank let work rais awar fight pollut discuss effect environ health 0.0 0.0
1688 veget remov pollut save year life avoid health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1689 worth note work class poor suffer affect climat chang suffer effect pollut london strong grant target problem victim 0.06458333333333331 0.3708333333333333
1690 pollut link rang advers health effect includ respiratori infect cardiovascular diseas lung cancerreduct pollut level decreas global burden diseas ill -0.25 0.5
1691 world popul breath unsaf airâ drive mission reduc health effect pollut push boundari creat world costeffect purifi result stun highperform purifi pack punch 0.0 0.0
1692 what strike latest studi health effect frack colorado show risk higher complet flowback activ coincident period time regul zero pollut limit 0.375 0.7
1693 expand convers pollut health damag effect lowcost sensorsengag citizen yakoko meaning useabl open sourc data play signific role world openaq purpleairq 0.0 0.5
1694 global warm impact weather pattern promis intens hurrican intensifi prolong drought heat wave pollut affect environ think damag effect human 0.19999999999999998 0.2333333333333333
1695 global warm impact weather pattern promis intens hurrican intensifi prolong drought heat wave pollut affect environ think damag effect human 0.19999999999999998 0.2333333333333333
1696 global warm impact weather pattern promis intens hurrican intensifi prolong drought heat wave pollut affect environ think damag effect human 0.19999999999999998 0.2333333333333333
1697 global warm impact weather pattern promis intens hurrican intensifi prolong drought heat wave pollut affect environ think damag effect human 0.19999999999999998 0.2333333333333333
1698 anytim inhal clean hurt lung mean pollut problem negat health effect vape better smoke like alcohol switch beer healthier hard liquor 0.065625 0.6072916666666667
1699 propa reduc pollut give peopl cleaner healthier transport option give houstonian better transport option support planet prioriti protect worst effect global warm pollut 0.024999999999999994 0.525
1700 fantast panel jemima hear perspect terribl effect pollut common grind tri har want newhamlondon cleaner greener fairer place -0.3 0.5
1701 pollut nois pollut stun visual effect choreograph music repeal replac firework 0.0 0.0
1702 expect aviat lobbi ignor effect pollut nois pollut global warm shock politician ignor money spend lobbi heathrow foreign owner 0.15833333333333333 0.24166666666666667
1703 long effect pollut healthi peopl immedi -0.05 0.4
1704 studi publish monday add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1705 scheme green cracker launch reduc pollut percent produc volum light sound effect 0.20000000000000004 0.4666666666666666
1706 pollut appear harm effect cognit function 0.0 0.0
1707 latest newslett includ klangford blog tackl health effect airpollut citi learn urbanhealth rowenaestwick inclus gsttnhs subscrib 0.5 0.9
1708 afternoon promot microbi pollut residenti exposur health effect utrecht univers 0.0 0.0
1709 caus problem wildlif dont shit human effect wont certain year water problem tree recharg groundwat pollut flood storm 0.0047619047619047545 0.4904761904761905
1710 studi publish monday add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1711 chrisstephen safetyawaregl young person learn bike cycl good environ reduc pollut good health ultim choic cycl kinder reduc climatechang effect movinggovanâ 0.5 0.5333333333333333
1712 peopl feel hunger talk deforest pollut wast time erad poverti sideeffect vanish 0.0 0.0
1713 bravo import piec work otavioranzani colleaguesðÿž eviden cardio effect airpollut indiaðÿ 0.0 0.0
1714 effect pollut skin beauti tip 0.0 0.0
1715 reduc pollut reduc effect pollut pressur govern 0.0 0.0
1716 pollut negat effect health that sure especi lung heart brain 0.5 0.8888888888888888
1717 doctor toxic effect smog particul matter like carbon monoxid hydrocarbon fume airport pollut exposur soot smoke health well pollut toxic human health public peopl issu 0.0 0.08333333333333334
1718 airpollut major environment kill million peopleyr emiss alter climat caus major negat effect ecosystem major contributor pollut caribbean vehâ 0.0625 0.5
1719 result research mean negat effect airpollut generat consequ -0.3125 0.6875
1720 contribut alexand sewel effect sever pollut obvious particular port harcourt industri black soot cloak villag town citi 0.0 0.4222222222222222
1721 young person learn bike cycl good environ reduc pollut good health ultim choic cycl kinder reduc climatechang effect movinggovanfwd elderparkha tnlcomfundscot chrisstephen 0.5 0.5333333333333333
1722 look reduc carbon dioxid pollut increas renewableenergi improv electrifi transport question aris provid largest benefit avoid effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1723 indoor airqualitytip love fri awar emit high level voc linger caus advers health effect respiratori irrit fri indoorair airqual airpollut 0.33 0.57
1724 benmapc estim health econom effect pollut airpollut 0.0 0.0
1725 world environ celebr countri theme pollutionâ north central railway commiss qualiti index monitor agra cantt allahabad creat mass awar harm effect pollut railminindia 0.0 0.25
1726 qualiti index monitor show pollut level atmospher overal qualiti surround inaugur rajiv chaudhri aim creat mass awar harm effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1727 whilst good thing sure kid risk long term effect airpollut traffic wood burn stove journey school coverag 0.3833333333333333 0.6296296296296297
