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Last active May 4, 2023 17:57
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AutoHotkey v1 script to mimic some aspects of tiling window managers in Windows
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Suspend, SuspendScript
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, QuitScript
Menu, Tray, Tip, IonMove
Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Suspend
; Param (dir) values: left, right, up, down
ChangeFocus(dir) {
; Set mouse move options
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SetMouseDelay, -1
; Get position of active window and the list of open applications
WinGetPos, actX, actY, actW, actH, A
; Variables for keeping the best match window
closeCoord =
closeId =
; Loop through list of open applications
Loop, %AppList% {
; Find the properties of current application on the list
curId := AppList%A_Index%
WinGetPos, curX,curY,curW,curH,ahk_id %curId%
WinGetTitle, curT,ahk_id %curId%
WinGet, curMin, MinMax, ahk_id %curId%
WinGetClass, curC, ahk_id %curId%
; Skip windows that are on top of each other
if (curX = actX && curY = actY && curW = actW && curH = actW) {
; If title of the window is not empty and the window is not minimized
if ((curT <> "") && (curMin <> -1) && (curC <> "Shell_TrayWnd") && (curC <> "Progman")) {
if (dir = "left") {
if ((curX < actX) && (actY < curY+curH) && (curY < actY+actH) ) {
if ((curX > closeCoord) || (closeCoord = "")) {
closeCoord = %curX%
closeId = %curId%
else if (dir = "right") {
if ((curX > actX) && (actY < curY+curH) && (curY < actY+actH) ) {
if ((curX < closeCoord) || (closeCoord = "")) {
closeCoord = %curX%
closeId = %curId%
else if (dir = "up") {
if ((curY < actY) && (actX < curX+curW) && (curX < actX+actW)) {
if ((curY > closeCoord) || (closeCoord = "") || (curX = actX && curW = actW)) {
closeCoord = %curY%
closeId = %curId%
; Prioritize windows that are the same width and on the same x-coordinates
if (curX = actX && curW = actW && curY != actY) {
else if (dir = "down") {
if ((curY > actY) && (actX < curX+curW) && (curX < actX+actW)) {
if ((curY < closeCoord) || (closeCoord = "") || (curX = actX && curW = actW)) {
closeCoord = %curY%
closeId = %curId%
; Prioritize windows that are the same width and on the same x-coordinates
if (curX = actX && curW = actW && curY != actY) {
; If found a window to change the focus
if (closeId <> "") {
; First move the mouse over the center of the title
WinGetPos, actX,actY,actW,actH,ahk_id %closeId%
MouseMove, actX+actW/2,actY+13,0,
; Then activate the window
WinActivate, ahk_id %closeId%
WinSet, Top,,ahk_id %closeId%
ClickControl(function) {
;GroupAdd, CCIgnore, ahk_class
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY, id
WinGetPos, winX, winY, winW, winH, ahk_id %id%
WinSet, Top,, ahk_id %id%
WinGet, minMax, MinMax, ahk_id %id%
WinGetTitle, winT, ahk_id %id%
WinGetClass, winC, ahk_id %id%
; If window maximized, restore it
if (minMax == 1) {
WinRestore, ahk_id %id%
dir =
; If top half clicked
if ((mouseY > winY) && (mouseY < (winY+(winH/4))))
dir = T
; If bottom half clicked
else if ((mouseY < (winY+winH)) && (mouseY > ((winY+winH)-(winH/4))))
dir = B
; If left side clicked
if ((mouseX > winX) && (mouseX < (winX+(winW/4))))
dir = %dir%L
; If right side clicked
else if ((mouseX < (winX+winW)) && (mouseX > ((winX+winW)-(winW/4))))
dir = %dir%R
; Return if center of window clicked
if (dir = "")
dir = C
clickedMon =
SysGet, monCount, MonitorCount
Loop, %monCount% {
SysGet, monWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea, %A_Index%
if ((mouseX > monWorkAreaLeft) && (mouseX < monWorkAreaRight))
clickedMon = %A_Index%
SysGet, monWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea, %clickedMon%
monWorkAreaWidth := monWorkAreaRight-monWorkAreaLeft
monWorkAreaHeigth := monWorkAreaBottom-monWorkAreaTop
if (function == "move") {
; Window movement
if (dir == "T")
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,winX,monWorkAreaTop
if (dir == "B")
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,winX,(monWorkAreaBottom-winH)
if (dir == "L")
