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Last active January 2, 2016 11:28
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Save rittme/8296384 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dynamic DNS update script for CloudflareUpdates a set of A records through Cloudflare API to the machine current IP address
# Update a set of A records in Cloudflare with the machine current IP address
# If you don't know your domain information (like id), you should run:
# curl \
# -d 'a=rec_load_all' \
# -d 'email=MY_EMAIL' \
# -d 'z=DOMAIN' >> response.json;
# In the response.json file you can find all DNS records for the domain.
# Make sure this script runs on a cron job or whenever you get a new IP.
# Based on Aaron Rice : (
# @author Bernardo Rittmeyer <>
import urllib
import json
import time
IP_FILE_NAME = 'IP FILE PATH' # Path to the file that contains the actual/old IP address
LOG_FILE_NAME = 'LOG FILE PATH' # Path to the log file
TOKEN = "CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN" # Your cloudflare token
EMAIL = "MY_EMAIL" # Your cloudflare account email
# This tuple should have a dictionary for each domain you want to keep up to date
domains = (
"z" : "DOMAIN", # zone_name
"id" : "RECORD_ID", # rec_id
"name": "RECORD_NAME", # name
"service_mode" : 1 # Status of CloudFlare Proxy, 1 = orange cloud, 0 = grey cloud.
# External IP Address services we use to find our IP Address (if the first fail we use the next one, and so on)
services = ("", "", "", "", "")
def log(message):
with open(LOG_FILE_NAME, "a") as myfile:
myfile.write("[%s] %s" % (time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S"), message))
def ddns_update(new_ip):
"Send the DNS update request to Cloudflare API"
data = {
"a" : "rec_edit",
"tkn" : TOKEN,
"email" : EMAIL,
"type" : "A",
"content" : new_ip.strip(),
"ttl" : 1
for d in domains:
dns_response = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("", urllib.urlencode(d)).read())
if dns_response[u'result'] == "success":
log("%s IP updated to %s" % (d[name]+"."+d[z], new_ip))
log("Error Setting IP for %s" % d[name]+"."+d[z])
log("Error with cloudflare API")
#Main script
#Find the new IP
new_ip = ""
for s in services:
new_ip = urllib.urlopen(s).read()
except Exception:
if new_ip:
#Find the old IP
old_ip = ""
noFile = False
with open(IP_FILE_NAME, 'r') as f:
old_ip =
except IOError:
noFile = True
#If IP changed or no IP File, update IP File and send requests to Cloudflare API
if new_ip != old_ip or noFile:
with open(IP_FILE_NAME,'w') as f:
log("IP Address updated to: %s" % new_ip)
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