1728 citi cityair team talk pollut squar mile health effect qualiti strategi highlight plan reduc emiss educ peopl pollut year 0.0 0.0
1729 defragovuk defraukair dont educ peopl damag effect cours go difficult know fact harm woodburn know thing good airpollut 0.09999999999999998 0.8
1730 airpollut link miscarriag china studi find studi add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus pregnanc 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1731 brilliant need simul temperatur shade control instal khibiennal lahootimelo someplac peopl effect climat chang water scarciti pollut minut 0.9 1.0
1732 aspirin reduc effect pollut lung drug discoveri develop 0.0 0.0
1733 studi publish monday add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1734 that sideeffect pollut 0.0 0.0
1735 evid show damag effect airpollut cross placenta foetus cleanairforal studi link pollut exposur miscarriag qualiti news 0.0 0.0
1736 green build design reduc energi protect planet contribut indoor pollut choos safer materi reduc exposur chemic link asthma cancer health effect hbnknowbett abxboston -0.2 0.3
1737 studi publish monday add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1738 health effect airpollut learn follow moocairqu start week edxonlin 0.0 0.0
1739 advers health effect airpollut long recognis awar major morbid mortal caus pollut effect cardiovascular 0.006249999999999999 0.45
1740 studi publish naturesustainab add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus publichealth safegasolin 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1741 pass level rise action today protect love one pollut effect visit airpurifi airqual lifestyl 0.3 0.35
1742 pollut link miscarriag china studi find studi publish monday add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus nytim 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1743 studi publish monday add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1744 indoor pollut major health effect women rahel aragaw assist professor pediatr pulmonologist ewienlaunch ewienethiopia 0.0625 0.5
1745 great talk health effect pollut climat chang paul wilkinson fit disast medicin strand 0.6000000000000001 0.575
1746 fascin extrem frighten start europsocem discuss effect climat chang health focus heatwav pollut flood challeng clear unfortun respons govt need step 0.10000000000000002 0.3833333333333333
1747 diwali corner student class heritag school vasant kunj interact help delhi breath know way protect harm effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1748 pollut remain silent public health emerg caus approxim million prematur death annual effect pollut effect enorm climatecrisi emin 0.0 0.08333333333333334
1749 emerg medicin doctor need awar pollut dramat effect health chang poss thank paul wilkinson lshtm remind airpollut climatechang health 0.0 0.0
1750 studi add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus breathelif 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1751 skin expos varieti stress factor pollut radiat dust help neutralis effect daili pollut diminish appear environmentalâ 0.0 0.0
1752 list relat health effect grow longer longer extraordinari consid year doctor oblivi potenti harm airpollut 0.0 0.0
1753 pollut extrem small particul matter diamet hairand ultrafin particul mater smaller tini fact travel lung blood circul brain myriad harm health effect pollut -0.125 0.45
1754 airpollut link miscarriag china studi add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1755 fruit food best adapt human digest diet limit fruit fruitarian diet citi dweller organ sensit damag effect pollut fruitarian diet citi dweller 0.5 0.2
1756 aspirin halv pollut harm studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1757 consid thousand peopl year effect pollut burn fossil fuel nuclear power astonish safe 0.5 0.5
1758 studi publish monday add grow evid negat health effect pollut pregnant women fetus pollut link miscarriag china studi find 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1759 studi add research show link pollut poor mental health increas link pollut negat effect mental health greater push regul -0.024999999999999994 0.375
1760 negat health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1761 vote translat direct local level rail fed plan larg fund project mitig effect port expans strathcona go happen protect resid pollut 0.05 0.2
1762 sumi mehta health expert discuss visit kuwait increas awar health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1763 pollut inaud killer pakistan report state global rank pakistan fifth countri fatal effect pollut -0.4 0.45
1764 expert consult risk communic intervent reduc exposur minim health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1765 year newham council begin rang environment measur tackl negat effect pollut head includ draft qualiti action plan propos action newham council deliv 0.1 0.1
1766 burn stubbl caus pollut effect fertil soil instead food 0.0 0.0
1767 addit monitor airqual near home way protect potenti harm effect airpollut frack visit suggest resourc 0.1 0.4
1768 delhi doctor keep close watch women pick studi pollut effect research studi titl daphneâ delhi pollut health effect india institut medicalâ 0.0 0.0
