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Created January 6, 2017 20:18
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A script to work around the "Player 2" game controller bug in the Linux version of Rocket League
# Author: Riskable
# License: CC0 (public domain)
# Description:
# This script will temporarily disable (for a few seconds) any attached USB
# mice that also support emulating a joystick (the type that messes up game
# controller support in Rocket League), launch Rocket League (via Steam), and
# then re-enable the mouse after Rocket League is started up.
# Installation:
# Save this script somewhere on your (Linux) computer and make it executable
# (e.g. chmod a+x ~/bin/ Then you can just
# run it. To make things convenient for yourself you may also want to edit
# "Rocket League.desktop" (find it: 'locate "Rocket League.desktop"') and
# replace this line:
# Exec=steam steam://rungameid/252950
# ...with this:
# Exec=/path/to/
# (Replace '/path/to/' with the *actual* path to this script)
# Notes:
# * For this script to work properly you'll need one of kdesudo or gksudo installed.
# * A script (~/bin/ will automaticlaly be created that
# temporarily disables problematic mice. It will be executed via sudo (see
# the next bullet).
# * The first time this script runs it'll add some entries to /etc/sudoers and
# this will require the user's password (assuming they have sudo rights).
# Subsequent launches of this script shouldn't require a password.
# * You *MAY* have to adjust the SLEEP_TIME variables if you have a slower
# computer than Riskable =)
DISABLE_MOUSE_SCRIPT="$HOME/bin/" # Will be created
SUDOAPP=`which kdesudo`
[[ -z "$SUDOAPP" ]] && SUDOAPP=`which gksudo`
echo "Using $SUDOAPP for graphical sudo"
mkdir -p ~/bin # Just in case the user doesn't already have a bin dir
# Check if we can run our disable and enable commands without asking for a
# password and if not add the necessary entries to /etc/sudoers:
sudo -l | grep -q $DISABLE_MOUSE_SCRIPT
if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then
echo "Entries missing from /etc/sudoers. Adding..."
cat << EOF >> /tmp/rl_temp.txt
# The entries below were added by $0 (Riskable's Rocket League Controller Fix)
User_Alias RLUSERS = $USER
$SUDOAPP -c "cat /tmp/rl_temp.txt >> /etc/sudoers"
rm -f /tmp/rl_temp.txt # Keep things neat & tidy
if [[ ! -e "$DISABLE_MOUSE_SCRIPT" ]]; then
echo "$DISABLE_MOUSE_SCRIPT doesn't exist. Creating it..."
# Create the script that temporarily disables the mouse while RL is launched:
DISABLED="" # Stores devices that get disabled
SLEEP_TIME=15 # How long to disable the mouse
ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -q /usr/bin/steam
if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then # Steam isn't running
SLEEP_TIME=30 # Give extra time for it to start if Steam isn't running
# First, find all USB mice:
for sysdevpath in $(find /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*/ -name dev); do
[[ ! -e "${sysdevpath%/dev}" ]] && continue
devname="$(udevadm info -q name -p $syspath)"
[[ "$devname" != "input/mouse"* ]] && continue
usbport="$(echo $syspath | cut -d/ -f7)"
# Now only disable this device if it also emulates a joystick/gamepad:
for sysdevpath2 in $(find /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*/$usbport -name dev); do
devname2="$(udevadm info -q name -p $syspath2)"
if [[ "$devname2" = "input/js"* ]]; then
if [[ -e "/sys/bus/usb/devices/$usbport/" ]]; then
product="$(cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/$usbport/product)"
echo "Disabling $product (temporarily) on USB port $usbport"
echo "Disabling mouse (temporarily) on USB port $usbport"
echo 0 > /sys/bus/usb/devices/$usbport/authorized
logger -p "Mouse on USB bus-port $usbport (temporarily) disabled"
if [[ -z "$DISABLED" ]]; then
echo "No problematic mice were found. Nothing to do."
exit 0
sleep $SLEEP_TIME # Wait a bit for it to finish opening
# Now we need to repeat the process, re-enabling anything that was disabled:
for usbport in $DISABLED; do
echo "Re-enabling mouse (temporarily) on USB port $usbport"
echo 1 > /sys/bus/usb/devices/$usbport/authorized
logger -p "Mouse on USB bus-port $usbport re-enabled"
chmod 755 $DISABLE_MOUSE_SCRIPT # Make sure it's executable
echo "Running the mouse disable script..."
# Run our script via sudo in the background
sleep 2 # Give it a moment to do its thing
# Launch Rocket League!
echo "Launching Rocket League..."
steam steam://rungameid/252950
exit 0 # All done!
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