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Created March 8, 2022 18:22
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A struct that supports dynamically storings several arrays for particle simulation data. I ended up not using this because of difficulties with the Rust borrow checker (in particular, not being able to easily access multiple arrays simultaneously if one of them was mutable).
use crate::math::*;
/// The `Particles` struct, used to store particle data.
pub struct Particles<Idx> {
pub(crate) float_data: Vec<Vec<T>>,
pub(crate) vector_data: Vec<Vec<TV>>,
pub(crate) matrix_data: Vec<Vec<Mat>>,
idx: std::marker::PhantomData<Idx>,
pub trait ParticleArrayIndex: Into<usize> {}
pub trait GetArray<T, Idx> {
fn get_array(&self, i: Idx) -> &[T];
fn get_array_mut(&mut self, i: Idx) -> &mut [T];
impl<Idx: ParticleArrayIndex> GetArray<T, Idx> for Particles<Idx> {
fn get_array(&self, i: Idx) -> &[T] {
fn get_array_mut(&mut self, i: Idx) -> &mut [T] {
&mut self.float_data[i.into()]
impl<Idx: ParticleArrayIndex> GetArray<TV, Idx> for Particles<Idx> {
fn get_array(&self, i: Idx) -> &[TV] {
fn get_array_mut(&mut self, i: Idx) -> &mut [TV] {
&mut self.vector_data[i.into()]
impl<Idx: ParticleArrayIndex> GetArray<Mat, Idx> for Particles<Idx> {
fn get_array(&self, i: Idx) -> &[Mat] {
fn get_array_mut(&mut self, i: Idx) -> &mut [Mat] {
&mut self.matrix_data[i.into()]
impl<Idx: ParticleArrayIndex> Particles<Idx> {
pub fn get_array<T>(&self, i: Idx) -> &[T]
Self: GetArray<T, Idx>,
GetArray::<T, Idx>::get_array(self, i)
pub fn get_array_mut<T>(&mut self, i: Idx) -> &mut [T]
Self: GetArray<T, Idx>,
GetArray::<T, Idx>::get_array_mut(self, i)
pub trait GeometryParticleIndex: ParticleArrayIndex {
fn position() -> Self;
fn velocity() -> Self;
impl<Idx: GeometryParticleIndex> Particles<Idx> {
pub fn position(&self) -> &[TV] {
pub fn velocity(&self) -> &[TV] {
use crate::particles::{GeometryParticleIndex, ParticleArrayIndex};
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SphArraysIndex {
Mass = 0x0_0000,
Position = 0x1_0000,
impl Into<usize> for SphArraysIndex {
fn into(self) -> usize {
(self as usize) & 0x1111
impl ParticleArrayIndex for SphArraysIndex {}
impl GeometryParticleIndex for SphArraysIndex {
fn position() -> Self {
fn velocity() -> Self {
use crate::math::*;
pub(super) struct SphArrays<'a> {
mass: &'a mut [T],
density: &'a mut [T],
position: &'a mut [TV],
velocity: &'a mut [TV],
force: &'a mut [TV],
impl<'a> SphArrays<'a> {
pub(super) fn get(particles: &'a mut crate::particles::Particles<SphArraysIndex>) -> Self {
let (mass, rem) = particles.float_data.split_first_mut().unwrap();
let (density, _) = rem.split_first_mut().unwrap();
let (position, rem) = particles.vector_data.split_first_mut().unwrap();
let (velocity, rem) = rem.split_first_mut().unwrap();
let (force, _) = rem.split_first_mut().unwrap();
SphArrays {
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