1769 research studi titl daphneâ delhi pollut health effect indiaâ 0.0 0.0
1770 airpollut long term health risk effect health unborn health -0.05 0.4
1771 studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1772 peopl scotland effect airpollut come scotgov enforc council level build major road develop help develop instead rout away live 0.09943181818181818 0.5
1773 peopl breath pollut kill million peopl year thing know airpollut effect health health heathledg environ 0.0 0.0
1774 protest illeg level airpollutionâ rais awar effect climatechang health duti careâ call pressur govern urgencyâ 0.0 0.0
1775 depress hous effect household pollut solid fuel china chen -0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
1776 farmer burn residu dont know harm effect associ deterior soil qualiti pollut climat chang urgent need farmer awar pollut advanc technolog myogiadityanath 0.0 0.0
1777 exposur pollut caus short long term health effect affect vulner popul like expect mother children -0.025 0.35
1778 uofuprovost expert particip airqual symposium allevi effect airpollut perfect oppti work oneu bigger impact uutah uofuhealth align 0.5 0.75
1779 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas pollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat 0.25 0.5
1780 tri rais awar health effect airpollut object moocairqu free onlin cours start novemb enrol edxonlin 0.4 0.8
1781 cool paper njuzhangb sabbat brenucsb mass media event longterm effect awar willing reduct pollut china 0.3 0.7
1782 protest illeg level pollutionâ protest say rais awar effect climat chang health duti care healthcar professionalsâ 0.0 0.0
1783 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas airpollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat health effect pollut anilahaqqani 0.25 0.5
1784 peopl breath pollut kill million peopl year thing know airpollut effect health anilahaqqani 0.0 0.0
1785 effect pollut human health pollut affect human pollut damag multipl organ function human bodi discov infograph learn pollut 0.0 0.10000000000000002
1786 fire wind direct strategi show pollut caus ten thousand kid death year india relat effect literatur base rate grain salt -0.23333333333333336 0.4666666666666666
1787 professor laura mage fabul talk progress hypertens diseas pregnanc disturb effect pollut placenta social determin health matter younger generat captiv talk danisusicâ 0.016666666666666666 0.03333333333333333
1788 death stroke lung cancer heart diseas airpollut equival effect smoke higher effect eat health effect pollut 0.25 0.5
1789 peopl breath pollut kill million peopl year thing know airpollut effect health 0.0 0.0
1790 alarm peopl breath pollut kill million peopl year thing know airpollut effect health 0.0 0.0
1791 health effect airpollut notic level exposur particul decad research confirm fact scienc speak 0.0 0.0
1792 that certain uniqu approach fight harm effect airpollut aspirin strang protect lung pollut 0.21428571428571427 0.5714285714285714
1793 likewis proud pollut health effect research communiti ongo tireless effort push envelop state scienc scientif basi review revis set qualiti standard 0.4 0.5
1794 small emiss reduct socal green clean woodburn stove signific reduc diseas death disabl health effect exposur airpollut linear requir cleanair wast invest -0.027777777777777773 0.4666666666666666
1795 peopl breath pollut kill million peopl year thing know airpollut effect health octob awar 0.0 0.0
1796 peopl breath pollut kill million peopl year thing know airpollut effect health 0.0 0.0
1797 peopl breath pollut kill million peopl year thing know airpollut effect health 0.0 0.0
1798 news pollut effect human 0.0 0.1
1799 wong recommend emphas follow propos commut right diseas death prevent effect benefit health peso save activ commut cost risk pollut road injuri 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
1800 well effect sure tree reduc pollut evid best mix 0.75 0.5944444444444444
1801 line estim benefici effect increas physic activ substanti larger month gain potenti mortal effect increas pollut dose day lose increas traffic accid day lose 0.0 0.5
1802 breath easi aspirin reduc advers effect pollut lung etpanach 0.0 0.0
1803 terribl peopl tierdexhaust tiersom travel airpollut effect mentalhealth physicalhealth result stress 0.0 0.0
1804 scari effect pollut skin 0.0 0.0
1805 pollut effect pet protectyourpet dogsmokemask wildfiresmok 0.0 0.0
1806 scari effect pollut skin 0.0 0.0
1807 lung fibrosi heart damag asthmai acut awar effect pollut abil breathepoison soar trump repeal antipollut grabbi littl paw 0.0 0.0
1808 thank death threat dude neednt bother direct effect climat chang pollut silent public health emergencyâ approxim million prematur death annual effect pollut 0.03333333333333333 0.18888888888888888
1809 effect pollut essay pollut effect english pollut water pollut soil pollut read write pollut essay studenthelp paperhack 0.0 0.0
1810 jackieapplebeet jacki quot effect pollut lung develop children open 0.0 0.5
1811 spoonerrosi rosi quot effect pollut lung develop children open 0.0 0.5
1812 docbottl juliet quot effect pollut lung develop children open 0.0 0.5
1813 health effect pollut time healthi small today -0.25 0.4
1814 devfadnavi sirsom notabl work reduc sound pollut blow horn think anytim peopl loudspeak bother othersvehicl pollut vulnerableveri effect futur 0.4 0.4
1815 pioneerhealth nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function aspirin airpollut 0.0 0.0
