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An L system parser and implementation in Turtle, also several rules to generate common fractals
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def isEmpty(self):
return self.items == []
def push(self, item):
def pop(self):
return self.items.pop()
def peek(self):
return self.items[len(self.items)-1]
def size(self):
return len(self.items)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Nov 7 14:44:06 2017
@author: Ritoban
from Stack import Stack
serpinskyStart = "F-G-G"
serpinskyConstants = {
"F": "F10",
"G": "F10",
"+": "L120",
"-": "R120"
serpinskyRules = {
"F": "F-G+F+G-F",
"G": "GG"
kochSqrStart = "F"
kochSqrConstants = {
"F": "F10",
"+": "L90",
"-": "R90"
kochSqrRules = {
"F": "F+F-F-F+F"
dragonStart = "F"
dragonConstants = {
"F": "F2",
"H": "F2",
"+": "R90",
"-": "L90",
dragonRules = {
"F": "F-H",
"H": "F+H"
hexSerpinskyStart = "A"
hexSerpinskyConstants = {
"A": "F5",
"B": "F5",
"+": "L60",
"-": "R60",
hexSerpinskyRules = {
"A": "B-A-B",
"B": "A+B+A"
hilbertStart = "A"
hilbertConstants = {
"F": "F5",
"+": "R90",
"-": "L90",
"A": "NA",
"B": "NA",
hilbertRules = {
"A": "-BF+AFA+FB-",
"B": "+AF-BFB-FA+"
mengerSpongeStart = "F"
mengerSpongeConstants = {
"F": "F2",
"G": "F2",
"+": "R90",
"-": "L90"
mengerSpongeRules = {
"F": "F+F-F-F-G+F+F+F-F",
"G": "GGG"
kochStart = "F++F++F"
kochConstants = {
"F": "F2",
"X": "NA",
"+": "L60",
"-": "R60",
kochRules = {
"F": "F-F++F-F",
"X": "FF"
fractalPlant1Start = "FFFFF1"
fractalPlant1Constants = {
"F": "F10",
"+": "L25",
"-": "R25",
"[": "[",
"]": "]",
"1": "NA",
"2": "NA",
"3": "NA"
fractalPlant1Rules = {
"1" : "FF[-2][3][+3]",
"2" : "FF+F-F-F[FFF3][+3]-F-F3",
"3" : "FF-F+F+F[2][-2]+F+F2"
fractalPlant2Start = "X"
fractalPlant2Constants = {
"F": "F10",
"+": "L25",
"-": "R25",
"[": "[",
"]": "]",
"X": "NA"
fractalPlant2Rules = {
"X" : "F[-X][X]F[-X]+FX",
"F" : "FF",
levyStart = "F"
levyConstants = {
"F": "F5",
"+": "L45",
"-": "R45",
"[": "[",
"]": "]",
levyRules = {
"F": "+F--F+"
from turtle import forward, left, right, speed, penup, pendown, shape, tracer, pos, xcor, ycor, heading, setpos, seth
import turtle
def parseConst(str, stack):
if(str[0] == "F"):
elif(str[0] == "L"):
elif(str[0] == "R"):
elif(str[0] == "["):
stack.push((turtle.xcor(), turtle.ycor(), turtle.heading()))
elif(str[0] == "]"):
cur_pos = stack.pop()
setpos(cur_pos[0], cur_pos[1])
return stack
def applyRules(system, rules):
output = ""
for c in system:
if c in rules:
output += rules[c]
output += c
return output
def LSystem(start, constants, rules, iters):
system = start
stack = Stack()
for i in range(iters):
for key, value in rules.items():
system = applyRules(system, rules)
for c in system:
stack = parseConst(constants[c], stack=stack)
def speedUp():
tracer(8, 25)
def drawSerpinsky(i):
LSystem(serpinskyStart, serpinskyConstants, serpinskyRules, i)
def drawKochSqr(i):
LSystem(kochSqrStart, kochSqrConstants, kochSqrRules, i)
def drawDragonCurve(i):
LSystem(dragonStart, dragonConstants, dragonRules, i)
def drawHexSerpinsky(i):
LSystem(hexSerpinskyStart, hexSerpinskyConstants, hexSerpinskyRules, i)
def drawHilbert(i):
LSystem(hilbertStart, hilbertConstants, hilbertRules, i)
def drawMengerSponge(i):
LSystem(mengerSpongeStart, mengerSpongeConstants, mengerSpongeRules, i)
def drawKochSnowflake(i):
LSystem(kochStart, kochConstants, kochRules, i)
def drawFractalPlant1(i):
LSystem(fractalPlant1Start, fractalPlant1Constants, fractalPlant1Rules, i)
def drawFractalPlant2(i):
LSystem(fractalPlant2Start, fractalPlant2Constants, fractalPlant2Rules, i)
def drawLevyFractal(i):
LSystem(levyStart, levyConstants, levyRules, i)
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