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Created December 20, 2019 19:08
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Daily Coding Problem - 29
This problem was asked by Amazon.
Run-length encoding is a fast and simple method of encoding strings. The basic idea is to represent repeated successive characters as a single count and character. For example, the string "AAAABBBCCDAA" would be encoded as "4A3B2C1D2A".
Implement run-length encoding and decoding. You can assume the string to be encoded have no digits and consists solely of alphabetic characters. You can assume the string to be decoded is valid.
def encode(string):
i = 0
encoded = ""
while i < len(string):
char = string[i]
count = 0
while (i < len(string) and string[i] == char):
count += 1
i += 1
encoded += str(count) + char
return encoded
def decode(string):
i = 0
decoded = ""
while i < len(string):
count = int(string[i])
char = string[i+1]
decoded += count * char
i += 2
return decoded
encoded = encode(string)
print(encoded) # 4A3B2C1D2A
print(decode(encoded)) # AAAABBBCCDAA
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