1816 aspirin negat effect airpollut find studi 0.0 0.0
1817 hambl bishopstok botley woolston shole live effect higher legal limit pollut silenc polit repres need stop thoughtless overdevelop area 0.19545454545454546 0.39999999999999997
1818 thread airpollut effect cognit perform 0.0 0.0
1819 global warm have signific negat effect health communiti climat actual mean higher temperatur lead increas pollut intens allergi season danger heat wave 0.1075 0.3775
1820 smoke larg contributor pollut sever health effect cigarett smoke pollut airqual humanhealth airpollut 0.0 0.0
1821 disappoint know dire environ impact kid famili face jet extrem pollut water pollut overal negat health effect 0.0 0.0
1822 impact unplan econom expans overpopul airpollut combin effect climatechang signatur ident major asean citi time wakeup 0.0625 0.5
1823 reactionari case know pollut type pollut effect peopl health differ know effect shoot stab run 0.0 0.0
1824 illinoi nuclear plant generat carbonfre energi support local job pump million communiti mitig someof worst effect pollut state word theyr energi mvps -0.5 0.5
1825 contamin atmospher appear harm effect cognit function thescientistl airpollut 0.0 0.0
1826 independ committe medic effect pollut compos scientist state level particul nitrogen oxid fall decad 0.0 0.0
1827 million peopl year health effect pollut breath impact citi 0.0 0.0
1828 extrem proud evabongaert ðÿšðÿ today receiv competit fwovlaanderen grant continu shell investig transloc soot airpollut mother fetus advers effectsðÿ uhasselt fwovlaanderen 0.8 1.0
1829 lbsouthwark cllrmseaton adelelibdem canadawaterwest pollut need take considerationâ long period harm effect communiti neighbour guardian bbcnew livingstonerj eveningstandard -0.05 0.4
1830 mean document fact climat chang have dead effect peopl globe peopl die pollut mudslid flood hurrican danger weather induc climat chang indigen communiti cull land peopl die -0.25625 0.54375
1831 use laser ablat time flight icpm sourc pollut mattloxham use toficpm laser ablat analys planktic foraminfera tomezard aim develop novel microelectrod unpick vital effect 0.1 0.4
1832 methodolog stand scrutini deleteri effect pollut deep widerang wouldnt surpris valid 0.0 0.4
1833 expert literatur effect lead crime pollut crimepretti scari think everyday thing negat affect social outcom -0.08333333333333334 0.3333333333333333
1834 nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function studi nsaid near halv effect ambient particul matter lung function scienc 0.1 0.4
1835 alarmist peopl die daili effect pollut climat chang drive drought famin starvat migrat speci wildlif extinct -0.4 0.6
1836 mode transport think safer effect pollut watch video 0.0 0.0
1837 colleagu cycl meet outsid london wont cycl central london pollut swimmer think effect lung factor httpswwwpctbike calcul reduct pollutioncar trip good qualiti infra build 0.35 0.42500000000000004
1838 pollut scientist typic measur rat pollut concentr ozon breathabl particul matter micron diamet smaller document associ health effect 0.0 0.5
1839 stigmabas delhi doctor keep close watch women pick studi pollut effect research studi titl daphneâ delhi pollut health effect india institut medicalâ 0.0 0.0
1840 newsroom research studi titl daphneâ delhi pollut health effectsâ 0.0 0.0
1841 stigmabas delhi doctor keep close watch women pick studi pollut effect research studi titl daphneâ delhi pollut health effect india institut 0.0 0.0
1842 stigmabas research studi titl daphneâ delhi pollut health effectsâ 0.0 0.0
1843 china outsiz contribut global green trend come larg program conserv expand forest develop effort reduc effect soil eros pollut climat chang -0.1 0.15
1844 pollut increas violent crime research effect includ heart diseas lung diseas alzheim birth defect development defect includ autism asthma mood disord -0.8 1.0
1845 health effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1846 wonder start pollut know scienc unansw question ozon migrat total sulfat effect happen time eventu overcom cool pollut 0.175 0.7
1847 bbcbreakfast highlight harm effect caus unnecessari airpollut 0.0 0.0
1848 suscept variat pollut health effect incorpor neuroendocrin activ kodavanti microbiom 0.0 0.0
1849 korean studi suggest effect particul pollut hair skin includ hair loss 0.0 0.0
1850 studi find hair loss connect pollut check podcast pollut effect 0.0 0.0
1851 mean chanc drought weve wit case truck driver manner tourist abus freshwat streamsth effect plastic airpollut absolut clear -0.10624999999999998 0.5354166666666667
1852 pollut effect children suicid research 0.0 0.0
1853 indoor sourc chemistri health effect special issu indoorair complet openaccess octob check airqual airpollut 0.35714285714285715 0.5714285714285714
1854 effect human health pollut groundwat pollut land pollut anim health interfer food chain plastic wast recycl infinit better produc plastic wast 0.25 0.3
1855 proud sponsor cleanairfund fund dedic sole address caus effect airpollut launch unga month 0.4 0.625
1856 aspirin halv pollut harm studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function detail 0.0 0.0
1857 shift bicycl estim benefici effect increas physic activ substanti larger month gain potenti mortal effect increas pollut dose day lose increas traffic accid day lose 0.0 0.5
1858 dont want know pollut effect 0.0 0.0