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,monWorkAreaLeft,winY
if (dir == "R")
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,(monWorkAreaRight-winW),winY
if (dir == "TL")
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,monWorkAreaLeft,monWorkAreaTop
if (dir == "TR")
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,(monWorkAreaRight-winW),monWorkAreaTop
if (dir == "BL")
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,monWorkAreaLeft,(monWorkAreaBottom-winH)
if (dir == "BR")
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,(monWorkAreaRight-winW),(monWorkAreaBottom-winH)
; Center window
if (dir == "C") {
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,((monWorkAreaLeft+(monWorkAreaWidth/2)) - (winW/2)),((monWorkAreaTop+(monWorkAreaHeigth/2)) - (winH/2))
if (function == "resize") {
; If resize task, store previous state
if (dir != "C") {
global prevX := winX
global prevY := winY
global prevW := winW
global prevH := winH
global prevId := id
; Window resizing
if (dir == "T")
if (dir == "B")
if (dir == "L")
if (dir == "R")
if (dir == "TL")
if (dir == "TR")
if (dir == "BL")
if (dir == "BR")
; Restore previous state
if (dir == "C") {
newW := monWorkAreaWidth/2
newH := monWorkAreaHeigth/2
AltWinMove(winC,id,((monWorkAreaLeft+(monWorkAreaWidth/2))-(newW/2)),((monWorkAreaTop+(monWorkAreaHeigth/2)) - (newH/2)),newW,newH)
; if (prevId == id)
; WinMove, ahk_id %id%,,prevX,prevY,prevW,prevH
; If fill available space mode function
if (function == "fill") {
global firstClick, selectedId, selectedC
; If first click (select)
if (firstClick == true || firstClick == "") {
; Don't select windows with no class or title or Progman
if (winC == "" || winT == "" || winC == "Progman")
selectedId := id
WinGetClass, selectedC, ahk_id %selectedId%
firstClick := false
; If second click (fill space)
if (firstClick == false) {
; If clicked on existing window, resize to that size
if (winC != "Progman" && id != selectedId) {
AltWinMove(selectedC, selectedId, winX, winY, winW, winH)
WinActivate, ahk_id %selectedId%
firstClick := true
else {
; Initially nearest coordinates are the current monitor work are
nearestTop := monWorkAreaTop
nearestBottom := monWorkAreaBottom
nearestLeft := monWorkAreaLeft
nearestRight := monWorkAreaRight
WinGet, appList,List
Loop, %appList% {
curId := appList%A_Index%
WinGetPos, curLeft,curTop,curW,curH,ahk_id %curId%
WinGetTitle, curT,ahk_id %curId%
WinGet, curMin, MinMax, ahk_id %curId%
WinGetClass, curC, ahk_id %curId%
curRight := curLeft+curW
curBottom := curTop+curH
; Skip window if not on the clicked monitor, is Progman or is minimized
if (curC == "Progman" || curC == "Shell_TrayWnd")
if (curMin != 0)
if (!(curLeft >= monWorkAreaLeft && (curLeft+curW) <= monWorkAreaRight && curTop >= monWorkAreaTop && (curTop+curH) <= monWorkAreaBottom))
if (curT == "" || curId == selectedId || curC = "TApplication")
; Find nearest coordinates
if (curRight < mouseX && curBottom > mouseY) {
if (curRight > nearestLeft)
nearestLeft := curRight
if (curLeft > mouseX && curBottom > mouseY) {
if (curLeft < nearestRight) {
nearestRight := curLeft
if (curBottom < mouseY && curRight > mouseX) {
if (curBottom > nearestTop)
nearestTop := curBottom
if (curTop > mouseY && curLeft < mouseX && curRight > mouseX) {
if (curTop < nearestBottom)
nearestBottom := curTop
; If full screen available maximize instead of resize
if (nearestTop == monWorkAreaTop && nearestBottom == monWorkAreaBottom && nearestLeft == monWorkAreaLeft && nearestRight == monWorkAreaRight) {
WinMove, ahk_id %selectedId%,, nearestLeft, nearestTop
WinMaximize, ahk_id %selectedId%
else {
AltWinMove(selectedC, selectedId, nearestLeft, nearestTop, (nearestRight-nearestLeft), (nearestBottom-nearestTop))
WinActivate, ahk_id %selectedId%
firstClick := true
AltWinMove(c, id, x, y, w, h) {
if (c == "PuTTY" || c == "Nutty") {
WinActivate, ahk_class "Program"
SendMessage, 0x231, , , , ahk_id %id%
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, x, y, w, h
SendMessage, 0x232, , , , ahk_id %id%
else {
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, x, y, w, h
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