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Created September 8, 2014 01:33
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Save rissole/421e22c348238202021e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds some extra actions to a Steam Community profile page.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Steam Community Extras
// @namespace Rissole
// @version 2.0
// @description Adds some extra actions to a Steam Community profile page.
// @require
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// ==/UserScript==
// Emulate GM_get/setValue if it doesnt exist
// if this doesnt exist then we arent on a community page.
var actionsHeader = $("div.profile_header_actions");
if (actionsHeader.length == 0)
// get steamId64
var steam_id = unsafeWindow.g_rgProfileData['steamid'];
// function to add all the DOM stuff for a new action link
function addAction(iconURL, linkURL, linkText)
var actionString = "<a class='popup_menu_item' href=\"$LINK\"><img src='$ICON' />$TEXT</a>".replace('$LINK',linkURL).replace('$ICON',iconURL).replace('$TEXT',linkText);
var action = $(actionString);
return action;
// function for when Edit Notes is pressed
function editNotes()
var note = GM_getValue(steam_id, "Enter notes here");
var newNote = window.prompt("User notes", note);
if (newNote != note && newNote != "" && newNote != null)
GM_setValue(steam_id, newNote);
// Make 'Add Friend' button appear+use steam protocol link
var addFriendItem = $('a[href$="AddFriend()"]');
var madeMoreButton = false;
if (addFriendItem.length == 0 && $('#profile_action_dropdown_link').length == 0)
actionsHeader.append('<a class="btn_profile_action btn_medium" href="steam://friends/add/'+steam_id+'"><span>Add Friend</span></a>');
actionsHeader.append('<span class="btn_profile_action btn_medium" id="profile_action_dropdown_link" onclick="ShowMenu( this, \'profile_action_dropdown\', \'right\' );"><span>More <img src=""></span></span>');
actionsHeader.append('<div id="profile_action_dropdown" class="popup_block" style="visibility: visible; left: -5px; top: 75px; display: none;"><div class="popup_body popup_menu"></div></div>');
madeMoreButton = true;
else if (addFriendItem.length > 0)
// modify the AddFriendItem to use steam:// protocol
addFriendItem.attr('href', "steam://friends/add/"+steam_id);
var actionBlock = actionsHeader.find("div.popup_body");
// first a horizontal rule
if (madeMoreButton == false)
// Add "View Backpack on TF2B" action
addAction("", ""+steam_id, "View Backpack on TF2B");
// Add steamrep link
addAction("", ""+steam_id, "View SteamRep Profile");
// Add notes section
addAction("", "javascript:void(0);", "Edit notes").click(editNotes);
// Add steamID64, with clipboard copy
addAction("", "javascript:window.prompt('Steam ID:', '"+steam_id+"'); void(0)", steam_id);
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