1859 china outsiz contribut global green trend come larg program conserv expand forest develop effort reduc effect soil eros pollut climat chang right articl 0.028571428571428564 0.2785714285714285
1860 video link live time breath fresh luxuri pollut rapid increas high time safeguard harm effect 0.19878787878787876 0.5133333333333333
1861 news pollut effect human 0.0 0.1
1862 aspirin lessen effect pollut exposur lung function click detail pollut 0.0 0.0
1863 delhi doctor keep close watch women pick studi pollut effect foetus indianexpress 0.0 0.0
1864 cohort studi harvard univers boston univers columbia univers show aspirin lessen effect pollut lung function harvard univers health read 0.0 0.0
1865 delhi doctor keep close watch women pick studi pollut effect foetus 0.0 0.0
1866 think horrifi read report effect emiss pregnant women children link dementia issu make decis inform impact larg scale develop 0.3333333333333333 0.5
1867 health effect pollut insur help cover treatment cost 0.0 0.0
1868 delhi doctor keep close watch women pick studi pollut effect foetus 0.0 0.0
1869 effect wast leadzinc soil grind water affect human anim wast releas toxic substanc lead pollut aquat animalslet 0.0 0.1
1870 qualiti deterior alarm rate safe harm effect pollut airtam wearabl purifi know read articl smart tech 0.35714285714285715 0.5714285714285714
1871 aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function research aspirin near halv effect ambient particul matter lung function 0.1 0.4
1872 nsaid lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function find studi 0.0 0.0
1873 news pollut effect human 0.0 0.1
1874 news pollut effect human 0.0 0.1
1875 great video effect pollut look forward discuss lead research field audreydenazell chrisbrand debbiehopkin particip healthwellb 0.8 0.75
1876 know pollut degener cognit abil latest stori explor fieldworkfclti brain teaser project counter negat effect keep resid commut stimul riddl maze 0.5 0.9
1877 icymi studi indic nonsteroid drug like aspirin lessen advers effect airpollut exposur lung functionus nsaid near halv effect lung function 0.1 0.4
1878 recent paper research lesunibham effect shortterm exposur particul matter pollut cognit perform airqual research publichealth 0.0 0.25
1879 drug aspirin halv advers pollut effect qualiti news 0.0 0.0
1880 move letter call action rais awar devast effect airpollut certain question bathn stop traffic hous damag babi health hope answer lottieperkin 0.15714285714285714 0.3357142857142857
1881 silent killer smell feel effect talk drnorric erscongress madrid learn farreach affect airpollut lung health 0.0 0.1
1882 sourc pollut effect domest solid fuel largest sourc airpollut woodstov woodburn solidfuel health 0.0 0.1
1883 qualiti improv lancet articl effect pollut asthma global includ 0.0 0.0
1884 bigger problem associ pollut longer term effect brain chemistri diesel particul migrat sinus brain affect think process cognit reason lower restrain emot approx 0.0 0.5
1885 effect pollut moder sever asthma exacerb 0.0 0.0
1886 health impact pollut get wide research indoor outdoor pollut bigger effect expect exampl heat wave babi utero reduc year later -0.03333333333333333 0.3
1887 interest articl look effect pollut marathon runner articl suggest women affect articl correl natur 0.0 0.0
1888 care clean care peopl pollut caus countless health problem climat chang devast effect brunt problem felt lowincom communiti communiti color scecleanairchat 0.18333333333333335 0.6000000000000001
1889 pollut hazard effect turkishsai 0.0 0.0
1890 report world health organ approxim million annual death airpollut expect effect felt children women peopl color work class 0.0 0.0
1891 pollut affect worker product garment industri manag strategi mitig effect write articl achadhvaryu namrata kala anantnyshadham base research airpollut product manag -0.8 1.0
1892 exposur pollut selfreport effect chines student case studi megac 0.0 0.0
1893 recent past welcom green cracker decis govt peopl understand effect pollut nois pollut kid enjoy want diwali celebr day -0.012499999999999997 0.325
1894 studi columbiamsph harvardchansph bumedicin report evid aspirin lessen advers effect airpollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1895 aspirin reduc effect pollut pastef 0.0 0.0
1896 studi analyz data columbia harvard boston univers show aspirin nsaid lessen effect pollut airpollut health particul studi medicin lung 0.0 0.0
1897 trafficrel pollut caus greater advers health effect compar sourc particular case diesel engin exhaust emiss cancer human europ regist vehicl 0.2222222222222222 0.31111111111111106
1898 health effect indoor pollut 0.0 0.0
1899 aspirin reduc effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1900 share citizensci result airpollut weekend rorystewartuk mayor year respons stand communiti suffer worst effect pollut environment issu social issu -0.48333333333333334 0.5333333333333333
1901 there direct link pollut chronic sinus caus congest pain pressur face stuffi drippi nose long term effect depress lose product chronic fatigu risk lahor -0.005555555555555554 0.2777777777777778
1902 aspirin reduc advers effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1903 aspirin reduc advers effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1904 aspirin reduc effect pollut read geonew 0.0 0.0
1905 advers effect nois pollut nois pollut classifi second import caus caus health ailment world right pollut approxim million adult europ direct affect 0.12142857142857141 0.30892857142857144
