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import-module .\Output\g1pwsh\g1pwsh.psm1
Describe "Configure-PSRepository Tests" {
BeforeAll {
Mock Install-Module -ModuleName "g1pwsh" {
param (
rismoney / gist:24b2f1ad5620d2134fbfc2e5037c8658
Created May 10, 2018 14:34
Install DOCKER AND....Functional certificates on ubuntu
# These 4 lines took a bit of figuring out to make anything work here through our ssl termination point.
run `openssl x509 -inform PEM -in issuing.cer -out TPissuing.crt`
run `openssl x509 -inform PEM -in root.cer -out TProot.crt`
cp each cert to dest: /usr/share/ca-certificate/mozzilla
sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates (and ensure new certs are selected.
These are from docker-ce install on ubuntu
$uninstall = gci "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" | foreach { gp $_.PSPath } | ? { $_ -match "MyAppAsItAppearsinAddRemovePrograms" } | select UninstallString
$uninstall = $uninstall.UninstallString -Replace "msiexec.exe","" -Replace "/I","" -Replace "/X",""
$uninstall = $uninstall.Trim()
start-process "msiexec.exe" -arg "/X $uninstall /qb" -Wait
import-module au
function au_BeforeUpdate() {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($Latest.URL64) -outfile "$($env:au_chocopackagepath)\$($Latest.packagename)\$($Latest.filename)" -UseBasicParsing | out-null
function global:au_SearchReplace {
'tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' = @{
"(^\s*url64bit\s*=\s*)('.*')" = "`$1'$($Latest.internalsite)'"
rismoney / f
Created October 17, 2017 15:40
PS D:\gitrepos\chocopackages> .\update_all.ps1
Updating 1 automatic packages at 2017-10-17 10:50:05
Push is disabled
WARNING: Import failed for 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\au\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey\chocolatey.licensed.dll'. If it depends on a newer version of the .NET framework, please make sure you are using the built-in PowerShell Host. Err
not load file or assembly 'choco, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79d02ea9cad655eb' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.'
notepadplusplus is updated to 7.5.1
Running Report
Saving markdown report: D:\gitrepos\chocopackages\
2017-09-30T11-12-37.405895300 - 0001: 14ms (*methods.RetrieveServiceContentBody)
2017-09-30T11-12-37.573895400 - 0002: 163ms (*methods.LoginBody)
2017-09-30T11-12-38.204892900 - 0003: 18ms (*methods.RetrievePropertiesBody)
2017-09-30T11-12-38.219906400 - 0004: 11ms (*methods.RetrievePropertiesBody)
2017-09-30T11-12-38.231908100 - 0005: 5ms (*methods.RetrievePropertiesBody)
2017-09-30T11-12-38.253897600 - 0006: 14ms (*methods.RetrievePropertiesBody)
2017-09-30T11-12-38.274827800 - 0007: 16ms (*methods.RetrievePropertiesBody)
2017-09-30T11-12-38.510835900 - 0008: 229ms (*methods.RetrievePropertiesBody)
2017-09-30T11-12-38.915845000 - 0009: 15ms (*methods.RetrievePropertiesBody)
2017-09-30T11-12-38.929840300 - 0010: 9ms (*methods.RetrievePropertiesBody)
"channelUri": "",
"channelId": "VisualStudio.15.Release",
"productId": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Professional",
"installPath": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Professional",
"passive": true,
"includeRecommended": true,
"norestart": false,
Each C4630 SE inbound serial command begins with a colon character (:), followed by a single letter that indicates the
desired command, then one or more parameters, and ends with a carriage return (<cr>).
Command Syntax Parameter s State Comment s
Zone Power :Zxy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6; y = State 1=On; 0=Off Discrete Zone Setting
All Zones Off :Zy<cr> y = State 1=On; 0=Off Global Setting Only
Source Select :Sxy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6; y = Source 1 – 4 Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
"Type": "UnencryptedConfiguration",
"NetworkConfigurations": [
"GUID": "{guid1}",
"Name": "foo",
"Type": "VPN",
"VPN": {
"Type": "OpenVPN",
"Host": "",
Script to dump nic configuration to YAML
.PARAMETER Servername
1. get-nic.ps1 servername
2. import-csv .\svr-ou.csv | Where-Object {$ -like "I*"} | select name | foreach {get-nic -computer $}