1906 asprin help reduc harm effect pollut lung health effect pollut health news lung function 0.0 0.0
1907 maison dieu harm level receiv text alert tell advertis monitor network prevent health effect ipcnsw nswhealth your expos child harm pollut neglig 0.0 0.0
1908 pollut impact health vulner effect here lowdown airpollut 0.0 0.0
1909 thank tell driver idl clue effect tell driver idl help lessen airpollut driver lung 0.0 0.0
1910 recent studi shortterm exposur pollut associ exacerb psychiatr disord children children live disadvantag neighborhood suscept effect pollut 0.06818181818181818 0.375
1911 recent studi hint pollut exert toxic effect fetus 0.0 0.25
1912 need control pollut caus longterm health effect heart diseas lung cancer respiratori diseas peopl need think twice morn walk good clean water basic right 0.3380952380952381 0.49017857142857146
1913 take step improv live children nigeria teensandclim project believ climat educ empower achiev climat justic identifi product mitig effect pollut kid welcom donor world 0.13636363636363635 0.5
1914 geetanjali kaushik iitdaa pune chapter speak airpollut worri citizen tool like uchienergi aqli handi communic effect iitdelhi mhstarrat thepunemirror punedataconf tcduchicago 0.0 0.0
1915 studi find nsaid lessen pollut effect lung function 0.0 0.0
1916 studi find nsaid lessen pollut effect lung function greencarcongr 0.0 0.0
1917 studi find nsaid lessen pollut effect lung function 0.0 0.0
1918 effect heat increas pollut wild fire produc high quantiti particl pollut reach dens popul area transport wind 0.13 0.47
1919 aspirin lessen negat effect pollut say intrigu studi research columbia harvard boston univers 0.0 0.0
1920 pollut effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1921 pollut relat mortal increas dire effect peopl experi homeless high preval condit time spend outdoor 0.16 0.5399999999999999
1922 exposur pollut earli life childhood contribut depress anxieti mental health problem wors effect children live citi poverti cleancarsmn electricbus -0.01010101010101011 0.24444444444444446
1923 harm effect pollut belov pet pet affect pollut peopl filter mask effect airpollut smog lunghealth dogvet vetlif veterinarian vet 0.0 0.0
1924 fur karad lectur cut tree despit effect pollut posit lot hypocrit china 0.0 0.0
1925 tobacco advers effect mind bodi organ creat choke environ caus pollut consum cigarett caus lung diseas unfortun children suffer passiv smoke slow poison smokingkil -0.30000000000000004 0.39999999999999997
1926 excel articl chemistri world help understand effect airpollut distanc particular concern children busi main road near tail pip startstopidl traffic 0.14444444444444446 0.35555555555555557
1927 aspirin prevent pollut harm nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1928 right healthcar profession learn effect pollut traffic woodsmok peopl year pollut pollut kill peopl europ smoke prevent let courag 0.2857142857142857 0.5357142857142857
1929 pure studi particip mic lic household pollut poor diet educ grip strength stronger effect cardiovascular diseas mortal hic gulrezdoc icmrni -0.09285714285714287 0.55
1930 stink liter coupl day help think environment injustic mental physic effect pollut theyr kill -0.1 0.2
1931 pollut scientist typic measur rat pollut concentr ozon breathabl particul matter micron diamet smaller document associ health effect 0.0 0.5
1932 photo speak effect wildlif poison starv earth mention die ocean dead river forest amazonjungl airpollut wors conservati agenda -0.2 0.4
1933 studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1934 overwhelm bodi evid damag impact pollut children health continu grow match growth sustain solut reduc toxic effect 0.0 0.0
1935 common denomin advers health effect pollut inflamm decreas inflamm help reduc impact research aspirin virtual half decreas lung function caus pollut -0.23333333333333334 0.3333333333333333
1936 studi columbiamsph harvardchansph bumedicin report evid aspirin lessen advers effect airpollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1937 thescientistllc pollut like detriment effect peopl cognit function 0.0 0.0
1938 aspirin halv pollut harm studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1939 aspirin halv pollut harm studi reveal evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function find publish recent 0.0 0.25
1940 love imag tweet highlight harm effect airpollut better comparison cigarett consumpt 0.5 0.55
1941 reread amaz scari stori know pollut effect health thing chang california airpollut studi chang 0.0 0.0
1942 studi columbiasph harvardchansph bumedicin report evid nsaid lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1943 weve know health effect pollut decad peopl dont care kid drive theyll claim oppressor 0.0 0.0
1944 overwhelm bodi evid damag impact pollut children health continu grow match growth sustain solut reduc toxic effect 0.0 0.0
1945 aspirin protect lung pollut aspirin nsaid reduc damag effect pollut lung function onehalf airpollut nsaid aspirin 0.0 0.0
1946 comprehens methodolog start understand innov expand extent monitor know exact extent pollut qualiti analyz exact effect airpollut 0.25 0.25
1947 studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect airpollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1948 pollut like detriment effect peopl cognit function 0.0 0.0
1949 random scienc fact aspirin good come breath pollut studi say effect pollut exposur aspirin scienc 0.09999999999999998 0.55
1950 research studi adopt comprehens methodolog estim effect airpollut 0.0 0.0
1951 effect prenat exposur particul matter pollut corpus callosum behavior problem children avail onlin contain bibliograph inserm 0.0 0.0
1952 mongolia peopl suffer effect extrem pollut mongolia capit ulaanbaatar accord rissanen local hospit deal respiratori infect unabl accommod patientsâ 0.0 0.0
1953 nonsteroid drug nsaid aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function research publish american journal respiratori critic care medicin 0.0 0.0
1954 natur histor blind spot urban planner thami croeser gibbottak reveal citi bring space innov tackl effect climatechang pollut -0.25 0.3333333333333333
1955 peru alex khaemba innov seek produc bioethanol fuel coconut husk wast readili avail materi kenyan coast time reduc pollut effect creat job youth women inform settlement thread 0.0 0.0
1956 studi aspirin undo advers effect airpollut lung function nsaid near halv effect lung functionâ 0.1 0.4
1957 aspirin halv airpollut harm exposom exposur octob columbia univers mailman school publichealth studi lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1958 pollut damag peopl brain contamin atmospher appear harm effect cognit function 0.0 0.0
1959 effect publichealth insect habitat spread heat coldrel death extrem temp pollut trigger batteri health problem ðÿžmental health violenc worsen follow hurrican flood 0.0 0.0
1960 aspirin prevent pollut harm health news columbia univers mailman school public healtha studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect airâ 0.0 0.06666666666666667
1961 report commonwealth massachusett special legisl commiss indoor pollut indoor breath contain pollut health effect rang annoy dead account chronic ill -0.11428571428571428 0.6571428571428571
1962 christoph reilli uofupharmtox research aim understand advers effect airpollut way treat symptom exampl drugdiscoveri 0.0 0.0
1963 rememb read articl wnasa astronaut describ massiv airpollut visibl space missionthi concern human planet health recogn sooner later data human effect clear 0.025000000000000005 0.14583333333333331
1964 fortun georg thurston york univers school medicin lead scholar human health effect pollut keynot address cleanair symposium great takeaway what need uutah nyunivers 0.4 0.425
1965 studi remind urgenc communiti monitor work document extent pollut health effect vulner popul california includ children preexist medic condit like asthma 0.0 0.0
1966 effect exposur pollut lung develop function relat wellknown recent research indic develop function human brain serious affect high level pollut -0.04333333333333333 0.38916666666666666
1967 undp inhal qualiti year feel airpollut busi usual scenario futur digit develop go magicleap john gaeta creator special effect matrix tech work witâ 0.053571428571428575 0.4107142857142857
1968 inhal qualiti year feel airpollut busi usual scenario futur digit develop go magicleap john gaeta creator special effect matrix tech work govt 0.053571428571428575 0.4107142857142857
1969 list rang dirtier vancouv vancouv pollut nonexist actual canadian tree clean pollut pollut effect earth total cash grab 0.12222222222222223 0.5166666666666667
1970 evid accumul pollut damag effect brain research isglobalorg uscleonarddavi 0.0 0.0
1971 ignor pollut sourc emiss effect health climatechang wood biomass heat system contradict right convinc greenpeac control wild fire home stop 0.19285714285714284 0.46785714285714286
1972 tobacco advers effect mind bodi organ creat choke environ caus pollut consum cigarett caus lung diseas unfortun children suffer passiv smoke slow poison -0.30000000000000004 0.39999999999999997
1973 studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1974 tobacco advers effect mind bodi organ creat choke environ caus pollut consum cigarett caus lung diseas unfortun children suffer passiv smoke slow poison -0.30000000000000004 0.39999999999999997
1975 studi aspirin undo advers effect airpollut lung function impact stomach 0.0 0.0
1976 neglect indoor pollut longterm effect health indoor pollut honeywel airpurifi acelectron shop 0.0 0.0
1977 studi report evid aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung 0.0 0.0
1978 hello gina govern court major britain suffer effect illeg pollut daili basi action take expos violat demand chang 0.08125 0.3
1979 unexpect pollut protect take aspirin cut harm effect lung function half possibl reduc inflamm note boston beij delhi -0.16666666666666666 0.16666666666666666
1980 social isol predict earli death effect pollut physic inact 0.03333333333333333 0.06666666666666667
1981 hypothet emiss stop today rapid catastroph warm occur absenc aerosol cool effect pollut warm come plus earth feedback 0.5166666666666666 0.6166666666666667
1982 appreci step rksinhabjp clean free pollut prevent major global concern harm effect pollut person health environ rksinhapadyatra narendramodi 0.20729166666666668 0.5
1983 pollut widespread effect bodi lung cardiovascular believ pollut affect brain kidney children bear 0.0 0.0
1984 risk effect pollut healthi peopl vulner peopl live heart diseas 0.13636363636363635 0.5
1985 great step rksinhabjp clean free pollut prevent major global concern harm effect pollut person health environ rksinhapadyatra narendramodi 0.32583333333333336 0.55
1986 aspirin prevent effect pollut 0.0 0.0
1987 aspirin reduc advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1988 open fantast talk chemic toxic pollut effect pregnanc lgomezroig thank share knowledg 0.0 0.5
1989 know harm effect respiratori cardiovascular system pollut implic damag brainâ organ expos multipl pathway airpollut 0.0 0.0
1990 feel like learn substanti pollut health effect environment injustic alsoooo tell excit learn ughhhh happi class 0.0 0.0
1991 complet escap airpollut difficult take measur provid certain level protect harm effect health swasthabharat pmoindia drharshvardhan ashwinikchoubey pibindia -0.14285714285714285 0.7857142857142857
1992 give pollut onetim event acut effect regular occurr reli aspirin manag health problem pollut note read studi paywal sorri discuss 0.0 0.07692307692307693
1993 studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.0
1994 take aspirin reduc effect airpollut pollut half lung lungfunct toomuch caus stomach ulcer excess bleedingrisk research need rougepoptartâ -0.16666666666666666 0.16666666666666666
1995 airpollut chronic level exposur longterm effect earli life exposur hard identifi caus damageâ -0.2916666666666667 0.5416666666666666
1996 studi columbiamsph harvard chan school public health boston univers school medicin report evid nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function 0.0 0.06666666666666667
1997 aspirin halv pollut harm studi report evid nonsteroid drug nsaid like aspirin lessen advers effect pollut exposur lung function research theâ 0.0 0.0
1998 illconsid kneejerk rush polici respons decis signific harm longlast effectsâ save peopl live stop hide evid pollut tellthetruth 0.13636363636363635 0.5
1999 invest clean energi critic combat harm health effect pollut climat chang clean energi better health better climat defendtheitc thesolardecad 0.43333333333333335 0.6000000000000001
2000 contamin atmospher appear harm effect cognit function airpollut damag peopl 0.0 0.0
2001 like complex urbanhealth issu poor qualiti harm effect impact area high level depriv programm airpollut launch aim testb innov solut -0.17999999999999997 0.5133333333333333
2002 quora user ask long healthi peopl effect pollut immedi -0.05 0.4
2003 pollut like detriment effect peopl cognit function 0.0 0.0
2004 effect airpollut need realis effect have children futur 0.0 0.0
2005 pollut know caus array health problem imagin effect incom famili live near factori year 0.11818181818181818 0.45
2006 bbcbreakfast highlight harm effect increas risk heart attack dementia cancer childhood lung develop thing good airpollut 0.7 0.6000000000000001
2007 short term long term effect pollut airpollut petrol dieselengin motor vehicl emit wide varieti pollut princip carbon monoxid oxid nitrogen -0.05000000000000001 0.3666666666666667
2008 turn hight effect lack brain function pollut 0.0 0.0
2009 studi reveal pollut damag brain affect cognit function evid negat effect pollut health mount year fight airpollut footpcoalit 0.0 0.0
2010 play smoke tobacco kill american yearwith cancer heart diseas decad useth fatal effect inhal chemic pollut kill million peopl world year vape 0.0 0.0
2011 pollut level deterior point profession advic exercis long outsid usual benefit exercis arent abl effect haze caus health -0.15 0.325
2012 unconvent technolog like wind substanti public risk answer simpl product metal need requir coal burn coal produc pollut turn caus public health effect 0.0 0.06666666666666667
2013 health effect climat chang includ extrem heat weather pollut mental health issu accord medic societi consortium climat health -0.1 0.2
2014 pollut damag peopl brain contamin atmospher appear harm effect cognit function teen children 0.0 0.0
2015 ope ninawren lourdesiisd statnew inform hazard health effect airpollut fossil fuel wide dissemin public normal isnt high public health agenda 0.041999999999999996 0.3446666666666667
2016 what ibioexperi jemima elsherbini senior work ainsworth studi effect pollut crop tan studi morpholog evolut phylogeni catfish 0.0 0.0
2017 climat action subject convers pollut slow danger effect medic highlight landmark wear mask cross marin serr runway wear -0.09166666666666667 0.20833333333333331
2018 andrewsch noclimateplan fossilfailur paediatrician healthcar provid need awar emerg infect health condit aris increas pollut mentalhealth effect relat natur disast anticip 0.0 0.0
2019 cochran protocol individuallevel intervent reduc person exposur outdoor pollut effect longterm respiratori condit 0.0 0.0
2020 driver expos highest level harm pollut there evid trafficrel pollut caus greater advers health effect compar sourc 0.5 0.5
2021 excel explan plausibl harm effect pollut bonus revis 0.0 0.0
2022 octob issu look pollut effect brain think origin parkinson diseas 0.0 0.0
2023 intern preval chemic sensit copreval asthma autism effect fragranc consum product springerlink banairfreshen airfreshen asthma autism airpollut ncds airqual 0.0 0.0
2024 cite report show mortal effect youll know pollut caus death death certif harm shorten lifespan exacerb condit that mortal effect requir strong govt action 0.26666666666666666 0.41666666666666663
2025 diolch fawr iawn mcgarri ddod trafod llygredd rhan gyda thank mcgarri discuss effect pollut today year work 0.0 0.0
2026 boost immun fight effect pollut onion help write 0.0 0.0
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